100 books like Neuro-Linguistic Programming

By Paul Tosey, Jane Mathison,

Here are 100 books that Neuro-Linguistic Programming fans have personally recommended if you like Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Shepherd is a community of 11,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world.

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Book cover of NLP at Work: The Difference that Makes the Difference

Karen Falconer Author Of The NLP Professional: Your Future in NLP

From my list on Neuro Linguistic Programming and what it’s about.

Why am I passionate about this?

My Father was a solicitor (lawyer) in the UK and a consummate professional. He inspired me in my formative years and guides my values and beliefs to this day. Professionalism has, therefore, been my guiding star. Since 2005, my focus and driver have been to give a framework of Professionalism to the unregulated field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which I believe in passionately. The books I have chosen for this list echo this passion…for making NLP accessible and credible and expressed in such simple terms with powerful, inspirational, and research-backed concepts and teachings. They continue to help shape my world, and I hope they can inspire you, too!

Karen's book list on Neuro Linguistic Programming and what it’s about

Karen Falconer Why did Karen love this book?

This was the first NLP book I read! It is so easy to understand and so relevant to using NLP in the workplace. I love the language used to describe the application of NLP in the work environment and life, and it describes NLP itself in clear terms. 

Applying the information in this book to my work situation at the time made a huge difference in how I interacted with my clients. This book is one of the best examples of effective language, using simple terms and fabulous examples and metaphors. It was a great starting point for me on my NLP journey.

By Sue Knight,

Why should I read it?

3 authors picked NLP at Work as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

'This book may help you to understand life more clearly' Paul Smith, fashion designer

Welcome to THE book on NLP. The essence of NLP is the ability to study and reproduce excellence in yourself and to support others to do the same. NLP AT WORK helps you do that by developing an attitude of curiosity, naivety and learning - and giving you the ability to improvise with skill in real-time.

Neuro Linguistic Programming is how you make sense of your world and, most importantly, how you make it what you want it to be:

* Neuro: the way you filter…

Book cover of Who's Flying Your Plane?: How to master the controls of your life

Karen Falconer Author Of The NLP Professional: Your Future in NLP

From my list on Neuro Linguistic Programming and what it’s about.

Why am I passionate about this?

My Father was a solicitor (lawyer) in the UK and a consummate professional. He inspired me in my formative years and guides my values and beliefs to this day. Professionalism has, therefore, been my guiding star. Since 2005, my focus and driver have been to give a framework of Professionalism to the unregulated field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which I believe in passionately. The books I have chosen for this list echo this passion…for making NLP accessible and credible and expressed in such simple terms with powerful, inspirational, and research-backed concepts and teachings. They continue to help shape my world, and I hope they can inspire you, too!

Karen's book list on Neuro Linguistic Programming and what it’s about

Karen Falconer Why did Karen love this book?

I loved the book for its language… a straight-talking introduction to NLP and how it can positively impact your life. The book makes NLP accessible and understandable, which is key for those curious about NLP.

I love to reach into this book for snippets when I want to explain a technique or strategy in a clean and comprehensible way to someone!  

By Emma McNally,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Who's Flying Your Plane? as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Does your life sometimes feel turbulent? Does it often seem as though one minute you are gliding along smoothly and the next you are being tossed around by events outside of your influence? Have you ever wondered how you can take back control of your life?

Who's Flying Your Plane? provides the answer to these questions and many more! It gives you tools based in applied neuroscience, performance psychology and neuro-linguistic programming, to enable you to master the controls of your life and enjoy the flight!

The book enables you to disengage the autopilot of your life, to put down…

Book cover of Next Generation Entrepreneurs: Live Your Dreams and Create a Better World Through Your Business

Karen Falconer Author Of The NLP Professional: Your Future in NLP

From my list on Neuro Linguistic Programming and what it’s about.

Why am I passionate about this?

My Father was a solicitor (lawyer) in the UK and a consummate professional. He inspired me in my formative years and guides my values and beliefs to this day. Professionalism has, therefore, been my guiding star. Since 2005, my focus and driver have been to give a framework of Professionalism to the unregulated field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which I believe in passionately. The books I have chosen for this list echo this passion…for making NLP accessible and credible and expressed in such simple terms with powerful, inspirational, and research-backed concepts and teachings. They continue to help shape my world, and I hope they can inspire you, too!

Karen's book list on Neuro Linguistic Programming and what it’s about

Karen Falconer Why did Karen love this book?

