Here are 96 books that A Witches' Bible fans have personally recommended if you like
A Witches' Bible.
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I started studying and practicing Witchcraft in high school. It was an honor to become trained in the Georgian tradition of Wicca by its founding Priestess, Zanoni Silverknife. From there, I branched out to study other branches of Western Paganism as well as metaphysical and mystical systems ranging from Hermeticism, Tarot, and esoteric Qabalah (Kabbalah) to traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Over 20 years and 10 traditionally published books later, I’m as Witchy as ever and am thrilled to share a list of essential books that aided in my early development as a Neopagan Witch. Enjoy!
A modern Witch should never be without this book! This was the first-ever published encyclopedic reference of herbs, trees, and flora in an exclusively magickal context. The author researched herbal folklore and cross-cultural histories far-and-wide to discover this glorious list of classic esoteric correspondences and practices. I continue to find the book useful, practical, and educational.
The historical uses of the herbs presented in the encyclopedia are fascinating, and many of them are downright hilarious! That aside, I love this book because it’s filled with practical information and correspondences for modern magickal practitioners of all varieties. If I had to pick only three books about magickal herbalism, it would easily be this one, alongside The Master Book of Herbalism by Paul Beyerl and Hoodoo Herb & Root Magic by Catherine Yronwode. We Witchy types need our reference books, and this one is hugely important!
Expanded and revised, this comprehensive guide features magical uses of over 400 herbs and plants from all parts of the world. With over 500,000 copies in print, this reference book is a must for all who perform natural magic. It features illustrations for easy identification of every herb, in addition to common names, use, and rulership.
I started studying and practicing Witchcraft in high school. It was an honor to become trained in the Georgian tradition of Wicca by its founding Priestess, Zanoni Silverknife. From there, I branched out to study other branches of Western Paganism as well as metaphysical and mystical systems ranging from Hermeticism, Tarot, and esoteric Qabalah (Kabbalah) to traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Over 20 years and 10 traditionally published books later, I’m as Witchy as ever and am thrilled to share a list of essential books that aided in my early development as a Neopagan Witch. Enjoy!
This is a brilliant scholarly examination of the Neopagan movement. What differentiates this book from other Witchy titles is that, although Ms. Adler was, in fact, a Pagan herself, this is not a “how-to” book. Instead, the author uses her background in anthropology, journalism, and historical academia to offer much-needed perspectives.
I was fortunate to have met the author at a large Neopagan convention called PantheaCon back in 2008, where I expressed profound gratitude for this book and for her poignant journalism. Not only was she an incredible journalist for NPR (National Public Radio), but her book was imperative in my early years of realizing and recognizing myself as a natural Witch. During my early Pagan studies, this book helped offer me a well-rounded approach to the Craft, even having influenced my future calling to pursue a degree in cultural anthropology!
The essential text and classic study of Neo-Paganism
Since its original publication, Drawing Down the Moon continues to be the only detailed history of the burgeoning but still widely misunderstood Neo- Pagan subculture. Margot Adler attended ritual gatherings and interviewed a diverse, colorful gallery of people across the United States, people who find inspiration in ancient deities, nature, myth, even science fiction.
In this edition, featuring an updated resource guide of newsletters, journals, books, groups, and festivals, Margot Adler takes a fascinating and honest look at the religious experiences, beliefs, and lifestyles of modern America's Pagan groups.
I started studying and practicing Witchcraft in high school. It was an honor to become trained in the Georgian tradition of Wicca by its founding Priestess, Zanoni Silverknife. From there, I branched out to study other branches of Western Paganism as well as metaphysical and mystical systems ranging from Hermeticism, Tarot, and esoteric Qabalah (Kabbalah) to traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Over 20 years and 10 traditionally published books later, I’m as Witchy as ever and am thrilled to share a list of essential books that aided in my early development as a Neopagan Witch. Enjoy!
Nothing compares to this book when it comes to esoteric wisdom of the animal kingdom. Animals are all around us and can appear in various forms: physically (often as familiars), in dreams (often as omens), and by way of synchronicity, such as finding feathers, bones, or carcasses. The world of Witchcraft has always been tied to the animal realm because animals are living extensions of Mother Nature herself.
