Here are 19 books that The Dark Elf Trilogy fans have personally recommended if you like
The Dark Elf Trilogy.
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I'm a fiction author and minister from Upstate New York. As a young boy, I had many supernatural experiences. My earliest memory is of a supernatural basis. For me, the unseen world, and those things that others either deny exist or have relegated to ancient history and myth, have always been real to me. Reading, films, video games, and all other forms of storytelling were ways for me to experience the strange and the mysterious. What I found as I walked through such places as Middle Earth, Narnia, and Ice Wind Dale, was that the stories of these characters that overcame adversity, failures, and weaknesses to become heroes inspired me as well.
So, if you haven’t already noticed, for most of this list I have chosen the first book in a series. Let's be honest, if you read fantasy, then you know pretty much every book is part of a series. In The Black Prism we are introduced to one of my favorite magic systems. In this system, the magicians or “Drafters” are able to turn light into substance. Each color of the light spectrum has a different property. A drafter can create constructs using light. Most people can only access one color, but there are those special people that can use multiple colors, and of course, there are the select few who can use all. What I love about this system is that it is only limited to the strength and imagination of the user.
I am a big fan of systems that you have to think to use. Anyone can…
In a world where magic is tightly controlled, the most powerful man in history must choose between his kingdom and his son - in the first book of the New York Times bestselling Lightbringer series, one of the most popular fantasy epics of the decade.
Guile is the Prism, the most powerful man in the world. He is high priest and emperor, a man whose power, wit, and charm are all that preserves a tenuous peace. Yet Prisms never last, and Guile knows exactly how long he has left to live.
I have always been intrigued by fantastical world-building that is complex, detailed, forensically credible, and immeasurably encyclopedic in scope. It should propel you to a world that feels almost as real as the world you leave behind but with intricate magic systems and razor-shape lore. Ironically, some of my choices took a while to love, but once they “sunk in,” everything changed. Whenever life gets too much, it has been cathartic, essential even, to transport to another universe and find solace in prose dedicated to survival, soul, and renewal.
This book, again by JRR Tolkien, was published in 1977, actually four years after its author’s death. It deals with Middle Earth long before The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, both set in the Third Age.
It concerns a foe, Melkor, who is infinitely more powerful than Sauron, the adversary in the later books. Tolkien himself summarises it better than anyone: "The Silmarillion is the history of the War of the Exiled Elves against the Enemy. Several tales of victory and tragedy are caught up in it; but it ends with catastrophe, and the passing of the Ancient World, the world of the long First Age." Tolkien’s son Christopher had to finish something that was not fully complete.
For some, it might be an effort to keep up with the intricate cultural and in-depth world building than anything we see in the Third Age, yet again the…
The forerunner to The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion fills in the background which lies behind the more popular work, and gives the earlier history of Middle-earth, introducing some of the key characters.
The tales of The Silmarillion are set in an age when Morgoth, the first Dark Lord, dwelt in Middle-Earth, and the High Elves made war upon him for the recovery of the Silmarils, the jewels containing the pure light of Valinor.
Included on the recording are several shorter works. The Ainulindale is a myth of the Creation and in the Valaquenta the nature and powers of…
Growing up in Indiana and Illinois meant that Chicago has always been, for me, the city—the place where people went to make a name for themselves and took the world by storm. From my local Carnegie Library, I read voraciously across genres—history, science, literature. They transported me out of my small town—across the universe sometimes. I learned that setting in fiction was for me a major feature of my enjoyment, and Chicago was where I set my own mystery series. These books, when I read them, explored that grand metropolis—and brought Chicago to life on and off the page. I hope you enjoy these books as much as I have.
When I first encountered Harry Dresden, a professional wizard solving a double homicide in Chicago, I was instantly hooked by its noir, fantasy, and traditional mystery with dollops of humor. This novel—the first in The Dresden File series—kept me engaged the entire time with a fast-moving plot and interesting characters.
I could see in my mind’s eye Chicago’s skyscrapers and their reflection in Lake Michigan as Harry dug deeper into the crimes and the supernatural world. This was my first urban fantasy read, and Butcher’s ability to blend a private investigator story with the supernatural ensured it was not my last.
In the first novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling Dresden Files series, Harry Dresden’s investigation of a grisly double murder pulls him into the darkest depths of magical Chicago…
As a professional wizard, Harry Dresden knows firsthand that the “everyday” world is actually full of strange and magical things—and most of them don’t play well with humans. And those that do enjoy playing with humans far too much. He also knows he’s the best at what he does. Technically, he’s the only at what he does. But even though Harry is the only game in town, business—to put…
I’m an award-winning and USA Today Best-Selling author whose work includes everything from short stories in school journals to horror and epic fantasy. But I’ve long been obsessed with books that work as well for adults as they do for children. The prose must be beautiful and designed to read aloud; the plot must be on point, and the characters must be compelling. And all of this with a PG rating. A tricky ask, even when the authors haven’t added Easter egg extras for adults. It’s because of this that I believe these are some of the best fantasy books ever written. So, enjoy!
