Here are 100 books that Dog Training with the Touch fans have personally recommended if you like
Dog Training with the Touch.
Shepherd is a community of 12,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world.
As far back as I can remember I’ve always loved canines and always wanted to make sure they were
treated kindly. When I
was a kid, I would bring a bag of dog treats with me to visit family and
friends that I knew had dogs; I had to be very convincing too, or else people
would’ve thought they were for me! But they could see it was a delight for me; while everyone would be inside
talking, I would be outside with the pups. Eventually, this enthusiasm
culminated with the creation of Nate Schoemer’s Dog Training Program, with a mission of improving the lives of dogs and their owners through
book is hands down one of those essential readings that every dog owner should
own…it should be read, re-read, and then re-re-read.
Patricia beautifully describes our dog’s emotions, body language, and even the
more subtle expressions that most people miss… it’s like training to be a doggy
I found myself smiling and learning something new and valuable in every
chapter, even after being a professional dog trainer for over ten years.
love our dogs, and they depend on us to care for them and understand them. This
book is not only a page-turner, but it will enhance the relationship that you
have with your furry-faced friend.
Yes, humans and canines are different species, but current research provides fascinating, irrefutable evidence that what we share with our dogs is greater than how we vary. As behaviorist and zoologist Dr. Patricia McConnell tells us in this remarkable new book about emotions in dogs and in people, more and more scientists accept the premise that dogs have rich emotional lives, exhibiting a wide range of feelings including fear, anger, surprise, sadness, and love.
In For the Love of a Dog, McConnell suggests that one of the reasons we love dogs so much is that they express emotions in ways…
As far back as I can remember I’ve always loved canines and always wanted to make sure they were
treated kindly. When I
was a kid, I would bring a bag of dog treats with me to visit family and
friends that I knew had dogs; I had to be very convincing too, or else people
would’ve thought they were for me! But they could see it was a delight for me; while everyone would be inside
talking, I would be outside with the pups. Eventually, this enthusiasm
culminated with the creation of Nate Schoemer’s Dog Training Program, with a mission of improving the lives of dogs and their owners through
is the best book I’ve read on the science behind canine nutrition and helping
someone's dog live a long and happy life. Rodney Habib and veterinarian Karen
Becker create a prescriptive plan that integrates nutritional health sciences through
the study of the most long-lived canines. They incorporate environmental
principles, stress reduction, and the principles of an overall healthy
lifestyle with preeminent science about what nutrients dogs require. They
emphasize stress, isolation, and psychological factors, how even exposure to
negative energy—insults and mean behavior—can so badly affect dogs and their
owners alike.
authors also dig deep into the subject of what pet food manufacturers don’t
want customers to know about. They help the reader get out from the matrix of
how we typically feed our canine companions, with information about how
standard pet foods are made with the lowest quality ingredients, based on how
large corporations do not consider…
In this pathbreaking guide, two of the world's most popular and trusted pet-care advocates reveal new science to teach us how to delay ageing and provide a long, happy, healthy life for our canine companions.
The #1 New York Times Bestseller and Sunday Times Bestseller
'Everyone who lives with dogs needs to read this book' ALEXANDRA HOROWITZ, author of Inside of a Dog and Our Dogs, Ourselves
Over the past few decades, many dogs have been getting sicker and dying prematurely. Why?
Rodney Habib and Dr Karen Shaw Becker have galvanized the best wisdom from top geneticists, microbiologists and longevity…
As far back as I can remember I’ve always loved canines and always wanted to make sure they were
treated kindly. When I
was a kid, I would bring a bag of dog treats with me to visit family and
friends that I knew had dogs; I had to be very convincing too, or else people
would’ve thought they were for me! But they could see it was a delight for me; while everyone would be inside
talking, I would be outside with the pups. Eventually, this enthusiasm
culminated with the creation of Nate Schoemer’s Dog Training Program, with a mission of improving the lives of dogs and their owners through
book is full of great advanced training concepts by one of the best dog
trainers in the world. It is chock full of practical ideas that are helpful for
any type of dog training, not just protection sport training.
believes in working within the premise of the dog’s psychology and drives,
desires, and abilities, promoting an ethical framework; rather than working against
those drives, focusing predominantly on positive reinforcement. Through this, Balabanov
sets up a pathway to success to help trainers become the most successful
competitors of any protection sport.
lays out the most important foundations, starting with the selection of your
dog, on through competition at national and world levels, tackling areas that
you might not find in other training books, with a focus on achieving
world-class competitor status. This is a must-read book for people who want to
take the sport to the next level.
