93 books like Negotiations with God 2

By R.W. Sowrider,

Here are 93 books that Negotiations with God 2 fans have personally recommended if you like Negotiations with God 2. Shepherd is a community of 11,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world.

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Book cover of Finding Jimmy Moran: Codicil to The Claire Trilogy

Joe Barrett Author Of Managed Care

From my list on people who don’t take themselves too seriously.

Why am I passionate about this?

I read Lolita as a college freshman and laughed out loud as Nabokov made me love the goofy, intelligent, and clearly sociopathic Humbert Humbert. Nabokov’s fun was palpable; it made me want to write. And knee-jerk criticisms of Lolita drove me crazy – how can people take themselves so seriously as to be offended by fictional characters? To me, an author’s ability to inspire genuine empathy for characters with distorted, irreverent, or socially unacceptable perspectives is both genius and riotously fun (something that people too busy looking for a reason to be offended will unfortunately never appreciate). Hope you enjoy this book list for people who don’t take themselves too seriously!

Joe's book list on people who don’t take themselves too seriously

Joe Barrett Why did Joe love this book?

I loved all of McCaffrey’s The Claire Trilogy books and recommend reading them first, but Finding Jimmy Moran will always occupy a special place in my heart.

McCaffrey is a born storyteller – he pulls you into his world and makes it feel like your own. The book is gritty, hilarious, sometimes gut-wrenching and (while allegedly fiction) it is also one of the most accurate representations of the wild west reckless abandon enjoyed by New York kids growing up in the 1970s and ’80s.

It’s the type of book that makes you want to break out a bottle of good Irish whiskey and read in a single sitting.

By Tom McCaffrey,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Finding Jimmy Moran as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Prequel to the bestselling novel, The Wise Ass.

"The Claire Trilogy gives us Jimmy Moran, resurrected mob lawyer turned alien godfather of a crew of mystical misfits, including Claire the Mule. Finding Jimmy Moran shows the world the magical origins that make Jimmy tick. Don't miss this." -Ivy Logan, author of Broken (The Breach Chronicles)

Who is Jimmy Moran? It starts with a lucky penny. Then a muse who bestows a mystical gift. Or maybe a curse? Family, friends, and fights abound as Jimmy breaks the law, looks for love in all the wrong places and experiences loss that transforms…

Book cover of Apathy and Other Small Victories

Joe Barrett Author Of Managed Care

From my list on people who don’t take themselves too seriously.

Why am I passionate about this?

I read Lolita as a college freshman and laughed out loud as Nabokov made me love the goofy, intelligent, and clearly sociopathic Humbert Humbert. Nabokov’s fun was palpable; it made me want to write. And knee-jerk criticisms of Lolita drove me crazy – how can people take themselves so seriously as to be offended by fictional characters? To me, an author’s ability to inspire genuine empathy for characters with distorted, irreverent, or socially unacceptable perspectives is both genius and riotously fun (something that people too busy looking for a reason to be offended will unfortunately never appreciate). Hope you enjoy this book list for people who don’t take themselves too seriously!

Joe's book list on people who don’t take themselves too seriously

Joe Barrett Why did Joe love this book?

I’ve probably read Apathy and Other Small Victories a dozen times.

The first time was on an international flight, and I was laughing so hard that I was legitimately concerned that the seat next to me was going to call for an air marshal to lock me down. Like a modern-day, more introspective cousin of JP Donleavy’s The Ginger Man, this book will either offend the hell out of you or have you laughing out loud on just about every page. It will always be one of my all-time favorites.

By Paul Neilan,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Apathy and Other Small Victories as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

A scathingly funny debut novel about disillusionment, indifference, and one man's desperate fight to assign absolutely no meaning to modern life.

The only thing Shane cares about is leaving. Usually on a Greyhound bus, right before his life falls apart again. Just like he planned. But this time it's complicated: there's a sadistic corporate climber who thinks she's his girlfriend, a rent-subsidized affair with his landlord's wife, and the bizarrely appealing deaf assistant to Shane's cosmically unstable dentist.

When one of the women is murdered, and Shane is the only suspect who doesn't care enough to act like he didn't…

Book cover of The Other Hotel

Joe Barrett Author Of Managed Care

From my list on people who don’t take themselves too seriously.

Why am I passionate about this?

I read Lolita as a college freshman and laughed out loud as Nabokov made me love the goofy, intelligent, and clearly sociopathic Humbert Humbert. Nabokov’s fun was palpable; it made me want to write. And knee-jerk criticisms of Lolita drove me crazy – how can people take themselves so seriously as to be offended by fictional characters? To me, an author’s ability to inspire genuine empathy for characters with distorted, irreverent, or socially unacceptable perspectives is both genius and riotously fun (something that people too busy looking for a reason to be offended will unfortunately never appreciate). Hope you enjoy this book list for people who don’t take themselves too seriously!

