15 books like Cul de Sac

By Liz Crowe,

Here are 15 books that Cul de Sac fans have personally recommended if you like Cul de Sac. Shepherd is a community of 11,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world.

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Book cover of It

Anthony Avina Author Of Identity

From my list on thriller books that question identity.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’ve been fascinated with the theme of Identity since I was young. Identity influences so many of our decisions and how we live our lives. In a thriller setting, novels allow readers to see how identity drives our best and worst impulses and showcase what humanity itself is. I always add elements of this theme into my books, as I did with I Was an Evil Teenager, but Identity proved to be the story that solidified this theme as a driving force for my storytelling. I am also a book blogger and have been honored to read and explore many novels from established and indie authors within this genre and theme.

Anthony's book list on thriller books that question identity

Anthony Avina Why did Anthony love this book?

Stephen King has been the biggest inspiration for my writing over the years. While many horror and supernatural elements exist in many of his books, there’s no denying that identity and thriller play pivotal roles in this book. Aside from the terror of Pennywise the Clown, a significant portion of this story involves how this group of kids is forced to grow up and discover their own identities in the face of this great evil.

The unfolding mystery of Pennywise and its origins across the decades gave me that thriller vibe I am always looking for. The author's horror forces the kids to confront their fears and discover who they are in the face of those dangers, creating an emotional pull that a good thriller needs with its audience.

By Stephen King,

Why should I read it?

16 authors picked It as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

This tie-in edition will be available from 16 July


27 years later, the Losers Club have grown up and moved away, until a devastating phone call brings them back...

Derry, Maine was just an ordinary town: familiar, well-ordered for the most part, a good place to live.

It was a group of children who saw- and felt- what made Derry so horribly different. In the storm drains, in the sewers, IT lurked, taking on the shape of every nightmare, each one's deepest dread. Sometimes…

Book cover of False Memory

Anthony Avina Author Of Identity

From my list on thriller books that question identity.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’ve been fascinated with the theme of Identity since I was young. Identity influences so many of our decisions and how we live our lives. In a thriller setting, novels allow readers to see how identity drives our best and worst impulses and showcase what humanity itself is. I always add elements of this theme into my books, as I did with I Was an Evil Teenager, but Identity proved to be the story that solidified this theme as a driving force for my storytelling. I am also a book blogger and have been honored to read and explore many novels from established and indie authors within this genre and theme.

Anthony's book list on thriller books that question identity

Anthony Avina Why did Anthony love this book?

The author of this book did an incredible job of using a horrifying villain and shocking moments to showcase the power of identity and the struggles that can come from not knowing your own identity. I feel the power of the mind and how the manipulations of others cause these moments of self-doubt and mistrust are crucially tied to the theme of identity.

I loved the exploration of mental health and how those who suffer from it are far more likely to be victims than perpetrators. It is a big theme in this book, which plays well with the themes of my novel greatly. The idea that identity can be changed or played with by others is one of the more chilling themes that makes this novel stand out so much.

By Dean Koontz,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked False Memory as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Martie Rhodes, a happily married, successful video games designer, takes an agoraphobic friend to therapy sessions twice a week. Each trip is a grim ordeal, but the experience has brought the two friends even closer together.

Then, one morning, Martie experiences a brief, irrational but disquieting fear of... her shadow. When autophobia - one of the rarest and most intriguing phobias known to psychology - is diagnosed, suddenly, radically her life changes, and her future looks dark.

Martie's husband, Dusty, loves her profoundly, and is desperate to understand the cause of her autophobia. But as he comes closer to the…

Book cover of Girl Targeted

Anthony Avina Author Of Identity

From my list on thriller books that question identity.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’ve been fascinated with the theme of Identity since I was young. Identity influences so many of our decisions and how we live our lives. In a thriller setting, novels allow readers to see how identity drives our best and worst impulses and showcase what humanity itself is. I always add elements of this theme into my books, as I did with I Was an Evil Teenager, but Identity proved to be the story that solidified this theme as a driving force for my storytelling. I am also a book blogger and have been honored to read and explore many novels from established and indie authors within this genre and theme.

Anthony's book list on thriller books that question identity

Anthony Avina Why did Anthony love this book?

I love to read international thrillers, especially murder-mystery thrillers. Part of the fun of investigating identity as a theme is challenging the identity of the characters surrounding the protagonist of a story. Author Val Collins did just that in this book. 

