Fans pick 100 books like The Truce at Bakura

By Kathy Tyers,

Here are 100 books that The Truce at Bakura fans have personally recommended if you like The Truce at Bakura. Shepherd is a community of 12,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world.

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Book cover of Space Opera

Jen Finelli Author Of Neodymium Exodus

From my list on sweeping space operas with metaphysical themes.

Why am I passionate about this?

From dancing on a crane in a meteor shower, to earning a history degree at the top program in my country; bathing under a waterfall to cradling the dying as a physician—I’ve always straddled the line between adventure and hunger for the truth beyond. Some books are the same way: they pull you in with fun and plot, and colors, and they leave you with bigger thoughts and questions about the Universe at large. All genres have this capacity for surprise and depth, but space opera’s best—here’s a list of reads with that special metaphysical power.

Jen's book list on sweeping space operas with metaphysical themes

Jen Finelli Why did Jen love this book?

I picked up this book because the back cover made it sound like this funny romp where a rock competition decides the fate of the Earth—and who doesn’t want that? But this isn’t just a more uplifting version of that one Rick and Morty episode about “Gettin’ Schwifty.” With vivid worlds and deeply flawed characters, Space Opera is like a psychedelic trip with that brilliant, probably-drunk friend whose gorgeous mind you could listen to for days. (Stop looking at me like that! I’m not in love with her syntax, you are!) Don’t get me wrong: there are so many behaviors in Space Opera that I recommend against as a sexual health physician—they’d increase your risk of disease and mental illness—and I’ve got moral positions that don’t jive with Valente’s vision, either. But there’s a scene where Valente touches on immigration and deportation that made me weep and left an indent…

By Catherynne M. Valente,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Space Opera as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?



A century ago, intelligent space-faring life was nearly destroyed during the Sentience Wars. To bring the shattered worlds together in the spirit of peace, unity and understanding, the Metagalactic Grand Prix was created. Part concert, part contest, all extravaganza, species far and wide gather to compete in feats of song, dance and/or whatever facsimile of these can be performed by various creatures who may or may not possess, in the traditional sense, feet, mouths, larynxes…

Book cover of Out of the Silent Planet

CL Fors Author Of Cradle of Mars

From my list on Science Fiction with unexpected depth.

Why am I passionate about this?

I grew up curious about the world and perplexed that people saw the same problems I did but didn’t feel the same urgency. With a science teacher for a father, I became a lover of the natural world. Science fiction gave me hope and the ability to picture solutions. It puts readers in a mindset to consider “what could be.” I continue to study and read science while writing and publishing sci-fi novels through my publishing house, Epitome Press. It’s my way of exploring possible futures and inviting the world to see them with me. I hope this list of unexpectedly thought-provoking sci-fi gets you thinking, dreaming, and taking action.

CL's book list on Science Fiction with unexpected depth

CL Fors Why did CL love this book?

This book infused me with that sense of wonder and broadened horizons that come with being transported into the unknown. I especially loved that the creatures featured and portrayed in this work of sci-fi were strange enough to challenge my preconceptions about sentience.

CS Lewis artfully balanced adventure with a comfortable pacing that allowed me to sink into the new world and alien cultures he created. In this book, values like honor, integrity, and community transcend the barriers of other worlds and alien beings. I also love that the plot of this one stands alone while still building a larger through-line that continues in the next book.

By C. S. Lewis,

Why should I read it?

5 authors picked Out of the Silent Planet as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The first novel in C.S. Lewis's classic sci-fi trilogy which tells the adventure of Dr Ransom who is kidnapped and transported to Mars

In the first novel of C.S. Lewis's classic science fiction trilogy, Dr Ransom, a Cambridge academic, is abducted and taken on a spaceship to the red planet of Malacandra, which he knows as Mars. His captors are plotting to plunder the planet's treasures and plan to offer Ransom as a sacrifice to the creatures who live there. Ransom discovers he has come from the 'silent planet' - Earth - whose tragic story is known throughout the universe...

Book cover of Redshirts

Justin Robinson Author Of City of Devils

From my list on bridging high art and B-movies.

Why am I passionate about this?

The best stories are the ones that take very silly ideas seriously. This doesn’t mean that they’re not funny; on the contrary, you don’t really hear the truth until it makes you laugh. These books all lean heavily on tropes, specifically B-movie tropes. I used to write detailed reviews of terrible movies, afterschool specials, and creature features. I host a podcast all about the funnier parts of TV criticism. Figuring out how something simple speaks to the core of us is the height of fiction, and all five of these do that and do it with humor. 

Justin's book list on bridging high art and B-movies

Justin Robinson Why did Justin love this book?

