100 books like Making A Killing

By Bob Torres,

Here are 100 books that Making A Killing fans have personally recommended if you like Making A Killing. Shepherd is a community of 11,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world.

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Book cover of The Solutionary Way: Transform Your Life, Your Community, and the World for the Better

Stacy Hoult Author Of The Mythology of the Animal Farm in Children's Literature: Over the Fence

From my list on inspire compassion for farmed animals.

Why am I passionate about this?

Growing up on a small family farm in the Midwest, I was immersed in a world of animals: pets, free-ranging wildlife, and “food” animals (pigs and cows). As an adult and academic professional, I longed for a way to bridge my vocation (teaching college students and writing about literature) and my deep commitment to the care and stewardship of all beings. These books have opened my eyes to the lived experiences of farmed animals and to the mythologies we use to hide these experiences from ourselves and, especially, our children. I hope you find them as moving and insightful as I do!

Stacy's book list on inspire compassion for farmed animals

Stacy Hoult Why did Stacy love this book?

I have waited for years for the new book from the animal rights legend (and president/founder of the Institute for Humane Education), which provides a roadmap for building a better world through a transformative course of action called the Solutionary Process.

As always, I appreciate how Weil makes a compelling case for compassion for nonhuman animals; here, she pays special attention to the plight of hens used for egg production, dairy cows, veal calves, and the secrecy and deception surrounding their treatment by the animal-industrial complex.

The author’s signature mix of accurate (and often shocking) facts with personal storytelling and gentle myth-busting encourages compassion without plunging would-be change agents into apathy or depression. 

By Zoe Weil,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Solutionary Way as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Forges a path away from polarization toward ethical problem solving and a more humane, equitable, and healthy society

From tackling injustice to protecting the environment to ending animal cruelty to improving the strength of our communities, deep divisions in our society often prevent us from working collaboratively to solve the problems we face.

Based on Zoe Weil's decades of work as a humane educator, The Solutionary Way provides clear, achievable methods to bridge divides, address the causes of seemingly intractable challenges, and create positive change. Grounded in evidence-based optimism and illustrated with dozens of real-world examples, this book provides:


Book cover of Dominion: The Power of Man, the Suffering of Animals, and the Call to Mercy

Stacy Hoult Author Of The Mythology of the Animal Farm in Children's Literature: Over the Fence

From my list on inspire compassion for farmed animals.

Why am I passionate about this?

Growing up on a small family farm in the Midwest, I was immersed in a world of animals: pets, free-ranging wildlife, and “food” animals (pigs and cows). As an adult and academic professional, I longed for a way to bridge my vocation (teaching college students and writing about literature) and my deep commitment to the care and stewardship of all beings. These books have opened my eyes to the lived experiences of farmed animals and to the mythologies we use to hide these experiences from ourselves and, especially, our children. I hope you find them as moving and insightful as I do!

Stacy's book list on inspire compassion for farmed animals

Stacy Hoult Why did Stacy love this book?

Scully's tour de force investigates the state of humanity's relationship with animals through a Scriptural lens, exploring the multifaceted concept of "dominion" from the Biblical creation story as he takes on industrial farmers, trophy hunters, and others who gain fame and fortune on the backs of suffering nonhuman creatures.

I continue to be moved by the author's courage in using his voice as a well-known Republican speechwriter to dismantle the notion that compassion for animals is a "liberal" cause. His immersive research into the full range of manifestations of animal cruelty makes this one of the most shocking and compelling texts I have read on the subject of our treatment of other beings. 

By Matthew Scully,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Dominion as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

In the Book of Genesis, God grants mankind "dominion" over other animals. But with such power comes an important responsibility: To treat them with kindness. Part investigative journalism and part call to action, DOMINION explores how we have disregarded and even perverted that duty towards animals. Building a case that avoids the extremes of more radical animal rights advocates, Matthew Scully argues against the popular and "scientifically proven" notions that animals cannot feel pain, experience no emotions and are not conscious of their own lives. Moving from that biblical injunction to a safari convention and a hellish factory farm, and…

Book cover of The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory

Stacy Hoult Author Of The Mythology of the Animal Farm in Children's Literature: Over the Fence

From my list on inspire compassion for farmed animals.

Why am I passionate about this?

