The most recommended homemaker books

Who picked these books? Meet our 18 experts.

18 authors created a book list connected to homemaker, and here are their favorite homemaker books.
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What type of homemaker book?


Book cover of Forever, Erma

Jeanne Skartsiaris Author Of Dance Like You Mean It

From my list on women balancing life and family.

Why am I passionate about this?

Laughing through the storm, really? It sounds so romantic. Creativity beckons like a muse, I enjoy writing, painting, and daydreaming. But honestly, I imagine creativity more than actually completing the idea. Having a day job and writing novels is a bit Sisyphean. I can see the dream fulfilled at the end, but may get smushed on the way up. I’m so grateful I’ve been published but it adds another layer of worry. How do I get my book out there? What if nobody likes it? A writer puts their soul into the pages and we pray that a reader loves the story and characters as much as the writer does. 

Jeanne's book list on women balancing life and family

Jeanne Skartsiaris Why did Jeanne love this book?

Erma was a genius at tapping family emotions while making you laugh. A timeless treasure. I keep Forever, Erma near me so I can pick it up and read a few of her essays. She always makes me smile. She nails family life with humor and grace. She makes me laugh and cry. Though written many years ago, her stories are still timely.

By Erma Bombeck,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Forever, Erma as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

A collection of newspaper columns by the late humorist, including her first and last, deal with children, marriage, food, and holiday entertaining, and are accompanied by a chapter of tributes from her friends.

Book cover of More Work for Mother: The Ironies of Household Technology from the Open Hearth to the Microwave

Carroll Pursell Author Of The Machine in America: A Social History of Technology

From my list on technology interacting with American society.

Why am I passionate about this?

I've been teaching and writing in the field of the history of technology for over six decades, and it's not too much to say that the field and my professional career grew up together. The Society for the History of Technology began in 1958, and its journal, Technology and Culture, first appeared the following year. I've watched, and helped encourage, a broadening of the subject from a rather internal concentration on machines and engineering to a widening interest in technology as a social activity with cultural and political, as well as economic, outcomes. In my classes I always assigned not only original documents and scholarly monographs but also memoirs, literature, and films.

Carroll's book list on technology interacting with American society

Carroll Pursell Why did Carroll love this book?

It is hardly news that housework is gendered. But in this classic study Cowan, by taking housewifery seriously as work and kitchen utensils and appliances seriously as technologies, opens up the whole panorama of production and consumption in a domestic setting. The influx of new appliances, and in a more convenient form old materials (such as powdered soap) in the early decades of the 20th century worked to, in a sense, “industrialize” the home. Unlike factory workers, however, housewives were unpaid, isolated, and unspecialized. Their managerial role shrank (hired help disappeared from most homes)  and rather than being drained of meaning, like the work of factory hands, theirs became burdened with portentous implications of love, devotion, and creativity. Finally, as housework became “easy,” standards rose. At one time changing the bed might have amounted to putting the bottom sheet in the wash and the top sheet on the bottom,…

By Ruth Schwartz Cowan,

Why should I read it?

3 authors picked More Work for Mother as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

In this classic work of women's history (winner of the 1984 Dexter Prize from the Society for the History of Technology), Ruth Schwartz Cowan shows how and why modern women devote as much time to housework as did their colonial sisters. In lively and provocative prose, Cowan explains how the modern conveniences,washing machines, white flour, vacuums, commercial cotton,seemed at first to offer working-class women middle-class standards of comfort. Over time, however, it became clear that these gadgets and gizmos mainly replaced work previously conducted by men, children, and servants. Instead of living lives of leisure, middle-class women found themselves struggling…

Book cover of Forbidden Notebook: A Novel

Gita Ralleigh Author Of The Destiny of Minou Moonshine

From Gita's 3 favorite reads in 2023.

Why am I passionate about this?

Author Poet Doctor Mother of teenagers Devoted aunty

Gita's 3 favorite reads in 2023

Gita Ralleigh Why did Gita love this book?

