100 books like Money Mammoth

By Brad Klontz, Edward Horwitz, Ted Klontz

Here are 100 books that Money Mammoth fans have personally recommended if you like Money Mammoth. Shepherd is a community of 11,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world.

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Book cover of Post-Capitalist Society

Steve Bucci Author Of Credit Repair Kit For Dummies

From my list on a successful life financially and mentally.

Why am I passionate about this?

I began a mission in 1991 to help individuals and families recover from the unfairness of the financial system. I believe that understanding personal finance and having good credit is essential to living a successful life in the United States; however, most people don’t understand (because they have never been taught) even the basics. I formed a non-profit serving three states that helped tens of thousands of families and individuals get back in control of their finances, wrote a weekly column on credit and debt for Bankrate.com for 20 years, and wrote or co-wrote ten books on credit, scoring, and debt management.

Steve's book list on a successful life financially and mentally

Steve Bucci Why did Steve love this book?

I met Peter at a conference years ago and will never forget the experience. His vision of the future was unique and compelling.

I found the book, his thinking completely out of the box, and his insight into major forces changing our world without peers. Peter ties money, politics, social change, and trends together, offering a peek into the challenges and direction of the future.

By Peter F. Drucker,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Post-Capitalist Society as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Provides insight into the changes that are affecting politics, business and society itself. Business managers need to be aware of these changes in order to benefit from the opportunities that the future has to offer.

Book cover of Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms

Steve Bucci Author Of Credit Repair Kit For Dummies

From my list on a successful life financially and mentally.

Why am I passionate about this?

I began a mission in 1991 to help individuals and families recover from the unfairness of the financial system. I believe that understanding personal finance and having good credit is essential to living a successful life in the United States; however, most people don’t understand (because they have never been taught) even the basics. I formed a non-profit serving three states that helped tens of thousands of families and individuals get back in control of their finances, wrote a weekly column on credit and debt for Bankrate.com for 20 years, and wrote or co-wrote ten books on credit, scoring, and debt management.

Steve's book list on a successful life financially and mentally

Steve Bucci Why did Steve love this book?

Just the fact that this is the tenth edition tells me that this is a financial classic. Once your credit is solid and you know how to save, you’ll want to make your money grow. Understanding investment terms will demystify financial planners' and brokers' jargon so you won't be disadvantaged.

I like the fact that this book fits in my pocket and doesn’t weigh 50 pounds! I never have to ask, “What are you talking about?” when I meet an investment professional. It’s an easy-to-use resource.

By John Downes, Jordan Elliot Goodman,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

More than 5,000 terms related to stocks, bonds, mutual funds, banking, tax laws, and transactions in the various financial markets are presented alphabetically with descriptions. The new ninth edition has been updated to take account of new financial regulations and recent dramatic swings in equities, credit, and other financial developments. Readers will also find a list of financial abbreviations and acronyms, as well as illustrative diagrams and charts. Here’s a valuable, thorough dictionary for business students, financial professionals, or private investors.

Book cover of Development Through Life: A Psychosocial Approach

Steve Bucci Author Of Credit Repair Kit For Dummies

From my list on a successful life financially and mentally.

Why am I passionate about this?

I began a mission in 1991 to help individuals and families recover from the unfairness of the financial system. I believe that understanding personal finance and having good credit is essential to living a successful life in the United States; however, most people don’t understand (because they have never been taught) even the basics. I formed a non-profit serving three states that helped tens of thousands of families and individuals get back in control of their finances, wrote a weekly column on credit and debt for Bankrate.com for 20 years, and wrote or co-wrote ten books on credit, scoring, and debt management.

Steve's book list on a successful life financially and mentally

Steve Bucci Why did Steve love this book?

I love this book because it predicts the future accurately. Having great credit and a fat retirement account is great, but understanding the timeline running in the background is key to enjoying it. 

If I ever need a reason to save or to spend, this book will give me a life timeline reference to keep me aware that my life’s clock is ticking. Once I understood what the future would likely look like, I was able to develop a personal scientific rationale for spending before I was too old to enjoy it.