Growing up on a small family farm in the Midwest, I was immersed in a world of animals: pets, free-ranging wildlife, and “food” animals (pigs and cows). As an adult and academic professional, I longed for a way to bridge my vocation (teaching college students and writing about literature) and my deep commitment to the care and stewardship of all beings. These books have opened my eyes to the lived experiences of farmed animals and to the mythologies we use to hide these experiences from ourselves and, especially, our children. I hope you find them as moving and insightful as I do!

Stacy's book list on inspire compassion for farmed animals

Stacy Hoult Why did Stacy love this book?

This classic by the vegan ecofeminist writer and activist opened my eyes to the ways in which language is used to cover or erase real animal lives. I appreciate her relatable examples as she calls out both the tendency to dismiss caring for animals as a childish concern and the systematic desensitization of children to the consumption of meat.

Prior to discovering this book, I had never reflected on the interconnectedness of animal cruelty and gendered violence against human victims, but Adams led me to think much more deeply about representations of female farmed animals in children's stories, advertising, and popular culture in general. 

By Carol J. Adams,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Sexual Politics of Meat as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The Sexual Politics of Meat is Carol Adams' inspiring and controversial exploration of the interplay between contemporary society's ingrained cultural misogyny and its obsession with meat and masculinity. First published in 1990, the book has continued to change the lives of tens of thousands of readers into the second decade of the 21st century. Published in the year of the book's 25th anniversary, the Bloomsbury Revelations edition includes a substantial new afterword, including more than 20 new images and discussions of recent events that prove beyond doubt the continuing relevance of Adams' revolutionary book.

Book cover of Why the Wild Things are: Animals in the Lives of Children

Stacy Hoult Author Of The Mythology of the Animal Farm in Children's Literature: Over the Fence

From my list on inspire compassion for farmed animals.

Why am I passionate about this?

Growing up on a small family farm in the Midwest, I was immersed in a world of animals: pets, free-ranging wildlife, and “food” animals (pigs and cows). As an adult and academic professional, I longed for a way to bridge my vocation (teaching college students and writing about literature) and my deep commitment to the care and stewardship of all beings. These books have opened my eyes to the lived experiences of farmed animals and to the mythologies we use to hide these experiences from ourselves and, especially, our children. I hope you find them as moving and insightful as I do!

Stacy's book list on inspire compassion for farmed animals

Stacy Hoult Why did Stacy love this book?

Melson's highly original work has been a towering influence on my thinking about how children, who naturally gravitate to animals, learn to repress this deep connection as they grow into adults, oblivious (or resigned) to the systems implicated in the production of meat and other animal products.

I appreciate her detailed study of the process that brings about this "shift" and how it manifests as an explosion of animal-themed toys, games, films, and other cultural products, even as contact with real animals is all but lost to today's young people.

As a former 4-H kid, I especially respect and relate to her sober analysis of the "rite of passage" of raising and having a personal relationship with an animal whose purpose is to be sold and turned into food. 

By Gail F. Melson,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Why the Wild Things are as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Whether they see themselves as King of the Wild Things or protector of Toto, children live in a world filled with animals - both real and imaginary. From Black Beauty to Barney, animal characters romp through children's books, cartoons, videos, and computer games. As Gail Melson tells us, more than three-quarters of all children in America live with pets and are now more likely to grow up with a pet than with both parents.

Book cover of The Case for Animal Rights

Cary Wolfe Author Of What Is Posthumanism?

From my list on philosophy, ethics, animals, and us.

Why am I passionate about this?

Before there was an interdisciplinary academic field called “Animal Studies,” I was involved in these issues as an animal rights activist. Back then, the question of the animal was not taken seriously in academia as a free-standing problem (like gender or sexuality or race). It was important to me to build that—not just to take seriously the lives of animals, but also to show how the animal issue opens onto a much broader set of fundamental questions about the human and its place in relation to ecology, technology, and the non-human world. That’s why the book series I founded is devoted not to Animal Studies, but to Posthumanism.

Cary's book list on philosophy, ethics, animals, and us

Cary Wolfe Why did Cary love this book?

Peter Singer’s Animal Liberation is usually taken to be the founding philosophical text for the animal rights movement, but I think Tom Regan’s The Case for Animal Rights presents the more compelling, more multi-dimensional argument.

Where Singer grounds moral standing in the fundamental interest in avoiding suffering, Regan foregrounds the “inherent value” of being the “experiencing subject of a life,” for whom avoiding suffering is only part of the question.

There’s plenty of disagreement about whether the rights framework is the best way to think about our moral duties to animals (cf. Derrida above). And Regan’s position is available in less rigorous and scholarly form in some of his other books. But for the full walk-through of the best argument for animal rights, this is the text.

