30 books like Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms

By John Downes, Jordan Elliot Goodman,

Here are 30 books that Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms fans have personally recommended if you like Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms. Shepherd is a community of 11,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world.

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Book cover of Post-Capitalist Society

Steve Bucci Author Of Credit Repair Kit For Dummies

From my list on a successful life financially and mentally.

Why am I passionate about this?

I began a mission in 1991 to help individuals and families recover from the unfairness of the financial system. I believe that understanding personal finance and having good credit is essential to living a successful life in the United States; however, most people don’t understand (because they have never been taught) even the basics. I formed a non-profit serving three states that helped tens of thousands of families and individuals get back in control of their finances, wrote a weekly column on credit and debt for Bankrate.com for 20 years, and wrote or co-wrote ten books on credit, scoring, and debt management.

Steve's book list on a successful life financially and mentally

Steve Bucci Why did Steve love this book?

I met Peter at a conference years ago and will never forget the experience. His vision of the future was unique and compelling.

I found the book, his thinking completely out of the box, and his insight into major forces changing our world without peers. Peter ties money, politics, social change, and trends together, offering a peek into the challenges and direction of the future.

By Peter F. Drucker,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Post-Capitalist Society as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Provides insight into the changes that are affecting politics, business and society itself. Business managers need to be aware of these changes in order to benefit from the opportunities that the future has to offer.

Book cover of Money Mammoth: Harness The Power of Financial Psychology to Evolve Your Money Mindset, Avoid Extinction, and Crush Your Financial Goals

Steve Bucci Author Of Credit Repair Kit For Dummies

From my list on a successful life financially and mentally.

Why am I passionate about this?

I began a mission in 1991 to help individuals and families recover from the unfairness of the financial system. I believe that understanding personal finance and having good credit is essential to living a successful life in the United States; however, most people don’t understand (because they have never been taught) even the basics. I formed a non-profit serving three states that helped tens of thousands of families and individuals get back in control of their finances, wrote a weekly column on credit and debt for Bankrate.com for 20 years, and wrote or co-wrote ten books on credit, scoring, and debt management.

Steve's book list on a successful life financially and mentally

Steve Bucci Why did Steve love this book?

Brad was one of the first psychologists to recognize that how we think about money is critical to financial success. My book gives you the tools; Brad’s gives you the mindset for success.

I was surprised to find that so many of my friends and family are wired for one aspect of living but not for financial success. Being a great ball player or surgeon does not mean you will be a great saver or financial planner.

This book will open your eyes to the mental pitfalls that keep so many from success. My book will show you what you need to do; this book will clear away clutter you never knew existed to give you confidence that you are on the right track.  

By Brad Klontz, Edward Horwitz, Ted Klontz

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Money Mammoth as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

A look at the psychological barriers to financial success and how to create a better financial future

When it comes to our relationship with money, we are in the Stone Age. Despite the relentless barrage of information and warnings from financial experts, the average American is in terrible financial shape. It turns out that human beings are just not wired to do the right things around money-such as saving and not overspending. That's why financial success is so difficult to attain. When it comes to our financial instincts, we are no more evolved than our ancestors who hunted the Woolly…

Book cover of Development Through Life: A Psychosocial Approach

Steve Bucci Author Of Credit Repair Kit For Dummies

From my list on a successful life financially and mentally.

Why am I passionate about this?

I began a mission in 1991 to help individuals and families recover from the unfairness of the financial system. I believe that understanding personal finance and having good credit is essential to living a successful life in the United States; however, most people don’t understand (because they have never been taught) even the basics. I formed a non-profit serving three states that helped tens of thousands of families and individuals get back in control of their finances, wrote a weekly column on credit and debt for Bankrate.com for 20 years, and wrote or co-wrote ten books on credit, scoring, and debt management.

Steve's book list on a successful life financially and mentally

Steve Bucci Why did Steve love this book?

I love this book because it predicts the future accurately. Having great credit and a fat retirement account is great, but understanding the timeline running in the background is key to enjoying it. 

If I ever need a reason to save or to spend, this book will give me a life timeline reference to keep me aware that my life’s clock is ticking. Once I understood what the future would likely look like, I was able to develop a personal scientific rationale for spending before I was too old to enjoy it.