I loved that the author created a protagonist who felt both vulnerable and relatable. The issues she faces at home help balance out the murder mystery element, allowing me, as a reader, to question each character that comes into her life.

By Val Collins,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Girl Targeted as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Where do you turn when you can’t trust your friends, your peers, your own husband?

Aoife is a contented newlywed, temping while she awaits the birth of her first child. When her agency asks her to fill in on a temp position, Aoife witnesses a horrific tragedy at the office—one that will change the course of her life forever.

Three months later, now employed full-time at the same workplace, Aoife learns that the ‘tragedy’ she witnessed was actually a cold-blooded murder. When she decides to investigate, Aoife discovers that everyone in the organisation has secrets they are desperate to protect.…

Book cover of Bumper City

Anthony Avina Author Of Identity

From my list on thriller books that question identity.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’ve been fascinated with the theme of Identity since I was young. Identity influences so many of our decisions and how we live our lives. In a thriller setting, novels allow readers to see how identity drives our best and worst impulses and showcase what humanity itself is. I always add elements of this theme into my books, as I did with I Was an Evil Teenager, but Identity proved to be the story that solidified this theme as a driving force for my storytelling. I am also a book blogger and have been honored to read and explore many novels from established and indie authors within this genre and theme.

Anthony's book list on thriller books that question identity

Anthony Avina Why did Anthony love this book?

I love any genre that incorporates noir thrillers, bringing that iconic 40’s era detective mystery that showcases the mysterious figures and identities that the detective has to uncover. That was the promising theme that brought me to this book by Alan McGill. The author greatly impressed me with this story, as the futuristic, sci-fi setting only helped elevate the noir storytelling style.

The clown killers in this story haunted me as they came up against the protagonist, and the identity of the mysterious woman hanging on the edge of the main character’s periphery will add a depth of personal conflict that I, as a reader, found so engaging.

By Alan McGill,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Bumper City as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

In the future, Las Vegas is nearly destroyed. Rebuilt under a dark cloud that blocks all sunlight, Sin City takes on a whole new meaning.
Beneath the neon, The Pagliacci Serial Killers are on the loose and a new drug called “Colors”, infused with nanotechnology, is killing thousands. Violence erupts as the mutant population take to the streets to protest working conditions and the disappearance of their loved ones.
Big Tech, the wealthy elite, and corrupt politicians attempt to cover it up. They can’t allow anything to interfere with the elections, profits, or their plans.
Can hard-nosed detective Alton Cold…

Book cover of Blood & Ivy: The 1849 Murder That Scandalized Harvard

Rebecca Frost Author Of Words of a Monster: Analyzing the Writings of H.H. Holmes, America's First Serial Killer

From my list on crimes you've never heard of.

Why am I passionate about this?

I picked up my first book about Jack the Ripper the summer after college and never looked back. Since then my collection of true crime has grown to overflow my office bookshelves and I’ve written a PhD dissertation and multiple books about true crime, focusing on serial killers. The genre is so much more than Bundy, Gacy, and Dahmer and I love talking with people about the less mainstream cases that interest them, and the newer victim-centered approaches that—fingers crossed—mark a change in how we talk about criminals and victims.

Rebecca's book list on crimes you've never heard of

Rebecca Frost Why did Rebecca love this book?

Talk about dark academia—what about a lecturer at Harvard Medical College murdering a Harvard graduate? Dr. George Parkman disappeared one day and was only found later, in pieces, and some of those pieces were in the medical school furnace. This book follows the case before CSI could help identify a man’s remains. It explores why, exactly, a man with such a promising future would decide to throw it all away—and how a janitor unlocked the solution made more complex by questions of class and new vs. old money.

By Paul Collins,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Blood & Ivy as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

On November 23rd of 1849, in the heart of Boston, one of the city's richest men simply vanished. Dr. George Parkman, a Brahmin who owned much of Boston's West End, was last seen that afternoon visiting his alma mater, Harvard Medical School. Police scoured city tenements and the harbor, and leads put the elusive Dr. Parkman at sea or hiding in Manhattan. But one Harvard janitor held a much darker suspicion: that their ruthless benefactor had never left the Medical School building alive.

His shocking discoveries in a chemistry professor's laboratory engulfed America in one of its most infamous trials:…

Book cover of Branded

K.M. Robinson Author Of Jaded

From my list on swoony dystopia that aren’t Hunger Games.

Why am I passionate about this?

