The most recommended reincarnation books

Who picked these books? Meet our 121 experts.

121 authors created a book list connected to reincarnation, and here are their favorite reincarnation books.
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What type of reincarnation book?


Book cover of The Tombs of Atuan

Simone Snaith Author Of Between the Water and the Woods

From Simone's 3 favorite reads in 2024.

Why am I passionate about this?


Simone's 3 favorite reads in 2024

Simone Snaith Why did Simone love this book?

I had read A Wizard of Earthsea before and I reread it first, so that I could read the next two in the original trilogy. I could definitely have included A Wizard of Earthsea on this list, but since it was a reread, I skipped it.

What I loved about The Tombs of Atuan was the fascinating and disturbing world of the temple in which Tenar is raised, with all of Le Guin's excellent description. Tenar herself is an interesting character because she is so immersed in her child priestess role and fully committed, until the cracks in her world start to show.

Her interactions with Ged, once he arrives and changes everything, are so sweet and I was disappointed that they weren't together in the third book, The Farthest Shore. But I fully plan on reading Tehanu next to get more of the two of them. As always, Le…

By Ursula K. Le Guin,

Why should I read it?

6 authors picked The Tombs of Atuan as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it. This book is for kids age 9, 10, 11, and 12.

What is this book about?

The second book of Earthsea in a beautiful hardback edition. Complete the collection with A Wizard of Earthsea, The Furthest Shore and Tehanu

With illustrations from Charles Vess

'[This] trilogy made me look at the world in a new way, imbued everything with a magic that was so much deeper than the magic I'd encountered before then. This was a magic of words, a magic of true speaking' Neil Gaiman

'Drink this magic up. Drown in it. Dream it' David Mitchell

In this second novel in the Earthsea series, Tenar is chosen as high priestess to the ancient and nameless…

Book cover of Love at Second Sight

Kathryn Reiss Author Of Dreadful Sorry

From my list on reincarnation for kids and teens.

Why am I passionate about this?

When I was a girl, my grandmother called me an ‘old soul’ and said she thought my fascination with the 19th century meant that I’d lived then in another life. Ever since, this notion that a person might have lived before has always fascinated me! I gravitate to books that bring the past and present together in all sorts of ways–through memory, ghosts, time travel…and reincarnation. Now my own books of suspense for kids and teens deal with many of those same themes. I always write books I would want to read myself!

Kathryn's book list on reincarnation for kids and teens

Kathryn Reiss Why did Kathryn love this book?

This is another tale that starts with a fortune-teller—but this time it’s teenage Jo who gets her future told. The clairvoyant tells her that there is only one true love for her—but the last time Jo saw him was in a past life! Now she needs to find him in this life. Jo doesn’t believe a word of this, but events start to unsettle her. Could reincarnation possibly be true? But what if she can’t recognize her soul-mate when she finds him again in this life? I love the suspense elements in this book as well as the romance.

By Cathy Hopkins,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Love at Second Sight as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Unlucky in love Jo is dragged along to see a clairvoyant by her two coupled-up best friends, and is told that there's only one boy for her. The trouble is, the last time she saw him was in a past life, when she worked as a governess to his younger brother. The clairvoyant tells her that as she is back in this life, so is he, and she must find him if she is ever to know true happiness and love.

Jo doesn't believe a word of it - but then a series of events begin to change her mind.…

Book cover of The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August

Dwain Worrell Author Of Androne

From my list on suspenseful science fiction.

Why am I passionate about this?

To be honest, and this will sound strange, but suspense is the air I breathe. I’m a pretty calm, boring human being, and the only thing that gets my heart pumping are films, TV, books, and video games in this genre. Suspense and thrillers are genres that make up ninety percent of the entertainment that I consume, and one hundred percent of the entertainment that I write.

Dwain's book list on suspenseful science fiction

Dwain Worrell Why did Dwain love this book?

I can only speak from my experience and, wow, this book hooked me right at the end of that first chapter, “but it’s happening faster.” Now to go into what that means, I will remain spoiler-free, but my jaw dropped. And the story only ramped up after that.

