Love Animal Speak? Readers share 100 books like Animal Speak...

By Ted Andrews,

Here are 100 books that Animal Speak fans have personally recommended if you like Animal Speak. Shepherd is a community of 12,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world.

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Book cover of Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs

Raven Digitalis Author Of A Witch's Shadow Magick Compendium

From my list on magick for new & developing witches.

Why am I passionate about this?

I started studying and practicing Witchcraft in high school. It was an honor to become trained in the Georgian tradition of Wicca by its founding Priestess, Zanoni Silverknife. From there, I branched out to study other branches of Western Paganism as well as metaphysical and mystical systems ranging from Hermeticism, Tarot, and esoteric Qabalah (Kabbalah) to traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Over 20 years and 10 traditionally published books later, I’m as Witchy as ever and am thrilled to share a list of essential books that aided in my early development as a Neopagan Witch. Enjoy!

Raven's book list on magick for new & developing witches

Raven Digitalis Why did Raven love this book?

A modern Witch should never be without this book! This was the first-ever published encyclopedic reference of herbs, trees, and flora in an exclusively magickal context. The author researched herbal folklore and cross-cultural histories far-and-wide to discover this glorious list of classic esoteric correspondences and practices. I continue to find the book useful, practical, and educational.

The historical uses of the herbs presented in the encyclopedia are fascinating, and many of them are downright hilarious! That aside, I love this book because it’s filled with practical information and correspondences for modern magickal practitioners of all varieties. If I had to pick only three books about magickal herbalism, it would easily be this one, alongside The Master Book of Herbalism by Paul Beyerl and Hoodoo Herb & Root Magic by Catherine Yronwode. We Witchy types need our reference books, and this one is hugely important!

By Scott Cunningham,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Expanded and revised, this comprehensive guide features magical uses of over 400 herbs and plants from all parts of the world. With over 500,000 copies in print, this reference book is a must for all who perform natural magic. It features illustrations for easy identification of every herb, in addition to common names, use, and rulership.

Book cover of A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches' Handbook

Raven Digitalis Author Of A Witch's Shadow Magick Compendium

From my list on magick for new & developing witches.

Why am I passionate about this?

I started studying and practicing Witchcraft in high school. It was an honor to become trained in the Georgian tradition of Wicca by its founding Priestess, Zanoni Silverknife. From there, I branched out to study other branches of Western Paganism as well as metaphysical and mystical systems ranging from Hermeticism, Tarot, and esoteric Qabalah (Kabbalah) to traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Over 20 years and 10 traditionally published books later, I’m as Witchy as ever and am thrilled to share a list of essential books that aided in my early development as a Neopagan Witch. Enjoy!

Raven's book list on magick for new & developing witches

Raven Digitalis Why did Raven love this book?

There’s no doubt about it: this is an incredible “forever book” for Witches of all ages. This compendium has guided every single one of my Witchy years from teenagehood onward, and I still discover something new with every read. Drawing on the Irish authors’ training in Alexandrian Wicca, which developed shortly after Gerald Gardner and Doreen Valiente developed the Wiccan religion itself, this book journeys across cultures, traditions, and magickal practices, both old and new.

Although the book is a product of the 70s, it was incredibly progressive back then and certainly continues to be. Also, keep in mind that the terms Wicca and Witchcraft, in a Western Pagan context, were synonymous at the time. I find this book’s information (and accompanying photographs throughout) both timeless and perpetually invaluable!

By Janet Farrar, Stewart Farrar,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked A Witches' Bible as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

This collection includes two books in one volume, Eight Sabbats for Witches and The Witches' Way and is the most comprehensive and revealing work on the principles, rituals and beliefs of modern witchcraft.

Book cover of Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America

Raven Digitalis Author Of A Witch's Shadow Magick Compendium

From my list on magick for new & developing witches.

Why am I passionate about this?

I started studying and practicing Witchcraft in high school. It was an honor to become trained in the Georgian tradition of Wicca by its founding Priestess, Zanoni Silverknife. From there, I branched out to study other branches of Western Paganism as well as metaphysical and mystical systems ranging from Hermeticism, Tarot, and esoteric Qabalah (Kabbalah) to traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Over 20 years and 10 traditionally published books later, I’m as Witchy as ever and am thrilled to share a list of essential books that aided in my early development as a Neopagan Witch. Enjoy!

Raven's book list on magick for new & developing witches

Raven Digitalis Why did Raven love this book?

This is a brilliant scholarly examination of the Neopagan movement. What differentiates this book from other Witchy titles is that, although Ms. Adler was, in fact, a Pagan herself, this is not a “how-to” book. Instead, the author uses her background in anthropology, journalism, and historical academia to offer much-needed perspectives.

