100 books like The Dictionary of Accepted Ideas

By Gustave Flaubert, Jacques Barzun (translator),

Here are 100 books that The Dictionary of Accepted Ideas fans have personally recommended if you like The Dictionary of Accepted Ideas. Shepherd is a community of 11,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world.

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Book cover of Mencken’s Last Campaign: H.L. Mencken on the 1948 Election

Alan Pell Crawford Author Of This Fierce People: The Untold Story of America's Revolutionary War in the South

From my list on surviving an American presidential election.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am a journalist who has written books on American history for the general reader but not an academic historian or specialist, though I have the utmost respect for both. I like to think I have an independent mind and that I look for ideas that challenge conventional wisdom but are rooted in good sense and critical intelligence. The books I have recommended here reflect this temperament and, I believe, an innate sense of the comic and absurd. These are desperately needed at a time when people take themselves much too seriously—as in a presidential election year. 

Alan's book list on surviving an American presidential election

Alan Pell Crawford Why did Alan love this book?

I love this book—and almost anything Mencken wrote—because he brings his unsparing but good-natured critical intelligence to bear on the politics of his day and on the cultural controversies of the time. Readers will realize if they don’t already, that the absurdities of the present campaign are nothing new, despite what we are told. Mencken’s independence spirit is also refreshing given the tiresome orthodoxies of political pundits today.

Mencken’s bracing intellect and his vivid, bouncy prose are a tonic at any time. He makes today’s journalists seem weak, unreflective, and shallow. 

By Joseph L. Goulden,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Mencken’s Last Campaign as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Peerless political commentary on Dewey, Truman, Wallace and their overwrought supporters. On politicians who pander: "If there had been any formidable body of cannibals in the country he would have promised to provide them with free missionaries fattened at the taxpayer's expense."

Book cover of George Washington's Expense Account

Alan Pell Crawford Author Of This Fierce People: The Untold Story of America's Revolutionary War in the South

From my list on surviving an American presidential election.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am a journalist who has written books on American history for the general reader but not an academic historian or specialist, though I have the utmost respect for both. I like to think I have an independent mind and that I look for ideas that challenge conventional wisdom but are rooted in good sense and critical intelligence. The books I have recommended here reflect this temperament and, I believe, an innate sense of the comic and absurd. These are desperately needed at a time when people take themselves much too seriously—as in a presidential election year. 

Alan's book list on surviving an American presidential election

Alan Pell Crawford Why did Alan love this book?

I recommend this book because it uses Washington’s own expense accounts submitted to Congress—$400,000 worth of reimbursements he expects—to cast a comic light on the sober and solemn business of war. We tend to take figures like Washington so seriously that we do not see the human—and humorous—side of their lives and works. Kitman did a superb job of showing the lighter side of commanding the Continental Army without diminishing Washington’s greatness.

I love this book because it is consistently amusing when so many books on George Washington are so serious in tone. Kitman manages to humanize Washington, which too few authors do, and in the process, helps the reader keep his or her perspective on the momentous events of the American past. Also, the book is just a lot of fun. We take ourselves much too seriously these days, especially in a presidential campaign year.

By George Washington, Marvin Kitman,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked George Washington's Expense Account as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

In George Washington's Expense Account -- the best-selling expense account in history -- Kitman shows how Washington brilliantly turned his noble gesture of refusing payment for his services as commander in chief of the Continental Army into an opportunity to indulge his insatiable lust for fine food and drink, extravagant clothing, and lavish accommodations. In a close analysis of the document that financed our Revolution, Kitman uncovers more scandals than you can shake a Nixon Cabinet member at -- and serves each up with verve and wit.

Book cover of The Innocents Abroad

Alan Pell Crawford Author Of This Fierce People: The Untold Story of America's Revolutionary War in the South

From my list on surviving an American presidential election.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am a journalist who has written books on American history for the general reader but not an academic historian or specialist, though I have the utmost respect for both. I like to think I have an independent mind and that I look for ideas that challenge conventional wisdom but are rooted in good sense and critical intelligence. The books I have recommended here reflect this temperament and, I believe, an innate sense of the comic and absurd. These are desperately needed at a time when people take themselves much too seriously—as in a presidential election year. 

