Love Night Sky? Readers share 100 books like Night Sky...

By Rola Shaw, Lara Hawthorne (illustrator),

Here are 100 books that Night Sky fans have personally recommended if you like Night Sky. Shepherd is a community of 12,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world.

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Book cover of Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe

Or Graur Author Of Galaxies

From my list on budding astronomers of all ages.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am an associate professor of astrophysics at the University of Portsmouth’s Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation and a research associate at the American Museum of Natural History. I use telescopes on Earth and in space to study supernovae (the explosions of stars) and tidal disruption events (bright flares caused by supermassive black holes ripping apart nearby stars). I have wanted to be a scientist since second grade, and some of the books on this list have helped kindle my passion for physics and astronomy. I hope that my own popular science books will do the same for the next generation of astronomers.

Or's book list on budding astronomers of all ages

Or Graur Why did Or love this book?

There are many introductory books about cosmology out there, but this is the book I read when I was a teenager in high school, and it’s the one I still recommend to everyone (including my wife and my parents).

As its name suggests, this book describes the history and physics of the Big Bang theory, which is just an excuse to discuss cosmology in general. Some of the details are out of date or not quite right, but it’s still a great place to start.

By Simon Singh,

Why should I read it?

3 authors picked Big Bang as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The bestselling author of Fermat's Last Theorem and The Code Book tells the story of the brilliant minds that deciphered the mysteries of the Big Bang. A fascinating exploration of the ultimate question: how was our universe created?

Albert Einstein once said: 'The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible.' Simon Singh believes geniuses like Einstein are not the only people able to grasp the physics that govern the universe. We all can.

As well as explaining what the Big Bang theory actually is and why cosmologists believe it is an accurate description of the origins…

Book cover of Good Night Galaxy

Or Graur Author Of Galaxies

From my list on budding astronomers of all ages.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am an associate professor of astrophysics at the University of Portsmouth’s Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation and a research associate at the American Museum of Natural History. I use telescopes on Earth and in space to study supernovae (the explosions of stars) and tidal disruption events (bright flares caused by supermassive black holes ripping apart nearby stars). I have wanted to be a scientist since second grade, and some of the books on this list have helped kindle my passion for physics and astronomy. I hope that my own popular science books will do the same for the next generation of astronomers.

Or's book list on budding astronomers of all ages

Or Graur Why did Or love this book?

It was harder than I expected to find a good astronomy picture book to read to my daughters when they were toddlers. Fortunately, the Good Night series has a few books that fit the bill. Of those, my daughters and I enjoyed this one the most.

While most astronomy picture books focus solely on the Solar System, this book goes beyond and introduces the reader to stars, nebulae, black holes, and galaxies. I appreciated the concise but accurate information and the colorful, well-drawn illustrations. 

By Adam Gamble, Mark Jasper, Cooper Kelly (illustrator)

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Good Night Galaxy as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Ready to blast off? We’re taking a tour of the Milky Way Galaxy!

Get your little astronaut ready for an amazing trip through the stars. Watch as your toddler visits the Milky Way planets, discovers comets and constellations, and explores black holes and red giants! No asteroid is left unturned! This book is the perfect gift for little astronauts everywhere, for birthdays, baby showers, housewarming and going away parties.

With the Good Night Our World series, toddlers and preschool-age kids can build listening and memory skills by identifying famous landmarks and the distinct character of real places. Perfect for bedtime…

Book cover of The Time and Space of Uncle Albert

Or Graur Author Of Galaxies

From my list on budding astronomers of all ages.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am an associate professor of astrophysics at the University of Portsmouth’s Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation and a research associate at the American Museum of Natural History. I use telescopes on Earth and in space to study supernovae (the explosions of stars) and tidal disruption events (bright flares caused by supermassive black holes ripping apart nearby stars). I have wanted to be a scientist since second grade, and some of the books on this list have helped kindle my passion for physics and astronomy. I hope that my own popular science books will do the same for the next generation of astronomers.

