I’ve always looked to books for support, even as a child when in need of comfort from my parents’ constant fighting. As I became older, I looked for ways to build stress resilience and optimism, so it was only natural that I would turn to books again. I would spend hours in libraries and bookstores reading the self-help books. I eventually went on to get a master’s degree in counseling and a doctoral degree in clinical psychology, each providing plenty of opportunity to expand my collection. I now write my own self-help books and cherish the idea of giving someone else the support I once so desperately needed.
I wrote
The Emotionally Intelligent Teen: Skills to Help You Deal with What You Feel, Build Stronger Relationships, and Boost Self-Confidence
I thought I had a fairly strong understanding of how the mind works until I read this book!
I was blown away to learn how our thoughts, feelings, and actions are impacted by our environments, movements, and others.
Not only was it informative, I learned how to change things up immediately so that I’m more in tune with my body and know what I need to do to think more clearly and focused.
A New York Times Editors' Choice A Washington Post Best Nonfiction Book of 2021 A New York Times Notable Book
A bold new book reveals how we can tap the intelligence that exists beyond our brains—in our bodies, our surroundings, and our relationships
Use your head.
That’s what we tell ourselves when facing a tricky problem or a difficult project. But a growing body of research indicates that we’ve got it exactly backwards. What we need to do, says acclaimed science writer Annie Murphy Paul, is think outside the brain. A host of “extra-neural” resources—the feelings and movements of our…
Whenever I need a dose of inspiration and motivation, I listen to this book. The idea of first visualizing how we want to be in the future and then acting from THAT place is revolutionary.
Usually, we’re taught to create change in the present through new habits, which will then impact our future. I use this book to clarify my vision for the future so I can then act as though I’m already that person or living that life.
This isn't a book about BECOMING it's about BEING: noted psychologist Dr. Benjamin Hardy shows how to imagine the person you want to be, then BE that person now. When you do this, your imagined FUTURE directs your behavior, rather than your past.
Who is your Future-Self?
That question may seem trite. But it's literally the answer to all of your life's questions. It's the answer to what you're going to do today. It's the answer to how motivated you are, and how you feel about yourself. It's the answer to whether you'll distract yourself on social media for hours,…
Doctors at War: The Clandestine Battle against the Nazi Occupation of France takes readers into the moral labyrinth of the Occupation years, 1940-45, to examine how the medical community dealt with the evil authority imposed on them. Anti-Jewish laws prevented many doctors from practicing, inspiring many to form secret medical…
The emotional vocabulary of most humans is seriously limited. Not only did this book help me expand mine, but it really helped me understand what others might be feeling as well. Plus, I love how she differentiates between emotions that appear similar on the surface but are actually quite different on a deeper level.
I ended up giving it as a gift to clients and friends!
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • In her latest book, Brené Brown writes, “If we want to find the way back to ourselves and one another, we need language and the grounded confidence to both tell our stories and be stewards of the stories that we hear. This is the framework for meaningful connection.”
Don’t miss the five-part HBO Max docuseries Brené Brown: Atlas of the Heart!
In Atlas of the Heart, Brown takes us on a journey through eighty-seven of the emotions and experiences that define what it means to be human. As she maps the necessary skills and…
Reading Mr. Frankl’s story of surviving the holocaust and being able to find purpose in the direst of circumstances puts everything in perspective.
Not only is it mind-blowing to think of what he (and others) went through, but he also managed to create meaning and find a way to inspire others. It’s truly remarkable.
One of the outstanding classics to emerge from the Holocaust, Man's Search for Meaning is Viktor Frankl's story of his struggle for survival in Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps. Today, this remarkable tribute to hope offers us an avenue to finding greater meaning and purpose in our own lives.
Being Your Cat takes you inside the mind and body of your feline. See what your cat sees. Feel how your cat runs or leaps high to get into the armchair. Discover how your cat feels and thinks.
I love how the author uses elements of flow to help the reader figure out what they’re passionate about and want to do for work. He acts as a friendly guide, giving us exercises to do and questions to ponder that are truly mind-expanding.
I often refer back to some of his questions when journaling and reflecting on my life.
World-renowned researcher and New York Times bestselling author Marcus Buckingham helps us discover where we're at our best-both at work and in life.
You've long been told to "Do what you love." Sounds simple, but the real challenge is how to do this in a world not set up to help you. Most of us actually don't know the real truth of what we love-what engages us and makes us thrive-and our workplaces, jobs, schools, even our parents, are focused instead on making us conform. Sadly, no person or system is dedicated to discovering the…
Unlock the power of emotional intelligence, an often underestimated facet of intelligence that is at the forefront of success. Employers now rate it as one of the most in-demand skills, ranking it above technical skills. Despite its rising significance, the intricacies of emotional intelligence aren’t yet fully understood by many.
My book acts as your guide and teaches you about each of the building blocks of emotional intelligence: self-awareness, self-regulation, and interpersonal skills. I walk you through each component so you have a deep understanding of their significance. I give you exercises and tools, so you learn how to build and maintain the necessary skills. The world would be a significantly better place if we each took the time to master emotional intelligence.
A chilling true story of a ten-year-old girl struggling to survive in a dysfunctional family in Russia. The sweet-natured Laura Meer dreams of a superhero and spends days trying to provide for herself while being half-neglected by her parents, who couldn’t take good care even of themselves. Her father constantly…