94 books like It Starts with One

By J. Stewart Black, Hal Gregersen,

Here are 94 books that It Starts with One fans have personally recommended if you like It Starts with One. Shepherd is a community of 11,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world.

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Book cover of The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups

TJ Kostecky Author Of Eyes Up!: Discover Your Full Potential and Form Meaningful Connections Through Subtle Shifts in Perspective

From my list on self-help on life and leadership that work!.

Why am I passionate about this?

Ever since I first started coaching at the tender age of 15, my main passion in life has been helping others find their own passions. Over more than four decades as a coach, educator, and mentor, I’ve read a lot of self-help books. They don’t always deliver. But some gems in the genre have truly helped me—along with the thousands of people I’ve recommended them to—experience significant personal growth and discover a richer, more meaningful existence. It’s my pleasure to share the best of the best here. Pick one up today and I promise your life will be better for it! 

TJ's book list on self-help on life and leadership that work!

TJ Kostecky Why did TJ love this book?

Why are some people better leaders than others? I’ve never believed they’re just born that way (or I wouldn’t be in the business of leadership training!). No book has shaped my thinking on this subject more than this one. It’s another title I’ve recommended more times than I can remember. 

The big ‘aha’ moment for me in Coyle’s book was recognizing that effective leadership is not about one individual but the group as a whole. That’s allowed me to show more vulnerability as a coach, which has inspired confidence in my players. It’s helped me create a safe environment in the classroom, allowing my students to thrive. Whatever group you belong to—at home, at work, in the community—will invariably get stronger, healthier, and more successful from the many fascinating takeaways found in the pages of The Culture Code.

By Daniel Coyle,

Why should I read it?

5 authors picked The Culture Code as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?


'A marvel of insight and practicality' Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit

How do you build and sustain a great team?

The Culture Code reveals the secrets of some of the best teams in the world - from Pixar to Google to US Navy SEALs - explaining the three skills such groups have mastered in order to generate trust and a willingness to collaborate. Combining cutting-edge science, on-the-ground insight and practical ideas for action, it offers a roadmap for creating an environment where innovation flourishes, problems get solved, and expectations are exceeded.…

Book cover of Disciple Making Culture: Cultivate Thriving Disciple-Makers Throughout Your Church

Justin G. Gravitt Author Of The Foundation of a Disciplemaking Culture: Building a Core Team to Awaken a Movement

From my list on build a Christian disciple making culture.

Why am I passionate about this?

Making disciples is the hardest, most rewarding ministry I’ve ever experienced! For the past ten years, I’ve been helping pastors and church leaders make disciples and build a disciple-making culture in their churches. I know the challenges each of these things brings, and I’ve read books that teach others how to do them. However, most of these books focus on the big picture and never get into the weeds about how to do it. My goal with this list is to give you books to help you learn how to make disciples and build a disciple-making culture. 

Justin's book list on build a Christian disciple making culture

Justin G. Gravitt Why did Justin love this book?

This book is a great overview of how a disciple-making culture looks and feels. Brandon Guindon does an excellent job making principles clear while also offering practical content on practice. Over and over again, Guindon reminds the reader that the secret isn’t in the program or the curriculum. It’s in a lifestyle that emulates Jesus.

Disciple-making culture flows out of who we are, not what we know. There’s so much to like about this book! It’s Biblical, practical, and aspirational. There’s plenty here for a young disciple-maker and an experienced builder of disciple-making culture.

What it lacks in sequencing (where do I start?!), it makes up for in clarity. I’m already using it to further flesh out the principles of disciple-making culture with pastors and churches to which I’m connected.

By Brandon Guindon,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Disciple Making Culture as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

A Practical Guide to Help You Cultivate Healthy Church Culture

Church leaders who focus on programs, strategy, and curriculum can easily miss what ties them all together: culture. Cultivating culture is the difference between churches who flourish and those who flounder at disciple-making. Leaders must cultivate a healthy disciple-making culture. But how?

Author Brandon Guindon’s book Disciple-Making Culture provides a how-to guide for cultivating a healthy disciple-making culture throughout your church. He walks readers through key components of healthy culture, which he has uncovered over the course of his more than twenty years of disciple-making in various contexts. Using time-tested…

Book cover of The Abundant Community: Awakening the Power of Families and Neighborhoods

Justin G. Gravitt Author Of The Foundation of a Disciplemaking Culture: Building a Core Team to Awaken a Movement

From my list on build a Christian disciple making culture.

Why am I passionate about this?