Or's book list on budding astronomers of all ages

Or Graur Why did Or love this book?

I read this book when I was in primary school (5th or 6th grade). When I finished it, I immediately asked my parents for the next book (Black Holes and Uncle Albert) and the next (Uncle Albert and the Quantum Quest).

These books introduced me to Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity, as well as quantum physics. It was easy to relate to Einstein’s imaginary niece, Gedanken (German for “thought”, from Einstein’s famous thought experiments), as she went zooming off at velocities close (but never equal) to the speed of light. This is one of the first books that made me want to become a physicist.

By Russell Stannard,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Time and Space of Uncle Albert as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it. This book is for kids age 8, 9, 10, and 11.

What is this book about?

The Time and Space of Uncle Albert is book one in the bestselling Uncle Albert science and adventure series.

Famous scientist Uncle Albert and his niece Gedanken enter the dangerous and unknown world of a thought bubble. Their mission: to unlock the deep mysteries of Time and Space...

In this action-packed adventure story, discover why you can't break the ultimate speed barrier, find out how to become older than your mother, how to put on weight without getting fat, and how to live forever without even knowing it.

When you have enjoyed The Time and Space of Uncle Albert you…

If you love Night Sky...


Book cover of The City Sings Green & Other Poems About Welcoming Wildlife

The City Sings Green & Other Poems About Welcoming Wildlife by Erica Silverman,

A unique and artful blend of poetry, science, and activism, this picture book shows how city dwellers can intervene so that nature can work her magic.

In Oslo, Norway: citizens create a honeybee highway that stretches from one side of the city to the other, offering flowerpots, resting spots, bee…

Book cover of The Stars: A New Way to See Them

Or Graur Author Of Galaxies

From my list on budding astronomers of all ages.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am an associate professor of astrophysics at the University of Portsmouth’s Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation and a research associate at the American Museum of Natural History. I use telescopes on Earth and in space to study supernovae (the explosions of stars) and tidal disruption events (bright flares caused by supermassive black holes ripping apart nearby stars). I have wanted to be a scientist since second grade, and some of the books on this list have helped kindle my passion for physics and astronomy. I hope that my own popular science books will do the same for the next generation of astronomers.

Or's book list on budding astronomers of all ages

Or Graur Why did Or love this book?

Ever look up at the night sky and wonder where, exactly, all those constellations everyone keeps talking about are? In this book, H. A. Rey (better known for creating Curious George!) provides all the information you will ever need to identify the constellations and observe them as they move across the sky throughout the seasons.

I was amazed to learn that some of the diagrams we use to illustrate constellations were drawn by H. A. Rey, who found the ancient diagrams unreliable (I have only ever known Gemini the way Rey drew it, yet I never knew it was him until I chanced on this book). The explanations are incredibly detailed but easy to follow, and the charming cartoons sprinkled throughout the book made me wish H. A. and Margaret Rey had written a Curious George book about astronomy, as well.

By H. A. Rey,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Stars as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it. This book is for kids age 12, 13, 14, and 15.

What is this book about?

The go-to guide to the stars for beginners and experts alike.

With clear, readable text, easy-to-follow diagrams, and a sprinkling of H. A. Rey's irrepressible humor, The Stars: A New Way to See Them gives sparkle to the constellations and makes the mechanics of the universe intelligible to even the novice astronomer.