This is a book you will love or hate. I loved it and found it frighteningly relatable despite being originally published in Italy in the 1950s.

Forbidden Notebook, newly translated into English, is an intimate, almost claustrophobic, account of how our protagonist, Valeria, begins writing her thoughts and feelings in a notebook, which she keeps hidden. Only in the act of hiding it does she realize that she has nowhere of her own in the shared family apartment, and only by writing does she gain a sense of her own self after years devoted to her family.

To quote the poet Muriel Rukeyser, "What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open." And for Valeria, it does.

By Alba de Céspedes, Ann Goldstein (translator),

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Forbidden Notebook as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

"Powerful." -The New Yorker
"Brilliant." -The Wall Street Journal
"Astounding." -NPR
"Forceful, clear and morally engaged." -The Washington Post
"Subversive." -The New York Times Book Review
"An exquisite, tormented howl." -The Financial Times
"Quick, propulsive, and addictive." -Los Angeles Review of Books
"Gripping." -Minneapolis Star Tribune
"A remarkable story." -Publisher's Weekly (starred review)
"Wrenching, sardonic." -Kirkus (starred review)
"As relevant today as it was in postwar Italy." -Shelf Awareness (starred review)

"In her diary de Cespedes confides, "I will never be a great writer." Here I take her to task for not knowing something about herself-for she was a great…

Book cover of Today Sardines Are Not for Sale

Robert Pike Author Of Silent Village: The Life and Death of Oradour-sur-Glane

From my list on extraordinary people in Nazi-occupied France.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am a historian of the Nazi occupation of France during the Second World War and the author of two books about the period. My book about the Oradour-sur-Glane massacre (Silent Village) was published in French this year, and as a result, I was interviewed live on French television. I am fascinated by history from the ground up, and I love revealing the stories of ordinary people whose contributions have been under-represented. My current PhD research focuses on the Resistance in rural French villages, interpreted through a series of micro-histories. I also adore historical fiction. I have a master's degree from Cardiff University and a BA joint Hons from the University of Exeter. 

Robert's book list on extraordinary people in Nazi-occupied France

Robert Pike Why did Robert love this book?

I cannot think of a better example of micro-history, a specialism of mine, that tells the story of a single event yet delves so deeply and reveals so much. Paula Schwartz is a renowned historian of Occupied France who specializes in gender, daily life, and the Communist Party in France during this period of immense upheaval.

Her unequalled knowledge of these areas are brought together in her account of a May 1942 street protest over food shortages that had deep and tragic consequences, and were the tip of the iceberg of a Resistance movement that was in full development. This book makes current scholarship accessible to the wider public in ways that I had never before seen.

By Paula Schwartz,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Today Sardines Are Not for Sale as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

On Mother's Day, 31 May 1942, a group of women stormed a small grocery store at the intersection of two Parisian market streets, the rue de Buci and the rue de Seine, to protest the food shortages that had become a chronic feature of daily life. The then-outlawed French Communist party aimed to channel the frustrations of hungry Parisians by organizing such actions throughout the capital and beyond. The so-called "women's demonstration on the rue de Buci" was one such protest, part of a larger, overarching resistance movement against the collaborationist Vichy regime and the German occupiers. The Buci affair…

Book cover of The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires

Lisa Black Author Of Red Flags

From Lisa's 3 favorite reads in 2023.

Why am I passionate about this?

Author Nice (translation: boring) Reluctant exerciser Travel junkie Secretive

Lisa's 3 favorite reads in 2023

Lisa Black Why did Lisa love this book?

This was my first Grady Hendrix, and my first "vampire book" since Anne Rice’s. It’s the story of what a genteel housewife in a proper suburb does when a man she considers dangerous moves to town.

Forget convincing her husband if she can’t even convince her best buds: the women with wildly varied personalities and wildly varied backgrounds in her book club. This book is by turns poignant, heartbreaking, terrifying, and laugh-out-loud hilarious. 

By Grady Hendrix,

Why should I read it?

