Here are 100 books that Self Love and Spiritual Alchemy fans have personally recommended if you like
Self Love and Spiritual Alchemy.
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Although each book is different, they have all been written for the same reason—to help people obtain the life they dream of. About twenty years ago, I was broke, miserable, and surrounded by toxic people who wanted to see me fail. I had no money or support, and my future looked quite dismal until a self-help book appeared out of the clear blue. A self-help book changed the trajectory of my life, and that’s why I am passionate about this topic. After studying self-help books and dedicating my whole existence to being better, I pivoted my work from fundraising to helping people find their life purpose the way I did.
Welcome to the Holy Grail of spirituality provided by the late Louise Hay, our queen of positive affirmations. This book absolutely changed the way I viewed my health. Before Louise came into my life, I thought my health was out of my control and that disease happened by chance. This book taught me about the connection between my thoughts, emotions, and health. I had no idea that my emotions were powerful enough to create good and bad health, but once I learned the connection, I used Louise’s methods to release negative emotions.
You will learn the true meaning of forgiveness and how to forgive people who have wronged you, including yourself. You will learn about the diseases that are associated with negative emotions. For instance, arthritis might result from feeling unloved or from long-held criticism and resentment. A new thought pattern is provided for each physical ailment, and if the…
Over 50 million lives transformed worldwide! This seminal classic explores how positive thought and affirmations can inspire your own healing, wellbeing and happiness.
Full of ideas and strategies that have worked for millions of people worldwide. You Can Heal Your Life, the definitive bestselling book on self-healing, has transformed the lives of millions of people. This is a book that people credit with profoundly altering their awareness of the impact that the mind has on our health and wellbeing.
In this inspirational work, world renowned teacher Louise L. Hay offers profound insight into the relationship between the mind and the…
I embarked on my very first healing journey at the age of 4, after I lost my mother. Through the years, I wanted nothing more than to live a happy life. It wasn’t until the age of 21 that I understood the reason for my pain and discomfort –the lack of love that I had for myself. I started writing about my emotions and sharing these pieces on an online blog. Within a few months, my page grew tremendously. I realised then that we’re all on various healing journeys, and most of us struggle with self-love, even if we look like we’ve got it ‘figured out’ – we still struggle.
The key to loving yourself is knowing yourself and accepting that person entirely. That is, not just the polished, perfect parts of you but the inner layers. The insecurities. The vulnerabilities. The pain. The mistakes. Written as a bite-sized self-help book of prose that can be easily digested in one or two sittings, Mind Platter is brimming with pieces that changed my perspective of my healing journey for the better.
If you’re learning to love yourself better, Mind Platter is a great book to dive into for many reasons. It’s a book that unveiled many truths for me, such as the cause of my discomfort and pain (often hidden in my unrealistic expectations of myself and me ‘making a home’ in other people), how to be more forgiving, and the importance of growth and moving on. This book taught me how to be kinder to myself through its discussion of…
Mind Platter is a compilation of reflections on life through the eyes of an educator, student and human who experienced most of life in silence. It is written in the words of a person who came from Lebanon to Canada at the age of sixteen and experienced what it was like to have fate push you to a place where you don't belong. It is written in the voice of every person who ever felt unheard, mistreated, misjudged or unseen. Mind Platter contains around 200 one-page entries as reflections on different topics that we encounter in our everyday lives; love,…
I embarked on my very first healing journey at the age of 4, after I lost my mother. Through the years, I wanted nothing more than to live a happy life. It wasn’t until the age of 21 that I understood the reason for my pain and discomfort –the lack of love that I had for myself. I started writing about my emotions and sharing these pieces on an online blog. Within a few months, my page grew tremendously. I realised then that we’re all on various healing journeys, and most of us struggle with self-love, even if we look like we’ve got it ‘figured out’ – we still struggle.
This is one of the first self-help books I read that didn’t feel like too much ‘hard work’ and was still incredibly helpful. What I mean by that is that often self-help books can get a little too theoretical, or hard to digest, and this makes it difficult to uncover the tools that we need without getting lost in all the words. Vex’s book wasn’t like that at all. Vex King breaks down self-love into positive vibes, emphasising that the way to become your greatest self is to welcome and experience these good vibes in various areas of your life. Vex’s approach to self-love is to unpack concepts such as lifestyle, mindset, acceptance, manifestation, and good habits and what they can do to promote your best life.
To love yourself, then, would be to ensure that you’ve adopted a healthy way of practising all, or most of the above. The…
The #1 Sunday Times bestselling non-fiction book of 2021 - over one million copies sold worldwide.
Join the self-love revolution with visionary writer Vex King and discover inspirational messages and universal wisdom to help you manifest positive vibes.
