88 books like Witch World

By Andre Norton, Harry Bennett (illustrator),

Here are 88 books that Witch World fans have personally recommended if you like Witch World. Shepherd is a community of 11,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world.

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Book cover of The Tombs of Atuan

Seymour Hamilton Author Of The Laughing Princess

From my list on in which reality and fantasy meet and meld.

Why am I passionate about this?

When I was six, my father, a tall, bearded naval officer, read me Coleridge’s “Rime of the Ancient Mariner.” I thought it might be autobiography. Ever since, I've been fascinated by stories where fantasy and reality meet and blend. I studied English literature, taught Dead English Poets to undergraduates, became an editor/writer for hire. Along the way, I canoed, hiked the Rockies, and learned to sail a traditional Nova Scotian schooner. I have two sons, to whom I read stories night after night when they were much younger than they are now. Since retiring, I write fantasy adventure novels set aboard real sailing ships and stories about dragons who talk to exceptional people.

Seymour's book list on in which reality and fantasy meet and meld

Seymour Hamilton Why did Seymour love this book?

The second of LeGuin’s Earthsea books is a story made of fantasy, adventure, horror, mystery, and myth. 

Tenar, the high priestess must choose between her lifelong training and her unexpected compassion for a thief named Ged, who she must execute in the Tombs of Atuan. Tenar leads Ged through darkness and terror to a place where she decides who she will become.

LeGuin’s prose is direct, evocative, and compelling. Read out loud, the story is spellbinding. It stays with me even though it’s years since my first reading. Each time I return to the fantastic yet entirely believable world she created, the characters I meet reveal some fresh insight into what it is to be human.

By Ursula K. Le Guin,

Why should I read it?

5 authors picked The Tombs of Atuan as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it. This book is for kids age 9, 10, 11, and 12.

What is this book about?

The second book of Earthsea in a beautiful hardback edition. Complete the collection with A Wizard of Earthsea, The Furthest Shore and Tehanu

With illustrations from Charles Vess

'[This] trilogy made me look at the world in a new way, imbued everything with a magic that was so much deeper than the magic I'd encountered before then. This was a magic of words, a magic of true speaking' Neil Gaiman

'Drink this magic up. Drown in it. Dream it' David Mitchell

In this second novel in the Earthsea series, Tenar is chosen as high priestess to the ancient and nameless…

Book cover of The Forgotten Beasts of Eld

Deby Fredericks Author Of Minstrels of Skaythe

From my list on 20th century fantasy centering on powerful women.

Why am I passionate about this?

The books I recommend here have inspired me and shaped my work. You see, I have always been a writer, but for a long time I viewed it as just a hobby. I did a lot of fan writing (Pern, especially) that allowed me to follow my heart and just have fun writing. My current work questions some of the underlying assumptions in fantasy. Must every problem be solved at the point of a sword? Does magical power always corrupt? And is it truly possible for evildoers to be redeemed? I hope you'll visit my land of Skaythe and find it as magical as Estcarp, Earthsea, and Eld Mountain!

Deby's book list on 20th century fantasy centering on powerful women

Deby Fredericks Why did Deby love this book?

How should I describe the voice of Patricia McKillip? Her words are meticulously chosen to show an opulent and fantastical world. I have sometimes tried to imitate her, but I just can't keep it up for long.  

In this stand-alone novel, the witch Sybel lives alone on Eld Mountain. She has inherited or captured and tamed a handful of incredible, magical beasts. These are all the company she needs, until she is asked to care for a king's lost heir. Soon she is no longer able to remain aloof from the world. 

In subsequent readings, I've been struck by Sybel's frustration that people won't leave her out of their drama. They think she owes them her time and attention. Can't we all relate to that?

By Patricia A. McKillip,

Why should I read it?

3 authors picked The Forgotten Beasts of Eld as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it. This book is for kids age 12.

What is this book about?

World Fantasy Award-Winner
Newly available in print and e-book editions

"Rich and regal."
―The New York Times

Young Sybel, the heiress of powerful wizards, needs the company of no-one outside her gates. In her exquisite stone mansion, she is attended by exotic, magical beasts: Riddle-master Cyrin the boar; the treasure-starved dragon Gyld; Gules the Lyon, tawny master of the Southern Deserts; Ter, the fiercely vengeful falcon; Moriah, feline Lady of the Night. Sybel only lacks the exquisite and mysterious Liralen, which continues to elude her most powerful enchantments.

But when a soldier bearing an infant arrives, Sybel discovers that the…

Book cover of Dragonflight

Jean Gilbert Author Of Shifters

From my list on science fiction books that suck you into their world.

Why am I passionate about this?