This book was my favorite book for most of my life, so it holds a special place in my heart. It was only bumped by Well Witched (Verdigris Deep).
This is the book I read over and over to my two children. One of whom loved to act out being the indomitable Bilbo Baggins. The prose is beautiful, the plot is tight, the adventure is fun, the wonder is wondrous. Who doesn’t love forest elves? And the world-building is amazing. I guess we all know that was Tolkien’s specialty!
I will argue with anyone that this is the best story Tolkien ever wrote. The prose is beautiful to read. It doesn’t wander, it doesn’t get off track, there’s a humor, and let’s not forget the dragon, and all packed into 310 pages!
Special collector's film tie-in hardback of the best-selling classic, featuring the complete story with a sumptuous cover design inspired by THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY and brand new reproductions of all the drawings and maps by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit who enjoys a comfortable, unambitious life, rarely travelling further than the pantry of his hobbit-hole in Bag End.
But his contentment is disturbed when the wizard, Gandalf, and a company of thirteen dwarves arrive on his doorstep one day to whisk him away on an unexpected journey 'there and back again'. They have a plot to raid…
Fantasy has always intrigued me since I read The Once and Future King in grade school. The number of fantasy books I’ve read number in the hundreds if not topping a thousand. In my twenties, you never saw me without a book in my hand, my nose pressed into the pages. If I wasn’t reading, I was dreaming up fantasy stories in my head, and this was long before I ever thought of writing my first book. I was a dreamer from birth and will die as one if I live to be 100 like my granny.
The Dragonlance Chronicles, while not the first fantasy novel I read, is the one that put me onto my love of, and even addiction to, fantasy adventure. There are several characters, each with their own distinct and compelling stories and personalities. The story itself is just amazing and had me devouring every book in this expansive series as quickly as I could. Twice! The mixing of not just heroics and good intentions but the darker and even self-serving side of people and seeing how their experiences shaped them to be the way they are. Even in their darkest times, you can understand, if not relate to them, and still see them with compassion.
More than three million readers have witnessed the return of the dragons... And now the books that began the best-selling "dragonlance" saga are collected in their entirety in this special edition, along with all of the artwork from the trilogy. This splendid collector's edition is a must for the millions of readers who fell in love with the fantasy world of Krynn.
Fantasy has always intrigued me since I read The Once and Future King in grade school. The number of fantasy books I’ve read number in the hundreds if not topping a thousand. In my twenties, you never saw me without a book in my hand, my nose pressed into the pages. If I wasn’t reading, I was dreaming up fantasy stories in my head, and this was long before I ever thought of writing my first book. I was a dreamer from birth and will die as one if I live to be 100 like my granny.
Stepping out of the theme of fantasy, I have to say I am a huge fan of science fiction, nearly as much as fantasy. One of the first books/series that springs to mind when speaking of this genre is the Vorkosigan Saga by Lois Mcmaster Bujold. I’d read a lot of Sci-Fi prior to this series, but mostly the Battletech books. If Battletech was my favorite fast-food books, then The Vorkosigan Saga was an 8-course meal at a 5-star restaurant. While it did not delve into the intricacies of space travel and technology to the point I felt like I was taking an advanced college course, she does create a living galaxy and intricate characters you can’t help but chase after like a starstruck fan seeing Mark Hamill at a Star Wars convention. While there is an overall theme to the large series, each book is unique to itself, so…
Cordelia Naismith is enjoying a baptism of fire. Her first mission is to captain a throwaway warship of the Betan Expeditionary Force on a mission to destroy an entire enemy armada. Discovering deception within deception, treachery within treachery, she is forced into an uneasy peace with her nemesis: Lord Aral Vorkosigan. Discovering that astrocartography is not the soundest training for a military leader, Cordelia rapidly finds herself the prisoner of the Barrayaran Captain Aral Vorkosigan, also known as 'The Butcher of Komarr'. But the notorious captain is not quite the beast Cordelia was expecting and a grudging respect develops between…
Fantasy stories were introduced to me by my father in early childhood. It was one way he and I connected, and I held it close to my heart. I’ve always wanted to write, feeling fascinated with creating a world entirely your own. I remember my first short story/book that I wrote when I was eight years old; it was about a rabbit who got lost. It probably wasn’t my best work, but we all need to start somewhere. Although I’ve read many fantasy stories, I’ve always thought it important to find your own voice when writing. My favorite authors each had their own style. I hope you find this list of recommendations worthwhile. Happy reading!
The Dragonlance series has always been a favorite of mine and this book is how it all began. We get a glimpse into the childhood and early beginnings of all our heroes and how they came together, especially Raistlin, the most powerful wizard ever to come to being. Each character brings something unique to the group and it’s a wonderful thing to see how they evolve and work together to overcome obstacles.
Discover the early history of Raistlin Majere, one of Dragonlance’s most complicated yet beloved characters, in this prequel to the wildly popular Chronicles and Legends series
A mage’s soul is forged in the crucible of magic.