Vex overcame adversity to become a source of hope for thousands of young people, and now draws from his personal experience and his intuitive wisdom to inspire you to:
- practise self-care, overcome toxic energy and prioritize your wellbeing - cultivate positive lifestyle habits, including mindfulness and meditation - change your beliefs to invite great opportunities into your life - manifest your…
I embarked on my very first healing journey at the age of 4, after I lost my mother. Through the years, I wanted nothing more than to live a happy life. It wasn’t until the age of 21 that I understood the reason for my pain and discomfort –the lack of love that I had for myself. I started writing about my emotions and sharing these pieces on an online blog. Within a few months, my page grew tremendously. I realised then that we’re all on various healing journeys, and most of us struggle with self-love, even if we look like we’ve got it ‘figured out’ – we still struggle.
I really enjoyed reading Shannon’s book! There were some really useful tools in this one and although Shannon’s self-love journey stemmed from her insecurity in relation to her weight, it is still very applicable to other self-love journeys. The principles that Shannon mentions at the start of her book are life savers, and she is a true beacon of light for those who are struggling with their self-worth. Shannon demonstrates, through her book and her own experiences that changing the way you think about yourself is the key to journeying towards true joy and contentment.
Put a stop to self-sabotage and overcome your fears so that you can gain the confidence you need to reach your goals and become your own best friend.
Too many people seem to believe that they are not allowed to put themselves first or go after their own dreams out of fear of being selfish or sacrificing others' needs. The Self-Love Experiment rectifies this problem. Whether you want to achieve weight loss, land your dream job, find your soul mate, or get out of debt, it all comes back to self-love and accepting yourself first. Shannon Kaiser learned the secrets…
As a mom to a toddler, I’m passionate about teaching the power of manifesting and self-agency so she grows up knowing she can shape her own world. Growing up in New York City with roots in Guyana, South America, I’ve always been drawn to the magic of manifesting and ancestral rituals. I’ve seen firsthand how these practices can change lives, both through my own journey and by working with incredible people worldwide as a retreat leader. I’m deeply connected to the teachings of manifesting masters like Abdullah, and I love sharing this wisdom with others to help them step into their power and create their own realities.
This book cracked me wide open when I first heard about Abraham Hicks and channeling from my friend Leslie. It felt weird, wonderful, and just right. Leslie gifted me this book along with a subscription to Abraham Hicks audios back in the day, and I’ve been hooked ever since. Their teachings on the Law of Attraction became my daily spiritual toolkit, helping me consciously create my reality.
The emotional guidance system they share is a game-changer, especially for anyone new to manifesting, and my favorite part. I love revisiting this book because I always find new insights and inspiration that deepen my practice. It's my cornerstone for staying connected to my inner guidance.
Pairing empowering channelled teachings with practical guidance on the Law of Attraction, this book will help you to manifest a joyful and fulfilling life.
This book explains how our relationships, health issues, finances, career concerns and more are influenced by the Universal laws that govern our time/space reality and describes powerful processes that will help you manifest your desires and live the life you deserve.
Esther and Jerry Hicks' first book presenting the teachings of the non-physical entity Abraham has drawn an extraordinary collection of endorsements from people keen to draw attention to the message that Abraham has to convey.…
Raised in a fearful and toxic environment where love was completely absent and terror was always at home, I had to learn to let go of my many programs, fears, and traumas so that I could avoid making the mistake of thinking and believing that the story of my past was going to become the story of my life. Through a long journey of letting go, getting lost in order to be found, I realized that who I Am, and who we all are, is far greater and far nobler than what we are programmed to believe. And now my mission is to teach people from all over the world how to let go so they can thrive.
Our confidence in ourselves, says Neville Goddard, is determined by our faith in the God-power present within each and every one of us. If we happen to fail in life, it’s only because of a lack of faith - in ourselves. But faith can be taught. And all throughout this book, you are taught how to strengthen your faith so that, through the power of your faith, you can create the life of your dreams with ease, love, and grace.
"Your Faith is Your Fortune" is the powerful and inspiring work by Neville Goddard, a mystic, philosopher, and believer in the Law of Attraction. Goddard was a prolific author and wrote many works on his theory of manifestation through feeling. Goddard's theories have had a profound influence on generations of mystics and students of metaphysics and have guided the work of such authors as Wayne Dyer. In "Your Faith is Your Fortune", Goddard presents a new and modern interpretation of the Bible through the philosophies of metaphysics and mysticism. Goddard argued that the Bible is a great human drama, full…
We have been fascinated by the power and energy of Love as far back as either of us remember. Each of our life's purposes revolves around the belief that Love is the most powerful force in the universe. We support our LoveFoundation and mission to bring Love awareness to individuals and to the world. We are both transformational life coaches and believe and teach that love is essence. Our mission is to change the paradigm of the world from fear to Love, building on the foundation of Absolute Love, restoring hope and faith into the hearts of the world.
This book was given as a gift by the author at a local network gathering. It was a privilege to meet Patricia and to learn about her connection to Louise Hay.