Making disciples is the hardest, most rewarding ministry I’ve ever experienced! For the past ten years, I’ve been helping pastors and church leaders make disciples and build a disciple-making culture in their churches. I know the challenges each of these things brings, and I’ve read books that teach others how to do them. However, most of these books focus on the big picture and never get into the weeds about how to do it. My goal with this list is to give you books to help you learn how to make disciples and build a disciple-making culture. 

Justin's book list on build a Christian disciple making culture

Justin G. Gravitt Why did Justin love this book?

How do you build a disciple-making culture that is at the center of a culture of consumerism? The struggle is real! In this book, the authors offer keen insights that probe the tenets of capitalism and how that has shaped and continues to influence our community culture.

I resonated with most of what they wrote and yearned for something different...a return to making disciples through a community of abundance and cooperation. The authors also understand how to reshape the culture of a local community into one of abundance. I highly recommend this one!

By John McKnight, Peter Block,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Abundant Community as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

We need our neighbors and community to stay healthy, produce jobs, raise our children, and care for those on the margin. Institutions and professional services have reached their limit of their ability to help us.

The consumer society tells us that we are insufficient and that we must purchase what we need from specialists and systems outside the community. We have become consumers and clients, not citizens and neighbors. John McKnight and Peter Block show that we have the capacity to find real and sustainable satisfaction right in our neighborhood and community.

This book reports on voluntary, self-organizing structures that…

Book cover of The Bicycle Illustration: Disciple Making Is Just Like Riding a Bike

Justin G. Gravitt Author Of The Foundation of a Disciplemaking Culture: Building a Core Team to Awaken a Movement

From my list on build a Christian disciple making culture.

Why am I passionate about this?

Making disciples is the hardest, most rewarding ministry I’ve ever experienced! For the past ten years, I’ve been helping pastors and church leaders make disciples and build a disciple-making culture in their churches. I know the challenges each of these things brings, and I’ve read books that teach others how to do them. However, most of these books focus on the big picture and never get into the weeds about how to do it. My goal with this list is to give you books to help you learn how to make disciples and build a disciple-making culture. 

Justin's book list on build a Christian disciple making culture

Justin G. Gravitt Why did Justin love this book?

One of the biggest challenges to building a disciple-making culture is making disciple-makers. This short book is hyper-focused on the biggest obstacles that keep people from the disciple-making game.

In short, the obstacle is fear, not just two-faced fear. However, fear is rarely the obstacle people name. Most people say they don’t make disciples because they don’t know how. This clear and compelling book takes on obstacles (lack of know-how and fear) and challenges the reader to get started.

So many people love this book because it pulls away excuses in a fun way and focuses the reader on the truth that the win is in the attempt. Don’t miss this one!

By Justin G. Gravitt,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Bicycle Illustration as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The Bicycle Illustration will empower you to become a disciple maker. Inside you will discover the essential elements of disciple making, common challenges that hinder progress, and practical steps to overcome them. Best of all you can use it to help others become disciple makers as well!

Book cover of Rhythm: How to Achieve Breakthrough Execution and Accelerate Growth

David Worrell Author Of The Entrepreneur's Guide to Financial Statements

From my list on building culture, teamwork, and leadership.

Why am I passionate about this?

Entrepreneurs have a tough lot in life. We dream of creating value for others, yet we are often cursed to pay a huge price in our own lives. My experience as an entrepreneur is no different – I struggled through three mediocre business startups, learning a little bit more with each one. Along the way, I have put my lessons learned into writing: textbooks, how-to guides and even cover stories for Entrepreneur magazine. Combining my own experience and the best advice from other entrepreneurs, I have systematically improved my current company… and have finally broken free of the curse! Now I love to share my experience with other business owners like you!

David's book list on building culture, teamwork, and leadership

David Worrell Why did David love this book?

If you really want to transform your business into a lean, mean profit machine, then Rhythm is the capstone to your journey. This is the book that pulls it all together and turns everything into a powerful growth system.

Rhythm is an easy read—full of colorful illustrations, short personal stories, and easy discussions of the impact that team building can have on the operations of a business—small or large.

I took it, hook line, and sinker, implementing the full range of metrics, reporting, planning, and goal setting. I also use the associated software. Rhythm and its ancillary tools help me to be comfortable and confident that my leadership team is hard at work, doing the right things at the right times.

As I step away from the day-to-day operations of my business, I rely on the structures taught by Rhythm (and the lessons from all the books above!).

By Patrick Thean,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Rhythm as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

From USA Today & Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author!
Want to achieve breakthroughs and get exceptional results? Discover the system that successful growth companies have used to achieve their results.