Being a metaphysical encyclopedia about animal medicine, this is where it’s at! Its faunal associations were compiled from both Indigenous wisdom and modern interpretations, spanning time and culture, to craft this rightfully best-selling gem. Although the amazing author was both Native American and a practicing occultist, I love the fact that this book is not written exclusively for Witches. The accessibility of this book is remarkable and is a lifelong asset for Pagans and mystical folks of all stripes.
Open your heart and mind to the wisdom of the animal world.
Animal Speak provides techniques for recognizing and interpreting the signs and omens of nature. Meet and work with animals as totems and spirit guides by learning the language of their behaviors within the physical world.
Animal Speak shows you how to:
Identify, meet, and attune to your spirit animals
Discover the power and spiritual significance of more than 100 different animals, birds, insects, and reptiles
Call upon the protective powers of your animal totem
Create and use five magical animal rites, including shapeshifting and sacred dance
Tap Dancing on Everest, part coming-of-age memoir, part true-survival adventure story, is about a young medical student, the daughter of a Holocaust survivor raised in N.Y.C., who battles self-doubt to serve as the doctor—and only woman—on a remote Everest climb in Tibet.
I started studying and practicing Witchcraft in high school. It was an honor to become trained in the Georgian tradition of Wicca by its founding Priestess, Zanoni Silverknife. From there, I branched out to study other branches of Western Paganism as well as metaphysical and mystical systems ranging from Hermeticism, Tarot, and esoteric Qabalah (Kabbalah) to traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Over 20 years and 10 traditionally published books later, I’m as Witchy as ever and am thrilled to share a list of essential books that aided in my early development as a Neopagan Witch. Enjoy!
This book is, hands-down, one of my top “Stranded on a Desert Island” books. Why? Let me count the ways! For one, the author himself is a walking encyclopedia—trust me, I’ve spent time with him! John-Michael is also a practicing Druid and is a member of various occult orders and fraternal lodges. Basically, he’s a genius.
I adore this monumental book’s approachability and depth of knowledge. The information is academic but easy to read. Regardless of a person’s mystical, metaphysical, or occult leanings, there’s a rabbit hole of wisdom waiting to be uncovered. The investigation of one topic quickly leads to another. In fact, I’ve found myself (on numerous occasions) researching one occult term, only to realize that hours had passed; studying one fascinating entry led to another, and another, and another!
This is an indispensable book for spiritual seekers of all ages and all varieties. Without question, I’ll continue…
With this one text, you will gain a thorough overview of the history and current state of the occult from a variety of Western European and North American traditions. Its pages offer the essential knowledge you need to make sense of the occult, along with references for further reading if you want to learn more. You will find here the whole range of occult tradition, lore, history, philosophy, and practice in the Western world.
I started my path as a professional witch about eight years ago. As a millennial babe who loves instagram, I found my community in the aesthetic feed of stylized ritual and came out of the broom closet in 2016. I’ve forged many personal relationships over my time in that space, and have connected with some incredible witchcraft and astrology experts who helped me when I was just starting out. These books are from some of these trusted experts, and the information inside them is deliciously woo while able to be applied practically. I hope you add them to your growing grimoire library!
This is absolutely the best introduction to witchcraft I have ever read. Even when I deepened my craft, using this book as a guide was extremely helpful for nuance and details. I still keep it for reference and love the tone and attitude. Herstik goes over everything I use in my practice!
The ultimate guide to witchcraft for every woman craving a connection to something bigger, using the tools of tarot, astrology, and crystals to discover her best self.