I love dystopian stories because these are tales that could actually happen if a particular series of steps fall into place over the course of the next decade, century, etc. Dystopia is set in our real world, just in the future. There’s no unbelievable magic…just what our real world could be generations from now. The evolution or devolution of science, law, law enforcement, medicine, education, etc is fascinating to explore…especially since I’m an incredibly techy person. I love exploring what could happen in our future if we follow certain paths, good, bad, or otherwise. Asking “what if” is my favorite question.

K.M.'s book list on swoony dystopia that aren’t Hunger Games

K.M. Robinson Why did K.M. love this book?

Branded is one of my favorite dystopian novels and really inspired how I write my own dystopian because it explores the dystopian realm beyond chosen ones and government overthrows. This book gave me permission to make my fans cry because I put their hearts in a blender and laughed just like these authors did to me. Branded is about a girl thrown in prison, branded with the sin of lust, and forced to rely on her gorgeous guard…who puts us through a whirlwind of emotions as we see his hatred…and not-hatred…expressed throughout the story. Tissues are required for several different exciting and heartbreaking reasons.

By Abi Ketner, Missy Kalicicki,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Branded as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Fifty years ago The Commander came into power and murdered all who opposed him. In his warped mind, the seven deadly sins were the downfall of society. To punish the guilty, he created the Hole, a place where sinners are branded according to their sins. Sinners are forced to live a less than human existence in deplorable conditions, under the watchful eye of guards who are ready to kill anyone who steps out of line.Now, LUST wraps around my neck like thick, blue fingers, threatening to choke the life out of me. I’ve been accused of a crime I didn’t…

Book cover of Prison Fae: Supernatural Penitentiary

Fiona Faith Ross Author Of Far Out

From my list on keeping people you love close.

Why am I passionate about this?

I write about aloneness and individuals, what it takes to connect to family and community, and how to hang on to the people we hold dear. This means I think a lot about points of view and personal perception. We often wonder: Have I got this right? Did they get my meaning? Does everybody feel this? And more often than not, everybody does. These interpretations are both personal and universal at the same time. We all fear loss; we all have to be brave to hold onto people we love and principles we value.

Fiona's book list on keeping people you love close

Fiona Faith Ross Why did Fiona love this book?

I've just discovered Fae Urban Fantasy and I'm absolutely hooked. I love this world and this writing partnership sparkles like endless glitter showers of fairy dust. I connected with student Noelle like a sister, and – you guessed it – by a quirk of fate, she finds herself in the land of the fae, and they are Bad People. Well, they're not all bad, but they can be every bit as mean and spiteful as mortals, even though they look pretty. I've read both books and I believe there's a third one coming out. Again, it's about being brave, confronting your problems, and holding on to people you love. I can't wait to see how the story turns out. 

By Drake Mason, Marisa Mills,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Prison Fae as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Abducted by a cruel Fae. Condemned to fight, or die.
"My heart is still racing...an adrenaline filled gem."
"Purchased this book on the off chance and so glad I did."

All college student Noelle Fidelis wants is a chance to be normal. To blend in at a party, without the crippling social anxieties that come from a history of abuse and insecurity. Instead, a chance encounter with a dark-alley creep turns into a terrifying prison sentence, after she's abducted by a royal Fae and condemned to fight against other supernatural inmates in a battle for survival. Her only allies are…

Book cover of In the After

Nicole McInnes Author Of 100 Days

From my list on teens overcoming impossible odds.

Why am I passionate about this?

As a former teen who faced my own slew of challenges, I became a YA author who writes about teen characters who do the same. It’s not easy being an adolescent these days: From the seeming hopelessness of some social, academic, and family situations to the lack of support many teens receive, things can seem pretty bleak at times. As the protagonists in books like the ones I’ve mentioned here show us, however, there are many good people out there who are willing to help if we’re willing to hang in there and keep pushing forward toward a better day and a better life.

Nicole's book list on teens overcoming impossible odds

Nicole McInnes Why did Nicole love this book?

Demitria Lunetta is a wonder. Her debut novel, In the After, has been described as a postapocalyptic thriller, but it’s the inclusion of sci-fi and horror elements that really makes this book unputdownable. The novel’s teen protagonist, Amy, is a fierce, plucky, and formidable heroine who literally faces what looks like the end of the world before living to fight, be rescued, and fight some more for herself and the person she cares about most. It’s the perfect read for anyone who loves speculative fiction with grit and adrenaline thrown in.