Alan's book list on surviving an American presidential election

Alan Pell Crawford Why did Alan love this book?

I love this book because it might be the quintessential American book. Mark Twain brings an American perspective to his European travels that has, to my mind, never been matched.

His pose—the comic character he creates—is at once naïve and shrewdly intelligent, penetrating in his take on Europe and the Middle East. I love this book, but I also love Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer. With Mark Twain, you can’t go wrong. 

By Mark Twain,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Innocents Abroad as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

A beautiful edition with the formatting and all 234 images from the original first edition published in 1869. The cover is from an Antonio Joli painting of Rome. Use Amazon's Lookinside feature to compare this edition with others. You'll be impressed by the differences. Don't be fooled by other versions that have no illustrations or contain very small print. Reading our edition will make you feel that you are back traveling the Mediterranean with Mark. If you like our book, be sure to leave a review!

Published under the full name The Innocents Abroad, or The New Pilgrims' Progress, this…

Book cover of Historian's Fallacies: Toward a Logic of Historical Thought

Alan Pell Crawford Author Of This Fierce People: The Untold Story of America's Revolutionary War in the South

From my list on surviving an American presidential election.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am a journalist who has written books on American history for the general reader but not an academic historian or specialist, though I have the utmost respect for both. I like to think I have an independent mind and that I look for ideas that challenge conventional wisdom but are rooted in good sense and critical intelligence. The books I have recommended here reflect this temperament and, I believe, an innate sense of the comic and absurd. These are desperately needed at a time when people take themselves much too seriously—as in a presidential election year. 

Alan's book list on surviving an American presidential election

Alan Pell Crawford Why did Alan love this book?

I love this book, although it is not an “easy read” and should not be. Fischer meticulously catalogs the fallacies that even first-rate historians fall prey to in works that are important in our own time.

He names names and exposes weaknesses in their arguments (I wonder if any of his colleagues spoke to him after the book’s publication) and alerts the reader to errors of thinking and argument that plague historical writing and, I’d add, journalistic writing (and speaking) as well. All reporters should have to read this book, and all well-informed citizens would benefit as well. 

By David Hackett Fisher,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Historian's Fallacies as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

"If one laughs when David Hackett Fischer sits down to play, one will stay to cheer. His book must be read three times: the first in anger, the srcond in laughter, the third in respect....The wisdom is expressed with a certin ruthlessness. Scarcly a major historian escapes unscathed. Ten thousand members of the AmericanHistorical Association will rush to the index and breathe a little easier to find their names absent.

Book cover of Practical Wisdom: The Right Way to Do the Right Thing

Linda T. Kaastra Author Of Grounding the Analysis of Cognitive Processes in Music Performance: Distributed Cognition in Musical Activity

From my list on meaningful engagement with objects and people.

Why am I passionate about this?

As an interdisciplinary scholar with professional musical training, I surveyed the literature in cognitive science for conceptual frameworks that would shed light on tacit processes in musical activity. I was tired of research that treats the musician either as a “lab rat” not quite capable of fully understanding what they do or as a “channel” for the mysterious and divine. I view musicians as human beings who engage in meaningful activity with instruments and with each other. Musicians are knowledgeable, skilled, and deeply creative. The authors on this list turn a scientific lens on human activity that further defines how we make ourselves through meaningful work and interactions.

Linda's book list on meaningful engagement with objects and people

Linda T. Kaastra Why did Linda love this book?

I love this book because it demonstrates the human value of being excellent in personal and professional contexts. Like many musicians, I strive for excellence and in this book Schwartz &  Sharpe draw a picture of excellence that includes “practical wisdom” – knowing how to do the right thing at the right time in the right way for the right reasons. A lovely book that is sure to be a helpful guide for those of us seeking personal fulfillment through any kind of meaningful activity.

By Barry Schwartz, Kenneth Sharpe,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Practical Wisdom as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

A reasoned yet urgent call to embrace and protect the essential, practical human quality that has been drummed out of our lives: wisdom.

It's in our nature to want to succeed. It's also human nature to want to do right. But we've lost how to balance the two. How do we get it back?

Practical Wisdom can help. "Practical wisdom" is the essential human quality that combines the fruits of our individual experiences with our empathy and intellect-an aim that Aristotle identified millennia ago. It's learning "the right way to do the right thing in a particular circumstance, with a…

Book cover of Labors of the Heart: Stories

Shann Ray Author Of American Masculine: Stories

From my list on short stories for love, justice, and wisdom.