In these uncertain times, witchcraft, astrology, tarot, crystals, and similar practices are seeing a massive resurgence, especially among young women, as part of their self-care and mindfulness routines. Gabriela helps readers take back their power while connecting to something larger than themselves. She covers:
* Witchcraft as a feminist call to action * Fashion magick * Spells for self-love * Cleansing your space * Holidays of the witch * How to create a…
I’m an eclectic witch, and one of my life goals is to empower other witches, especially those who are sensitive to energy. Being a beginner witch isn’t always easy. When I was new, I didn’t have many books — I mostly just relied upon my intuition and awareness of energy. When I finally had the chance to read magical books, I found that many of them had inaccurate information, problematic practices, or questionable spells. However, I also discovered there are just as many wonderful, well-researched books out there. You just have to know which ones are which. I hope this list helps you set a baseline for your future library.
There’s a lot of bad information about the eight solar holidays of the year. This book is the only one I recommend for the sabbats, as it has footnotes galore and a hefty bibliography. You may have heard of these holidays. They go by a lot of different names, including Yule, Beltane, Midsummer, and so forth. They were celebrated by several ancient cultures as agricultural markers of the year.
These days, the holidays give witches a reason to connect with the earth’s cycles and honor the progress they’ve made. Another thing to love about this book is that it has rituals for the solitary practitioner, a small group, or a large bunch of people.
Make your sabbat celebrations more meaningful and enjoyable with this exceptional book full of unique rituals designed to perfectly fit your needs, whether you re a solitary practitioner or part of a group. Jason Mankey provides three all-new rituals for every sabbat one for solitaries, one for covens, and one for large gatherings. Each ritual is flexible enough for you to pick and choose the components that best suit your intentions. Explore the history and traditions of all eight sabbats and discover why and how rituals became such an important part of Witchcraft. Learn the ins and outs of ritual…
We are Witches. Real Witches, doing real magic, casting spells, and weaving webs. We are Amy Torok and Risa Dickens–the co-creators of the Missing Witches project, researching what it means to be a Witch. Together, we have put out almost 300 podcast episodes and published two books and an oracle deck of cards: Missing Witches: Recovering True Histories Of Feminist Magic, New Moon Magic: 13 Anti-capitalist Tools for Resistance and Re-enchantment, and The Missing Witches Deck of Oracles: Feminist Ancestor Magic for Meditations, Divination and Spellwork. Our first book appeared on VICE Magazine’s list: The Best Books for Starting an Occult Library.
Part memoir, part guidebook for the modern Witch, Amanda Yates Garcia’s Initiated is one of our all-time faves–the brave, bold, and vulnerable tale of how the author stepped into her calling. We love how this book is teeming with Amanda’s humanity.
Her honesty about mistakes and triumphs led us through an emotional journey that never claims to have all the answers. She is determined to seek out the truth in witchcraft and remind us that the personal is political AND magical. We both developed major crushes on Amanda while reading Initiated.
An initiation signals a beginning: a door opens and you step through
Amanda Yates Garcia's mother initiated her into the goddess-worshipping practice of witchcraft when she was thirteen years old, but Amanda's true life as a witch only began when she underwent a series of spontaneous initiations of her own.
Descending into the underworlds of poverty, sex work and misogyny, Initiated describes Amanda's journey to return to her body, harness her natural power, and finally reclaim her witchcraft to create the magical world she envisioned.
Peppered with mythology, tales of the goddesses and magical women throughout history, Initiated stands squarely…
I am a Finnish-born writer-journalist and photographer who, for the past 12 years, has lived in and around Dunster, traditionally described as one of the best-preserved medieval villages in the UK. The title of Dunster being “Britain’s most haunted place” came about after the British media got wind of my book launch in September 2023. I was brought up in a family where my mother, aunt, and grandmother strongly believed they had had otherworldly encounters. With such a background and armed with an MA in English Literature, Cultural History, Comparative Religions, and Journalism, it is no wonder that the first book I wrote focuses on these “long-term” interests of mine.
This is a good, overall history of witchcraft spanning from ancient civilisations to the birth and practises of the present-day Wicca.
It is well-written, highly informative, and contains a great number of interesting historical illustrations.
It is also a beneficial read for those who wish to understand how people in different eras viewed the world around them and how these beliefs and fears transformed into actions that moulded the society in English villages like Dunster which I based my book on.