Raistlin Majere is six years old when he meets an archmage who enrolls him in a school for the study of magic. Weak and frail, and tormented by jealousy and inadequacy compared to his twin brother Caramon, the gifted boy begins to forge his wizarding skills. But shadows are darkening over Raistlin even as the same shadows lengthen over all of Ansalon.
I spent all my teenage years daydreaming about being magical (cue a handful of sparkling glitter). Even as an adult, those daydreams haven’t stopped. Magic promises the ability to change the story. I revisit those teen years when I can because ultimately, what each of these stories of magic offer is a coming-of-age story. The struggle of being pulled between two different worlds has always felt familiar to me, whether those worlds are literally different worlds (magical vs non-magical) or figurative (childhood vs adulthood). I’ve felt some version of that struggle my whole life, and I think I always will, which is why these stories will always feel like home.
Is it cliche to recommend Harry Potter? Maybe, but I’m doing it anyway because no list specifically claiming to offer 5 of the BEST books for daydreaming about being a magical teenager would be complete without the boy who lived.
In the sixth of the Harry Potter books (which might be my favorite), Harry is so solidly in that hard space of life pre-adulthood but post-childhood. I love this particular story because I identified so much (minus the death wizards) with his struggle: navigating grief, friendship, love, loyalty, and doing the right thing even when the right thing is really hard and will probably cost you more than you’ll gain.
This story has always reminded me that there is always hope, no matter how dark things get.
New, repackaged audio editions of the classic and internationally bestselling, multi-award-winning series, read by Stephen Fry containing 17 CDs with a total running time of 20 hours and 45 minutes. With irresistible new jackets by Jonny Duddle to bring Harry Potter to the next generation of readers.
When Dumbledore arrives at Privet Drive one summer night to collect Harry Potter, his wand hand is blackened and shrivelled, but he does not reveal why. Secrets and suspicion are spreading through the wizarding world, and Hogwarts itself is not safe. Harry is convinced that Malfoy bears the Dark Mark: there is a…
Creativity can lead to beautiful things. As a child I needed glasses and didn’t know it. Instead of reading books, my brother and I would tell stories to each other while we were supposed to be sleeping in our bunk beds at night. Eventually, I did get glasses and found that all the fantastical things that my mind came up with gave me quite the propensity toward fantasy. And once my eyes were set, it was game on! Over the years, I’ve authored numerous pieces in other genres, but my first books were always going to be fantasy. And that’s how the Stone & Sky series was born.
I recommend The Crystal Shard to everyone I know, because it is an absolute classic of the fantasy genre. It’s the first book to introduce the legendary dark elf Drizzt Do’Urdan.
When I first read this book, it reignited my passion for fantasy adventures filled with elves, dwarves, halflings, and monsters. What we learn from Drizzt’s outsider experience is the hope that someday we all find our people. There are people out there that will be our friends, champions, and family.
No matter how odd we feel sometimes, we’re not meant to be alone, and there are people out there who can build us up if we’re willing to take the chance and step into the adventure of finding them.
Drizzt Do’Urden finds new friends and foes in the windswept towns of Icewind Dale, also the setting of the Dungeons & Dragons adventure book Rime of the Frostmaiden.
With his days in the Underdark far behind him, drow ranger Drizzt Do’Urden sets down roots in the windswept Ten-Towns of Icewind Dale. A cold and unforgiving place, Ten-Towns sits on the brink of a catastrophic war, threatened by the barbarian tribes of the north.
It’s in the midst of battle that a young barbarian named Wulfgar is captured and made the ward of Bruenor, a grizzled dwarf leader and a companion…
Epic fantasy is the genre that I probably enjoy the most. There’s just something special about starting out on an adventure, off along an unknown path, where you meet friends, companions, rivals, and enemies alike. The narrative often surrounds something world-changing, like evil trying to destroy the good in the world or some foul plot afoot that would see the ‘good guys’ lose. Despite the good vs evil appearance, there are always shades of gray that the heroes confront and need to navigate, and then the question always remains: did they make the right choice?
What I like most about Salvatore’s work is how much of a fund adventure it is; from epic fight scenes to deep character internalizations, you get drawn into the world and get to know the characters. I’ve listed Salvatore’s Icewind Dale Trilogy previously, and he takes everything to another level completely with this one.
It is so much fun to join Drizzt as he journeys deep into the Underdark and fights alongside the companions of the hall, who face down hundreds of rows in an epic battle.
A goddess of the Underdark sets her sights on the famous drow who escaped her grasp in this continuation of the beloved Drizzt saga
Having found a measure of peace among the dwarves in Mithral Hall, Drizzt Do’Urden begins to know contentment for the first time in his tumultuous life. Bruenor has reclaimed his throne, Regis has been freed from Artemis Entreri, and Wulfgar is to be wed. But for a dark elf renegade that hails from the Underdark—a city of ruthless drows, all ruled by priestesses of the demon goddess Lolth—no peace can last forever.