This book is an essential guide with positive affirmations and visualizations energizing the reader to achieve their dreams. The affirmations are practical so the reader can practice loving ways to nurture oneself. Placing orders from the cosmic kitchen and using the law of attraction makes for a great recipe in life that fulfills one's heart and desires to support one's own personal journey to reduce stress, increase balance and discover the meaning and purpose in life.
The affirmations are powerful and the techniques shared are positive, the ingredients are all essential for everyday life and tailored for each individual to become your own Masterful Chef.
This book uses the playful image of the Universe like a Cosmic Kitchen, just waiting to take and fulfill your orders by means of affirmations and visualizations. The eight principles for placing effective orders with the Cosmic Kitchen are applied to career, prosperity, relationships, health, traveling, and finding your perfect home. It explains how to use the Law of Attraction and why affirmations together with feelings are the most powerful combination for achieving your dreams. The final chapters cover: why the Kitchen sometimes gives you lemons (negative experiences) and what to do when that happens, plus how your affirmations and…
As a mom to a toddler, I’m passionate about teaching the power of manifesting and self-agency so she grows up knowing she can shape her own world. Growing up in New York City with roots in Guyana, South America, I’ve always been drawn to the magic of manifesting and ancestral rituals. I’ve seen firsthand how these practices can change lives, both through my own journey and by working with incredible people worldwide as a retreat leader. I’m deeply connected to the teachings of manifesting masters like Abdullah, and I love sharing this wisdom with others to help them step into their power and create their own realities.
This book shifted my entire paradigm. Watching the movie felt like unlocking a hidden key to life, and I knew I needed more. When I discovered there was a book, I dove in right away. It quickly became my daily manual for shifting beliefs and reinforcing the teachings from the film. My favorite part is how Rhonda Byrne makes the Law of Attraction feel clear and actionable.
The idea that our thoughts shape our reality really resonated with me and became a core part of my being. This book is a powerful tool I return to whenever I need a reminder of my own manifesting power.
The tenth anniversary edition of the book that changed lives in profound ways.
In 2005, a groundbreaking feature-length movie revealed the great mystery of the universe -- The Secret. In 2006, Rhonda Byrne followed with a book that became a worldwide bestseller.
Everything you have ever wanted - unlimited joy, health, money, relationships, love, youth - is now at your very fingertips.
The Secret is an enigma that has existed throughout the history of mankind. It has been discovered, coveted, suppressed, hidden, lost, and recovered. It has been hunted down, stolen, and bought for vast sums of money. A number…
I have always been passionate about Black authors and Black children being writers and writing about their experiences or their children’s experiences since I was a young adult. Ever since the Trayvon Martin incident years ago, these Black history stories and books have been so meaningful to the Black community. I used to read just Urban fiction AA books back in high school, but ever since I became a writer/author I have taken a liking to reading children's books about self-love, fear, and going to college, especially for young black children. I read these books to remind me that we are strong-minded people. That no one can take our light from us.
This book is such a powerful book for all young boys and girls to read. It's about how to truly love yourself because if you don't love yourself no one else will. It shows that you can be your true self and that self-love is the best love. It's about the author's personal experience as to what she endured growing up as a kid, but this book can also relate to what most teens or young kids go through with bullying, abuse, and more.
This colorfully illustrated book is published by The Rules of a Big Boss LLC. It helps elementary school aged children gain and improve their self-esteem through the eyes of an 8 year old orator. It was a finalist in the 2021 Independent Author Network Book of the Year of the contest. It is available in hardcover, paperback, ebook, and audiobook format. While it will help, it won't help them achieve higher self-esteem by itself. They must be willing to do the work expressed within to achieve higher self-esteem. The things contained within are what helped the author when she was…
As a mom of three girls, I taught my daughters to celebrate the differences in themselves and others. My older two girls were diagnosed with Celiac Disease prior to the trend of gluten-free foods being widely available. They had to bring their own food to birthday parties and food-based school events, and it was harder to be spontaneous and stay at a friends’ house for dinner or sleepover. Needless to say - they felt different. One of the things that helped them begin to appreciate their difference, was reading picture books that demonstrated that it is differences that make people special and keep life interesting. I am hopeful that my story will do the same for the kids who read it.
I loved this book as a child and shared it with my own kids when they were little. It really hit home when my youngest daughter was a pre-schooler. Dandelion’s friends do not recognize him when he dresses up and has his hair done. When my daughter was in pre-school, I went to the hairdresser and she dried my curly hair, straight. When I went to pick up my daughter, she started crying and was quite distressed about my new look. I had to put on a hat in order to get her to stop. Reading Dandelion helped her get over that! I also, of course, love the message about not needing to change anything about yourself for your friends because they love you just as you are.
From the creator of the beloved Corduroy, here is a charming story about being yourself
When Dandelion gets an invitation to a party, he's excited. The invitation is extra fancy, so Dandelion decides to get himself all dressed up. But when he gets to the party, no one recognizes him! Fortunately, it all works out in the end, and Dandelion learns an important lesson about being true to who you are.