I have prosopagnosia, Face Blindness. I can’t recognize my face, let alone anyone else. Not being able to remember people makes for a lonely existence. Ever since I was little, I created worlds inside my head. These were places where I could control what happened when the real world felt lonely and out of control. Discovering books that created worlds I could immerse myself in was life-changing for me. It was like finding my lost tribe. Science fiction became a comfortable home, becoming a science fiction writer was a natural progression. I still get excited when I find a book that sucks me into its world.

Jean's book list on science fiction books that suck you into their world

Jean Gilbert Why did Jean love this book?

The world of Pern felt so real to me that I wanted to be a part of it. Everything made sense: The culture, the politics, and the environment. Even the role of dragon and rider felt right to me.

I fell in love with the characters right away and didn’t want the story to end. It made me want to have a dragon of my own and have that inseparable bond of trust and love.

By Anne McCaffrey,

Why should I read it?

17 authors picked Dragonflight as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Volume I of The Dragonriders of Pern®, the groundbreaking series by master storyteller Anne McCaffrey

On a beautiful world called Pern, an ancient way of life is about to come under attack from a myth that is all too real. Lessa is an outcast survivor—her parents murdered, her birthright stolen—a strong young woman who has never stopped dreaming of revenge. But when an ancient threat to Pern reemerges, Lessa will rise—upon the back of a great dragon with whom she shares a telepathic bond more intimate than any human connection. Together, dragon and rider will fly . . . and…

Book cover of The Ladies of Mandrigyn

Deby Fredericks Author Of Minstrels of Skaythe

From my list on 20th century fantasy centering on powerful women.

Why am I passionate about this?

The books I recommend here have inspired me and shaped my work. You see, I have always been a writer, but for a long time I viewed it as just a hobby. I did a lot of fan writing (Pern, especially) that allowed me to follow my heart and just have fun writing. My current work questions some of the underlying assumptions in fantasy. Must every problem be solved at the point of a sword? Does magical power always corrupt? And is it truly possible for evildoers to be redeemed? I hope you'll visit my land of Skaythe and find it as magical as Estcarp, Earthsea, and Eld Mountain!

Deby's book list on 20th century fantasy centering on powerful women

Deby Fredericks Why did Deby love this book?

Barbara Hambly brings us rousing adventures that unexpectedly go into dark places. I love how she sets up the premise of hapless females begging for help, and then shows us they aren't so helpless after all.  

The viewpoint character is a mercenary captain, coerced by poison into training a band of misfit females who are determined to save their families from an evil wizard. Unbeknownst even to him, Sunwolf is developing magic of his own. It's great fun to watch the partnership grow out of an adversarial relationship between the scrappy women and the mercenary who finds himself suddenly vulnerable.

By Barbara Hambly,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Ladies of Mandrigyn as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

First in the series from a New York Times–bestselling author and “fabulously talented writer” featuring a brilliant mercenary and his fierce female partner (Charlaine Harris).
 Gifted with courage, strength, and the intelligence to know when to fight, Sun Wolf is the greatest mercenary in a land overrun by war. With his first lieutenant, Starhawk—a woman more deadly than any man—at his side, he has laid waste to countless cities, taking the best of their treasures for himself, and distributing the rest among his bloodthirsty crew. Then a woman comes to him, an emissary from the town of Mandrigyn, a lush…

Book cover of The Crystal Gryphon

Ian Rodgers Author Of A Princess and an Ooze

From my list on with the best world building.

Why am I passionate about this?

Ever since I was young, books have fascinated me. They contain entire worlds, just waiting to be explored. I believe creativity is an important part of life, and there’s nothing more creative than writing your own world! World building is one of the most vital aspects of any fictional series. It’s why I got into writing; I wanted to bring to life the visions of the fantastical creatures and places I had in my head. 

Ian's book list on with the best world building

Ian Rodgers Why did Ian love this book?

One of the earliest books of fiction I ever read, Andre Norton’s character Kerovan and his adventures has stuck with me ever since. The way she wrote the tale of a young outcast exploring a fantastical world of magic and myth and discovering who they are in the process was truly engaging. The world came to life through the eyes of the characters themselves. Ever since, I have loved the trope of the young hero who travels the world, exploring and learning. It is something I feature in my own work heavily, as I truly believe that the best way to grow a character is to have them get to know themselves and others.

By Andre Norton,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Crystal Gryphon as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The adventures of Witch World continue as a cursed hero and his true love struggle for survival in a vast parallel universe of magic and high fantasy.
Kerovan of Ulmsdale has long borne the curse of his ancestors’ depredations. After pillaging a sanctum of the Old Ones, his bloodline has been forever marred by painful sickness and death. Kerovan was born strong and hardy, but he walks on hooves instead of human feet and sees through eyes of amber—just as the Old Ones had.
Bound in marriage to the beautiful Joisan of Ithkrypt, Kerovan seeks to claim his rightful place…

Book cover of Earth Alchemy

Heather Dakota Author Of Mama Bear Says Pocket Wisdom

From my list on for witches reconnecting with mother earth.