Joe's book list on people who don’t take themselves too seriously

Joe Barrett Why did Joe love this book?

The Other Hotel was my first Jack Stroke book and after the first few pages I was hooked.

The writing is easy, authentic, and unpretentious – reading it quickly made me feel like I was hanging out with an old friend. The plot is twisted, the characters are off-the-hook, and Stroke has the unique capacity to inject a sense of apathetic calm into situations where all hell is breaking loose – making the book a tremendous amount of fun.

I highly recommend the whole series.

By Jack Stroke,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Other Hotel as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

Book cover of Tales from the Gas Station: Volume One

Joe Barrett Author Of Managed Care

From my list on people who don’t take themselves too seriously.

Why am I passionate about this?

I read Lolita as a college freshman and laughed out loud as Nabokov made me love the goofy, intelligent, and clearly sociopathic Humbert Humbert. Nabokov’s fun was palpable; it made me want to write. And knee-jerk criticisms of Lolita drove me crazy – how can people take themselves so seriously as to be offended by fictional characters? To me, an author’s ability to inspire genuine empathy for characters with distorted, irreverent, or socially unacceptable perspectives is both genius and riotously fun (something that people too busy looking for a reason to be offended will unfortunately never appreciate). Hope you enjoy this book list for people who don’t take themselves too seriously!

Joe's book list on people who don’t take themselves too seriously

Joe Barrett Why did Joe love this book?

I recommend starting with Volume One of the series, which is fantastic. But I’m calling out Volume Two in this particular list because it’s where Jerry, one of my favorite characters ever, really hits his stride.

Not to take anything away from Jack (the first-person protagonist who exhibits a dry, laid-back sense of humor in the face of all kinds of outrageous paranormal absurdities) but for me Jerry is a perfect example of a character that doesn’t take himself, or anything else in the world, seriously at all.

Without a doubt the best dark humor series set in a gas station that I’ve read in years.

By Jack Townsend,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Tales from the Gas Station as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Drunk customers. Shoplifting raccoons. Otherworldly visitors. As night shift clerk at the twenty-four-hour gas station at the edge of town, Jack has pretty much seen it all.

That is, until his best friend reveals the body of a local politician hidden in the trunk of a car, setting off a chain of events with apocalyptic potential. Soon, Jack finds himself entangled in a supernatural conspiracy involving monster hunters, sociopaths, doomsday cultists, and... garden gnomes?

Armed with nothing but his wits, sarcasm, and alarming amounts of coffee, can Jack stay alive long enough to see another morning shift? Or will he,…

Book cover of Project MK-Ultra: Sex, Drugs, and the CIA, Vol. 2

Paul Kirchner Author Of Dope Rider: A Fistful of Delirium

From my list on depicting the psychedelic experience.

Why am I passionate about this?

I have spent my 50-year career as a writer, illustrator, and comic book artist. My comics involve surrealistic situations and alternate realities. I am best known for my strip The Bus, which appeared monthly in Heavy Metal magazine, and Dope Rider, which appeared regularly in High Times magazine. Both series have been collected in books and published internationally. I read the graphic novels of other artists whose work centers on surrealism, alternate realities, and the psychedelic experience for enjoyment and to draw inspiration for my own work. Fans of graphic novels who like trippy stories and art should enjoy the books on my list.

Paul's book list on depicting the psychedelic experience

Paul Kirchner Why did Paul love this book?

I was fascinated and appalled to learn of the CIA’s Project MK-Ultra, a long-running program in which the CIA dosed unwitting victims with LSD to study its effects and potential as a mind-control weapon. The subject has been covered in other books, but this graphic novel, illustrated by Stewart Kenneth Moore, brings this alarming tale to life visually.

His garish colors and mind-warping graphics depict the hallucinatory experiences in a sometimes appealing but more often terrifying manner. Moore’s art also gives the straight narrative elements of the story a warped, dreamy quality, imbuing even mundane reality with the disturbing quality of an acid flashback.

By Scott Sampila, Brandon Beckner, Stewart Kenneth Moore (artist)

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Project MK-Ultra as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it. This book is for kids age 16, and 17.

What is this book about?

While most Americans were watching Leave it to Beaver and listening to The Everly Brothers, an eclectic group of CIA operatives were spiking each other's coffees with LSD, throwing decadent parties and hiring prostitutes to slip unsuspecting johns drug-laced drinks in order to observe every stoned and kinky moment from behind two-way mirrors. And this was only when they weren't dreaming up the next far reaching "official" application for this new, all-powerful, mind-blowing drug - a drug that would ironically fuel the counter-culture over a decade later. Coincidence? Maybe not. Based on actual events, Project MK-ULTRA is a zany, pop-culture…

Book cover of Kris Kool

Paul Kirchner Author Of Dope Rider: A Fistful of Delirium

From my list on depicting the psychedelic experience.