It’s hard to beat Scalzi for nailing the execution of a high concept.

Redshirts could have so easily been nothing but a gimmick, but Scalzi really gets into the guts of the horror and humor of being a character written for the sole purpose of dying. I picked up the book with a cynical eye, expecting to hate it, but it drew me in.

Scalzi went so much further with the concept, shined a light on every corner of the idea, that he managed to create a deconstruction and reconstruction of the same trope at the same time. 

By John Scalzi,

Why should I read it?

5 authors picked Redshirts as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

'I can honestly say I can't think of another book that ever made me laugh this much. Ever' Patrick Rothfuss, New York Times bestselling author of The Name of the Wind

Ensign Andrew Dahl has just been assigned to the Universal Union Capital Ship Intrepid, flagship of the Universal Union since the year 2456. It's a prestige posting, and Andrew is even more delighted when he's assigned to the ship's Xenobiology laboratory. Life couldn't be better ... although there are a few strange things going on:

(1) every Away Mission involves a lethal confrontation with alien forces

(2) the ship's…

Book cover of Star Surgeon

Jen Finelli Author Of Neodymium Exodus

From my list on sweeping space operas with metaphysical themes.

Why am I passionate about this?

From dancing on a crane in a meteor shower, to earning a history degree at the top program in my country; bathing under a waterfall to cradling the dying as a physician—I’ve always straddled the line between adventure and hunger for the truth beyond. Some books are the same way: they pull you in with fun and plot, and colors, and they leave you with bigger thoughts and questions about the Universe at large. All genres have this capacity for surprise and depth, but space opera’s best—here’s a list of reads with that special metaphysical power.

Jen's book list on sweeping space operas with metaphysical themes

Jen Finelli Why did Jen love this book?

I’m a physician, so it’s probably not surprising that a book by a physician about an alien physician might hit my list of meaningful space operas. What is surprising is Star Surgeon’s double-twist—the patients aren’t who we think they are, and the secret to getting Earth into the prestigious Galactic Confederation isn’t what we think it is—both of which actually had huge real-world thematic implications. On face level, it’s a medical thriller: the protag’s the first alien to graduate from human medical school, and he’s got to prove himself by curing an epidemic on a remote planet without arousing the ire of his human teachers. (I felt like this in residency.) But on a metaphysical level, Star Surgeon is a quiet manifesto dissecting the origins of racism—and the very biology of sentience itself. 

By Alan E Nourse,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Star Surgeon as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

A Sector General Novel In the far future Humans are part of an intergalactic civilization populated with countless alien races. Humans are prized for their medical expertise and make up almost all of doctors in the galaxy. Dal Timgar is the first non-human to attempt to become a qualified physician recognized by the Hospital Earth. But, before he reaches his goal he and his companions find a plague planet that may change the course of history.

Book cover of Star Wars From a Certain Point of View

Erin Macdonald Author Of The Science of Sci-Fi: From Warp Speed to Interstellar Travel

From my list on beloved sci-fi universes.

Why am I passionate about this?

With a background in theoretical astrophysics and a life-long passion for science fiction, I am now lucky enough to have a dream job of working in one of my favorite sci-fi worlds: Star Trek. This role as science advisor for the franchise has bridged my career between hard science and fictional writing. Like many fans, I am one who simply wants to walk, live, and breathe in these fictional worlds that bring us so much joy. I always look for new ways to immerse myself, be it episode or movie rewatches, extended universe shows, comics, video games, and yes, books!

Erin's book list on beloved sci-fi universes

Erin Macdonald Why did Erin love this book?

With only two books out (referencing Star Wars: A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back) the From a Certain Point of View books are brilliant. So brilliant. I can’t explain how much I love these books in one short paragraph. They are a collection of short stories written by dozens of authors who recall events in the films both big and small. Did you ever want to know who the guy is on Hoth who interrupts Han and Leia arguing? Well, now you do! With each story taking only about 20 minutes to read, they’re a perfect nighttime story that add such richness to the films we’ve all seen dozens, if not hundreds, of times.

By Renée Ahdieh, Meg Cabot, Pierce Brown , Sabaa Tahir , Nnedi Okorafor , Tom Angleberger , Jeffrey Brown , Rae Carson , Zoraida Cordova , Delilah S. Dawson , Kelly Sue DeConnick , Ian Doescher , Alexander Freed , Jason Fry , Kieron Gillen , Christie Golden , Claudia Gray , Paul S. Kemp , Mur Lafferty , Daniel M. Lavery , Ken Liu , John Jackson Miller , Daniel José Older , Beth Revis , Madeleine Roux , Greg Rucka , Cavan Scott , Gary D. Schmidt , Charles Soule , Elizabeth Wein , Chuck Wendig , Gary Whitta

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Star Wars From a Certain Point of View as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A one-of-a-kind Star Wars experience that sheds new light on the original film.