I was fortunate to have met the author at a large Neopagan convention called PantheaCon back in 2008, where I expressed profound gratitude for this book and for her poignant journalism. Not only was she an incredible journalist for NPR (National Public Radio), but her book was imperative in my early years of realizing and recognizing myself as a natural Witch. During my early Pagan studies, this book helped offer me a well-rounded approach to the Craft, even having influenced my future calling to pursue a degree in cultural anthropology!

By Margot Adler,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Drawing Down the Moon as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The essential text and classic study of Neo-Paganism

Since its original publication, Drawing Down the Moon continues to be the only detailed history of the burgeoning but still widely misunderstood Neo- Pagan subculture. Margot Adler attended ritual gatherings and interviewed a diverse, colorful gallery of people across the United States, people who find inspiration in ancient deities, nature, myth, even science fiction.
In this edition, featuring an updated resource guide of newsletters, journals, books, groups, and festivals, Margot Adler takes a fascinating and honest look at the religious experiences, beliefs, and lifestyles of modern America's Pagan groups.

If you love Animal Speak...


Book cover of Sacred Psychiatry: Bridging the Personal and Transpersonal to Transform Health and Consciousness

Sacred Psychiatry by Judy Tsafrir, M.D.,

Sacred Psychiatry describes the holistic approach I take to healing in my practice which serves as a template for meeting these times of accelerated transformation on our planet with resilience and courage.

At the heart of the book are recommendations for developing a multi-dimensional sense of yourself through a variety…

Book cover of The New Encyclopedia of the Occult

Raven Digitalis Author Of A Witch's Shadow Magick Compendium

From my list on magick for new & developing witches.

Why am I passionate about this?

I started studying and practicing Witchcraft in high school. It was an honor to become trained in the Georgian tradition of Wicca by its founding Priestess, Zanoni Silverknife. From there, I branched out to study other branches of Western Paganism as well as metaphysical and mystical systems ranging from Hermeticism, Tarot, and esoteric Qabalah (Kabbalah) to traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Over 20 years and 10 traditionally published books later, I’m as Witchy as ever and am thrilled to share a list of essential books that aided in my early development as a Neopagan Witch. Enjoy!

Raven's book list on magick for new & developing witches

Raven Digitalis Why did Raven love this book?

This book is, hands-down, one of my top “Stranded on a Desert Island” books. Why? Let me count the ways! For one, the author himself is a walking encyclopedia—trust me, I’ve spent time with him! John-Michael is also a practicing Druid and is a member of various occult orders and fraternal lodges. Basically, he’s a genius.

I adore this monumental book’s approachability and depth of knowledge. The information is academic but easy to read. Regardless of a person’s mystical, metaphysical, or occult leanings, there’s a rabbit hole of wisdom waiting to be uncovered. The investigation of one topic quickly leads to another. In fact, I’ve found myself (on numerous occasions) researching one occult term, only to realize that hours had passed; studying one fascinating entry led to another, and another, and another!

This is an indispensable book for spiritual seekers of all ages and all varieties. Without question, I’ll continue…

By John Michael Greer,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The New Encyclopedia of the Occult as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

With this one text, you will gain a thorough overview of the history and current state of the occult from a variety of Western European and North American traditions. Its pages offer the essential knowledge you need to make sense of the occult, along with references for further reading if you want to learn more. You will find here the whole range of occult tradition, lore, history, philosophy, and practice in the Western world.

Book cover of Becoming a Good Creature

Hayley Rocco Author Of Hello, I'm a Sloth

From my list on picture books about animals for young readers.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’ve been in love with animals my whole life. I loved them so much in fact, that I wished to become one, whether it was a sea otter, wild horse, or a dolphin. Today, I’m fortunate enough to not only write about animals, but I also advocate for their protection as an ambassador for Wild Tomorrow and Defenders of Wildlife. As co-founder of the Children’s Book Creators for Conservation, I help other children’s book writers and illustrators connect with conservation stories in the field. I hope you’re as inspired by these books as I am!

Hayley's book list on picture books about animals for young readers

Hayley Rocco Why did Hayley love this book?

This picture book memoir based on her New York Times best-selling adult memoir, How to Be a Good Creature: A Memoir in Thirteen Animals, introduces young readers to some of the incredible animals that have influenced the author throughout her lifetime and challenges us all to look at our relationships with animals differently.

What lessons have animals taught us—whether it’s our domesticated pets at home or animals you’ve seen in nature? How can animals make us better versions of ourselves? This beautifully told story by one of the greatest nature writers of our time shows us simply just how much animals have to teach us if we only pay close attention.

By Sy Montgomery, Rebecca Green (illustrator),

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Becoming a Good Creature as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it. This book is for kids age 4, 5, 6, and 7.

What is this book about?