This updated version of the classic text includes revised facts and figures for planets and new scientific details,

This is a clear, vivid astronomy reference book. As Learning Through Literature puts it: "The Stars: A New Way to See Them is a great introduction to astronomy. It's readable…

Book cover of The Brightest Stars: Discovering the Universe Through the Sky's Most Brilliant Stars

David A. Aguilar Author Of Space Encyclopedia: A Tour of Our Solar System and Beyond

From my list on understanding the first science: astronomy.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am a naturalist, astronomer, space artist, and a Harvard world lecturer living in the Rocky Mountains outside of Aspen. So far, I’ve written and illustrated twelve kid’s astronomy books for National Geographic and Penguin Random House. I directed the Science Information Center at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge Massachusetts for fourteen years then left in 2015 to join NASA’s New Horizons Mission Team becoming one of the first humans to see the planet Pluto up close and personal. I am also a Grammy nominated songwriter/musician, astrophotographer, telescope maker who enjoys scuba diving at night and occasionally has been known to parachute out of perfectly operating aircraft.

David's book list on understanding the first science: astronomy

David A. Aguilar Why did David love this book?

The stars have captivated hunter-gatherers, artists and astrologers, sages and scientists, romantics, and civilizations since the beginning of human time. 

In this book we encounter the twenty-one brightest stars visible from earth and dig into their remarkable secrets. Did you know some giant stars spin so fast they flatten out like eggs? There are stars that pulse back and forth like beating hearts? And some stars are cosmic interlopers passing through our Milky Way galaxy on their way back into the void of forever space. This is my go-to book when I want to refresh my imagination with wondrous facts about the stars blazing overhead. It should be within handy reach of every star-struck observer, camper, or poet.

By Fred Schaaf,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Brightest Stars as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Fred Schaaf is one of the most experienced astronomical observers of our time. For more than two decades, his view of the sky-what will be visible, when it will be visible, and what it will look like-has encouraged tens of thousands of people to turn their eyes skyward.
—David H. Levy, Science Editor, Parade magazine, discoverer of twenty-one comets, and author of Starry Night and Cosmic Discoveries

""Fred Schaaf is a poet of the stars. He brings the sky into people's lives in a way that is compelling and his descriptions have all the impact of witnessing the stars on…

Book cover of Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning

John M. Saul Author Of What the Stork Brought: African click-speakers and the spread of humanity's oldest beliefs

From my list on the origins of humanity's earliest beliefs.

Why am I passionate about this?

As a geologist, I met and shared meals – occasionally under the stars – with individuals with strikingly different backgrounds. In time I realized that, whatever their DNA, they all shared certain beliefs, that the happy dead eventually go upward, for example, even if they start by going down or out to the horizon. Eventually, I concluded that the entire human adventure began in a single moment the day one of our forebears asked another "What shall we do about death?" and was understood. Humans have a single genetic heritage; we also have a single cultural heritage.

John's book list on the origins of humanity's earliest beliefs

John M. Saul Why did John love this book?

Allen (1838-1906) was described as a "walking encyclopedia" by people who knew him. It was only after acquiring a reprint of his great book, a decade before the internet, that my own research into ancient cosmology took off. Star Names was first published in 1899 and as Wikipedia notes "there is no direct modern equivalent." As is the case with the internet, large sections can also be plucked out and read for pleasure.

By Richard H. Allen,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Star Names as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Here is an unusual book for anyone who appreciates the beauty and wonder of the stars. Solidly based upon years of thorough research into astronomical writings and observations of the ancient Chinese, Arabic, Euphrates, Hellenic, and Roman civilizations, it is an informative, non-technical excursion into the vast heritage of folklore and history associated with the heavenly bodies.
From his studies of the writings of scores of ancient astronomers, the author has come up with a fascinating history of the names various cultures have given the constellations, the literary and folkloristic uses that have been made of the stars through the…

If you love Rola Shaw...


Book cover of From Cells to Ourselves: The Story of Evolution

From Cells to Ourselves by Gill Arbuthnott,

4.5 billion years ago, Earth was forming - but nothing could have survived there…

From Cells to Ourselves is the incredible story of how life on earth started and how it gradually evolved from the first simple cells to the abundance of life around us today. Walk with dinosaurs, analyse…

Book cover of Parallax: The Race to Measure the Cosmos

Chary Rangacharyulu Author Of From Atoms to Higgs Boson: Voyages in Quasi-Spacetime

From my list on stargazers' strife and joy since antiquity.