"Ivan's training comes from the heart, for the dog. He has certainly enhanced my view of training and has taught me many valuable, yet simple techniques to achieve the most from my dogs and myself." --Mary A. Allen, World Championship Competitor, USA Apprentice Judge, USA New England Regional Director
"Ivan Balabanov is among the few top trainers in the country who truly understands dog behavior and drives. He is highly respected by the best Schutzhund competitors, trainers and coaches in the country." --Glenn Stephenson, United Schutzhund Clubs of America Judge, International competitor
Training methods for the top competitor. Advanced Schutzhund…
As far back as I can remember I’ve always loved canines and always wanted to make sure they were
treated kindly. When I
was a kid, I would bring a bag of dog treats with me to visit family and
friends that I knew had dogs; I had to be very convincing too, or else people
would’ve thought they were for me! But they could see it was a delight for me; while everyone would be inside
talking, I would be outside with the pups. Eventually, this enthusiasm
culminated with the creation of Nate Schoemer’s Dog Training Program, with a mission of improving the lives of dogs and their owners through
is a personal friend of mine and is an excellent dog trainer. Her book covers
much of the “need-to-know” basics regarding service dog training, and makes an
excellent guide for those starting out. It goes well paired with my book. 😉
makes this book special is that it breaks down how an owner can enter straight
into the service dog training world. This is a very rewarding skill set that can
be converted into an extremely fulfilling career for those interested in
working in the field of training dogs to help people with disabilities,
post-traumatic stress disorders, age-related conditions, and so many more
book captures the fundamentals like raising and training puppies, on up to the
important points about service dog creation, which includes guiding the
vision-impaired, audio-alert training for the hearing impaired, medical alert
responses, and many more primary skillsets that can help someone on…
Master service dog training at home with this easy step-by-step guide
Service dogs are life-changing for people with a range of physical and mental disabilities. But getting one can be complicated and expensive. The Service Dog Training Guide offers you an easy, step-by-step program for you and your dog to follow at home.
Bone up on everything from basic exercises to essential service dog tasks that will guide you and your dog on the best training path. You’ll also find an overview of different types of service and support dogs, breeds, and equipment for training. The step-by-step instructions will help…
I’m a Swedish dog trainer and author who love training dogs in a fun, positive, and force-free way. I got my first Golden retriever in 2005 and learnt a lot about dog training and especially clicker training. When a friend gave me a dummy I really started to enjoy gun dog training and realized that there weren’t many people who trained gun dogs in a force-free way so I took all my knowledge from my reward-based obedience training and translated it into gun dog training, discussed training methods with a lot of people, held classes in force-free gun dog training and eventually collected all my thoughts and training advice into a book together with my friend Lena Gunnarsson.
This book moved me to tears after just reading a couple of pages. The authors describe lots of cases where dogs (and their handlers) have helped people in their lives – calming students, giving elderly people hope, and making them want to do things again. If you want to work together with your dog and help other people in f ex schools, old age care centers, etc. this is a great book. It takes you through the basics of what the dog needs to know, how to teach it, and lots of things to think about when you choose a dog trainer to help you educate your dog.
This is a book for anyone who wants to learn more about what a social working dog is. Maybe you’re curious about what it might be like to work in a school or some form of health care together with your best friend? Maybe you’ve already done an assessment test and are looking for or have already started the course that best suits you? Or maybe you have a family member who you think would benefit from sessions with a dog team but want to know a little more before you propose it? The authors have based the contents of…
I’m a veterinarian, behaviorist, author, and dog trainer. I researched dog interactions for 10 years at UC Berkeley and in the early 80s, put theory to practice with SIRIUS® Puppy Training, introducing off-leash, puppy socialization and training classes, food lures and rewards, fun and games, and science-based, dog-friendly dog training to the doggy world. I spread the word by founding the Association of Professional Dog Trainers. Cueing your dog to act friendly and playful helps it feel friendly and playful. Also, presenting a less threatening picture to other dogs and their owners, softens their feelings, attitudes, preconceptions, and demeanor, thereby making sidewalks, trails, and parks a happier and safer place for you and your dog.