3 authors picked The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

"This funny and fresh take on a classic tale manages to comment on gender roles, racial disparities, and white privilege all while creeping me all the way out. So good."-Zakiya Dalila Harris, author of The Other Black Girl

Now in paperback, Steel Magnolias meets Dracula in this New York Times best-selling horror novel about a women's book club that must do battle with a mysterious newcomer to their small Southern town.

Bonus features:
* Reading group guide for book clubs
* Hand-drawn map of Mt. Pleasant
* Annotated true-crime reading list by Grady Hendrix
* And more!

Patricia Campbell's life…

Book cover of The Obituary Writer

G. Elizabeth Kretchmer Author Of Bear Medicine

From my list on bad ass women in historical fiction.

Why am I passionate about this?

Landscape is always important in my writing, and Yellowstone, which I’ve visited numerous times, is such a special place, rich with geodiversity and teeming with danger, that it kind of demanded to be a setting for my novel. I’ve also always been kind of obsessed with bears, and Yellowstone is grizzly country. But I didn’t want to write the stereotypical “man against nature” book. I’m too much of a feminist for that. 

G.'s book list on bad ass women in historical fiction

G. Elizabeth Kretchmer Why did G. love this book?

I love how, as with my novel, the writer weaves together the stories of two women who lived in entirely different eras. I also appreciate how she brought real-world people and events, like JFK and the 1906 earthquake, into her fictional world. But what I found most evocative about The Obituary Writer were the author’s portrayal of the institution of marriage and how her “older” protagonist—the one dating further back in history—dedicated her life to helping others deal with grief and loss. This altruistic passion was similar to one that my historical protagonist discovered on her journey of personal growth.

By Ann Hood,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Obituary Writer as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

On the day John F. Kennedy is inaugurated, Claire, obsessed with the glamour of Jackie O, struggles over the decision of whether to stay in a loveless marriage or follow the man she loves and whose baby she may be carrying. Decades earlier, in 1919, Vivien Lowe, an obituary writer, is searching for her lover who disappeared in the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906. By telling the stories of the dead, Vivien not only helps others cope with their grief but also begins to understand the devastation of her own terrible loss. The surprising connection between Claire and Vivien will…

Book cover of My Year of Meats

Donna Jo Napoli Author Of As Night Falls: Creatures That Go Wild After Dark

From Donna's 3 favorite reads in 2024.

Why am I passionate about this?

Author Linguist Social advocate Gardener Dancer

Donna's 3 favorite reads in 2024

Donna Jo Napoli Why did Donna love this book?

The characters are all distinct and real and they surprised me repeatedly. I felt like the book was as much documentary as fiction -- but the plotting had me rigid with tension. I expected disaster at every turn.

By Ruth Ozeki,

Why should I read it?

3 authors picked My Year of Meats as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?


In a single eye-opening year, two women, worlds apart, experience parallel awakenings.

In New York, Jane Takagi-Little has landed a job producing Japanese docu-soap My American Wife! But as she researches the consumption of meat in the American home, she begins to realize that her ruthless search for a story is deeply compromising her morals.

Meanwhile, in Tokyo, housewife Akiko Ueno diligently prepares the recipes from Jane's programme. Struggling to please her husband, she increasingly doubts her commitment to the life she has fallen into.

As Jane and…

Book cover of Recipe for a Perfect Wife

Rob Shapiro Author Of The Book of Sam

From Rob's 3 favorite reads in 2023.

Why am I passionate about this?

Author Dad Obsessive movie watcher Avid reader Toronto sports Fan

Rob's 3 favorite reads in 2023

Rob Shapiro Why did Rob love this book?

Recipe for a Perfect Wife is elegant and intriguing and hits on many of the character and thematic notes that I look for. The relationship between the main character, Alice, and the house that she moves to and comes to resent is palpable and relatable.

I was all in from the moment Alice finds a mysterious cookbook in the house, waiting for her next move and for Brown to reveal more about Alice and what makes her tick.

The best compliment I can pay to any novel is that I was sad when it ended. I don’t know how to explain that feeling, but I know it when I feel it. 