By Barbara Newman, Philip Newman,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Development Through Life as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Human development is fascinating. This text uses a life-stage approach to present development across the life span, drawing on the psychosocial theory of Erik Erikson to provide a conceptual framework. The authors address physical, intellectual, social, and emotional growth in 11 life stages, from the prenatal period through elderhood, focusing on the idea that development results from the interdependence of individuals and their environments at every stage, and placing special emphasis on how optimal development may be fostered throughout life. They also provide many cases that show you how research and theories can be applied to contemporary issues, the diversity…

Book cover of Simple Wealth, Inevitable Wealth: How You and Your Financial Advisor Can Grow Your Fortune in Stock Mutual Funds

Jeff Bernier Author Of The Money and Meaning Journey: A Guide to Clarity, Financial Confidence, and Joy

From my list on financial peace in retirement.

Why am I passionate about this?

As a wealth advisor for over 37 years, I find many people reach retirement lacking clarity and confidence. Traditional financial advice often focuses on things that are unknowable, uncontrollable, and frankly don’t matter that much. While sound technical investment, estate, and tax planning are critical, the soul’s need for meaning and purpose are as important as sound financial plans. The path to true financial peace may be simpler than you think. These books can help you focus on the fewer, more critical things so that you can thrive in retirement and free yourself from financial media which is not in business to support your vision of a meaningful life.

Jeff's book list on financial peace in retirement

Jeff Bernier Why did Jeff love this book?

An easy read for the retirement investor. 

It helps you understand what the real risks are and how to own equities (the world’s great businesses) to create a rising income stream in retirement.

I am usually jealous when I read anything from Nick Murray – wishing I had his gift of communicating with great conviction and humor.

I believe in the message of this book so much that I send it to clients on the one-year anniversary of our relationship!

By Nick Murray,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Simple Wealth, Inevitable Wealth as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Preface: Over the course of the last three decades, I've been an advisor to individual investors, and now - for want of a better description - an advisor to other financial advisors. This book will tell you absolutely everything of critical importance that learned about investing during that time. That's the good news. It may also be the bad news. It's potentially good news because if one labors diligently and lovingly at this profession for over thirty years, as I've tried to do, one learns an awful lot about how markets and investments really work. I need hardly add that,…

Book cover of The Smartest Sales Book You'll Ever Read: The Truth about Successful Selling

David Leo Author Of The Financial Advisor's Success Manual: How to Structure and Grow Your Financial Services Practice

From my list on thinking about the meaning of one’s life and work.

Why am I passionate about this?

I have over 60 years of business experience across a range of companies, types of businesses, and jobs. These include analyst, programmer, sales, marketing, education, consulting, management, and coaching. My professional history and a strong educational background and continuing studies have led to my authoring a book and many dozens of published articles. In all cases, I am passionate about seeking better and helping others to seek better and live productive, efficient, effective, and fulfilling lives. I also have a strong personal life with three successful adult sons and six grandchildren who are well on their way to their own successes.

David's book list on thinking about the meaning of one’s life and work

David Leo Why did David love this book?

This book is pragmatic and less complex than any sales-oriented book I have ever read. The simplicity and truths make 100% sense like, “Happy cows give more milk, and happy salespeople tend to sell more.” And, “There’s a much better way to close sales and find happiness than walking on hot coals and repeating mantras. I didn’t know that for certain until I did the research for this book.” 

The author, correctly in my view, discounts the value and importance of the huge piles of sales books that give sales advice that seems formulaic and manipulative. His focus is real and on mindset, saying, being happier is likely to make you more successful. Instead of just discussing how to close more sales he presents ways you can be happier.

Successful salespeople are pragmatists. They are realistic about their own abilities. They focus their efforts on activities that are actually likely…

By Daniel R Solin,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Smartest Sales Book You'll Ever Read as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

My New York Times bestselling Smartest series of investment books changed the way hundreds of thousands of Americans invest their hard earned money. Smartest Sales will have a seismic impact on the way everything from dishwashers to mutual funds are sold. Why is this book different? Solid Research: It is based on solid research, not musings. Every recommendation is cross-referenced to one or more of hundreds of academic studies. Debunks the Self-Help Industry: A $mega-billion industry thrives on providing misinformation to a gullible public. If you walk on hot coals, you will likely get burned feet and little else. You…

Book cover of A Piece of the Action: How the Middle Class Joined the Money Class

Matthew P. Fink Author Of The Unlikely Reformer: Carter Glass and Financial Regulation

From my list on American financial history.