Sy Montgomery has had many teachers in her life: some with two legs, others with four, or even eight! Some have had fur, feathers, or hooves. But they've all had one thing in common: a lesson to share.

The animals Sy has met on her many world travels have taught her how to seek understanding in the most surprising ways, from being patient to finding forgiveness and respecting others. Gorillas, dogs, octopuses, tigers, and more all have shown Sy that there are no limits to the empathy and joy we can find in each other if only we take the…

Book cover of Why Did the Chicken Cross the World?: The Epic Saga of the Bird That Powers Civilization

Erica Hannickel Author Of The Routledge History of American Foodways

From my list on chickens in history and in your backyard.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’m an American environmental historian with specialties in food and horticulture. I mostly write on alcohol, wine, garden history, and orchids, but I’ve also kept a small flock of backyard chickens since early 2020. In my preparation for my brood, I read every single chicken history and chicken-keeping book available. Here’s the best of the best.

Erica's book list on chickens in history and in your backyard

Erica Hannickel Why did Erica love this book?

Why Did the Chicken Cross the World? might be the worst title of all time, but it is a wonderfully surprising and fascinating book. There are tasty nuggets here for everyone (sorry/not sorry for the pun). Did you know that Mexicans eat more eggs per capita than any other people in the world? Or how many different slang terms and metaphors there are for chickens through time? (“Biology can’t explain why our favored slang word for the male organ refers to a bird that lacks one.” Ha!) Or that in the mid-nineteenth century, Britain and America were absolutely obsessed with raising exotic “fancy” chickens? And that pound for pound, chicken releases only one-tenth the greenhouse gases of red meat such as hamburgers? Read up on the world’s favorite bird and laugh while you’re at it with Lawler’s book.

By Andrew Lawler,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Why Did the Chicken Cross the World? as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Queen Victoria was obsessed with it. Socrates' last words were about it. Charles Darwin and Louis Pasteur made their scientific breakthroughs using it. Hailed as a messenger of the gods, powerful sex symbol, gambling aid, all-purpose medicine and handy research tool, the humble chicken has been also cast as the epitome of evil, and the star of the world's most famous joke. Beginning with the recent discovery, that the chicken's unlikely ancestor is the T. Rex, How the Chicken Crossed the World tracks the chicken from its original domestication in the jungles of Southeast Asia some 10,000 years ago to…

Book cover of Unbridled Faith: 100 Devotions from the Horse Farm

Jennifer Marshall Bleakley Author Of Paws in His Presence: 50 Inspirational Animal Stories to Help You Pray & Ponder the Psalms

From my list on comfort and inspire an animal lover’s heart.

Why am I passionate about this?

As a painfully shy child, I found friendship, adventure and ultimately my own voice reading about—and spending time with—animals. Animals felt safer to talk to than people, and they gave me the gift of their presence and time to practice communication. Overtime, I conquered my extreme shyness, obtained a Masters degree in counseling, and, eventually, began writing about the many ways animals can help people. There is no denying the role that animals—and books about animals—have played in my life. And by sharing this list, I hope to help others find that same comfort and inspiration. 

Jennifer's book list on comfort and inspire an animal lover’s heart

Jennifer Marshall Bleakley Why did Jennifer love this book?

Since animal friends come in all shapes and sizes—with paws, claws, and hooves—I wanted to include a book for horse lovers! Horses have a beautiful ability to help us see truths about ourselves while pointing our hearts and minds to God.

This book pairs powerful, easy-to-read stories, lessons, and observations with short prayers and beautiful photography. It makes a perfect gift for horse lovers and anyone looking to settle their hearts on truth and fill it with hope and wonder.

By Cara Whitney,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Unbridled Faith as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Explore the timeless wisdom of God's Word through this beautiful horse devotional. Horses nuzzle their way into our hearts and have a way of teaching us a lot about ourselves, about life, and even about God. Just ask horse enthusiast Cara Whitney, wife of comedian and actor Dan Whitney (aka Larry the Cable Guy).

Through years spent working with these majestic animals, Cara Whitney has learned countless spiritual lessons that have brought her closer to God. She shares those stories in Unbridled Faith.

In 100 heartfelt devotions with stunning photography, you'll:

Learn about being flexible in your faith from a…

Book cover of Remarkably Bright Creatures

Janet Constantino Author Of Becoming Mariella

From my list on embody the spirit of finding autonomy.

Why am I passionate about this?

A writer friend asked me, "If you could write about anything you wanted, what would that be?"  I thought immediately of Sicily and then of women (and men) trying to break free from cultural definitions that have historically kept us in traditional roles of housewife, cook, and mother, or breadwinner and protector. Having choice and being able to carve one's path is paramount, a deeply held value for me, both as an individual woman and as a psychotherapist. The courage of some of my clients who have dared to follow their own paths, along with my challenge to steer my own path, were also inspirations for the books I chose. 