Why am I passionate about this?

I have spent my 50-year career as a writer, illustrator, and comic book artist. My comics involve surrealistic situations and alternate realities. I am best known for my strip The Bus, which appeared monthly in Heavy Metal magazine, and Dope Rider, which appeared regularly in High Times magazine. Both series have been collected in books and published internationally. I read the graphic novels of other artists whose work centers on surrealism, alternate realities, and the psychedelic experience for enjoyment and to draw inspiration for my own work. Fans of graphic novels who like trippy stories and art should enjoy the books on my list.

Paul's book list on depicting the psychedelic experience

Paul Kirchner Why did Paul love this book?

I love the look of late-1960s psychedelic art, which I associate with Peter Max and the animated movie Yellow Submarine. The style is one of simple linework filled with intense colors, to which are added decorative elements and optical effects.

A French cartoonist, Caza, brings this style to Kris Kool, his 1970 erotic science-fiction graphic novel. Like a male version of Barbarella, space traveler Kris Kool experiences bizarre and surreal adventures, many of them sexual. The plot is well constructed and carried me along with its surprising turns. There is no depiction of drug use, but the fantasies and imagery make reading it as trippy an experience as one can find between the covers of a book.

By Caza,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Kris Kool as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

Book cover of Getting Higher: The Manual of Psychedelic Ceremony

Andy Letcher Author Of Shroom: A Cultural History of the Magic Mushroom

From my list on the riddle of psychedelics.

Why am I passionate about this?

I've been fascinated by psychedelics since I was a teenager, and along with my book I’ve written a number of academic papers and book chapters on the subject. It intrigues me how subtle changes in the brain’s chemistry leads to such profound changes in perception, cognition, and feeling, including religious feeling. I want to know what those experiences mean, and what they can tell us about the world. For if all they are is some derangement of the senses, why is it that so many writers, thinkers, philosophers and artists return to the experience, again and again? There is a riddle here, a mystery, and I love that I’m able to devote my research time to trying to answer it.

Andy's book list on the riddle of psychedelics

Andy Letcher Why did Andy love this book?

If all my choices so far have been, in some way, about the psychedelic experience, this is a practical hands-on guide about how to occasion one yourself. Psychedelics can be consumed safely, but there are attendant risks, not least from their continued illegality in many parts of the world. Vayne, who has decades of experience as a psychedelic user and ritual technician, talks the reader through recommended ways to prepare for a psychedelic experience, how to navigate what subsequently unfolds, and how to integrate it afterwards. This is the indispensable guide for the psy-curious, and even better it comes with a cover designed by legendary British psychedelic comic artist, Pete Loveday. 

By Julian Vayne, Pete Loveday,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Getting Higher as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Getting Higher is a manual for exploring the use of psychedelic substances in the contexts of spirituality, self-transformation and magic. This is the psychonaut s essential guide. The techniques presented here work whether you're a scientist or a shaman; there's no requirement to believe in anything other than the wonder of your own neurochemistry and the value of the psychedelic experience. Getting Higher describes the psychedelic triangle of Set, Setting and Substance. It suggests strategies to hold and enhance the psychedelic experience; from games to play when you are high, through to complete entheogenic ceremonies. It will help you to…

Book cover of Yragaël: Urm the Mad

Paul Kirchner Author Of Dope Rider: A Fistful of Delirium

From my list on depicting the psychedelic experience.

Why am I passionate about this?

I have spent my 50-year career as a writer, illustrator, and comic book artist. My comics involve surrealistic situations and alternate realities. I am best known for my strip The Bus, which appeared monthly in Heavy Metal magazine, and Dope Rider, which appeared regularly in High Times magazine. Both series have been collected in books and published internationally. I read the graphic novels of other artists whose work centers on surrealism, alternate realities, and the psychedelic experience for enjoyment and to draw inspiration for my own work. Fans of graphic novels who like trippy stories and art should enjoy the books on my list.

Paul's book list on depicting the psychedelic experience

Paul Kirchner Why did Paul love this book?

My mind was blown when I encountered the work of Philippe Druillet in the mid-1970s. This French cartoonist is considered one of the greatest of them all, creating alien worlds of startling originality and stupefying grandeur. Fifty years later, his work is as startling and original as it appeared back then.

No one has surpassed his ability to depict scenes of such mind-boggling scale and otherworldliness, as if he had a unique glimpse of some higher realm. As a young cartoonist, I was strongly influenced by Druillet, who inspired me with his demonstration of what it was possible to achieve in the comic book form. His work is not drug-oriented but depicts the sort of visions those who take hallucinogens would hope to experience.

