Love Lullaby for the King? Readers share 26 books like Lullaby for the King...

By Nikki Grimes, Michelle Carlos (illustrator),

Here are 26 books that Lullaby for the King fans have personally recommended if you like Lullaby for the King. Shepherd is a community of 12,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world.

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Book cover of Little Ewe: The Story of One Lost Sheep

Nancy Tupper Ling Author Of One Perfect Plan: The Bible's Big Story in Tiny Poems

From my list on Christian picture reads for kids.

Why am I passionate about this?

As a children’s author, poet, bookseller, and librarian, I surround myself with books and sometimes books of faith. I remember the joy I felt reading many Bible stories with my parents as a child. It took months to journey from the battle of David and Goliath to the bravery of Queen Esther, and then onto Jesus’ miracles. Exploring something new, I decided to tell these stories through short poem, so a family could read an entire book in one sitting. I truly appreciate when faith-based books work to build the love of God for young readers. Thankfully, more books exist now to show young readers what a faith-centric life looks like.

Nancy's book list on Christian picture reads for kids

Nancy Tupper Ling Why did Nancy love this book?

Even now people refer to the parable of the one lost sheep that Jesus told over 2000 years ago—how a shepherd leaves 99 sheep to find the one that’s missing.

With her picture book, Sassi takes a beloved Bible story and adds rhyme and a counting element to the joy of young readers. It’s easy to imagine how “Little Ewe” falls away from the flock while chasing frogs and spying on sparrows. He’s happy to count his new friends and discover the big world around him until he realizes it’s dark and 10 spooky owl eyes are staring back at him from the trees.

Good news, though. The shepherd, like our Heavenly Father, knows where to look for his one lost sheep, so we have hope Little Ewe will arrive home again. 

By Laura Sassi, Tommy Doyle (illustrator),

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Little Ewe as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it. This book is for kids age 3, 4, and 5.

What is this book about?

Little Ewe would rather jump on logs and investigate spider webs than follow the shepherd when he calls. But what happens when she gets lost? How will she find her way home? Told in whimsical rhyme, this humorous counting book for our littlest ones is a delightful reminder that, like a loving parent, our Shepherd will find us and care for us, even when we wander from the path.

In Little Ewe: The Story of One Lost Sheep, award-winning author Laura Sassi and illustrator Tommy Doyle tell an endearing tale of a distracted sheep and her persistent shepherd, inspired by…

Book cover of The One O'Clock Miracle Storybook: A true story about trusting the words of Jesus

Nancy Tupper Ling Author Of One Perfect Plan: The Bible's Big Story in Tiny Poems

From my list on Christian picture reads for kids.

Why am I passionate about this?

As a children’s author, poet, bookseller, and librarian, I surround myself with books and sometimes books of faith. I remember the joy I felt reading many Bible stories with my parents as a child. It took months to journey from the battle of David and Goliath to the bravery of Queen Esther, and then onto Jesus’ miracles. Exploring something new, I decided to tell these stories through short poem, so a family could read an entire book in one sitting. I truly appreciate when faith-based books work to build the love of God for young readers. Thankfully, more books exist now to show young readers what a faith-centric life looks like.

Nancy's book list on Christian picture reads for kids

Nancy Tupper Ling Why did Nancy love this book?

We’re pulled into this story right from the title of Mitchell’s book.

Inquiring minds wonder: What miracle happened at one o’clock? Soon we discover a father who’s beginning a very long journey to find Jesus, the only one who might heal his dying son. The problem is Jesus is preaching far away in Cana. What if the man’s son passes away before he can return to him? Still, the father walks for miles and miles until he finds Jesus, who instructs the man to return home, for his son will be healed.

Could a miracle have happened at one o’clock, as soon as Jesus spoke, miles away from the sick child? We can all be inspired by this grown man who had the faith of a child and believed. 

By Alison Mitchell, Catalina Echeverri (illustrator),

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The One O'Clock Miracle Storybook as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it. This book is for kids age 3, 4, 5, and 6.

What is this book about?

Stunning retelling of the story of Jesus healing the official’s son that will teach children about the instant power of Jesus' words.

Based on the healing of the official’s son in John chapter 4, this wonderful storybook will teach children about the instant power of the words of Jesus, and that they should trust Jesus because he is God’s Son.

Stunningly illustrated by Catalina Echeverri, author and illustrator of several bestselling children’s books and all the storybooks in the Tales That Tell the Truth series from The Good Book Company.

This book is perfect for children aged 3-6 years old…

Book cover of A Message in the Moon

Nancy Tupper Ling Author Of One Perfect Plan: The Bible's Big Story in Tiny Poems

From my list on Christian picture reads for kids.

