90 books like How To

By Randall Munroe,

Here are 90 books that How To fans have personally recommended if you like How To. Shepherd is a community of 11,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world.

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Book cover of Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong about the World—and Why Things Are Better Than You Think

Jono Hey Author Of Big Ideas, Little Pictures: Explaining the world one sketch at a time

From my list on changing how you look at the world and yourself.

Why am I passionate about this?

I draw and write the Sketchplanations newsletter, in which I'm slowly explaining the world, one sketch at a time. In it, I blend my training as a designer and entrepreneur, what I learned in my PhD at UC Berkeley, and my amateur love of sketching, and I try to share my personal lightbulb moments through simple sketches. I'm constantly looking for ideas that change how I look at the world and myself. The books here are some of those that have given me the most valuable ideas I want to share and entertained me along the way.

Jono's book list on changing how you look at the world and yourself

Jono Hey Why did Jono love this book?

In this book, Rosling repeatedly and humbly shows how so many of the facts I thought I knew about the world—such as where energy comes from, how incomes compare across countries, or how many people are being affected by disasters—were just plain wrong.

I first saw Hans Rosling explaining the trajectories and development of countries using animated charts in a hugely popular TED talk. Through persuasive charts and explanations, he showed me how things can be bad and still be getting better and how the world has already improved in so many ways. I read it and was educated.

By Hans Rosling, Anna Rosling Rönnlund, Ola Rosling

Why should I read it?

9 authors picked Factfulness as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

'A hopeful book about the potential for human progress when we work off facts rather than our inherent biases.' BARACK OBAMA

'One of the most important books I've ever read - an indispensable guide to thinking clearly about the world.' BILL GATES

*#1 Sunday Times bestseller * New York Times bestseller * Observer 'best brainy book of the decade' * Irish Times bestseller * Guardian bestseller * audiobook bestseller *

Factfulness: The stress-reducing habit of only carrying opinions for which you have strong supporting facts.

When asked simple questions about global trends - why the world's population is increasing; how…

Book cover of Thinking, Fast and Slow

Liam Sweeny Author Of Troy Love Story

From my list on see a bigger picture of the world.

Why am I passionate about this?

I've always been fascinated by what makes life tick. I was a gifted child, not my own label, but I had all of the special classes. It took me years to get over the notion that I was supposed to have all the answers, and when I did, I found myself searching for all the answers I was supposed to have had. I went headlong into current events and psychology, again wanting to know how the world ticked. And I'm qualified to give you my list insofar as you are qualified to go look these titles up. I share the most profound repositories of knowledge with you.

Liam's book list on see a bigger picture of the world

Liam Sweeny Why did Liam love this book?

I love any book that gives me insight into the mind, and this book taught me so much about the tricks of how our minds tackle big and everyday decisions; I recommend it to people on the street.

Kahneman was the first and probably only psychologist to win a Nobel Prize in economics, and it was for this book.

By Daniel Kahneman,

Why should I read it?

45 authors picked Thinking, Fast and Slow as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The phenomenal international bestseller - 2 million copies sold - that will change the way you make decisions

'A lifetime's worth of wisdom' Steven D. Levitt, co-author of Freakonomics
'There have been many good books on human rationality and irrationality, but only one masterpiece. That masterpiece is Thinking, Fast and Slow' Financial Times

Why is there more chance we'll believe something if it's in a bold type face? Why are judges more likely to deny parole before lunch? Why do we assume a good-looking person will be more competent? The answer lies in the two ways we make choices: fast,…

Book cover of Scale: The Universal Laws of Life, Growth, and Death in Organisms, Cities, and Companies

Jono Hey Author Of Big Ideas, Little Pictures: Explaining the world one sketch at a time

From my list on changing how you look at the world and yourself.

Why am I passionate about this?

I draw and write the Sketchplanations newsletter, in which I'm slowly explaining the world, one sketch at a time. In it, I blend my training as a designer and entrepreneur, what I learned in my PhD at UC Berkeley, and my amateur love of sketching, and I try to share my personal lightbulb moments through simple sketches. I'm constantly looking for ideas that change how I look at the world and myself. The books here are some of those that have given me the most valuable ideas I want to share and entertained me along the way.

Jono's book list on changing how you look at the world and yourself

Jono Hey Why did Jono love this book?

Geoffrey West does a remarkable thing in this book; he brings his training as a theoretical physicist to problems of biology, global sustainability, and the economics of our cities. He shows the power of mathematics to illuminate remarkable facts about fundamental questions like "Is there a limit to how long animals can live?", "How big can animals get?" and even "Why do cities last so long?"