Most of you know Sara from America’s Got Talent? Originally from Canada, Sara and her dogs are peripatetic performers; she, living her childhood her dream, and her pups realizing theirs, all living in her car, traveling the States, and performing for enthusiastic crowds. I first met Sara when she was conducting an on-stage workshop at the APDT Annual Conference: Backward Leg Weaves, balancing on the souls of her feet, and even a Faux Pee. It was stunning.
Sara just loves trick training and dancing with her dogs because it fosters better communication, closeness, and attention. Her dogs get the opportunity to regularly ‘let off steam’ and wag with glee, but then they walk off stage, calmly by her side, because they want to walk by her side—the veritable tango of dog training. There’s more to ‘rhythm and tricks’ than meets the eye, much more: flexibility, balance, core-strengthening,…
You've seen them on TV, now learn from Sara and her Super Collies! You'll find easy-to-follow directions and photos for all the classic tricks as well as showstoppers like taking a selfie and skateboarding!
Whether you have a new puppy or have an "old dog" ready to learn some new tricks, Sara will get you and your dog working together in no time. Learn fundamentals like food and toy drive, leash walking, and crate training, as well as tips for important day-to-day bonding and behavior. Whenever you're ready, dive into the tricks! Chapters and tricks include:
As a professional dog trainer, volunteer foster home for rescue dogs, and a dog owner myself, understanding the canine mind is a passion for me. Helping people live more harmoniously with their dogs drives me to read, learn, and apply what the experts in the field are offering. Any book that gives credible insight into the behavior, thoughts, and feelings of dogs brings us closer to deepening our relationship with them, improving our communication with them, and solving behavior problems in ways that are effective, intelligent, and humane.
This book made me much more aware of how it is natural for us as humans to behave and move in ways that might be disconcerting to our dogs. Being aware of this greatly impacts my interactions with dogs, who, after all, are a completely different species, so it makes sense to approach them differently than we would another primate.
Patricia McConnell’s writing style is engaging, and she shares personal stories throughout the book. I’ve loved everything she’s ever written, but this one is a must-read for anyone who spends any time around dogs.
Learn to communicate with your dog—using their language
“Good reading for dog lovers and an immensely useful manual for dog owners.”—The Washington Post
An Applied Animal Behaviorist and dog trainer with more than twenty years’ experience, Dr. Patricia McConnell reveals a revolutionary new perspective on our relationship with dogs—sharing insights on how “man’s best friend” might interpret our behavior, as well as essential advice on how to interact with our four-legged friends in ways that bring out the best in them.
After all, humans and dogs are two entirely different species, each shaped by its individual evolutionary heritage. Quite simply,…
I’m a Swedish dog trainer and author who love training dogs in a fun, positive, and force-free way. I got my first Golden retriever in 2005 and learnt a lot about dog training and especially clicker training. When a friend gave me a dummy I really started to enjoy gun dog training and realized that there weren’t many people who trained gun dogs in a force-free way so I took all my knowledge from my reward-based obedience training and translated it into gun dog training, discussed training methods with a lot of people, held classes in force-free gun dog training and eventually collected all my thoughts and training advice into a book together with my friend Lena Gunnarsson.
Training high drive, energetic dogs is a lot of fun, but also challenging. In this book, you get advice on how to channel that energy into the training and behavior you want, no matter what type of training you’re interested in: gun dog work, agility, basic obedience, etc. You’ll learn how to teach your dog to be steady, stop barking and spinning when he gets frustrated and focus on you. All of the course uses reward-based, positive methods.