By Tom Regan,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Case for Animal Rights as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

More than twenty years after its original publication, The Case for Animal Rights is an acknowledged classic of moral philosophy, and its author is recognized as the intellectual leader of the animal rights movement. In a new and fully considered preface, Regan responds to his critics and defends the book's revolutionary position.

Book cover of Animal Liberation: The Definitive Classic of the Animal Movement

Robert Zimdahl Author Of Agriculture's Ethical Horizon

From my list on beginning to think about the ethics of agriculture.

Why am I passionate about this?

Several years ago I gave a paper - Human experiments in Teratogenicity - a brief exploration of the use of herbicides in the Vietnam. I was accused of and being a traitor to my discipline and siding with the environmentalists who wanted to diminish herbicide use in agriculture. I wasn't guilty as charged. The accusation encouraged me to explore agriculture's values and ethical foundation. I have continued to explore the ethics of agriculture, question the ethics of the whole agricultural enterprise. I've written, learned, and thought about the application of moral philosophy to agriculture. The book selected will help readers think about the questions and guide those interested in pursuing the application of moral philosophy to agriculture.

Robert's book list on beginning to think about the ethics of agriculture

Robert Zimdahl Why did Robert love this book?

One of the very important agricultural issues is treatment of animals especially those grown in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs).

Singer was among the very first who wrote about how animals are treated by the agricultural enterprise and by people. He was among the first to tell us that animals can suffer and therefore we must consider our moral obligation to any creature that can suffer.

Animal science has made more progress than most other agricultural disciplines in changing the way animals are treated. There is still a long way to go.

By Peter Singer,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Animal Liberation as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

How should we treat non-human animals? In this immensely powerful and influential book (now with a new introduction by Sapiens author Yuval Noah Harari), the renowned moral philosopher Peter Singer addresses this simple question with trenchant, dispassionate reasoning. Accompanied by the disturbing evidence of factory farms and laboratories, his answers triggered the birth of the animal rights movement.

'An extraordinary book which has had extraordinary effects... Widely known as the bible of the animal liberation movement' Independent on Sunday

In the decades since this landmark classic first appeared, some public attitudes to animals may have changed but our continued abuse…

Book cover of Personhood

Jess Bowers Author Of Horse Show

From my list on animal lovers who are also history geeks.

Why am I passionate about this?

As a fiction writer and animal studies scholar, I’m always looking for strange historical anecdotes about human/animal relationships and literary works that help me view humanity’s complex historical relationship with our fellow creatures through fresh eyes. As these books show, whenever humans write about animals, we also write about personhood, bodily autonomy, coexistence, partnership, symbiosis, spectacle, sentience, and exploitation—themes perpetually relevant to what it means to be human!

Jess' book list on animal lovers who are also history geeks

Jess Bowers Why did Jess love this book?

Grounded in philosophy and law, Thalia Field’s book explores how human/animal relationships are codified by human systems. Like Field’s other ecocritical work, this one is formally bold, blurring the lines between lyric essay and poetry.

I am particularly intrigued by 'Happy/That You Have The Body (The Mirror Test),' where Field uses the legal concept of habeas corpus and the Mirror Self-Recognition test to discuss the rights of a captive elephant named Happy, isolated from her own kind for 40 years.

This book is exactly the kind of animal writing I love because each piece asks loudly why “some animals are more equal than others.”

By Thalia Field,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Personhood as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Whether investigating refugee parrots, indentured elephants, the pathetic fallacy, or the revolving absurdity of the human role in the "invasive species crisis," Personhood reveals how the unmistakable problem between humans and our nonhuman relatives is too often the derangement of our narratives and the resulting lack of situational awareness. Building on her previous collection, Bird Lovers, Backyard, Thalia Field's essayistic investigations invite us on a humorous, heartbroken journey into how people attempt to control the fragile complexities of a shared planet. The lived experiences of animals, and other historical actors, provide unique literary-ecological responses to the exigencies of injustice and…

Book cover of The Cupcake Caper

Denise Swanson Author Of Murder of a Smart Cookie

From my list on feel good mysteries.

Why am I passionate about this?

As a former school psychologist and author of over 45 books, I love reading about characters that are likable, plots that are believable, and settings that I want to visit. My years as a psychologist make it easy to spot poorly written characters that don’t ring true. It is also my years as a psychologist that makes me enjoy a light, humorous read with a guaranteed happy ending.