By Demitria Lunetta,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked In the After as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

In debut author Demitria Lunetta's heart-pounding thriller, one girl must fight for her survival in a world overrun by violent, deadly creatures. Perfect for fans of New York Times bestsellers like The 5th Wave and Across the Universe. Amy Harris's life changed forever when They took over. Her parents-vanished. The government-obsolete. Societal structure-nonexistent. No one knows where They came from, but these vicious creatures have been rapidly devouring mankind since They appeared. With fierce survivor instincts, Amy manages to stay alive-and even rescues "Baby," a toddler who was left behind. After years of hiding, they are miraculously rescued and taken…

Book cover of Long Way Home

Nick Quantrill Author Of Sound of the Sinners

From my list on crime set in the North of England.

Why am I passionate about this?

The North of England is home. I was born here, I work here and it’s where I will see out my days. It’s a place with its own character, a place largely forged on hard industrial work and one trying to find a new purpose after decades of financial neglect. My home city of Hull captures this in miniature as we’ve shared a journey over the last decade via my novels from 'UK Crap Town of the Year’ to ‘UK City of Culture.’ Tied in with my background in studying Social Policy and Criminology, I’ll continue to map the city and the region’s trials and tribulations.

Nick's book list on crime set in the North of England

Nick Quantrill Why did Nick love this book?

Stretching the geographical boundary a little, Dolan’s police series takes us to Peterborough, another location scared by political and financial neglect. It’s the terrain I tread in the Joe Geraghty series, our cities are not too different. Beyond that, Dolan also makes giving the police series a fresh shot of adrenaline looks easy. Based in the Hate Crimes Units, DI Zigic and DS Ferreira, give voice to those who are marginalised and without voice, a welcome rebalancing and one that questions the power and position of the police.

By Eva Dolan,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Long Way Home as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

A man is burnt alive in a shed.

No witnesses, no fingerprints - only a positive ID of the victim as an immigrant with a long list of enemies.

Detectives Zigic and Ferreira are called in from the Hate Crimes Unit to track the killer, and are met with silence in a Fenland community ruled by slum racketeers, people-trafficking gangs and fear.

Tensions rise.
The clock is ticking.
But nobody wants to talk.

Book cover of Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa: Performed Under the Direction and Patronage of the African Association, in the Years 1795, 1796, and 1797

Alan Huffman Author Of Here I Am: The Story of Tim Hetherington, War Photographer

From my list on traveling to dangerous places.

Why am I passionate about this?

I started out like most travelers, attracted to new places and to meeting people whose worlds were different from my own. Typically, this meant tried-and-true destinations in Europe until a book project required me to visit an utterly daunting place, the West African nation of Liberia during a civil war. I was in no way prepared for the experience and it changed everything. Seeing how people behave when faced with extreme circumstances profoundly altered my view of the world. Everything was magnified. Though I still enjoy a cup of espresso on the Piazza Navona, there is nothing like traveling to a forbidden zone and meeting someone destined to be a lifelong friend on the roof of a bombed-out building. It opens the world in ways that are challenging and scary, but also incomparably rewarding. 

Alan's book list on traveling to dangerous places

Alan Huffman Why did Alan love this book?

Beyond the occasional adrenaline rush, one of the chief attractions of risky travel is that it enables us to see how we and others behave under challenging circumstances. For readers whose exposure typically comes from UNILAD Adventure posts or edgy Bruce Chatwin travelogues, this book is refreshingly unself-conscious and uniquely terrifying.

In his quest to locate the legendary Niger River as a potential trade route during the late 18th century, when most of Africa was still unmapped, Park, at 24, set off with two days’ worth of provisions and a few strategic supplies (including an umbrella – he was Scottish), relying upon his wits and native guides to complete an epic journey in which he suffered bouts of malaria, nearly starved, was held captive by Moors, got repeatedly robbed and at one point had to bang on a village gate to escape being eaten by lions.

Given modern sensibilities,…

By Mungo Park,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The 18th century was a wealth of knowledge, exploration and rapidly growing technology and expanding record-keeping made possible by advances in the printing press. In its determination to preserve the century of revolution, Gale initiated a revolution of its own: digitization of epic proportions to preserve these invaluable works in the largest archive of its kind. Now for the first time these high-quality digital copies of original 18th century manuscripts are available in print, making them highly accessible to libraries, undergraduate students, and independent scholars.
Delve into what it was like to live during the eighteenth century by reading the…

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