Why am I passionate about this?

I have been pursuing nuclear and particle physics as a career for nearly half a century, mostly in Western countries and Japan. As a professor of physics and engineering physics, I always strive to bring conceptual clarity to what I teach for application-oriented and abstract physics, even when I cannot bring the same level of connection to physical reality in my research. I am deeply concerned that physicists have gone astray in their mathematical quest to develop a glamorous picture of the building blocks of matter and the basic interactions among them. This book is an outgrowth of my search to understand the limits of human knowledge to unravel nature’s mysteries. 

Chary's book list on stargazers' strife and joy since antiquity

Chary Rangacharyulu Why did Chary love this book?

This book by a life-long astronomer is a nice, successful attempt to humanize natural philosophers since classical times. It is rare that we find books that dig deeper into the personal struggles, false starts, and wrong conclusions of philosophers (scientists) as they strive at their research incessantly. A recommended read to all astronomy educators and those youth aspiring to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos.

Societies tend to portray high achievers of the past, whether in science, art, or otherwise, as special beings who were infallible genii of their times and that today’s generations may not reach those heights. To me, this is a very negative approach that discourages the youth from striving for higher goals. Prof. Hirshfeld, a career astronomer, does an excellent job of presenting the human faces of the giants of the past.

By Alan W. Hirshfeld,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Parallax as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

In the dramatic tradition of the best selling "Longitude", this book charts the historical path of observational astronomy's most daunting challenge: measuring the distance to a star. The greatest scientific minds applied themselves in vain to the problem across the millennia, beginning with the ancient Greeks. Not until the 19th century would three astronomers, armed with the best telescopes of the age, race to conquer this astronomical Everest, their contest ending in a virtual dead heat. Against a backdrop filled with kidnappings, dramatic rescue, swordplay, madness, and bitter rivalry, the author brings to life the heroes of this story. A…

Book cover of Space Atlas: Mapping the Universe and Beyond

Ginger Marin Author Of Monster on Mars

From my list on mars and imaginative worlds in and about space.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’m an actor and writer who has been delving deep into my imagination for as long as I can remember. I’m originally from New York where I studied film/TV and acting, and worked in the less imaginative world as a writer/producer at NBC News. After moving to Los Angeles, I became a long-time member of the respected "Theatre East", while performing in a number of theater productions, and then went full tilt into film and TV. I also write screenplays of varying genres and in fact my two books are also in screenplay format as I would love to see them on the big and small screens. 

Ginger's book list on mars and imaginative worlds in and about space

Ginger Marin Why did Ginger love this book?

Break out your telescope and this book.

This is one of those coffee table books you’ll pick up time and again. A wonderful resource for kids and adult space fanatics alike to get the imaginative juices going as we all look to the stars and planets and wonder about our place in the universe.

It’s part of a National Geographic book series so you know you’re getting the best-sourced and most recent info. Even writers of fiction need good sources from which to create!

By James Trefil,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Space Atlas as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

For space enthusiasts, science lovers, and star gazers, the newly revised edition of National Geographic's enduring guide to space, with a new introduction by American hero Buzz Aldrin, combines thoroughly updated maps, lavish photographs, and elegant illustrations to chart the solar system, the universe, and beyond.

A guided tour of the solar system, the Milky Way galaxy, the universe, and beyond, with detailed maps and fascinating imagery from recent space missions partnered with clear, authoritative scientific information. Starting with the sun and moving outward into space, acclaimed science writer and physicist James Trefil illuminates each planet, the most important moons,…

Book cover of Cosmos: An Illustrated History of Astronomy and Cosmology

Robert K. DeKosky Author Of Knowledge and Cosmos: Development and Decline of the Medieval Perspective

From my list on the physical sciences and natural philosophy.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Kansas, where I taught the History of Chemistry, History of Science in the United States, Early-Modern Scientific Revolution, and Great Lives in Science, among other courses. I also have published on late 19th-century physical science (with emphasis on spectroscopy and the work of Sir William Crookes) and the development of 20th-century electronic devices to aid chemical analyses (e.g., the development of handheld x-ray fluorescence spectrometers to measure lead concentration in paint). In addition to my interests in the history of science, I serve as the Technical Editor for an international environmental services company. 