By Barbara Newman, Philip Newman,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Development Through Life as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Human development is fascinating. This text uses a life-stage approach to present development across the life span, drawing on the psychosocial theory of Erik Erikson to provide a conceptual framework. The authors address physical, intellectual, social, and emotional growth in 11 life stages, from the prenatal period through elderhood, focusing on the idea that development results from the interdependence of individuals and their environments at every stage, and placing special emphasis on how optimal development may be fostered throughout life. They also provide many cases that show you how research and theories can be applied to contemporary issues, the diversity…

Book cover of I Can Make You Rich

Sandi Holst Author Of Breathe! You Got This!: Fortunes Favor The Inspired

From my list on getting what you want in life.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am the first in my family to go into business for myself. Now, it took me years of thinking about it before I made the jump. I was scared to take that step, but I did it. My expertise came from 25 years of managing hundreds of clients in numerous industries. I loved how successful people can be with the craziest of ideas. How can you find your passion so you are happy and loving what you are doing in life? How do you overcome the fear of failure, move forward with your desires, and become abundant in doing it? 

Sandi's book list on getting what you want in life

Sandi Holst Why did Sandi love this book?

Well, that’s a title we are all interested in, isn’t it? I don’t think I hesitated for more than a minute to order it. This changed my mindset about money.  

As children, most of us heard, “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” But if you think about it, where does paper money come from? “Trees.” Paul simply helps us change our mindset about money, and I have learned to think about money positively and abundantly. Once I did this, money came from all directions, expected and unexpected.

By Paul McKenna,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked I Can Make You Rich as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Are you ready to become rich?

If you've ever wondered why it is that some people find it easy to make money while others struggle, it's not because they are more intelligent, work harder or have better luck - it's simply because they think and act differently.

Do you want to make more money? Do you want to improve the quality of your life? Do you believe you can be rich? What if it was easier than you think?
Over the past decade, Paul McKenna PhD has made a unique study of the mindset of people rich not only in…

Book cover of The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness

Holly Trantham Author Of Beyond Getting By: The Financial Diet's Guide to Abundant and Intentional Living

From my list on rethinking your relationship with work and money.

Why am I passionate about this?

At The Financial Diet, I’ve written and produced videos about money, productivity, and work/life balance for the better part of a decade. I’ve come to the conclusion that most of our commonly held beliefs about money and work are incorrect: your job shouldn’t be your main purpose, and money shouldn’t be the end goal in and of itself. I’ve also been a longtime nonfiction reader, and I lead a monthly book club for our Patreon members. This list is composed of my favorite selections from those meetings (a few of which I’d read previously), and I hope they invite you to question your own relationship with work and money!

Holly's book list on rethinking your relationship with work and money

Holly Trantham Why did Holly love this book?

This was probably the most easily digestible book on investing that I’ve ever read. To me, the most difficult part of investing is simply getting over the fear of doing it, and Morgan Housel gives genuine motivation for overcoming that fear.

The chapters are purposefully short, which allowed me to absorb the main takeaways without getting too in the weeds on details (a necessary downside of a lot of nonfiction). I loved that it included very clear examples of how our brains work against us when it comes to our finances, as well as clear advice on how to counteract that.

By Morgan Housel,

Why should I read it?

9 authors picked The Psychology of Money as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Doing well with money isn't necessarily about what you know. It's about how you behave. And behavior is hard to teach, even to really smart people.

Money-investing, personal finance, and business decisions-is typically taught as a math-based field, where data and formulas tell us exactly what to do. But in the real world people don't make financial decisions on a spreadsheet. They make them at the dinner table, or in a meeting room, where personal history, your own unique view of the world, ego, pride, marketing, and odd incentives are scrambled together.

In The Psychology of Money, award-winning author Morgan…

Book cover of The Mindful Millionaire: Overcome Scarcity, Experience True Prosperity, and Create the Life You Really Want

Jason Vitug Author Of You Only Live Once: The Roadmap to Financial Wellness and a Purposeful Life

From my list on financial wellness books with a holistic approach.

Why am I passionate about this?