Why am I passionate about this?

I was always interested in American history and studied at Brown University under an outstanding professor of American economic history, James Blaine Hedges.   During my career at the mutual fund association I often approached issues from an historical perspective. For example:  Why did Congress draft legislation in a particular way?  How would past events likely affect a regulator’s decisions today?  As a lawyer I had been trained to write carefully and precisely.  As a lobbyist I learned the need to pre

Matthew's book list on American financial history

Matthew P. Fink Why did Matthew love this book?

My previous recommendations describe the rise of American finance capitalism, leading to the roaring 1920s, the 1929 debacle, and reform legislation. A Piece of the Action takes us forward into the post-World War Two period, when middle-class Americans moved from being cautious savers to become borrowers and investors on a massive scale. The author is an experienced journalist who captures these more recent developments in highly readable style.

By Joe Nocera,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked A Piece of the Action as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Now with a new introduction describing the fallout of America’s consumer credit boom, 1994’s wildly acclaimed bestseller A Piece of the Action tells the story of how millions of middle class Americans went from being savers to borrowers and investors through the invention of credit cards, mutual funds, and IRAs—resulting in profound societal change.

“America began to change on a mid-September day in 1958, when the Bank of America dropped its first 60,000 credit cards on the unassuming city of Fresno, California.” So begins Joe Nocera’s riveting account of one of the most astonishing revolutions in modern American life—what Nocera…

Book cover of Investing for Kids Activity Book: 65 Activities about Saving, Investing, and Growing Your Money

Juwan Rohan Author Of Money Talks: The Beginners Guide To Investing For Kids

From my list on for children to learn financial literacy.

Why am I passionate about this?

I'm very passionate about teaching children's financial literacy and business because with social media, it's easy for children to get caught up in the flashy and shiny materialist things. I like to teach kids about business and how to use the mistakes in business to scale and grow. I have expertise in this area as I've written three books, taught financial literacy & business at schools, and own a few different businesses. After I graduated college, I was thrown into the 'real world' with a good job and learned my lessons the hard way by spending too much money on things that did not matter. Hence my passion to want to help The Misguided.

Juwan's book list on for children to learn financial literacy

Juwan Rohan Why did Juwan love this book?

This book is a great option for children who want more activity rather than just reading. This book will keep you engaged!

It's another great option to work with your children and spend quality time teaching them how to make better financial decisions so that they are prepared for the world. I really enjoyed completing this book with my little nephew and the joy on his face when he realized how much money he can potentially have in the future is priceless.

By Justine Nelson,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Investing for Kids Activity Book as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it. This book is for kids age 8, 9, 10, and 11.

What is this book about?

Help your child become a financial whiz kid—for ages 8 to 12

It’s never too early to set children on the path to financial literacy. This activity book, a companion to Investing for Kids, teaches them how to become savvy with their finances. Through educational and engaging exercises, they’ll learn how to track their spending, make good investments, and so much more.
Build a financial vocabulary—Your kid will sound like a finance pro as they learn all sorts of important financial terms like mutual funds, debit vs. credit, and simple interest vs. compound interest. Explore engaging activities—They’ll develop their money…

Book cover of Common Sense on Mutual Funds

John M. Mulvey Author Of Worldwide Asset and Liability Modeling

From my list on how to achieve your financial goals.

Why am I passionate about this?

In my first year as an undergraduate in computer science at the University of Illinois, I took two classes that set the course for my 54-year career (6 years at TRW Systems aerospace firm, and 48 years teaching at Harvard and Princeton Universities): 1) introduction to optimization, and 2) computer algorithms. These topics continue to fascinate me, especially as they relate to improving investment performance via modern optimization technology and data sciences. Optimization plays a critical role in many domains, including supply chains, quantitative finance, and machine learning algorithms. Everyone interested in improving performance ought to understand the successful uses of this proven technology.

John's book list on how to achieve your financial goals

John M. Mulvey Why did John love this book?

As a loyal Princeton University alum, Jack Bogle often visited us and participated in discussions at the Bendheim Center for Finance, at our investment workshops, and at reunions, as well as lectures in my and others’ courses at Princeton. Jack had a remarkable ability to take a complicated problem and distill it into simple, intuitive, and understandable terms.