I love stories where the protagonist finds themselves in genuine peril, and Claire puts Harry August in a particular type of peril that truly had me terrified for his well-being in every chapter. The best type of suspense escalates in every chapter and it escalates here in this book in the best possible ways.

By Claire North,

Why should I read it?

6 authors picked The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

'ONE OF THE FICTION HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DECADE' Judy Finnigan, Richard and Judy Book Club

Featured in the Richard and Judy Book Club, the BBC Radio 2 Book Club and the Waterstones Book Club
Winner of the John W. Campbell Award
Shortlisted for the Arthur C. Clarke Award


No matter what he does or the decisions he makes, when death comes, Harry always returns to where he began, a child with all the knowledge of a life he has already lived a dozen times before.

Nothing ever changes - until now.…

Book cover of Only Love is Real: The Story of Soulmates Reunited

Ellenmorris Tiegerman Author Of Past Lives Denied

From my list on past life regression.

Why am I passionate about this?

I had an early experience with a past life regression. Over the years, my curiosity resulted in a search to find answers about this experience. So, I have read and studied extensively about the topic and the issue. For me, the culminating experience was the seminar with Dr. Brian Weiss at the Omni Center. The program was designed for therapists and highlighted techniques in past life regression, specifically for healing purposes. My time with Dr. Weiss convinced me that this is a very critical topic that most people are not only curious about but actively searching for answers. 

Ellenmorris' book list on past life regression

Ellenmorris Tiegerman Why did Ellenmorris love this book?

This book provides a relationship example of two individuals who find each other in this life, given a history of past lives. It highlights the real possibility of finding someone with whom you have been connected in a past life and the cues and clues that can be used to signal such an intimate connection.

Reading this book will assist the reader in understanding those cues and clues to recognize the past-life connections that all of us have in this lifetime.

By Brian L. Weiss,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Only Love is Real as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

A "beautiful and sensitive" tale of true love that transcends time, from the multi-million bestselling author of Many Lives, Many Masters (Gary Zukav, author of Seat of the Soul). Recommended by Kendall Jenner.

In Many Lives, Many Masters, a skeptical Dr. Brian Weiss found his life changed profoundly after curing a patient using past-life therapy. Now he takes his research into transcendental messages one breathtaking step further.

He portrays two strangers, Elizabeth and Pedro, who are unaware that they have been lovers throughout the long centuries -- until fate brings them together again. He shows how each and every one…

Book cover of The Night Land

John Triptych Author Of Visitor

From my list on cult sci-fi and fantasy you may not have heard of before.

Why am I passionate about this?

The reasons I’ve chosen these particular books is because of my penchant for reading offbeat stuff, and unearthing little-known works that I feel deserves more attention. My tastes are eclectic, and I’ve done a lot of research when it comes to finding the true origins of pop culture. Having written and published more than forty books that range from science fiction to crime thrillers, I’ve wanted to share my findings in the hopes that others will notice something new and exciting as well. 

John's book list on cult sci-fi and fantasy you may not have heard of before

John Triptych Why did John love this book?

While his dense prose may not be for everyone, the sheer imagination of The Night Land has captured a small but dedicated fanbase that exists to this day.

Published in 1912, this dark tale of a grieving 17th-century widower who experiences a vision millions of years to a future where the sun has been extinguished, plunging the earth into perpetual darkness. The last remnants of humanity lives within an armored pyramid that’s under constant assault by nightmarish shadow creatures, intent on exterminating them.

Within this bleak unforgiving world, the narrator learns his beloved may also be alive, but she is trapped in another lost city and he sets out to find her. The potent mix of romance and doom serves as a compelling epic, if one has both the patience and dedication to read through it all.

By William Hope Hodgson,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Night Land as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

William Hope Hodgson's classic and genre-combining work of horror and science fiction. Set mainly in the far future after the sun has gone out, The Night Land explores a futuristic nightmare world in which the last humans have taken refuge inside an enormous metal pyramid, threatened by unknown monstrous creatures outside. H.P. Lovecraft called The Night Land "one of the most potent pieces of macabre imagination ever written". Hodgson introduces many concepts in what became the genre of dying Earth fiction. It's a tale of reincarnation, telepathy, alien monsters, and love. Written in faux-17th century prose as a framing device,…

Book cover of Unfinished Business: What the Dead Can Teach Us about Life

Tina Proffitt Author Of Come Back: How Past Lives with Animals Changed the Way I Think about Death

From my list on reincarnation.