I was a finance major who worked in banking, so I knew what I needed to do with money, but I found it challenging to follow through. The books I previously read were money books written by financial gurus who always used yelling and shaming as their teaching method. It never aligned with me. I started writing books with more compassion and an understanding that there are other variables affecting your financial health. I continue to read and recommend books written by people who aspire to help others by giving them knowledge and the space and grace to grow without the guilt trip.

Jason's book list on financial wellness books with a holistic approach

Jason Vitug Why did Jason love this book?

I enjoy money books that go beyond calculations and numbers and can reach the heart and soul. Leisa’s book helped me think of money in a holistic way, using the chakras that I am familiar with through yoga.

It made me rethink my own relationship with money and how it affects not just my financial health, but my overall wellbeing. 

By Leisa Peterson,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Mindful Millionaire as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

“Leisa has a truly unique gift and has designed a path that will transform your relationship with money.”―Grant Sabatier, author of Financial Freedom and creator of Millennial Money

In the world of personal finance the biggest challenge is the sense that there’s never going to be enough. It is this mindset of scarcity, and not the amount spent on lattes, that holds people back the most from achieving their financial dreams.

Using techniques she’s developed as a financial planner and spiritual coach, Leisa Peterson guides you to dig deeper and discover the root of your financial thinking to change not…

Book cover of The Simple Path to Wealth

Ben Le Fort Author Of The Investor's Mindset: Analyze Markets. Invest Strategically. Minimize Risk. Maximize Returns.

From my list on helping you invest your money and grow your wealth.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’ve been rather fixated with money and finances since I was a kid beating my friend's parents at Monopoly. I majored in economics and had a few rough years financially graduating into the depths of the great recession in 2010. In 2013 I completed my Master’s in finance and economics, took a day job in economic research, and have been moonlighting as a finance writer for the past five years.  

Ben's book list on helping you invest your money and grow your wealth

Ben Le Fort Why did Ben love this book?

The Simple Path to Wealth is hard to beat as an introduction to investing.

This book has a singular message; invest in a U.S. stock market index fund and call it a day. Every page in the book, brings the reader back to that conclusion. While I have small quibbles with some issues (such as international diversification being glossed over,) if you find investing confusing or overwhelming this book is a fantastic place to start as it simplifies investing. 

By J.L. Collins,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked The Simple Path to Wealth as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

“In the dark, bewildering, trap-infested jungle of misinformation and opaque riddles that is the world of investment, JL Collins is the fatherly wizard on the side of the path, offering a simple map, warm words of encouragement and the tools to forge your way through with confidence. You'll never find a wiser advisor with a bigger heart.” -- Malachi Rempen: Filmmaker, cartoonist, author and self-described ruffian

This book grew out of a series of letters to my daughter concerning various things—mostly about money and investing—she was not yet quite ready to hear.

Since money is the single most powerful tool…

Book cover of Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence

Holly Trantham Author Of Beyond Getting By: The Financial Diet's Guide to Abundant and Intentional Living

From my list on rethinking your relationship with work and money.

Why am I passionate about this?

At The Financial Diet, I’ve written and produced videos about money, productivity, and work/life balance for the better part of a decade. I’ve come to the conclusion that most of our commonly held beliefs about money and work are incorrect: your job shouldn’t be your main purpose, and money shouldn’t be the end goal in and of itself. I’ve also been a longtime nonfiction reader, and I lead a monthly book club for our Patreon members. This list is composed of my favorite selections from those meetings (a few of which I’d read previously), and I hope they invite you to question your own relationship with work and money!

Holly's book list on rethinking your relationship with work and money

Holly Trantham Why did Holly love this book?

To me, this book is a classic in the realm of personal finance for a reason. It is the clearest explanation of how money is not actually about money; if you’re actually living by your values and seeking a life that makes you feel truly fulfilled, the point of working is to earn enough money to live on and take care of your future with, while being able to spend the majority of your time doing what you actually enjoy.

I love that this book is centered around finding a purpose without tying that purpose to how you earn a living. It also gives really clear suggestions for long-term investing, and I was happy to see that updated for our current times in the newest edition. 

By Vicki Robin, Joe Dominguez,

Why should I read it?