Denise's book list on feel good mysteries

Denise Swanson Why did Denise love this book?

This first book in Kelle Riley’s new series has it all—a plot full of twists and turns, a super-smart sleuth, and just a smidge of romance. I love that the sleuth doesn't act impulsively and instead observes and deduces. In addition, there are yummy recipes, a cranky rescue cat, and several quirky secondary characters. I especially like the couple who own a dog bakery and their trained dog that discourages the goose population.

By Kelle Z. Riley,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Cupcake Caper as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Science is about solving puzzles. Why should solving a murder be any different?Dr. Bree Watson (aka Gabriella Catherine Mayfield-Watson) is comfortable solving chemistry problems. She isn’t comfortable finding her boss dead and being a suspect in his poisoning. Now she’s juggling: •A sexy marketing manager—who may, or may not—be a contract killer. •A handsome lead detective whose interest goes beyond the case. •The dead man’s cranky cat. •A goose-chasing dog in hot water with an animal rights group. •The search for the perfect cupcake recipe. •And, of course, someone who wants her out of the picture.And she thought getting a…

Book cover of The Dreaded Comparison: Human and Animal Slavery

David Livingstone Smith Author Of Making Monsters: The Uncanny Power of Dehumanization

From my list on dehumanization and the impact of this phenomenon.

Why am I passionate about this?

I have an international reputation as an expert on dehumanization. I have researched this subject for the past fifteen years, and have written three books and many articles, and given many talks on it, including a presentation at the 2012 G20 economic summit. I believe that dehumanization is an extremely important phenomenon to understand, because it fuels the worst atrocities that human beings inflict upon one another. If phrases like "never again" have any real meaning, we need to seriously investigate the processes, including dehumanization, that make such horrific actions possible.

David's book list on dehumanization and the impact of this phenomenon

David Livingstone Smith Why did David love this book?

To properly understand dehumanization—which represents human beings as subhuman creatures—it is important to recognize our less-than-humane relations with other animals.  In this compact, vividly-written book, Marjorie Spiegel powerfully juxtaposes the oppressive and cruel treatment of enslaved people with the terrible treatment of nonhuman animals. The book is largely concerned with the dehumanization of enslaved Africans and their descendants, but it is also pertinent to other episodes of racial dehumanization.

By Marjorie Spiegel,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Dreaded Comparison as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Considered a seminal book in the fields of Bioethics and Human-Animal
Studies, and a classic in the field of humane thought, Marjorie
Spiegel's The Dreaded Comparison makes a significant contribution to
our efforts to understand the roots of individual and societal
violence, tying current cultural practices to the legacy of human
bondage, and introducing new and diverse audiences to the history of
slavery and institutionalized racism in the United States.

Spanning history, psychology, and current events-- and ground-breaking
for its thesis which presents the first in-depth exploration of the
similarities between the violence humans have wrought against other
humans, and…

Book cover of Animal Liberation Now: The Definitive Classic Renewed

Alan M. Goldberg Author Of Feeding the World Well: A Framework for Ethical Food Systems

From my list on human animal welfare industrial food production.

Why am I passionate about this?

Professionally, I am a Professor of Toxicology (Emeritus) at the Johns Hopkins University. I devoted my professional career to improving the science of toxicology by developing a program that evaluated risk using non-animal methods. As such, I founded The JHU Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT). In addition, I spent the latter part of my career on Food Ethics. In short, my life work was devoted to animals and better foods. In 2022, the American Visionary Art Museum of Baltimore awarded me an Ambassador of Compassion. 

Alan's book list on human animal welfare industrial food production

Alan M. Goldberg Why did Alan love this book?

The classic and most influential book on Animal Welfare update. Peter is regarded as the father of Animal Welfare, and his influence has been exceptional. This book presents a detailed account of Industrial animal food production. Peter provides an understanding of Industrial Farm Animal Production with details that provide clarity. Caution: You may change your eating habits.  

By Peter Singer,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Animal Liberation Now as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?


“The indispensable foundational text for the movement, new and updated with the honesty and philosophical depth characteristic of all of Singer’s work.” —J.M. Coetzee, author of The Lives of Animals and Disgrace

“Peter Singer may be the most controversial philosopher alive; he is certainly among the most influential.”—The New Yorker

Few books maintain their relevance – and have remained continuously in print – nearly 50 years after they were first published. Animal Liberation, one of TIME’s “All-TIME 100 Best Non-Fiction Books” is one such…

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