I have now read this book twice, from cover to cover, and just flicking through it again for the purpose of writing this recommendation makes me want to read it again. A definite keeper!
Witchcraft unravels the myth from the mystery, the facts from the legends, in this bewitching introduction to witchcraft's lesser-known history.
Spanning several centuries and comprising unbelievable facts and little-known legends, meet all the witches of your imagination and learn why, where and how it all began.
Uncover the meanings of their rituals and rites, their lore, and their craft
Discover the significance of their sabbats and covens, their chalices and wands, their robes and their religion.
Unlock the secrets of the legendary witches of mythology and folk talesand find out how these early stories influenced the persecutions and witch hunts…
As a practicing Hedge Witch, I’m fascinated by the marriage of science and the mystical. Now, I’m alchemizing confidence, coherence, and clarity for soulful writers to pursue the books of their dreams. I am the author, illustrator, and designer of Mama Bear Says™ and the Book Witch of planners and journals for your sacred words. I live at the edge of the wild woods and love to graze on wild berries, sit by a cozy hearth, and watch the magic of the animals who meander through these lands. The magic of the natural world and the healing power of Mother Earth sits as a priority in my life. These are the books on my magickal bookshelf.
This book put me on the quest to discover my inner magick, the power within, the Witch locked in my DNA. Silver Ravenwolf helps us create a magickal practice and write our spells and rituals in harmony with Mother Earth's energy and the natural world. Hedgewitch allows you to go deeper into your brand of magick and create traditions and celebrations that align with your world.
Get a fast and fun jump-start on the "Hedge Witch" path with a little help from the immensely popular Silver RavenWolf. This nifty guidebook has everything a new Hedge Witch needs, arranged in an easy-to-follow format. At the core of the book is a fourteen-lesson, hands-on guide that readers complete at their own pace, interacting with different aspects of nature in simple yet powerful ways, i.e., performing the Night of the Starry Sky ritual. The lessons, which can be done alone or with a group, culminate in an inspiring dedication ceremony.A handy reference section offers tips, formulas, recipes, and helpful…
Sacred Psychiatry describes the holistic approach I take to healing in my practice which serves as a template for meeting these times of accelerated transformation on our planet with resilience and courage.
At the heart of the book are recommendations for developing a multi-dimensional sense of yourself through a variety…
I am a witch, professional psychic, occult teacher, and multi-award-winning author of the international bestselling book Psychic Witch: A Metaphysical Guide To Meditation, Magick, and Manifestation. I have been fascinated with the topics of magick and psychic ability since a young age and have been researching both topics and how they intersect since about eight years old. I've had the honor of studying under some of the most prominent witchcraft teachers, elders, and witchcraft traditions. I’m constantly asked by readers which other books I recommend after reading mine, so here are the top picks I feel are essential for every psychic witch’s library that have been highly influential on my work.
Part researcher, part mad scientist, and complete magickal genius, Ivo consistently provides information and techniques that push boundaries in terms of innovation within witchcraft, occultism, and psychic development. Ivo is another one of those witches with a highly unique approach to energy work. The Keys to Perception will deeply enrich your psychic skills and magickal skills. Blending elements from many different esoteric techniques such as Wicca, Ceremonial Magick, and Eastern Traditions along with his own insight and wisdom from years of practice and experience, Ivo presents time-tested, practical methods for the psychic witch. Ivo's work is groundbreaking and pioneering in many ways, and this is a must-have on every psychic witch's bookshelf. Every time I read Ivo's books, I'm incredibly inspired and influenced by them. This book, in particular, is probably his most influential upon my work.
Many different systems and traditions of magic, divination, spirituality, and esoteric religion exist, but at their core, they share the need for practitioners to safely and successfully experience the reality that lies beyond the physical senses. Keys to Perception: A Practical Guide to Psychic Development is a collection of proven and tested methods, rituals, and systems that will help you deepen and clarify your capacity to sense and understand the rich worlds beyond the veils of the ordinary. The material in this book derives from decades of work by the author and his students. Dominguez offers the reader practical techniques…