Why am I passionate about this?

Tina Proffitt is a former educator in love with writing romance novels, who believes there’s nothing more romantic than reincarnating with those she loves. After her first one-on-one past life reading with Dr. Doris E. Cohen, she was hooked and has never looked back. (Pun intended) She wants to share her passion for living a life free from fear and full of love. She writes reincarnation romance novels in the genres of mystery, science fiction, contemporary, and YA.

Tina's book list on reincarnation

Tina Proffitt Why did Tina love this book?

While James Van Praagh’s book titled Unfinished Business: What the Dead Can Teach Us About Life is not strictly dealing with reincarnation, but rather, what those who have passed over want us to know, it is founded on the same principle—that life and death are not about punishment and reward but compassion and love. Told on a case-by-case basis, the book aims a spotlight on just how important our earthly relationships are. And those souls, who have moved out of their bodies, are determined to have their messages heard, whether to right wrongs, settle debts, or, as in most cases, to ask for simple forgiveness from those they wronged on earth.

By James Van Praagh,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Unfinished Business as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

“He helps a lot of people. He really is a healer. I think he’s basically on this earth right now at this time and place to heal. He is the real thing. I can’t tell you how many times he’s been right with me.” — Shirley MacLaine

“It has such a hopeful message. Even though he’s telling stories of the dead, it’s really about living your life better and inspiring people to not have unfinished business.”
— Jennifer Love Hewitt

James Van Praagh, world-famous medium, co-executive producer of the primetime series Ghost Whisperer, and author of the New York Times…

Book cover of Circle of Blood Book One: Lover's Rebirth

Susan Corso Author Of Jezebel Rising

From Susan's 3 favorite reads in 2023.

Why am I passionate about this?

Author Metaphysical Magical Novelist Spiritual Mentor Visionary

Susan's 3 favorite reads in 2023

Susan Corso Why did Susan love this book?

I’ve been reading paranormal series as a way to learn about these so I might write my own series.

This series is so vital, so real, so personable—I related to every character’s storyline enough that I stayed riveted, and even re-read the end of the final book twice! It was that good. When authors create a world, it’s so easy to see holes in it as a reader, and there simply isn’t one in these amazing books.

At the bottom line, it’s about saving the world (aren’t they all?) and I am very committed to making that happen. Reading about saving the world is helping to save it.

By R. A. Steffan, Jaelynn Woolf,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Circle of Blood Book One as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

New Orleans is a hot mess.

Ancient feuds. Demonic forces bent on destruction. Oh, and apparently vampires are real. Della didn’t sign up for any of this.

She didn’t sign up for violence and mayhem in the streets of the Big Easy. She didn’t sign up to be a magnet for an evil force intent on hunting down the reincarnated souls of its enemies.

She sure as hell didn’t sign up for rescue by a sinfully tempting vampire lord and his fashion-model-gorgeous friends. Especially since he seems convinced that she’s the living embodiment of his long lost human mate.


Book cover of Children Who Remember Previous Lives: A Question of Reincarnation

Jeannie Reed Author Of The Afterlife Book: Because You Never Got a Chance to Say Goodbye

From my list on unseen forces shape our lives dreams and choices.

Why am I passionate about this?

My name is Jeannie Reed. I was an executive for many years and, for many years, an editor and a professional psychic in concurrent full-time careers. Eight years ago, a spirit started making itself known in my apartment in New York City. He's still here. This spirit's presence is not unusual. What is unusual is that he communicates by drawing. Drawings anybody can see. This man died in 1920. I had zero interest in him until now, though I had heard of him, a great artist, Amedeo Modigliani. I am not soft-minded. I doubted this whole thing for a year. Until finally, it was unavoidable. 