On May 25, 1977, the world was introduced to Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, C-3PO, R2-D2, Chewbacca, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, and a galaxy full of possibilities. In honor of the fortieth anniversary, more than forty contributors lend their vision to this retelling of Star Wars. Each of the forty short stories reimagines a moment from the original film, but through the eyes of a supporting character. From a Certain Point of View features contributions by bestselling authors, trendsetting artists, and…

Book cover of Star Wars Skywalker: A Family At War

Chris Kempshall Author Of Star Wars: The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire

From my list on fictional non-fiction.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’m a historian, and while I have a great deal of experience producing straight ‘nonfiction’ work, the idea of reading something ‘non-fictional;’ within a fictional world has always excited me because it allows many opportunities to talk about us while framing it as them. They also play into what I call the ‘Rutger Hauer Effect,’ where his character in Blade Runner mentions the wonderous things he’s seen in passing. I want to see those things too! Fictional nonfiction books provide a fantastic opportunity to tease the readers with things that their author knows and has seen but exist just beyond the reach of our own imaginations.

Chris' book list on fictional non-fiction

Chris Kempshall Why did Chris love this book?

Not only do I absolutely adore this book, my own would not exist without it. Try to imagine just how complicated an undertaking it must be to convert the entirety of the Star Wars ‘Skywalker Saga’ into an in-universe journalist-style biography while still making it exciting, insightful, and readable.

Kristin Baver brings her real-world experience and background as a journalist and applies them to a fictional world in a way that lends it real gravitas. That’s why I love this book: It enhances your enjoyment and understanding of the films and, through its very existence, has paved the way for other ‘fictional nonfiction’ style books in the Star Wars franchise.

By Kristin Baver,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Star Wars Skywalker as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Uncover the secrets of the Skywalkers: the family that shaped a galaxy far, far away ...

The Skywalker story has everything: passion, intrigue, heroism, and dark deeds.

This revelatory biography explores every twist and turn of the Skywalker dynasty: the slow seduction to the dark side of Anakin; his doomed marriage to Padme Amidala; the heroics of Luke and Leia; the fall and redemption of Han Solo and Princess Leia's son, Ben; and the struggles of his dyad in the Force, Rey.

Leaving no stone unturned in tracing the dynasty's trials and tribulations, this definitive biography of Star Wars' first…

Book cover of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Kurt D. Springs Author Of Price of Vengeance

From my list on sci-fi that meld military and paranormal themes.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am Kurt D. Springs. If you read my back of the book bio, you’ll find I have advanced degrees in anthropology and archaeology and a focus on European prehistory. However, I’ve always been fascinated by military history. I’ve recently studied how modern warfare has changed many old paradigms. I’ve also studied modern and ancient religions, and many of the fiction works I enjoy have ESP or magic elements, especially Andre Norton’s works. I am also a fan of the HALO game universe. I like to tell people my stories are the children of Andre Norton’s Forerunner series and HALO.

Kurt's book list on sci-fi that meld military and paranormal themes

Kurt D. Springs Why did Kurt love this book?

While I found all the original trilogy stories enjoyable, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back fascinated me with the weaponry and battles at the beginning.

Luke’s Jedi training under Yoda was something that I found inspirational. Yoda’s admonition on focus, control, and belief inspired the scenes of Liam being trained. I enjoyed the final interplay between Luke and Darth Vader, ending with Luke’s realization that experience matters.

By Donald F. Glut,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Star Wars as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The Empire Strikes Back [Paperback] [Jan 01, 1995] Donald F. Glut …

Book cover of Dragon Wing

JMD Reid Author Of A Spark in the Night

From my list on fall in love with fantasy.

Why am I passionate about this?

I've always been a reader. In my childhood, I read Hardy Boys novels by the bucketload. I loved scholastic book fairs, pouring over the lists to find new books to read. Then my uncle gave me The Hobbit followed by giving me a hardback set of Lord of the Rings for Christmas of the 6th Grade. After that, my mother gave me Pawn of Prophecy, which cemented my love of the genre. I write fantasy because of all the books I listed. Each one led me down a path that ended with me publishing my first novel.

JMD's book list on fall in love with fantasy

JMD Reid Why did JMD love this book?

I have read a lot of fantasy in the 90s, but until I read Margaret Weis and Tracey Hickman, it had all been basically Europe with magic. Dragon Wing is a world of floating islands where water is scarce and wars are fought over it. Humans fly on dragons. Elves sail on airships.