This highly readable book provides several topics worth studying for individuals interested in improving their wealth and risk management activities. It shows Jack’s philosophy and his direct attitude to managing money to minimize costs; it provides an excellent starting point for establishing sound investing steps.  

By John C. Bogle,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Common Sense on Mutual Funds as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

John C. Bogle shares his extensive insights on investing in mutual funds

Since the first edition of Common Sense on Mutual Funds was published in 1999, much has changed, and no one is more aware of this than mutual fund pioneer John Bogle. Now, in this completely updated Second Edition, Bogle returns to take another critical look at the mutual fund industry and help investors navigate their way through the staggering array of investment alternatives that are available to them.

Written in a straightforward and accessible style, this reliable resource examines the fundamentals of mutual fund investing in today's turbulent…

Book cover of Chuck Jaffe's Lifetime Guide To Mutual Funds: An Owner's Manual

Arthur VanDam Author Of Save Money on Groceries: 327 Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bills and More

From my list on personal finance that make building wealth easy.

Why am I passionate about this?

I love helping people save money in creative ways, build wealth, and gain financial freedom. Thankfully, my Dad taught me how to budget when I was 12 years old. My accounting professor used a ski lift as a way to analyze business profitability. I could visualize that! At Citibank, I found that people were overwhelmed with their finances and Wall Street was confusing. I’m a CPA and MBA in Finance. I love writing, sharing examples, and finding straightforward ways to help people save money and build wealth. These experiences showed me how to make my money work for me. I show you how to make your money work for you!

Arthur's book list on personal finance that make building wealth easy

Arthur VanDam Why did Arthur love this book?

Chuck Jaffe knows personal finance and especially mutual funds. He’s spent a lifetime mastering personal finance including from his early days with The Boston Globe newspaper.

This guide is a comprehensive roadmap to understanding and investing in mutual funds. Jaffe’s A to Z resource helps readers get started and create a long-term investing plan with mutual funds. He explains asset allocation to help design an investment portfolio. He reveals the characteristics of winning and losing mutual funds.

Two great chapters are "Seven Steps to Buying a Fund" and "Twelve Questions to Ask Before You Buy". He helps us avoid pitfalls that cost investors money. Designed for seasoned and new investors alike. While other books are ‘cloudy’ Jaffe writes in plain English and explains it all.  

By Charles Jaffe,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Chuck Jaffe's Lifetime Guide To Mutual Funds as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

encyclopaedic in its scope yet easy-to-use, this mutual-fund "owner's manual" is a one-stop resource for anyone who wants to go beyond the basics and start planning long-term, profitable fund investments. Breezy, readable, and organized into manageable mini-chapters, it will prove indispensable for investors with all levels of financial experience and knowledge. Syndicated columnist Chuck Jaffe is an idea coach to the ins and outs of mutual-fund ownership, from buying and selling funds to passing them on to heirs. He cuts through the clutter that confuses many investors and costs them money.

Book cover of Coffee Can Investing: The Low Risk Road to Stupendous Wealth

Prasenjit Paul Author Of How to Avoid Loss and Earn Consistently in the Stock Market: An easy-to-understand and practical guide for every investor

From my list on Indian Stock Market.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am SEBI registered equity analyst, bestselling author & public speaker. I have started investing in the Indian stock market at the age of 18 and have a history of identifying several multi-bagger stocks like Chemcrux Enterprises, Lancer Container, Sirca Paints, Caplin Point Lab, Can Fin Homes, Mayur Uniquoters, etc. My portfolio consistently outperformed the index by a significant margin. For more details visit my website.

Prasenjit's book list on Indian Stock Market

Prasenjit Paul Why did Prasenjit love this book?

The book offers a low-risk, long-term investment approach by investing in high-quality stocks. There are lots of examples from the Indian stock market backed by data and charts supporting the method. Not for traders, the book will help serious long-term investors seeking wealth creation over the long run.

By Saurabh Mukherjea,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Coffee Can Investing as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Most people invest in the usual assets: real estate, gold, mutual funds, fixed deposits and stock markets. It's always the same four or five instruments. All they end up making is a measly 8 to 12 per cent per annum. Those who are exceptionally unfortunate get stuck in the middle of a crash and end up losing a lot of money. What if there was another way? What if you could make not 10 not 15 but 20 per cent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) on your investments? What if there was a way to grow your money four to…

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