Why am I passionate about this?

As a children’s author, poet, bookseller, and librarian, I surround myself with books and sometimes books of faith. I remember the joy I felt reading many Bible stories with my parents as a child. It took months to journey from the battle of David and Goliath to the bravery of Queen Esther, and then onto Jesus’ miracles. Exploring something new, I decided to tell these stories through short poem, so a family could read an entire book in one sitting. I truly appreciate when faith-based books work to build the love of God for young readers. Thankfully, more books exist now to show young readers what a faith-centric life looks like.

Nancy's book list on Christian picture reads for kids

Nancy Tupper Ling Why did Nancy love this book?

Wow! While Roma Downey is best-known for her role as Monica in Touched By an Angel, she is also making her mark as a children’s author.

This is both a touching and reassuring story for a child who feels miles apart from a loved one for any number of reasons. When Roma lost her own mother at a young age, her father reminded her that if they looked up at the light of the moon, they could sense one another’s love across the miles. In the end, we can be grateful for the moon reminding us of God’s love.

By Roma Downey, Holly Hatam (illustrator),

Why should I read it?

1 author picked A Message in the Moon as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it. This book is for kids age 3, 4, 5, and 6.

What is this book about?

This gorgeous picture book illustrates the unique relationship between children and their parents and how this special love connects them always, from near or far—from Emmy-nominated actress, producer, and New York Times bestselling author Roma Downey.

Oh Moon, moon, moon that shines so bright.
Please send this message far . . .
So all will know that they are loved,
No matter where they are.

A Message in the Moon was inspired by Downey’s own story of losing her mother when she was just ten years old and the comfort her father brought her. Years later, when Downey left home…

If you love Lullaby for the King...


Book cover of A Universe of Rainbows

A Universe of Rainbows by Matt Forrest Esenwine,

What do Yellowstone’s Grand Prismatic Spring, the star Betelgeuse, and a drop of water have in common? Rainbows! In this iridescent anthology, Esenwine is joined by Joyce Sidman, Nikki Grimes, Charles Ghigna, and sixteen other poets as they explore bursts of color across nature. Each selection explores a new rainbow—and…

Book cover of The Very Best Story Ever Told: The Gospel with American Sign Language

Nancy Tupper Ling Author Of One Perfect Plan: The Bible's Big Story in Tiny Poems

From my list on Christian picture reads for kids.

Why am I passionate about this?

As a children’s author, poet, bookseller, and librarian, I surround myself with books and sometimes books of faith. I remember the joy I felt reading many Bible stories with my parents as a child. It took months to journey from the battle of David and Goliath to the bravery of Queen Esther, and then onto Jesus’ miracles. Exploring something new, I decided to tell these stories through short poem, so a family could read an entire book in one sitting. I truly appreciate when faith-based books work to build the love of God for young readers. Thankfully, more books exist now to show young readers what a faith-centric life looks like.

Nancy's book list on Christian picture reads for kids

Nancy Tupper Ling Why did Nancy love this book?

A Junior Library Guild Selection, this is a book I wish I had in our home when our daughters were young.

The Bible becomes interactive and alive as children learn 13 different words in American Sign Language that are embedded in each story. They also discover God’s love for our world throughout this engaging book. Words such as “love,” “baby,” “fish,” and “Heaven” are highlighted, so any child can learn how to sign, making it memorable for all. 

By Robin Currie, David Kurtz Williams (illustrator),

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Very Best Story Ever Told as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it. This book is for kids age 4, 5, 6, and 7.

What is this book about?


Winner of Serious Writer's Book of the Decade Award

The Very Best Story Ever Told shares the Gospel story in a unique and creative way, from God's love for the world to Jesus' life to the Spirit surrounding us today. Each line of this story includes important words reinforced with American Sign Language to engage the whole child. As kids learn the signs and repeat the words, visual learning, auditory learning, and kinesthetic learning are fully engaged to equip them to retell the Gospel story again and again.

""This book is a delight! Its charming illustrations, clear retelling of…

Book cover of Scot Under the Mistletoe

Emmanuelle de Maupassant Author Of Highland Christmas

From my list on holiday historical romances set in the Highlands.

Why am I passionate about this?

Historical romance author Emmanuelle lives on the bonny banks of Loch Fyne with her husband and beloved haggis pudding Archie McFloof—connoisseur of bacon treats and squeaky toys. She’ll never tire of dreaming up brooding, kilted heroes. 

Emmanuelle's book list on holiday historical romances set in the Highlands

Emmanuelle de Maupassant Why did Emmanuelle love this book?