Janet's book list on embody the spirit of finding autonomy

Janet Constantino Why did Janet love this book?

I learned so much about compassion in this tale told by an octopus. About we humans. And I fell in love with Tova, the smart, scrappy 70-year-old woman who cleans Marcellus the octopus's tank, and seems the only human who understands him, and comes to know herself even better, and claims her autonomy while deepening family connection.

By Shelby Van Pelt,

Why should I read it?

49 authors picked Remarkably Bright Creatures as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER BBC RADIO 2 BOOK CLUB PICK 'Full of heart and humour . . . I loved it.' Ruth Hogan 'Will stay with you for a long time.' Anstey Harris 'I defy you to put it down once you've started' Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney After Tova Sullivan's husband died, she began working the night cleaner shift at the Sowell Bay Aquarium. Ever since her eighteen-year-old son, Erik, mysteriously vanished on a boat over thirty years ago keeping busy has helped her cope. One night she meets Marcellus, a giant Pacific octopus living at the aquarium who…

Book cover of A Wolf Called Romeo

Christopher J. Preston Author Of Tenacious Beasts: Wildlife Recoveries That Change How We Think about Animals

From my list on opening your eyes to wildlife.

Why am I passionate about this?

Born in England but living now in America’s mountain west, I am sucker for landscapes that dance with unusual plants and animals. I have been a commercial fisherman, a tool librarian, and a back-country park ranger. These days, I’m an award-winning public philosopher and author. I have written books and articles about powerful emerging technologies. However, I realized a few years ago that wild animals are an antidote to the technological and commercial forces that can flatten our world. From art painted on cave walls millennia ago to the toys we still give to our children, animals are an important part of human identity. I celebrate this in my work.  

Christopher's book list on opening your eyes to wildlife

Christopher J. Preston Why did Christopher love this book?

I knew, like most people, that pet dogs are descended from wild wolves. But when do you get to see this natural history play out in front of your eyes?

Romeo, a wild wolf that spent winters on a frozen lake at the foot of the Mendenhall Glacier, gave the skiers and dog-walkers of Juneau, Alaska, a lesson in the intelligence of our wild brethren. I marveled at Romeo’s gentle playfulness. I admired the wisdom that prevented him from getting too close to people, preferring to play with the pooches that people let off their leashes.

Jans’ book reveals how authorities struggled to know what to do with this animal that moved so easily back and forth between the wild and the civilized. Romeo’s end provides plenty of reason for reflection.

By Nick Jans,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked A Wolf Called Romeo as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

A Wolf Called Romeo is the remarkable story of a wolf who returned again and again to interact with the people and dogs of Juneau, Alaska, living on the edges of their community, engaging in an improbable, awe-inspiring inter-species dance and bringing the wild into sharp focus.

At first the people of Juneau were guarded, torn between caution and curiosity. But as Romeo began to tag along with cross-country skiers on their daily jaunts, play fetch with local dogs, or simply lie near author Nick Jans and nap under the sun, they came to accept Romeo, and he them. For…

Book cover of The Reindeer People

Chloe Hammond Author Of Darkly Dreaming: Book 1 of the Darkly Vampire Trilogy

From my list on for quality writing and believable characters.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’ve been a connoisseur of all things terrifying and fantastical since I was 5, and so scared of my Baba Yaga book downstairs I couldn’t sleep. I pursued the delicious fear of a well-written monster through my teens and into adulthood but found that so many books within the horror and fantasy genres are aimed at younger readers. So I wrote the books I wanted to read. I’d always planned to write, but it was developing extreme anxiety that inspired me to nurture my creative side and finally do it. I was having terrible nightmares at the time, and these awful dreams became the central scenes of my novels.

Chloe's book list on for quality writing and believable characters

Chloe Hammond Why did Chloe love this book?

Evocative, believable, beautifully written. Dark Fantasy at its finest; Megan’s characters will resonate with anyone who feels a bit different, like they don’t fit in with everyone else. Megan explores all this can mean in her trilogy, the good, the bad, and the downright terrifying. Her world is richly written, you can smell the tangy woodfires, and feel the biting cold.

By Megan Lindholm,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Reindeer People as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

A voyage of discovery into the life of a remote aboriginal community in the Siberian Arctic, where the reindeer has been a part of daily life since Palaeolithic times.

The Reindeer People is the first in a series of reissues of Megan Lindholm's (Robin Hobb) classic backlist titles. It is set in the harsh wilderness of a prehistoric North America, and tells the story of a tribe of nomads and hunters as they try to survive, battling against enemy tribes, marauding packs of wolves and the very land itself.

Living on the outskirts of the tribe Tillu was happy spending…

Book cover of Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
Book cover of A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches' Handbook
Book cover of Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America

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