Jeannie's book list on unseen forces shape our lives dreams and choices

Jeannie Reed Why did Jeannie love this book?

Dr. Stevenson was the founder and director of the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. In the course of his work, he started to encounter very young children who reported details of lives they had lived before. Many, many young children. Rather than dismissing the stories as fantasy, he started paying attention when he realized many of the stories were provable.

He spent decades traveling the world, finding and talking to the children who remembered. (Since his death, Dr. Jim Tucker has continued the research at UVa. His own work is totally worth a read: Life Before Life: Children's Memories of Previous Lives.)

By Ian Stevenson,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Children Who Remember Previous Lives as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The concept of reincarnation has been around for thousands of years, and is a part of many religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. In addition to these religious beliefs, many people believe it offers an explanation for the mysteries of life. There are children that claim to remember previous lives as adults or even animals. These claimed memories might affect the development of the child and be incorporated into the child's personality.

This book presents an in-depth look at Dr. Stevenson's forty years studying children who claim to remember previous lives. It is an informative, professional read that dispels…

Book cover of Strange World

Andy Kaiser Author Of In Tents

From my list on dark altered realities and other creepy places.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’ve always been drawn to the dark, mysterious, and weird. Originally influenced by science fiction and fantasy, then later by mysteries, suspense, thrillers, and horror, I loved the mental visuals and excitement of being in extreme, reality-bending situations. Combine these aspects, and that’s why I told my own story with these same themes: In Tents is my homage to small-town culture… twisted into a darker reality. 

Andy's book list on dark altered realities and other creepy places

Andy Kaiser Why did Andy love this book?

Strange World is a collection of short stories (and many are very short). They expand on the title, the stories being recollections, reports, and (I’m fairly sure) completely made-up weirdness from around the country and world. Everything from strange coincidences to the absurdly fantastic, are all presented as matter-of-fact. This is perfectly in line with the publication date of 1964. Then, America was fully invested in the UFO craze, tinged with metaphysics and the occult. The stores are a time capsule of this cultural view and – whether or not you believe the stories are true – are a fun read.

By Frank Edwards,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Strange World as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Describes unexplained incidents of premonitions, UFO sightings, apparitions, ghost lights, family curses, cloudless rain, miracle cures, blackouts, reincarnation, disappearances, and poltergeists

Book cover of The Actual Star

Jamie Killen Author Of Red Hail

From my list on sci-fi and speculative books with multiple timelines.

Why am I passionate about this?

From an early age, I was fascinated by the ways in which past events ripple into the present. It started by looking at my own family; one soldier stationed in the Philippines during the Second World War narrowly survives a severe gunshot wound, and so is able to meet my grandmother, and so my entire family exists. In another timeline, he didn’t make it to the surgeon in time and none of us were ever born. Dual timeline sci-fi not only considers the consequences of history on our present, but pushes this exploration into possible futures. 

Jamie's book list on sci-fi and speculative books with multiple timelines

Jamie Killen Why did Jamie love this book?

In many ways, The Actual Star echoes Cloud Atlas. There are multiple timelines (the ancient Mayan Empire, present-day Belize, and an unrecognizable far future Earth), two souls locked together across lifetimes, and blended genres. But The Actual Star takes a more mystical approach to this story, combining elements of Mesoamerican spirituality with a new far-future belief system inspired by the protagonist of the present-day storyline. Along the way, the book delves into questions of sexuality, gender, belief, and survival in the face of catastrophe, all in Monica Byrne’s gorgeous prose.

By Monica Byrne,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Actual Star as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas meets Octavia Butler's Earthseed series, as acclaimed author Monica Byrne (The Girl in the Road) crafts an unforgettable piece of speculative fiction about where humanity came from, where we are now, and where we're going-and how, in every age, the same forces that drive us apart also bind us together.

"A stone-cold masterpiece."-New Scientist

The Actual Star takes readers on a journey over two millennia and six continents-telling three powerful tales a thousand years apart, all of them converging in the same cave in the Belizean jungle.

Braided together are the stories of a pair of…

Book cover of The Tombs of Atuan
Book cover of Love at Second Sight
Book cover of The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August

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