I was looking for inspiration to take my business forward. I know Robert Dilts as a Master Modeler who has consulted with some of the world’s best companies, and this book is a distillation of that wisdom.

I love the way in which several viewpoints and perspectives are given as examples of how a business can move from one phase to the next. I took away so many practical tips from this book, and it is still a great reference point as I move forward on my working journey.

By Robert Brian Dilts, Antonio Meza (illustrator),

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Next Generation Entrepreneurs as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Next Generation Entrepreneurs is the first volume of the Success Factor Modeling series by renowned author and consultant Robert Dilts. Success Factor ModelingTM is a methodology whose purpose is to identify key characteristics and capabilities shared by successful entrepreneurs, teams and ventures. It then applies these to define specific processes and skills that can be used by others to greatly increase their chances of producing impact and achieving success. Next Generation Entrepreneurs presents models, tools, exercises, illustrations and case examples - of both world famous and everyday entrepreneurs - that will help you understand how to create your own "Circle…

Book cover of mBraining: Using your multiple brains to do cool stuff

Karen Falconer Author Of The NLP Professional: Your Future in NLP

From my list on Neuro Linguistic Programming and what it’s about.

Why am I passionate about this?

My Father was a solicitor (lawyer) in the UK and a consummate professional. He inspired me in my formative years and guides my values and beliefs to this day. Professionalism has, therefore, been my guiding star. Since 2005, my focus and driver have been to give a framework of Professionalism to the unregulated field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which I believe in passionately. The books I have chosen for this list echo this passion…for making NLP accessible and credible and expressed in such simple terms with powerful, inspirational, and research-backed concepts and teachings. They continue to help shape my world, and I hope they can inspire you, too!

Karen's book list on Neuro Linguistic Programming and what it’s about

Karen Falconer Why did Karen love this book?

This is an evolutionary strand of NLP for me. I am interested in how neuroscience applies to my field, and this book was a mind-opener. I had always used the term “gut feeling” or “my heart says…” and now the science backs me up, too!

This book and its concepts really speak to my own experience of the world around me and give me new ways to communicate and relate to people in most situations I encounter. Both authors have their roots in NLP, and both expand the field in which I live. They do it in such a way that makes the progression seamless, understandable… and really powerful!  

By Grant Soosalu, Marvin Oka,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked mBraining as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The latest scientific research shows you have three brains! You have complex and fully functional brains in your heart, your gut and your head.In this groundbreaking book, you’ll discover the latest neuroscience findings about your multiple brains (head, heart and gut brains) and what they have to offer for increasing intuitive abilities and for immediately generating wiser decision-making in your daily life. Providing you with numerous practical and easy to learn methods, this book shows how to communicate with and tap into the innate intelligence of your multiple brains.mBraining coaches you in aligning your three brains to achieve greater wisdom,…

Book cover of The Really Good Fun Cartoon Book of NLP: A Simple and Graphic(al) Explanation of the Life Toolbox That Is NLP

Roger Ellerton Author Of Live Your Dreams Let Reality Catch Up: NLP and Common Sense for Coaches, Managers and You

From my list on neuro-linguistic programming.

Why am I passionate about this?

I enjoy helping others get what they desire in life. As a long-time successful businessman, university professor, NLP trainer/coach, public speaker, and author, I have first-hand experience with the personal/professional balancing act required in these times. I believe each of us can achieve the success we desire by developing our authentic selves, mastering internal and external congruence, and taking charge of our lives. For over 30 years, I’ve been a student of personal development methodologies. I continue to transform my own life while assisting others from all walks of life and ages to learn, to address challenges at work and at home, and to get more of what they desire.

Roger's book list on neuro-linguistic programming

Roger Ellerton Why did Roger love this book?

NLP can be full of jargon and taken too seriously. Miller uses simple language with illustrative amusing cartoons to present the principles of NLP and how you can use NLP in your life. All of the basic material is covered and provides you with a good foundation for understanding and using NLP for yourself or to assist others.

By Phillip Miller,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Really Good Fun Cartoon Book of NLP as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

NLP pronounced en el pea. Let's just get the name thing out of the way NLP stands for neuro linguistic programming - yes, I know it's weird and yes, I know it's funny (peculiar, not ha ha) - but, that's the name. How come?

Concerns the brain and the things that go on in your mind. Also the rest of the neurological system, including the five senses.

This relates to language, both spoken and non-spoken (sometimes called body language).