No one writes kilted comedy like Caroline Lee, and this title may be her funniest yet. In this medieval festive romance, our heroine is determined to take her happiness into her own hands, convincing the man of her dreams that they truly are the perfect match. The fact that she embroiders bloody battle scenes rather than the usual floral compositions, and is working on a compilation of kama-sutra-style coital positions is the icing on the cake of this wonderful romp.  

By Caroline Lee,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Scot Under the Mistletoe as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

A year ago, Nessa Oliphant FINALLY landed the man of her dreams in bed…but when her father, the laird, betrothed her to the first Henry, her lover failed to fight for her. Brohn, the housekeeper’s son, might be in command of the Oliphant troops, but knows his duty to the clan is to step aside and let Nessa make a strong betrothal contract. But after SEVEN failed betrothals—all to Henrys—Nessa is done with fiddling around. It’s going to take the legend of the Ghostly Drummer of Oliphant Castle, some random sprigs of mistletoe, and plenty of Yuletide magic to fix…

Book cover of Under the Mistletoe

Ivy L. James Author Of Make the Yuletide Gay

From my list on queer romance capturing the magic of the holidays.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’ve adored holiday love stories ever since I was a kid watching Hallmark movies. There’s something about the magic of the holidays that makes two people falling in love even more special. That’s why I chose a contemporary holiday romance for my debut. And we see so much straight romance on TV and in bookstores, but I want to contribute to the queer community with my writing. I write a mix of sexualities; Make the Yuletide Gay features two lesbian women. All that to say, I just love queer holiday romances!

Ivy's book list on queer romance capturing the magic of the holidays

Ivy L. James Why did Ivy love this book?

Okay, first of all, one lead starts off hating the other. Sign me up, right? I like how they’re both lesfic writers but the first two chapters immediately juxtapose where they are in their processes – one is a nobody who can’t write fast enough and the other is a big name with writer’s block. They get roomed together at a writing retreat and then snowed in, so double the forced proximity. We love to see it. For me, this book is a lovely balance of Christmassiness (let me have this word, okay?) and writerliness. It helps me remember why I enjoy writing my queer romances – for the love of storytelling, not for money or fame. (But note: I don’t condone most of the writing opinions put forth in this story.)

By Everly James,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Under the Mistletoe as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Samantha Evans, popular lesbian romance author, has writer’s block and a book due by New Year’s Eve. When she signs up for a writing retreat in an attempt to overcome her lack of creativity, she expects a single-occupancy cabin and plenty of silence for crafting her new book.

What she doesn’t expect is a roommate. A gorgeous, woman roommate.

Gia Torres is an aspiring novelist eager to break into the publishing world and leave her horrible day job as a barista behind. She travels to a Colorado retreat to finish her very first novel, not expecting to find beautiful Samantha…

Book cover of 12 Disasters of Christmas

Cathy O'Bryan Author Of A Child of the Cold War: Code Name: Kitten

From my list on the Cold War, Nazi hunting, and growing up with spies.

Why am I passionate about this?

As a wife of 38 years, mother of two fine adults, teacher of 30 years in art, speech, theatre, art…well painter, and now author, I enjoy hearing about others' stories. Purely by accident, I wrote a small personal story and found that people wanted more… so I wrote more and shazam I had a book. My first book is about childhood experiences and growing up in my normal world. For me it was normal but the outsiders looking in today would see anything but normal. My parents’ careful actions sheltered my sister and me from the outside world's bad influences until things blew up. Then with care they showed us their world of Nazi hunting.

Cathy's book list on the Cold War, Nazi hunting, and growing up with spies

Cathy O'Bryan Why did Cathy love this book?

It’s always good to have a book to read during the holidays about the holidays. This book does that and more. The main character Jane’s calamitous life feels like that never-ending Christmas song racing towards the new year. Jane is not sure she will make it in one piece. It is an easy read with lots of action and romance. Because it is divided into 12 crazy moments it is perfect to stop and start this book without having to back up and reread, you just read the next adventure.

By Robin B. Sweet,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked 12 Disasters of Christmas as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

On the first day of Christmas, her true life gave to Jane, an arm broken by a door...

With eleven more days until her evil stepsister's wedding, where the only thing uglier than the bridesmaids' dresses is the bride's personality, can Jane Smith go more than twenty-four hours without a disaster?

On the second day of Christmas, her true life gave to Jane, two killer dates...

Jane's calamitous life feels like that never-ending Christmas song, racing toward the new year like a gulf coast hurricane heading to Galveston.

On the third day of Christmas, her true life gave to Jane,…

Book cover of Christmas Mouse

'Nathan Burgoine Author Of Upon the Midnight Queer

From my list on queer books to help make the yuletide gay.

Why am I passionate about this?