It takes place in one of four elemental worlds that are all so different and so imaginative. They are so much different from our worlds and taught me to create worlds that were just impossible outside of magic and fantasy. Its structure is also very similar to Malazan Book of the Fallen, where we're following different characters in each book but all building toward something amazing. Plus, there's a crazy wizard named Zifnab that sometimes thinks he's Gandalf and sometimes that he's Luke Skywalker.

By Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Dragon Wing as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Hugh the Hand agrees to assassinate the king's son but is unprepared for the magical being who is his victim's guardian or for the difficulty that awaits him in the realm of the dwarves

Book cover of The Rough Patch

Caroline Kusin Pritchard Author Of Where Is Poppy?

From my list on talking about death and loss with your kids.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’m a children’s book author who typically centers humor at the heart of my books but who dipped into heartache to tell this specific story. As a former educator with four kiddos of my own, I’ve been able to witness the myriad ways kids cope with grief, everything from hiding out in blanket forts to holding a backyard funeral service for a beloved pet roly-poly. I hope my book, Where is Poppy? offers kids comfort, peace, and preparation for their own unique journeys with loss. I studied creative writing and political science at Stanford University and hold an MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults from Vermont College of Fine Arts. 

Caroline's book list on talking about death and loss with your kids

Caroline Kusin Pritchard Why did Caroline love this book?

This may be one of the most-read books in our house, which is saying something for a book about a gardening aficionado named Evan, whose dog dies in the first few spreads.

It’s hard for even our 2-year-old not to bristle when Evan, in his grief, violently destroys his beloved garden. But watching how he unintentionally nurtures a once prickly vine into a prized-winning pumpkin has all of us cheering with each read.

I love how this story doesn’t shy away from the deep pain that comes with losing someone we love and doesn’t sugarcoat the long, often lonely process of coming back to the surface for air. Kids are ready for this honesty, and this book does it with a gentle but honest sense of purpose. 

By Brian Lies,

Why should I read it?

4 authors picked The Rough Patch as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it. This book is for kids age 4, 5, 6, and 7.

What is this book about?

A Caldecott Honor Book

An ALA Notable Book

A breathtakingly beautiful and luminescent book that is pitch-perfect for anyone of any age who has experienced any type of loss or disappointment, from New York Times-bestselling picture book creator Brian Lies.

New York Times-bestselling author-illustrator Brian Lies has created a beautiful, accessible, and deeply personal story about friendship, loss, and renewal. The Rough Patch was awarded a Caldecott Honor and features stunning paintings from the award-winning creator of Bats at the Beach.

Evan and his dog do everything together, from eating ice cream to caring for their prize-winning garden, which grows…

Book cover of Heir to the Empire

Ben Stoddard Author Of Pride of a King

From my list on books that are part of bigger universes.

Why am I passionate about this?

I have been an avid sci-fi/fantasy lover and tabletop gamer my whole life. Many of my best memories involve me inventing stories explaining why my buddy’s armies and mine were duking it out on the battlefield or interpreting what the dice rolls really meant for my character. Today, I write for one of my favorite game universes, Kings of War. I have made a living out of stories by writing them or teaching about them. I love making my universes believable while still maintaining integrity to their original source material. I also love making flawed, relatable characters to give readers hope as they read about them overcoming those flaws.

Ben's book list on books that are part of bigger universes

Ben Stoddard Why did Ben love this book?

I, like many others, love Star Wars and was sad when it was announced that the old tie-in novels were being removed from canon. In particular this story made me the most upset. For me, this was the sequel trilogy that we never got.

It captured the universe that George Lucas set up for us so well that I never once felt like Luke, Han, or Leia were anything other than the characters we had seen in the movies. I loved how it took the lore and lovingly crafted it into a new story that fits within the parameters that had already been established without retreading the same old territory or falling into glorified fanfiction.

By Timothy Zahn,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Heir to the Empire as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • In this essential Star Wars Legends novel—the first ever to take place after the events of the original trilogy—Grand Admiral Thrawn makes his debut on the galactic stage.

Five years ago, the Rebel Alliance destroyed the Death Star, defeated Darth Vader and the Emperor, and drove the remnants of the old Imperial Starfleet to a distant corner of the galaxy. Princess Leia and Han Solo are married and expecting twins. And Luke Skywalker has become the first in a long-awaited line of Jedi Knights.

But thousands of light-years away, the last of the Emperor’s…

Book cover of Space Opera
Book cover of Out of the Silent Planet
Book cover of Redshirts

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