Robert's book list on the physical sciences and natural philosophy

Robert K. DeKosky Why did Robert love this book?

This is a magnificent history of astronomy and cosmology in all cultures (not just Western).

It is illustrated beautifully and presents technical information in a manner understandable to people unfamiliar with details of astronomy. I liked this because it discussed authoritatively virtually every aspect of its subject matter within the histories of multiple cultures.

By John North,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Cosmos as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

For millennia humans have studied the skies to help them grow crops, navigate the seas, and earn favor from their gods. We still look to the stars today for answers to fundamental questions: How did the universe begin? Will it end, and if so, how? What is our place within it? John North has been examining such questions for decades. In "Cosmos", he offers a sweeping historical survey of the two sciences that help define our place in the universe: astronomy and cosmology.Organizing his history chronologically, North begins by examining Paleolithic cave drawings that clearly chart the phases of the…

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Book cover of Virginia Wouldn't Slow Down!: The Unstoppable Dr. Apgar and Her Life-Saving Invention

Virginia Wouldn't Slow Down! by Carrie A. Pearson,

A delightful and distinctive picture book biography about Dr. Virginia Apgar, who invented the standard, eponymous test for evaluating newborn health used worldwide thousands of times every day.

You might know about the Apgar Score. But do you know the brilliant, pioneering woman who invented it? Born at the turn…

Book cover of There's No Place Like Space: All about Our Solar System

Evonne Blanchard Author Of Amelia, the Merballs and the Emerald Cannon

From my list on space books that will launch your kids into orbit.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’m a science fiction and fantasy children’s book author, who loves everything about space and science fiction. I’ve been fascinated by space ever since I was little; mesmerized by clips of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walking on the moon. As a teenager, War of the Worlds by H.G Wells was my favorite book! My daughter’s complete lack of interest in space inspired me to write a space adventure series. How could I make space entertaining? When it comes to children, I’m a big fan of mixing space facts with a dollop of space fiction, so I hope you will enjoy the collection of books on this list!

Evonne's book list on space books that will launch your kids into orbit

Evonne Blanchard Why did Evonne love this book?

This is a great book to start your little ones on their very first space adventure. Tish Rabe takes the Dr. Seuss’s Cat in the Hat character on a journey to teach children about the planets, the moon, and the sun. But it doesn’t stop there! The book also touches on famous constellations, the moon landing, and lots of cool and wacky facts about the solar system. Neptune’s bright blue color and Saturn’s incredible lightness are just a few of the fun snippets of space knowledge scattered throughout the book. Wonderful illustrations combined with whimsical prose will keep young readers turning the pages. 

“But there’s a lot to discover, and it might be you who looks up in the sky and finds something that’s new!”

By Tish Rabe, Aristides Ruiz (illustrator),

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked There's No Place Like Space as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it. This book is for kids age 5, 6, and 7.

What is this book about?

The Cat in the Hat takes readers on an out of this world reading adventure through outer space! The Cat in the Hat's Learning Library is a nonfiction picture book series that introduces beginning readers ages 5-8 to important basic concepts.

Learn about the solar system, planets, the constellations, and astronauts, and explore the wonders of space with the help of everyone' favorite Cat in the Hat! Perfect for aspiring astraunauts, or any kid who loves learning and science.

The universe is a mysterious place. We are only just learning what happens in space.

Featuring beloved characters from Dr. Seuss's…

Book cover of Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe
Book cover of Good Night Galaxy
Book cover of The Time and Space of Uncle Albert

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