As someone who struggles with the relentless “Family is everything!” of the holidays—a reality I share in common with a lot of queer people—I’ve been a lover of queer holiday stories that work to counterbalance and center the chosen families so many of us queer people create. As a queer reader, I’m always looking for more immersive stories about people like me, and during the holidays, I’m all the more ready for happy stories of queer holiday joy. I also own a rescued husky, and queer holiday audiobooks help get me through those frosty Canadian winter walks.

'Nathan's book list on queer books to help make the yuletide gay

'Nathan Burgoine Why did 'Nathan love this book?

The realistic queer characters facing the reality of a long-distance romance made me love this. It’s Country Mouse/City Mouse, with an argument over which place has the better Christmas, resulting in each spending time on the other's turf to decide. But unlike the usual Hallmark trope, no grinches exist here, quite the opposite.

Bex the doctor loves her life in the city, she's warm and welcoming, goes to the Nutcracker, and enjoys fine dining for the holidays. Similarly, Eva has friends, family, community, and major roots in Vermont—everything but love, really. Their careers and settled relationships matter, and permanent relocation is never really up for negotiation. If they're going to find a solution to their situation, it's going to involve compromise—and I loved that.

By Rachel Spangler,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Christmas Mouse as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

What makes for the perfect Christmas? Where or how you spend it, or perhaps, who you share it with?

Small-town woodworker Ava Collins and big city doctor Bex Leone both love Christmas. Some might go so far as to call them obsessed. They love Christmas music, Christmas food, Christmas carols, and Christmas movies. When the two women meet over a Thanksgiving dinner, it seems for a second they might have finally found their mistletoe match, but their initial connection goes wildly awry when they realize their versions of what constitutes an ideal Christmas differ as drastically as the places they…

Book cover of Love You Forever

Kim T.S. Author Of Feeling All My Feelings Book

From my list on kids with big feelings.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’m just a normal parent who has gone through the ups and downs of helping her little boy with his exceptionally big feelings. Anger is the main emotion we continue to struggle with, but we’ve come such a long way! The smallest things used to set him off, and he could go from annoyance to rage in minutes. Sometimes it would take us up to an hour to completely calm down. I tried my best to stay patient, help him work through his feelings, and redirect his anger towards non-harmful modes of expression. When he was calm, then we would talk about what happened, and think of ways we can both do better next time.

Kim's book list on kids with big feelings

Kim T.S. Why did Kim love this book?

You won’t normally find this in a list of books about feelings. It’s not about emotions, but it will give you all the feels! I had to include it because now that my son is older and can grasp the meaning of this book (he’s 6 years old), it has helped us avert some major meltdowns. When my son is acting up and I’m at my wit's end, I take deep breaths and whisper some lines from the book: “I love you forever, I’ll like you for always. As long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.” The first time I did this, my son’s anger suddenly melted away. He stopped his tantrum, hugged me, and told me how much he loves me. I don’t want to overuse it, so I’m saving it for when all else fails!

By Robert Munsch, Sheila McGraw (illustrator),

Why should I read it?

4 authors picked Love You Forever as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

A young woman holds her newborn son And looks at him lovingly. Softly she sings to him: "I'll love you forever I'll like you for always As long as I'm living My baby you'll be." So begins the story that has touched the hearts of millions worldwide. Since publication in l986, Love You Forever has sold more than 15 million copies in paperback and the regular hardcover edition. AGES: 4 to 6 AUTHOR: Robert Munsch is the bestselling, widely celebrated author of more than 50 books for children. Love You Forever is his internationally bestselling book with over 30 million…

Book cover of Bears Are Sleeping

Margaret Read MacDonald Author Of Pickin' Peas

From my list on singing picture books.

Why am I passionate about this?

As a Children’s Librarian for over 30 years, my passion has been for the sound of language. I want children to hear rhythmic, joyful language that will make them fall in love with words. My own career as a storyteller and author continues this same love of language. I try to write my own picture books in such a way that any adult who picks them up will read them out with the same kind of verve and joy that I put into them.  

Margaret's book list on singing picture books

Margaret Read MacDonald Why did Margaret love this book?

This is a perfect, soothing lullaby. “Bears are sleeping, deer are sleeping, snow is piling high. Even hungry wolves are sleeping…hush and bye you bye..” Soft, blurry illustrations of sleeping animals in a snowy Russian countryside. Notes for the lullaby run along the bottom of the pages. My daughters loved this gentle bedtime book, a last…quiet book before kissing them goodnight.  

By Yulya, Nonny Hogrogian (illustrator),

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Bears Are Sleeping as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

Book cover of Little Ewe: The Story of One Lost Sheep
Book cover of The One O'Clock Miracle Storybook: A true story about trusting the words of Jesus
Book cover of A Message in the Moon

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