PROGRAMMINGThe concepts and ideas of NLP can be of great benefit to people in all areas of their lives;…

Book cover of From Coach to Awakener

Roger Ellerton Author Of Live Your Dreams Let Reality Catch Up: NLP and Common Sense for Coaches, Managers and You

From my list on neuro-linguistic programming.

Why am I passionate about this?

I enjoy helping others get what they desire in life. As a long-time successful businessman, university professor, NLP trainer/coach, public speaker, and author, I have first-hand experience with the personal/professional balancing act required in these times. I believe each of us can achieve the success we desire by developing our authentic selves, mastering internal and external congruence, and taking charge of our lives. For over 30 years, I’ve been a student of personal development methodologies. I continue to transform my own life while assisting others from all walks of life and ages to learn, to address challenges at work and at home, and to get more of what they desire.

Roger's book list on neuro-linguistic programming

Roger Ellerton Why did Roger love this book?

If you are a coach or student of NLP, add this book to your library. Dilts notes that, in the past, coaching has been focused mainly on improving behavior performance through careful observation and feedback. More recently personal, executive, and life coaching has evolved to provide support on a number of different levels. Each level has a different focus and requires a different approach and set of tools. Dilts clearly explains how your coaching style must adapt to each level (environment (caretaker or guide), behaviors (coach), capabilities (teacher), beliefs and values (mentor), identity (sponsor), and spirituality (awakener)), and provides a suggested set of tools and techniques.

By Robert Dilts,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked From Coach to Awakener as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Coaching is the process of helping people and teams to perform at the peak of their abilities. It involves drawing out people's strengths, helping them to bypass personal barriers and limits in order to achieve their personal bests, and facilitating them to function more effectively as members of a team.

Historically, coaching has been focused toward achieving improvement with respect to a specific behavioral performance. This involves promoting the development of that person's behavioral competence through careful observation and feedback.

In recent years, the notion of coaching has taken on a more generalized and expanded meaning. Personal coaching, executive coaching…

Book cover of Words That Change Minds: The 14 Patterns for Mastering the Language of Influence

Roger Ellerton Author Of Live Your Dreams Let Reality Catch Up: NLP and Common Sense for Coaches, Managers and You

From my list on neuro-linguistic programming.

Why am I passionate about this?

I enjoy helping others get what they desire in life. As a long-time successful businessman, university professor, NLP trainer/coach, public speaker, and author, I have first-hand experience with the personal/professional balancing act required in these times. I believe each of us can achieve the success we desire by developing our authentic selves, mastering internal and external congruence, and taking charge of our lives. For over 30 years, I’ve been a student of personal development methodologies. I continue to transform my own life while assisting others from all walks of life and ages to learn, to address challenges at work and at home, and to get more of what they desire.

Roger's book list on neuro-linguistic programming

Roger Ellerton Why did Roger love this book?

We do not necessarily experience the world around us the same as our friends, family members, or others we meet in our daily lives. Charvet presents 14 significant language/behaviours that distinguish how we react to our experiences that may be different from those with whom we wish to have a great relationship or influence. One such pattern is “toward -away from”. Toward-people are focused on their goals. They are motivated to have, get, achieve, attain, ... . Away-from people notice what should be avoided, gotten rid of, or fixed. Motivating a toward-person by telling them what needs to be avoided, simply doesn’t work.

By Shelle Rose Charvet,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Words That Change Minds as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

How to master Influencing Language and get what you want, without manipulating.

Do you work and live with people who are hard to convince? Who dismiss ideas before even thinking about them?

Do you want to know how to influence people, without being manipulative?

Want to find out how people get motivated, make decisions, to be more persuasive with everyone?

Learn how to use the right words with the right people, and get through the “Communication Wall”

Have you ever felt like you were talking to a wall? Well, that’s a very accurate description of what’s happening when 2 people…

Book cover of Get the Life You Want: The Secrets to Quick and Lasting Life Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Roger Ellerton Author Of Live Your Dreams Let Reality Catch Up: NLP and Common Sense for Coaches, Managers and You

From my list on neuro-linguistic programming.

Why am I passionate about this?

I enjoy helping others get what they desire in life. As a long-time successful businessman, university professor, NLP trainer/coach, public speaker, and author, I have first-hand experience with the personal/professional balancing act required in these times. I believe each of us can achieve the success we desire by developing our authentic selves, mastering internal and external congruence, and taking charge of our lives. For over 30 years, I’ve been a student of personal development methodologies. I continue to transform my own life while assisting others from all walks of life and ages to learn, to address challenges at work and at home, and to get more of what they desire.