I learned how the square-cube law explains why you couldn't have a real-life Godzilla, that all mammals share roughly the same amount of heartbeats, and about branching patterns in our lungs, rivers, and trees. Fascinating.

By Geoffrey West,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Scale as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

"This is science writing as wonder and as inspiration." —The Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

From one of the most influential scientists of our time, a dazzling exploration of the hidden laws that govern the life cycle of everything from plants and animals to the cities we live in.

Visionary physicist Geoffrey West is a pioneer in the field of complexity science, the science of emergent systems and networks. The term “complexity” can be misleading, however, because what makes West’s discoveries so beautiful is that he has found an underlying simplicity that unites the seemingly complex and diverse phenomena…

Book cover of You Are Not So Smart: Why You Have Too Many Friends on Facebook, Why Your Memory Is Mostly Fiction, and 46 Other Ways You're Deluding Yourself

Jono Hey Author Of Big Ideas, Little Pictures: Explaining the world one sketch at a time

From my list on changing how you look at the world and yourself.

Why am I passionate about this?

I draw and write the Sketchplanations newsletter, in which I'm slowly explaining the world, one sketch at a time. In it, I blend my training as a designer and entrepreneur, what I learned in my PhD at UC Berkeley, and my amateur love of sketching, and I try to share my personal lightbulb moments through simple sketches. I'm constantly looking for ideas that change how I look at the world and myself. The books here are some of those that have given me the most valuable ideas I want to share and entertained me along the way.

Jono's book list on changing how you look at the world and yourself

Jono Hey Why did Jono love this book?

In this book, David Macauley presents flaw after flaw of our reasoning and the many ways we trip ourselves up, illustrated with entertaining stories, fascinating research, and a sense of humor.

Many of my sketches tackle the cognitive biases (so many identified by Daniel Kahneman), logical fallacies, and heuristics that help us make sense of the world. I listened to the audiobook and immediately bought the paperback to read through it again.

David Macauley's book is popular science and smart thinking at its most entertaining and applicable. Great fun.

By David McRaney,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked You Are Not So Smart as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

How many of your Facebook friends do you think you know? Would you help a stranger in need? Do you know why you're so in love with your new smartphone? The truth is: you're probably wrong. You are not so smart.

In this international bestseller, award-winning journalist David McRaney examines the assorted ways we mislead ourselves every single day. A psychology course with all the boring bits taken out, prepare for a whirlwind tour of the latest research in the subject, fused with a healthy dose of humour and wit. You'll discover just how irrational you really are, which delusions…

Book cover of What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions

Ben Forta Author Of Captain Code: Unleash Your Coding Superpower with Python

From my list on when you really need to get away, without actually getting away.

Why am I passionate about this?

I read and write lots and love doing so. So when I need a break, the last thing I want is another book, right? Wrong! I take a break with books, and I love fun books that are an escape from the normal day-to-day, ones that won’t lull you to sleep, ones that end too quickly. It’s a sickness, I know, and I’ll deal with it as soon as I have worked through this pile of books on my desk.

Ben's book list on when you really need to get away, without actually getting away

Ben Forta Why did Ben love this book?

Randall Munroe is the creator of the online comic xkcd. He’s a really funny guy who also happens to be crazy smart and knowledgeable about, well, just about anything science and tech, it seems.

In this book, he tackles critical questions, like how fast can you hit a speed bump while driving and live, and if there was a robot apocalypse, how long would humanity last? You see? Really critical questions.

This is more a grab it off the shelf, put your feet up, pick a random page, and have fun type of read rather than a cover-to-cover read (although, confession, I did, more than once), and it’s a whole lot of really smart fun.

By Randall Munroe,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked What If? as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?


From the creator of the wildly popular xkcd.com, hilarious and informative answers to important questions you probably never thought to ask.

Millions visit xkcd.com each week to read Randall Munroe's iconic webcomic. Fans ask him a lot of strange questions: How fast can you hit a speed bump, driving, and live? When (if ever) did the sun go down on the British Empire? When will Facebook contain more profiles of dead people than living? How many humans would a T Rex rampaging through New York need to eat a day?

In pursuit of answers,…

Book cover of Tough and Competent: Leadership and Team Chemistry

Manfred “Dutch” von Ehrenfried Author Of Apollo Mission Control: The Making of a National Historic Landmark

From my list on manned spaceflight operations.