By Philippe Druillet, Michel Demuth,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Yragaël as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Born from chaos, Prince Yragael, is the last hope for Earth. Gods and demons stroll the land, attempting to enforce their authority on the Last Men once more. He falls prey to the queen of Spharain, and from their union comes a son, Urm - a grotesque fool with the potential to redeem mankind.

Book cover of Tripping: An Anthology of True-Life Psychedelic Adventures

Cody Johnson Author Of Magic Medicine: A Trip Through the Intoxicating History and Modern-Day Use of Psychedelic Plants and Substances

From my list on exploring psychedelics without taking any.

Why am I passionate about this?

I have always been fascinated by strange and “forbidden” states of consciousness. My first taste of psychedelia came in the form of cannabis—more potent and otherworldly than it gets credit for—and quickly graduated to MDMA, which blew me away. I dove head first into this new world, experimenting with psychedelics new and ancient while reading about all things psychedelic: their history, emerging science, and therapeutic and spiritual possibilities. My other great passion is books, so it was only natural that I would try to encapsulate all that I had learned in book form.

Cody's book list on exploring psychedelics without taking any

Cody Johnson Why did Cody love this book?

There are plenty of academic tomes about psychedelics—their chemistry, their medical applications, their cultural impact, and so on. I was hunting for something more personal: stories of people’s experiences while zonked out of their gourds. What I found was this aptly named collection of tripping stories, with chapters submitted by writers from all walks of life.

It's a sipping book—at over 500 pages, it’s one you take a chapter at a time, not devour cover to cover. What makes the book special is its remarkable curation: the stories are diverse, covering the full gamut of psychedelic experiences from spiritual nirvana to hellish ordeals. Some stories struck me as stronger than others, but thanks to the editor’s deft hand, the prose always sparkles.

Like a good acid trip, the overall effect is stimulating and emotionally satisfying. But unlike a real trip, this vicarious ride is one you can pause and resume…

By Charles Hayes (editor),

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Tripping as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

A collection of transformational, awe-provoking psychedelic experiences. 

In Tripping, Charles Hayes has gathered fifty narratives about unforgettable psychedelic experiences from an international array of subjects representing all walks of life--respectable Baby Boomers, aging hippies, young ravers, and accomplished writers such as John Perry Barlow, Anne Waldman, Robert Charles Wilson, Paul Devereux, and Tim Page. Taking a balanced, objective approach, the book depicts a broad spectrum of altered states, from the sublime to the terrifying. Hayes's supplemental essays provide a synopsis of the history and culture of psychedelics and a discussion of the kinetics of tripping. Specially featured is an interview…

Book cover of Brian Blomerth's Bicycle Day

Paul Kirchner Author Of Dope Rider: A Fistful of Delirium

From my list on depicting the psychedelic experience.

Why am I passionate about this?

I have spent my 50-year career as a writer, illustrator, and comic book artist. My comics involve surrealistic situations and alternate realities. I am best known for my strip The Bus, which appeared monthly in Heavy Metal magazine, and Dope Rider, which appeared regularly in High Times magazine. Both series have been collected in books and published internationally. I read the graphic novels of other artists whose work centers on surrealism, alternate realities, and the psychedelic experience for enjoyment and to draw inspiration for my own work. Fans of graphic novels who like trippy stories and art should enjoy the books on my list.

Paul's book list on depicting the psychedelic experience

Paul Kirchner Why did Paul love this book?

I treasure this book for the artwork. The rather simple story tells of Albert Hofmann’s creation of LSD 25 on April 19, 1943, in a Sandoz laboratory in Switzerland. That day is known as Bicycle Day because after accidentally ingesting the chemical, Hofmann had a powerful psychedelic experience as he rode his bicycle home.

This trip is vividly depicted in a lengthy series of full- and double-page spreads, which become increasingly bizarre and hallucinatory as they go along. Blomerth’s cartoony but precise style is warm and whimsical, and he adds striking graphic effects to it. The art is presented to its best advantage on matte ivory stock that sets off the intense colors, which include Day-Glo colors. 

By Brian Blomerth,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Brian Blomerth's Bicycle Day as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Illustrator, musician and self-described "comic stripper" Brian Blomerth has spent years combining classic underground art styles with his bitingly irreverent visual wit in zines, comics, and album covers. With Brian Blomerth's Bicycle Day, the artist has produced his most ambitious work to date: a historical account of the events of April 19, 1943, when Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann ingested an experimental dose of a new compound known as lysergic acid diethylamide and embarked on the world's first acid trip. Combining an extraordinary true story told in journalistic detail with the artist's gritty, timelessly Technicolor comix style, Brian Blomerth's Bicycle Day…

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