All growing companies encounter ceilings of complexity, usually when they hit certain employee or revenue milestones. In order to burst through ceiling after ceiling and innovate with growth, a company must develop a reliable system that prompts leaders to be proactive and pivot when the need arises.

You also need to learn simple systems to empower everyone in your company to become and stay focused, aligned, and accountable.

In Rhythm,…

Book cover of Restarting the Future: How to Fix the Intangible Economy

Edward J. Hoffman, Matthew Kohut, and Laurence Prusak Author Of The Smart Mission: NASA’s Lessons for Managing Knowledge, People, and Projects

From my list on creating and sustaining knowledge at work.

Why are we passionate about this?

The three co-authors of The Smart Mission: NASA’s Lessons for Managing Knowledge, People, and Projects have been at the center of organizational and leadership transformation. Dr. Ed Hoffman was NASA’s first Chief Knowledge Officer and the founding Director of the NASA Academy of Program, Project, and Engineering Leadership (APPEL). Matthew Kohut is the managing partner of KNP Communications. He has prepared executives, elected leaders, diplomats, scientists, and public figures for events ranging from television appearances to TED talks. Laurence Prusak was the founder and executive director of the IBM Institute for Knowledge Management and one of the founding partners for the Ernst and Young Center for Business Innovation.

Edward's book list on creating and sustaining knowledge at work

Edward J. Hoffman, Matthew Kohut, and Laurence Prusak Why did Edward love this book?

What will the future of work look like, and how can we prepare to navigate it successfully? This book is at the top of the list for understanding the profound shift that we are living through. The authors follow up their excellent Capitalism without Capital by continuing to describe a workplace based on intangibles. The economy today is driven by forces that place a premium on innovation, knowledge, ideas, and brand, and these intangibles are increasingly vital for growth and success. An outstanding book that provides a framework for the future of work.

By Jonathan Haskel, Stian Westlake,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Restarting the Future as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

From the acclaimed authors of Capitalism without Capital, radical ideas for restoring prosperity in today's intangible economy

The past two decades have witnessed sluggish economic growth, mounting inequality, dysfunctional competition, and a host of other ills that have left people wondering what has happened to the future they were promised. Restarting the Future reveals how these problems arise from a failure to develop the institutions demanded by an economy now reliant on intangible capital such as ideas, relationships, brands, and knowledge.

In this groundbreaking and provocative book, Jonathan Haskel and Stian Westlake argue that the great economic disappointment of the…

Book cover of Walkable City: How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time

Jordan Yin Author Of Urban Planning For Dummies

From my list on planning livable cities from the bottom up.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’m an urban planner and educator who is fascinated not just by cities and the experience of place, but also by the ideas and actions that go on “behind the scenes” in the planning of cities. Almost all US cities are guided by some sort of local plan and, while no plan is perfect, my hope is always that inclusive planning can help communities solve their problems to make any place a better place. I was raised in Cleveland, Ohio, and have lived mostly in the eastern US – from Michigan to Alabama – where I'm constantly intrigued by the everyday “nooks and crannies” of the places and communities where I live, work, and play.

Jordan's book list on planning livable cities from the bottom up

Jordan Yin Why did Jordan love this book?

Cities have become more pedestrian-friendly over the last decade and Jeff Speck’s book is one of the reasons for this movement. Walkability saves lives, promotes a sense of community, and makes places more sustainable. Speck’s guide to “Ten Steps of Walkability” is an instant classic in the practice of urban planning with approachable ideas such as “mixing uses” and “getting parking right” that can help bridge the gap between activists, politicians, and developers to work together improve any community.

By Jeff Speck,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Walkable City as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Jeff Speck has dedicated his career to determining what makes cities thrive, and he has boiled it down to one key factor: walkability. The very idea of a modern metropolis evokes visions of bustling sidewalks, vital mass transit, and a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly urban core. But in the typical American city, the car is still king and downtown is a place that's easy to drive to but often not worth arriving at. Making walkability happen is relatively easy and cheap; seeing exactly what needs to be done is the trick. In this essential book, Speck reveals the invisible workings of the…

Book cover of Deep Purpose: The Heart and Soul of High-Performance Companies

Dan Pontefract Author Of Work-Life Bloom: How to Nurture a Team that Flourishes

From my list on making you think about purpose and meaning.

Why am I passionate about this?

Since 2014 I have studied, researched, and written about the concepts of meaning and purpose. In 2016, I published a book entitled The Purpose Effect dedicated solely to the topic. In Work-Life Bloom, two of the key work-life factors that make up the accompanying model focus on meaning and purpose. I am known for urging people to declare their purpose, writing it down, and sharing it far and wide. My declaration is as follows: “We’re not here to see through each other; we’re here to see each other through.”