Why am I passionate about this?

I was fortunate to be one of the first NASA Flight Controllers. I supported Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo. I joined the NASA Space Task Group at the Langley Research Center in 1961. My first supervisor was Gene Kranz, a Former F-86 pilot who got there a year before me. He was 28, and I was 25. Gene trained me to take his place as the Operations and Procedures Officer. I later moved up to the Assistant Flight Director position in Gemini and was the Guidance Officer on Apollo 1, which ended in a disastrous fire.  

Manfred's book list on manned spaceflight operations

Manfred “Dutch” von Ehrenfried Why did Manfred love this book?

I enjoyed this book because I shared the author's life with him in both the Mercury and Mission Control Centers. I witnessed his intense management and leadership style first-hand.

Not only was he my direct supervisor, but he was my mentor and friend. His family was very close to mine; he was also my neighbor. Gene is one of the reasons the Space Program was so successful. He epitomizes "Tough and Competent."

By Eugene F Kranz, Jessica Bushore (editor),

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Tough and Competent as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

"It was as tough a test as could be conceived and put to flight control . . . if there was any weakness, the team would have crumbled. The teams dealt with IT!! There is no way that you could have a team stand up the way we did. We knew we had IT. It was all built in as we had been working on IT! for years."- Arnold Aldrich (Apollo 13)

Tough and Competent documents the leadership and teamwork principles which emerged from an organization of novice, part-time engineers in NASA Mercury Control. By July 1969, when faced with…

Book cover of The Space Telescope: A Study of NASA, Science, Technology, and Politics

David H. DeVorkin Author Of The Hubble Cosmos: 25 Years of New Vistas in Space

From my list on the universe from Hubble to Hubble.

Why am I passionate about this?

I was trained in astronomy and astrophysics, was a staff observer at the Lick and Yerkes Observatories, and always have had a passion for researching and writing the history of modern astrophysics and space astronomy. I hold a PhD in the history of astronomy from the University of Leicester in England, am now a retired museum curator having been a planetarium lecturer, college professor, research associate for the Center for History of Physics at the American Institute of Physics, and guitar teacher in the early 1960s.

David's book list on the universe from Hubble to Hubble

David H. DeVorkin Why did David love this book?

Award-winning, highly authoritative, comprehensive, and accessible history of the long campaign for a large space telescope by astronomers and NASA program officers. One of the most penetrating studies of how NASA constructs and operates major space missions, and how access to space has changed “what it means to be an astronomer.”.

By Robert W. Smith,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Space Telescope as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Robert Smith's The Space Telescope sets the fascinating and disturbing history of this massive venture within the context of 'Big Science'. Launched at a cost of no more than $2 billion, the Space Telescope turned out to be seriously flawed by imperfections in the construction of its lenses and by solar panels that caused it to shudder when moving from daylight to darkness. Smith analyses how the processes of Big Science, especially those involving the government's funding process for large-scale projects, contributed to those failures. He reveals the astonishingly complex interactions that took place among the scientific community, government and…

Book cover of Hidden Figures: The True Story of Four Black Women and the Space Race

Timothy Knapman Author Of The Book of Blast Off!: 15 Real-Life Space Missions

From my list on making space exploration a blast for kids.

Why am I passionate about this?

As a kid I loved space, and devoured science fiction (Doctor Who was my favorite). Now I’m a grown-up, I write books for kids - 70 so far and counting. (My latest picture book is called Sometimes I Am Furious, illustrated by Joe Berger.) The Book of Blast Off! is my second book about space (the first one was just called Space – not the most imaginative title, it’s true). I love writing non-fiction for kids because, unlike grown-ups, you can’t blind them with science. You have to know what you’re talking about so you can explain things clearly. They’re the best audience and you want to be worthy of them.

Timothy's book list on making space exploration a blast for kids

Timothy Knapman Why did Timothy love this book?

This is a children’s version of the book that inspired the movie.

Like everyone else who saw that movie, I was blown away by the story – I was also thoroughly ashamed that I hadn’t heard about these amazing women before.

I’m no math whizz, so making all those impossibly complicated calculations – on which people’s lives would depend – is already completely beyond me. But doing so with such dignity and determination in the face of the daily grind of petty prejudice and poisonous ignorance puts them in the superhero category.

I was in tears in the movie, and once again when reading the book.

By Margot Lee Shetterly, Laura Freeman (illustrator),

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Hidden Figures as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it. This book is for kids age 4, 5, 6, and 7.