Why am I passionate about this?

As a practicing Hedge Witch, I’m fascinated by the marriage of science and the mystical. Now, I’m alchemizing confidence, coherence, and clarity for soulful writers to pursue the books of their dreams. I am the author, illustrator, and designer of Mama Bear Says™ and the Book Witch of planners and journals for your sacred words. I live at the edge of the wild woods and love to graze on wild berries, sit by a cozy hearth, and watch the magic of the animals who meander through these lands. The magic of the natural world and the healing power of Mother Earth sits as a priority in my life. These are the books on my magickal bookshelf.

Heather's book list on for witches reconnecting with mother earth

Heather Dakota Why did Heather love this book?

Quite honestly, any book by Glennie Kindred is a must-read. I was introduced to her writing while on a pilgrimage to Glastonbury, England. Earth Alchemy is a favorite as it explores a powerful fusion between the science of alchemy and the energy inherent in the Earth. This practical guide shows us how to work with the cycles of the seasons and use this natural, alchemical energy of transformation to experience ourselves on a deeper level. The little book takes us on a journey of discovery to find our inner golden threads to weave a blanket of healing and happiness.

By Glennie Kindred,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Earth Alchemy as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

In Earth Alchemy - an updated edition of Glennie Kindred's The Alchemist Journey - she explores a powerful fusion between the ancient healing art of alchemy and the energy inherent in each of the eight Celtic festivals. This practical guide, written in Glennie's accessible style, show us how to work with each seasonal and alchemical shift, and use the natural energy of transformation to experience ourselves in a new way. It takes us on a journey of discovery, to find our gold, the source of our healing and happiness.

Earth Alchemy includes:
* A key to the Earth Festivals and…

Book cover of The Worst Witch

Judith Ratcliffe Author Of The Silver Shoes In The Land Of The Dinosaurs

From my list on children’s stories with fantastic heroines.

Why am I passionate about this?

As you may notice, in my own stories, I like to find the magic in everyday things and, to a greater or lesser extent, each of the books I have chosen to write about here, do that. Having worked with children as a Rainbow Guide Leader, taught children, for a brief spell, abroad, I know children and their intelligence, understanding, and kindness, amongst other things, can often be underestimated. The books I chose, show how children (girls in particular) win the day by using their intelligence, skills, and talents. Celebrating girls and their achievements is increasingly important in improving their rights and access to opportunities in life.

Judith's book list on children’s stories with fantastic heroines

Judith Ratcliffe Why did Judith love this book?

How do you survive your school days, but with your own set of ‘magic spells’ and a good friend or two to help you along the way?

The humour in Jill Murphy’s stories is second to none and many children may recognise characters within the story, in people they know.

This book also shows that it is the girl who is honest and has integrity who ‘wins the day’ and ‘saves the day’: While perhaps an unlikely heroine, since she always appears to be getting into trouble (not always through any fault of her own) thinking on your feet, honesty and integrity, would probably be just a few of the heroine’s key character traits/teaching points and never giving up, even if you are considered to be ‘The Worst Witch’ in the school...

By Jill Murphy,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked The Worst Witch as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it. This book is for kids age 8, 9, 10, and 11.

What is this book about?

'Millions of young readers have fallen under the spell of Jill Murphy's Worst Witch' - Sunday Express

Hold on to your broomstick for magical mayhem with Jill Murphy's much-loved classic The Worst Witch- the original story of life at a magical boarding school.

Mildred Hubble is a trainee at Miss Cackle's Academy for Witches, but she's making an awful mess of it.

She keeps getting her spells wrong and crashing her broomstick. And when she turns Ethel, the teacher's pet into her worst enemy, chaos ensues...

Read the rest of Mildred's (mis)adventures: The Worst Witch, A Bad Spell for the…

Book cover of The Last Witch of Langenburg: Murder in a German Village

Joel F. Harrington Author Of The Faithful Executioner: Life and Death, Honor and Shame in the Turbulent Sixteenth Century

From my list on the European witch craze.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am the Centennial Professor of history at Vanderbilt University. I have been reading and teaching about witchcraft and the occult for over thirty years. This is a topic that never fails to engage people of all backgrounds and has generated a plethora of books, some good, many not. I look for authors who understand the passions, psychology, and experiences of both accusers and supposed witches, while also exploring what it is about certain societies that leads to such claims being taken seriously, often with fatal results. The books I picked vividly convey the reality of the witch craze, while also asking some probing questions about persecutions in general.  