Roger's book list on neuro-linguistic programming

Roger Ellerton Why did Roger love this book?

Richard Bandler is one of the founders of NLP. So, he knows what he is talking about. After an overview of basic NLP concepts and how the processes work, Bandler provides you with techniques to address what’s holding you back, for example, fears/phobias, bad memories, grief, and bad relationships. He then gives you ways and means to add fun, love, meet people and make money into your life.

By Richard Bandler,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Get the Life You Want as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Whatever you want Richard Bandler, the man who taught Paul McKenna and inspired him to greatness, can help you get it. Full of simple, potent NLP exercises that will take you minutes to do but will make your life permanently better, this incredible book is a must for anybody who has ever wished for anything but not found a way to get it.

Richard Bandler - the world-renowned co-creator of NLP who has helped millions around the world change their lives for the better - has written a simple and empowering book to help you get the life you want.…

Book cover of Frogs into Princes: Neuro Linguistic Programming

Barbara Wainwright Author Of The Power of Life Coaching Volume 3: Manifesting Transformation in Financial, Professional, Emotional, Spiritual, Wellness and Relationship Aspects

From my list on your journey to spiritual enlightenment.

Why am I passionate about this?

Certified Master Life Coach and CEO of Wainwright Global, Barbara Wainwright is known as the most sought-after teacher in the coaching industry. She is famous for training and certifying over 6,500 professional coaches worldwide since 2006 and for empowering individuals to actualize their life purpose, live inspired lives, and connect with their true passion. Barbara is an international speaker, author, and educator with 3 books available on Amazon.com. I have been seeking spiritual enlightenment and personal growth all of my adult life. Now I am sharing some of my strengths through my podcast and video series Show Up For God and God Will Show Up For You in Miraculous Ways.

Barbara's book list on your journey to spiritual enlightenment

Barbara Wainwright Why did Barbara love this book?

This book was recommended to me when I was first learning about the coaching industry. I found it to be a very interesting read. 

Richard Bandler and John Grinder did in-depth studies and observations of very successful therapists; therapists that were able to effect immediate change (for the better) in their clients. In this book they share stories of transformation and walk you through some of those experiences. I found this book to be very informative.

By Richard Bandler, John Grinder, John O'Stevens (editor)

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Frogs into Princes as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

NLP is an explicit and powerful model of human experience and communication. Using the principles of NLP it is possible to describe any human activity in a detailed way that allows you to make many deep and lasting changes quickly and easily. A few specific examples of things you can learn to accomplish are: (1) cure phobias and other unpleasant feeling responses in less than an hour, (2) help children and adults with "learning disabilities" (spelling and reading problems, etc.) overcome these limitations, often in less than an hour, (3) eliminate most unwanted habits - smoking, drinking, over-eating, insomnia, etc.,…

Book cover of Awaken the Giant Within

Andreas Creutzmann Author Of Soft Skills for the Professional Services Industry : Principles, Tasks, and Tools for Success

From my list on soft skills for professionals and entrepreneurs.

Why am I passionate about this?

At the very beginning of my studies, I asked myself a question that still accompanies me today: “Why are some people successful and others not?” I've always been interested in people who are successful through their own efforts instead of building on the success of previous generations through their heritage. In my search for what distinguishes successful from less successful people, I began to read a variety of relevant books and attend seminars. These books and seminars dealt with the topics of success, personality development, marketing and sales, rhetoric, psychology, and management as well as self-management and personal productivity. To date, I've read several hundred books on these topics and attended a number of seminars.

Andreas' book list on soft skills for professionals and entrepreneurs

Andreas Creutzmann Why did Andreas love this book?

Anthony Robbins is the world's most famous success coach.

With Unlimited Power, he has made Neurolinguistic Programming known outside of therapy in management.

Anyone who wants to break through beliefs that prevent success and wants to get many valuable suggestions at all levels of success, can not get past Anthony Robbins. His books have inspired and motivated me.

Anyone who really wants to be successful should read his books. In Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical & Financial Destiny! you get a very good summary of his thoughts.

By Tony Robbins,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Awaken the Giant Within as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The author offers advice on such matters as mastering emotions, overcoming debilitating habits such as over-eating, drinking and drug abuse, unleashing the hidden power of body and mind, improving personal and professional relationships, and taking control of personal finances.

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