By Karma Brown,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Recipe for a Perfect Wife as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

*LJ-"Brown kills it, a captivating winner" BL-"The pacing is brisk, the characters are appealing, and both time lines are equally well realized. Thoughtful, clever" Kirkus-"engaging and suspenseful."

Book cover of Wifey

Debby Dodds Author Of Amish Guys Don't Call

From my list on serious subjects that are also hilariously funny.

Why am I passionate about this?

In my first career as an actress, I often got cast as the “comic relief” in more serious films and plays. I cut my acting chops on improv comedy before getting my BFA in drama from NYU and performing in everything from Shakespeare to Seinfeld. I wrote and performed in stage shows at Disneyland and Disney World and screamed myself hoarse in B-horror films. As an author, I like to write about serious topics but I just can’t help being funny. I received my MFA from Antioch University and have had over 30 short stories and essays published. While I read voraciously (and genre-indiscriminately), my favorite books are often “darkly comedic” or “funny yet poignant.”

Debby's book list on serious subjects that are also hilariously funny

Debby Dodds Why did Debby love this book?

I first came across this book when babysitting at a neighbor’s house as a young teen. I was a giant Judy Blume fangirl and I was confused. I thought I’d read all of her novels. When I picked this one up, I managed to find a “dirty part” quite quickly while flipping through it and I stole the book to show that passage to all my friends. Scandalous! When I was out of college, I actually read the whole book and found it a poignant, but still funny, look at dreams deferred, marriage, motherhood, and sex.

By Judy Blume,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Wifey as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

With more than four million copies sold, Wifey is Judy Blume's hilarious, moving tale of a woman who trades in her conventional wifely duties for her wildest fantasies-and learns a lot about life along the way.

Sandy Pressman is a nice suburban wife whose boredom is getting the best of her. She could be making friends at the club, like her husband keeps encouraging her to do. Or working on her golf game. Or getting her hair done.

But for some reason, these things don't interest her as much as the naked man on the motorcycle...

Book cover of Mrs. Caliban

Christine Ma-Kellams Author Of The Band

From my list on From Christine's list of books for BTS fans.

Why am I passionate about this?

I discovered BTS a few years ago right in the middle of an era when the world was falling apart and everyone was stuck at home. I know they’ve gotten a lot of people through hard times, but for me they did something arguably more life-changing: they inspired me to write my debut novel featuring a Kpop band who has also achieved worldwide domination, but in my fictional story, must face cancellation, violence, and a retributive girl band who disbanded under the most tragic of circumstances. Now that we’re waiting for BTS’ return from military service, I hope that these books will help hold us over until their return. 

Christine's book list on From Christine's list of books for BTS fans

Christine Ma-Kellams Why did Christine love this book?

Based on all the books BTS has liked or recommended over the years, if I could suggest a single one that they (likely) haven’t read, it’d be this lesser-known oldie but goodie.

Mrs. Caliban has the realistic sci-fi elements of the Omelas with the most unexpected of interpersonal dramas (between a woman and a sea creature), all situated within the larger context of a social parable that holds a mirror to society’s own prejudices.

It is, quite simply, unlike any other book I’ve ever read. 

By Rachel Ingalls,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Mrs. Caliban as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

In the quiet suburbs, while Dorothy is doing chores and waiting for her husband to come home from work, not in the least anticipating romance, she hears a strange radio announcement about a monster who has just escaped from the Institute for Oceanographic Research... Reviewers have compared Rachel Ingalls's Mrs. Caliban to King Kong, Edgar Allan Poe's stories, the films of David Lynch, Beauty and the Beast, The Wizard of Oz, E.T., Richard Yates's domestic realism, B-horror movies, and the fairy tales of Angela Carter-how such a short novel could contain all of these disparate elements is a testament to…

Book cover of Forever, Erma
Book cover of More Work for Mother: The Ironies of Household Technology from the Open Hearth to the Microwave
Book cover of Forbidden Notebook: A Novel

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