Joel's book list on the European witch craze

Joel F. Harrington Why did Joel love this book?

As advertised, a late case of witchcraft (although not as late as Salem thirty years later—further proof of American backwardness in Europeans’ eyes). A kind of seventeenth-century "Law and Order,” where we follow one case of alleged poisoning from the beginning to the end, from the different perspectives of practically everyone involved.  Another heart-wrenching family drama among people known to each other all their lives. I especially liked the nuanced treatment of the legal investigator and other specialists for the prosecution. Perhaps a bit too lengthy, but I found it easy to glide over a few specialized sections in favor of detailed dramatizations of several key confrontations. 

By Thomas Robisheaux,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Last Witch of Langenburg as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

On the night of the festive holiday of Shrove Tuesday in 1672 Anna Fessler died after eating one of her neighbor's buttery cakes. Could it have been poisoned? Drawing on vivid court documents, eyewitness accounts, and an early autopsy report, historian Thomas Robisheaux brings the story to life. Exploring one of Europe's last witch panics, he unravels why neighbors and the court magistrates became convinced that Fessler's neighbor Anna Schmieg was a witch-one of several in the area-ensnared by the devil. Once arrested, Schmieg, the wife of the local miller, and her daughter were caught up in a high-stakes drama…

Book cover of Witch: Unleashed. Untamed. Unapologetic.

Heather Dakota Author Of Mama Bear Says Pocket Wisdom

From my list on for witches reconnecting with mother earth.

Why am I passionate about this?

As a practicing Hedge Witch, I’m fascinated by the marriage of science and the mystical. Now, I’m alchemizing confidence, coherence, and clarity for soulful writers to pursue the books of their dreams. I am the author, illustrator, and designer of Mama Bear Says™ and the Book Witch of planners and journals for your sacred words. I live at the edge of the wild woods and love to graze on wild berries, sit by a cozy hearth, and watch the magic of the animals who meander through these lands. The magic of the natural world and the healing power of Mother Earth sits as a priority in my life. These are the books on my magickal bookshelf.

Heather's book list on for witches reconnecting with mother earth

Heather Dakota Why did Heather love this book?

If you are witch-curious or trying to reclaim the word from the long-nosed, wart-faced, evil images that have been forced upon us by a misunderstanding society, Witch is a fun read, filled with wit and wisdom for beginning witches. “Witch” is a powerful woman, a wise healer, who lives with the cycles of Mother Earth. This book helps women remember, reconnect, and reclaim the word “witch” and the power that comes with it.

By Lisa Lister,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Witch as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Reclaim your inner witch with the magical rituals, divination tools, spells and ancient wisdom in this revolutionary book.

A witch is a woman in her power. She's wise, a healer, someone who is aligned with the cycles of Mother Nature and the phases of the Moon. Yet for so long, the word 'witch' has had negative connotations - being used as an insult, a slur and to perpetuate fear. In this book, third generation hereditary witch Lisa Lister explains the history behind witchcraft, why in past centuries the word 'witch' has led women to be tortured, drowned and burned at…

Book cover of What We Knew in the Night: Reawakening the Heart of Witchcraft

Christopher Penczak Author Of The Mighty Dead

From my list on the mystical witch.

Why am I passionate about this?

Witchcraft as a mystical tradition is the purpose of my life. All of the craft, rituals, and spells revolve around the core concept of connecting to the divine and exploring consciousness, and that has been the purpose of my writing, teaching, and community work. While there are lots of things focused upon the “how” of Witchcraft, I like to reflect on the why and I am always seeking the philosophy, art, and poetry that can take me deeper into the mystical experience of life. 

Christopher's book list on the mystical witch

Christopher Penczak Why did Christopher love this book?

As he was a friend and mentor to me, I got to see this work evolve from the seed idea to the final form just as our beloved Raven passed from this world. As his last book, What We Knew in the Night takes lore and tradition not readily available today, drawn from Raven’s living experience as a Witch and occultist in the lively and secretive California communities. He would speak about the traditional ways lore was passed at the time, mouth to ear, and this work is the manifestation of his deep desire to see those important teachings brought together and passed to a new generation as the world changes. 

By Raven Grimassi,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked What We Knew in the Night as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Explores the roots of witchcraft while providing an integrated magical system to serve the modern witch

Raven Grimassi is among the pioneering authors of the modern witchcraft renaissance. In What We Knew in the Night, he presents a cohesive and complete system of witchcraft based on traditional sources. The author’s premise is that, beginning in the 1980s, with the rise of modern metaphysical publishing, authors began presenting very personal witchcraft practices. In the process, traditional and formerly well-established practices fell into obscurity, which potentially lead to confusion.

What We Knew in the Night uncovers and clarifies those buried gems for…

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