Why am I passionate about this?

Alongside writing poems and short stories, I am a clinical psychologist focusing on the psychology of men. People echo the vastness of the stellar expanse in which only 1% is matter like the planets and stars, our bodies, days in which we love and hate, moments we embody healthy intimacy or enact violence, the light that gives the face radiance. 19% of the universe is dark energy, and 80% dark matter-- less than 1% is light, and yet light is the foundation of life. "God is light," the ancient text intones, and though the words resound, what that light means in the despair of this world is a beloved mystery.

Shann's book list on short stories for love, justice, and wisdom

Shann Ray Why did Shann love this book?

The title story of this collection is a miracle of human relations, ecstatic prose cut to perfection, and the multivalent understandings that arise when we give ourselves freely, openly, and yes brokenly to the will to love. There is nothing so sweet as the kind of development and shaping of humanity found in  Davis’ short stories. An author whose work has appeared in Best American Short Stories and won a Pushcart Prize, Davis is an author who has not received the kind of national following she deserves.

By Claire Davis,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Labors of the Heart as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Claire Davis's novels have won acclaim from reviewers, readers, and booksellers alike. In "Labors of the Heart", she offers a stunning first collection of stories, some of which have been honoured by the Pushcart and Best American Short Stories anthologies. Adultery presents the quandary of a middle-aged man whose mother is cheating on her husband by keeping company with her ex-husband. In Grounded, a mother follows her teenage son as he attempts to run away along Montana's highways. And in Labors of the Heart, a lonely man - enormous and virginal - is literally struck by love for a woman…

Book cover of The Wisdom Pattern: Order, Disorder, Reorder

Wendy Lehnertz Author Of Healing from Codependency: A Devotional with Prayers and Practices for Healthy Boundaries

From my list on draw you closer to a loving, grace-based God.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am a faith-based psychotherapist with over twenty years of experience working with couples, families, and adults recovering from trauma and relational wounds. I believe in evidence-based psychotherapy modalities, as well as the power of the Holy Spirit, to guide us each to our ultimate healing. I find journeying with others a sacred privilege and strive to foster love, authenticity, courage, and empowerment not only as a therapist but as a friend, wife, mother, and sister.  

Wendy's book list on draw you closer to a loving, grace-based God

Wendy Lehnertz Why did Wendy love this book?

This book helped me evaluate my thoughts, actions and beliefs and reconcile to a point where there was true congruence with my heart values. 

I loved how this book really challenged me to look at my own intellectual and emotional boundaries as I related to people of different views on life, politics and faith.  

By Richard Rohr,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Wisdom Pattern as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

A universal pattern can be found in all societies and in fact in all of creation. We see it in the seasons of the year, the stories of Scripture, and even in our own lives.

In The Wisdom Pattern, Father Richard Rohr illuminates the way understanding and embracing this pattern can give us hope in difficult times and the courage to push through messiness - and even great chaos - to find a new way of being in the world.

A new version of his earlier book Hope Against Darkness, Father Rohr offers reflections in The Wisdom Pattern that bring…

Book cover of A Life of Excellence: Wisdom for Effective Living

Jerry Meek Author Of While You Wait: Finding Purpose in the “Not Yets”

From my list on Christian business leaders.

Why am I passionate about this?

It has been an incredible journey, starting with $200 in assets 45 years ago and finally starting to achieve what I had dreamed of in life and business after struggling for two decades. I learned through the value of reading and building quality relationships, with God's help, I would be successful in life and business. Based in Cave Creek, Arizona, I've spent my career building Desert Star Construction, known by clients and industry colleagues as "the best team in the luxury home business." It is an online community that helps overwhelmed Christian marketplace leaders rediscover their eternal purpose and find unending joy in their life and leadership. 

Jerry's book list on Christian business leaders

Jerry Meek Why did Jerry love this book?