Do you have a high-drive dog that’s raring to go? That’s great! A motivated dog is fun to work with, and clearly enjoys the challenges you are setting. But do you sometimes wish you could reign in some of that enthusiasm and produce the results that you both deserve? Is your dog too excited to wait on the start-line in agility? Is he distracted by people, other dogs, and all the sights, sounds and scents in the environment? Does he struggle to process instructions? Does he bark and spin if he gets frustrated? Is he failing to focus on you?…
I’m a veterinarian, behaviorist, author, and dog trainer. I researched dog interactions for 10 years at UC Berkeley and in the early 80s, put theory to practice with SIRIUS® Puppy Training, introducing off-leash, puppy socialization and training classes, food lures and rewards, fun and games, and science-based, dog-friendly dog training to the doggy world. I spread the word by founding the Association of Professional Dog Trainers. Cueing your dog to act friendly and playful helps it feel friendly and playful. Also, presenting a less threatening picture to other dogs and their owners, softens their feelings, attitudes, preconceptions, and demeanor, thereby making sidewalks, trails, and parks a happier and safer place for you and your dog.
Yup, another book by Kyra—completely different but equally as enjoyable and with many more wonderful photographs (starring Jadie the Weim). I’m sure that all the children have read and mastered everything in 101 Dog Tricks and wanted something more. Well, they got it. I wanted to make this the first choice on my list, but didn’t, because not everyone has children and I didn’t want them to feel left out. Nonetheless, I implore you all to be a child for a day and enjoy the book, and your dog.
The Kids Edition is a marvelous collection of 101 games, activities, brain games, and magic tricks, for children to teach and engage with their dogs. What makes the Kids Edition truly special, most tricks involve projects, showing children how to make stuff, such as doggy doorbells, fleece leashes, personalized dog bowls, teeter-totters, and artworks. Messenger Dog is my all-time favorite and…
Having your children train the family dog through trick teaching is an ideal way to build a safe and respectful relationship early on, build a bond between your dog and the kids, build confidence, and make it fun for everyone! 101 Dog Tricks, Kids Edition will teach you everything you need to know to involve your children in training the family dog. This book presents full color photos of kids working with dogs for each trick, along with training steps, to make it easy to follow along. The step-by-step approach, difficulty rating, and prerequisites will allow you and your child…
I’m a veterinarian, behaviorist, author, and dog trainer. I researched dog interactions for 10 years at UC Berkeley and in the early 80s, put theory to practice with SIRIUS® Puppy Training, introducing off-leash, puppy socialization and training classes, food lures and rewards, fun and games, and science-based, dog-friendly dog training to the doggy world. I spread the word by founding the Association of Professional Dog Trainers. Cueing your dog to act friendly and playful helps it feel friendly and playful. Also, presenting a less threatening picture to other dogs and their owners, softens their feelings, attitudes, preconceptions, and demeanor, thereby making sidewalks, trails, and parks a happier and safer place for you and your dog.
The Big Book of Tricks is big, with 116 tricks and activities in all. (Eat your heart out Kyra!) Oodles of gorgeous, sequential photographs and very clear, straightforward, step-by-step instructions. The canine models include Larry’s Spider and Flashy Ferrari’s (Perondi) Stunt Dogs and the range of tricks is indeed eclectic, but well organized, comprising beginner, intermediate, movie, performance, dancing, stunts, and sports, including Head Balance and Butt Balance (brilliant for building rock-solid Stays), Hop Up and Hugs of various sorts, Crawl Weave, which looks easy for dogs but a challenging workout for the trainer, and Wipe Your Paws, a must-teach for muddy Labradors.
I’ve known Larry since he wrote his first dog book and we’ve shared a few bottles of Côtes du Rhône, and I know Chris by reputation… and my word what a truly amazing reputation… the Stunt Dogs perform over 1,000 shows a year. All his dogs…
Show off your dog! And let your dog show off, too!
Using the secrets of professional dog trainers, this fully illustrated guide with hundreds of step-by-step photos show how to teach your pet 118 tricks and stunts. Organized from beginner level to pro, these tricks run the gamut from the kinds of things any well-behaved dog should know—fetch, paw shake, roll over—to stunts that will delight your friends and family, from dance routines to flying disc acrobatics. You’ll even learn the tricks behind filmmaking with dogs to create your own movie magic and performance showstoppers. And there are benefits far…