What is this book about?

Based on the New York Times bestselling book and the Academy Award-nominated movie, author Margot Lee Shetterly and illustrator Laura Freeman bring the incredibly inspiring true story of four black women who helped NASA launch men into space to picture book readers!

Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, Katherine Johnson, and Christine Darden were good at math...really good.

They participated in some of NASA's greatest successes, like providing the calculations for America's first journeys into space. And they did so during a time when being black and a woman limited what they could do. But they worked hard. They persisted. And they…

Book cover of The Rock from Mars: A Detective Story on Two Planets

Stephen P. Maran Author Of Astronomy for Dummies

From my list on space from someone with 35 years at NASA.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’ve studied space for 60+ years, including spotting Sputnik from atop 30 Rock for Operation Moonwatch; monitoring an exploding star for a PhD at University of Michigan, leading the Remotely Controlled Telescope project at Kitt Peak National Observatory, hunting pulsars from Arizona and Chile, and helping develop scientific instruments for the Hubble Space Telescope. I worked for 5 years at Kitt Peak and 35 years for NASA. As Press Officer (now retired) of the American Astronomical Society, I organized press conferences on many notable cosmic discoveries. Minor Planet 9768 was named Stephenmaran for me, but I haven’t seen it yet. What I have spotted are five exceptional books on space.  Enjoy!

Stephen's book list on space from someone with 35 years at NASA

Stephen P. Maran Why did Stephen love this book?

Politics, ambition, and science collided when NASA announced that a small rock that fell on Antarctica contained tiny fossils of ancient life on Mars. Advance plans for the public report were kept secret while coordinated all the way up through President Bill Clinton. Aides wondered if the great discovery would help his re-election. But after a televised press conference and the subsequent media circus, many qualified scientists disputed the claimed fossils. NASA is still searching for past or present life on Mars.  They will surely take greater care in reaching future conclusions, won’t they? And if you may wonder why an alleged DC sex worker had prior knowledge of the “breakthrough,” read ace Washington Post reporter (now retired) Kathy Sawyer’s brilliant and thorough account.

By Kathy Sawyer,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Rock from Mars as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

In this riveting book, acclaimed journalist Kathy Sawyer reveals the deepest mysteries of space and some of the most disturbing truths on Earth. The Rock from Mars is the story of how two planets and the spheres of politics and science all collided at the end of the twentieth century.
It began sixteen million years ago. An asteroid crashing into Mars sent fragments flying into space and, eons later, one was pulled by the Earth’s gravity onto an icy wilderness near the southern pole. There, in 1984, a geologist named Roberta Score spotted it, launching it on a roundabout path…

Book cover of The People's Spaceship: NASA, the Shuttle Era, and Public Engagement after Apollo

Matt Shindell Author Of For the Love of Mars: A Human History of the Red Planet

From my list on human connection to space.

Why am I passionate about this?

One of the reasons I love my job as a Space History Curator at the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum is that I am fascinated to learn how people think about space, the cosmos, and their human connection with the universe. I am always eager to get beyond questions of what we know and how we know it and ask: Why do we ask the questions we ask in the first place? The books I’ve listed here all explore our relationship with space and how we engage personally or collectively with space exploration.

Matt's book list on human connection to space

Matt Shindell Why did Matt love this book?

When it comes to human spaceflight programs, a lot has been written about the astronauts, administrators, and decision-makers who set policy and defined these programs from the top. The People’s Spaceship presents the four decades of NASA’s Shuttle Program as a mission to engage the public in the excitement of space exploration and make spaceflight relevant to people’s everyday lives.

In a post-Apollo era of declining budgets, NASA’s outreach efforts during the Shuttle era demonstrate the agency’s increasing reliance on public support and the public relations apparatus it built to garner it. Despite the Shuttle’s flaws, NASA managed to create a sense of public ownership of the program, as well as generations of kids who grew up dreaming of their own Shuttle flights.

By Amy Paige Kaminski,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The People's Spaceship as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

When the Apollo 11 astronauts returned from humanity's first voyage to the moon in 1969, NASA officials advocated for more ambitious missions. But with the civil rights movement, environmental concerns, the Vietnam War, and other social crises taking up much of the public's attention, they lacked the support to make those ambitions a reality. Instead, the space agency had to think more modestly and pragmatically, crafting a program that could leverage the excitement of Apollo while promising relevance for average Americans. The resulting initiative, the space shuttle, would become the centerpiece of NASA human space flight activity for forty years,…

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