Excellence comes from two Latin root words which together mean: "to rise out from." Excellence is the quality of rising to one's expected potential. The author finds a way to capture an area we all can get off track. We can be excellent when we stop worrying about being better than someone else. Our destinies are yet to be determined, and we can still become exceptional. Excellence is about leading our lives in a way that we will leave a legacy. Another reason we do not achieve excellence in our personal lives is that so many people are not on a quest for truth and wisdom but instead on a search for pleasure and happiness. We see how doing the right—far exceeds being right. The quotes from John Maxwell and Darren Hardy, among others, give valuable insights that you can start where you are today to Live a Life of…

By Richard E. Simmons III,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked A Life of Excellence as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Life is governed by certain laws and principles. These laws and principles are not “good” or “bad”, “moral” or “immoral”, they are simply true. However, what is so crucial for us to grasp is that these principles actually make life predictable.

Such an understanding creates the potential for more predictable outcomes in our lives. Most significantly, our lives will flourish when they are in harmony with these principles.

"This book lays out three principles that clearly point to a life of excellence. I am convinced that if one lives in accordance with these principles, his or her life will flourish…

Book cover of 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think

Charisse Cooke Author Of The Attachment Solution: How to develop secure, strong and lasting relationships

From my list on how to create a great relationship.

Why am I passionate about this?

I was fortunate enough to meet my husband over 17 years ago, and we have packed a lot of life in since then. Along with two kids and a dog, we’ve had our fair share of tough moments: financial challenges, bereavement, family issues, marital disagreement, and traumatic life events that taught me just as much as my two decades-long career as a relationship psychotherapist has. This, combined with working with individuals, couples, and partners in search of what love means and how to practically go about achieving it, has clarified for me just how much we all need tools and teachings when it comes to matters of the heart.

Charisse's book list on how to create a great relationship

Charisse Cooke Why did Charisse love this book?

This book speaks to my soul. Wiest’s writing makes me feel enriched and nurtured as she talks about life and love in a magical, almost poetic way. Full of short and long essays, it’s easy to dip into this book for a grounding reminder, a calming voice, and a warm hug.

I sometimes read it in between my sessions with clients as it is so uplifting, even though it tackles serious subjects. I also adore that this was written when Wiest was a young woman (in her 20s), and it represents the hope and goodness we need in our increasingly hostile world. I feel inspired to be strong and gentle, mentally astute and emotionally awake, assertive and receptive, kind and firm, all at the same time.

By Brianna Wiest,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think, the global bestseller and social media phenomenon, is a collection of author Brianna Wiest's most beloved pieces of writing. Her meditations include why you should pursue purpose over passion, embrace negative thinking, see the wisdom in daily routine, and become aware of the cognitive biases that are creating the way you see your life. Some of these pieces have never been seen; others have been read by millions of people around the world. Regardless, each will leave you thinking: this idea changed my life.

Book cover of Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life

Jeff Bernier Author Of The Money and Meaning Journey: A Guide to Clarity, Financial Confidence, and Joy

From my list on financial peace in retirement.

Why am I passionate about this?

As a wealth advisor for over 37 years, I find many people reach retirement lacking clarity and confidence. Traditional financial advice often focuses on things that are unknowable, uncontrollable, and frankly don’t matter that much. While sound technical investment, estate, and tax planning are critical, the soul’s need for meaning and purpose are as important as sound financial plans. The path to true financial peace may be simpler than you think. These books can help you focus on the fewer, more critical things so that you can thrive in retirement and free yourself from financial media which is not in business to support your vision of a meaningful life.

Jeff's book list on financial peace in retirement

Jeff Bernier Why did Jeff love this book?

Bob Buford introduced me to this book at the Halftime Institute in 2013.

I found this book when I was going through a difficult season - a “falling". This book has helped me understand that much of what we judge as challenges or “falling” is the raw material for personal and spiritual growth. 

And that through the wisdom and insights of these challenges, the second half can be a time of great joy and excitement. I re-read it annually.

By Richard Rohr,

Why should I read it?

4 authors picked Falling Upward as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

A fresh way of thinking about spirituality that grows throughout life In Falling Upward , Fr. Richard Rohr seeks to help readers understand the tasks of the two halves of life and to show them that those who have fallen, failed, or "gone down" are the only ones who understand "up." Most of us tend to think of the second half of life as largely about getting old, dealing with health issues, and letting go of life, but the whole thesis of this book is exactly the opposite. What looks like falling down can largely be experienced as "falling upward."…

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