6 authors picked Your Money or Your Life as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Have Enough Money for a Rich Life-Without Winning the Lottery
How much money is enough? Vicki Robin has made it her life's work to explore this question. Her remarkable discovery: money is energy-and conscious awareness is the key to finding its real value. On Your Money or Your Life Robin shares the nine-step program originally created with her teaching partner Joe Dominguez, which has helped nearly three quarters of a million people worldwide reach new levels of comfort, competence, and consciousness around their personal finances. Updated for the 21st century, this two-CD program offers hands-on tools and practical insights to…

Book cover of Get Good with Money: Ten Simple Steps to Becoming Financially Whole

LaTonya M. Summers Author Of Black Again: Losing and Reclaiming My Racial Identity

From my list on restoring black women’s mental wellness.

Why am I passionate about this?

Black women's mental wellness is important to me because my racial identity was interrupted by racial assimilation. There was a period of time where I thought passing for white would lead me to the success I sought. I learned that adopting white norms and values as my own was psychologically harmful, and these books led to racial restoration and mental well-being. I am an associate professor of clinical mental health, and I teach my students to assess, identify, and promote healthy racial identity development. I hope readers who are on their journeys will find these books helpful. 

LaTonya's book list on restoring black women’s mental wellness

LaTonya M. Summers Why did LaTonya love this book?

Much of my financial nonsense was taught, indirectly and directly, by my parents, family, and community members. Coming from a low-income and blue-collar working-class family, I am armed with a mentality toward poverty.

This book was written in plain language about saving, budgeting, investing, and wealth building. The steps were practical and easy enough for me to implement. Because of this book, I have a plan for my money; I know exactly where it goes, and I am an investor. These are no longer things I thought were reserved for white people.  

By Tiffany Aliche,

Why should I read it?

5 authors picked Get Good with Money as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

NEW YORK TIMES, WALL STREET JOURNAL, AND USA TODAY BESTSELLER • A ten-step plan for finding peace, safety, and harmony with your money—no matter how big or small your goals and no matter how rocky the market might be—by the inspiring and savvy “Budgetnista.”

“No matter where you stand in your money journey, Get Good with Money has a lesson or two for you!”—Erin Lowry, bestselling author of the Broke Millennial series

Tiffany Aliche was a successful pre-school teacher with a healthy nest egg when a recession and advice from a shady advisor put her out of a job and…

Book cover of The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness

Scott LaPierre Author Of Your Finances God's Way: A Biblical Guide to Making the Best Use of Your Money

From my list on finance books for biblically conservative Christians.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am the teaching pastor of Woodland Christian Church, a role I've held since 2010. I preach God’s Word 1 to 3 times weekly, and I'm also a conference speaker and author. While I do some counseling and discipling, my main focus is on teaching and preaching, which involves studying God’s Word for 20 to 30 hours per week. I've learned biblical financial principles and I'm passionate about equipping people with them. With ten children on a single-income pastor’s salary, I've had to apply these principles in my own life, which has reinforced their importance and effectiveness.

Scott's book list on finance books for biblically conservative Christians

Scott LaPierre Why did Scott love this book?

When Katie and I married, we had completely different views on finances. In particular, I wanted to get out of debt and Katie seemed like she wanted to keep spending money regardless of how much we had. Someone gave us this book as a wedding gift and Katie read it on our honeymoon. By the time we came home her view was completely changed.

It’s probably the highest recommendation I can give this book. There’s a reason it is the top-selling financial book of all time. I have read it and recommended it to others. The book has mass appeal because it’s not strictly Christian.

Get-rich-quick schemes are avoided in place of a simple and straightforward approach. The program, Financial Peace University, has been used in churches and secular organizations. The major focus is the elimination of debt. The accompanying radio show, podcasts, and supplemental material also have this focus.

By Dave Ramsey,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked The Total Money Makeover as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Do you want to build a budget that actually works for you? Are you ready to transform your relationship with money? This New York Times bestseller has already helped millions of people learn how to develop everyday money-saving habits with the help of America's favorite finance coach, Dave Ramsey.

By now, you've already heard all of the nutty get-rich-quick schemes and the fiscal diet fads that leave you with a lot of quirky ideas but not a penny in your pocket. If you're tired of the lies and sick of the false promises, Dave is here to provide practical, long-term…

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