Dan's book list on making you think about purpose and meaning

Dan Pontefract Why did Dan love this book?

Ranjay Gulati delves—dare I say—deeply into the significance of purpose-driven organizations in today's business landscape.

The book emphasizes how cultivating a strong, authentic purpose can lead to exceptional performance and long-term success.

What I loved is that Gulati highlights that purpose is not just a tagline but rather a dynamic, guiding force that drives innovation, collaboration, and resilience. He shows how it can help decision-making.

Gulati shares several compelling case studies and practical tools that helped me affirm my position on the concept of organizational purpose. If you’re passionate about transformative leadership, Deep Purpose will inspire you to create meaningful impact in your organization.

By Ranjay Gulati,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Deep Purpose as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

'If you want to be inspired to build more sustainable organizations, Deep Purpose should be your next read' Arianna Huffington, Founder & CEO, Thrive Global

'Insightful, practical, and timely' Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Think Again and host of the TED podcast WorkLife

'Deep Purpose points to the conversations we must have right now about how to redefine the role of business in society, restore trust, and enhance our license to operate ... Highly recommended' Paul Polman, former CEO, Unilever


Distinguished Harvard Business School professor Ranjay Gulati takes readers inside some of the world's most…

Book cover of Your Business, Your Book: How to plan, write, and promote the book that puts you in the spotlight

Andrew Crofts Author Of Ghostwriting

From my list on ghostwriting and ghostwriters.

Why am I passionate about this?

I have been a ghostwriter for over thirty years, publishing more than a hundred books under other people’s names, as well as those under my own name. It has allowed me to live a hundred different and varied lives and it is a profession I like to encourage all writers to consider. Several of my own novels have featured ghostwriters as central characters, including Secrets of the Italian Gardener and What Lies Around Us.

Andrew's book list on ghostwriting and ghostwriters

Andrew Crofts Why did Andrew love this book?

Ginny Carter is another very experienced ghostwriter and in this book, she explains exactly why it is good for business people to write books in order to promote themselves, their companies, and their products. Since most successful business people do not have the time to write the books themselves, her eloquent arguments will inevitably lead them to hiring ghostwriters such as Ginny – and myself.

By Ginny Carter,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Your Business, Your Book as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?


If you're a coach, consultant, or speaker who makes a living from your expertise, this is for you. It's the guide you need to help you plan, write, and promote the book that elevates your authority, increases your visibility, and gets more clients saying 'yes'. Because creating such a book is a challenge. Where do you start? How do you keep going until the end? And what do you do when you've finished? Don't let your book stay in your head - allow it to come to life and make a positive difference…

Book cover of Gemba Walks

Bartley J. Madden Author Of Value Creation Principles: The Pragmatic Theory of the Firm Begins with Purpose and Ends with Sustainable Capitalism

From my list on knowledge building and value creation.

Why am I passionate about this?

My intellectual journey has focused on three related passions: understanding how firms create value and the link to their stock market valuations, systems thinking, and knowledge building. This has led to the Madden Center for Value Creation at Florida Atlantic University that promotes the key value creation principles that are the foundation for a prosperous society. Prosperity is more widely shared through a society rooted in dynamism with enthusiastic support for experimentation, knowledge building, and innovation by firms. The Madden Center offers a Certificate in Value Creation online course that packages a learning experience to upgrade the knowledge, skills, and resources you need to create value. 

Bartley's book list on knowledge building and value creation

Bartley J. Madden Why did Bartley love this book?

I believe systems thinking is a prerequisite to developing innovative solutions to complex problems.

Lean thinking positions the firm as a system comprised of value streams that incrementally produce the final products delivered to customers. Lean thinkers say that all activities spent that do not add value in the eyes of customers are waste. So, purge all waste everywhere.

The intellectual leader of this approach to value creation is Jim Womack. He is the master of Gemba Walks—verify the purpose of the value stream, then go to where the work is done, and generate ideas for purging waste. The power of this type of fundamental observation is illustrated in the diverse stories Womack tells of his Gemba Walks over many years.

By Jim Womack,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Gemba Walks as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The life of lean is experiments. All authority for any sensei flows from experiments on the gemba [the place where work takes place], not from dogmatic interpretations of sacred texts or the few degrees of separation from the founders of the movement. In short, lean is not a religion but a daily practice of conducting experiments and accumulating knowledge." So writes Jim Womack, who over the past 30 years has developed a method of going to visit the gemba at countless companies and keenly observing how people work together to create value. Over the past decade, he has shared his…

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