Why am I passionate about this?

Masuda Hajimu (family name Masuda) is a historian at the National University of Singapore. He specializes in the modern history of East Asia, the history of American foreign relations, and the social and global history of the Cold War, with particular attention toward ordinary people and their violence, as well as the recurrent rise of grassroots conservatism in the modern world. His most recent publications include: The Early Cold War: Studies of Cold War America in the 21st Century in A Companion to U.S. Foreign Relations; “The Social Experience of War and Occupation” in The Cambridge History of Japan (coming in 2022), among others. He has served as a residential fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (2017-18); Visiting Fellow at the University of Cambridge (2020); and Visiting Scholar at Waseda University (2020).

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Cold War Crucible: The Korean Conflict and the Postwar World

By Hajimu Masuda,

Book cover of Cold War Crucible: The Korean Conflict and the Postwar World

What is my book about?

Masuda Hajimu’s Cold War Crucible is an inquiry into the peculiar nature of the Cold War. It examines not only…

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The books I picked & why

Book cover of Detroit's Cold War: The Origins of Postwar Conservatism

Hajimu Masuda Why did I love this book?

I like this book because it forces us to rethink what the Cold War really was. The book identifies key figures in anti-communist crusades in post-World War II Detroit: workers, white homeowners, city officials, Catholics, and manufacturing executives, and argues that the core elements of their “anticommunism” were not fears of Soviet incursion, but sociocultural tensions at home that derived from drastic changes in wartime and postwar Detroit, which observed a sudden influx of African Americans, Southern whites, and immigrants. 

Thus, the book argues that Cold War Detroit’s “anticommunism” was not a new development in the postwar era, but a continuation of what had previously been labeled anti-unionism, white-supremacism, anti-secular Catholicism, and anti-New deal sentiments, all of which can be characterized as expressions of ongoing “anti-modernist” tensions within American society. Such a reexamination of Cold War anti-communism is significant because it could open up new territory for rethinking what anticommunism really was, and, by extension, what the Cold War really was.

By Colleen Doody,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Detroit's Cold War as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Detroit's Cold War locates the roots of American conservatism in a city that was a nexus of labor and industry in postwar America. Drawing on meticulous archival research focusing on Detroit, Colleen Doody shows how conflict over business values and opposition to labor, anticommunism, racial animosity, and religion led to the development of a conservative ethos in the aftermath of World War II. Using Detroit--with its large population of African-American and Catholic immigrant workers, strong union presence, and starkly segregated urban landscape--as a case study, Doody articulates a nuanced understanding of anticommunism during the Red Scare. Looking beyond national politics,…

Book cover of Securing Sex: Morality and Repression in the Making of Cold War Brazil

Hajimu Masuda Why did I love this book?

I like this book a lot, too, as it sheds new light on another significant site of contention in the Cold War world: gender and sexuality. While much has been written about torture, repression, and resistance during the Brazilian dictatorship (1964-85), Cowan’s book reveals how battles waged across sexual and bodily practices, clothing, music, art, and gender were of paramount importance in Cold War Brazil. 

It explores Brazilian right-wing’s Cold War narratives and shows how their anti-communist politics actually aimed to contain various socio-cultural transformations in the 1960s, such as the increasing prominence of premarital sex, homosexuality, birth control, and drugs, and how their politics functioned, at its core, to defend traditional family and gender norms, moral standards, and conventional sexuality. Thus, the book tells us that the story of Cold War Brazil is actually a story of culture wars—that is, part of a much broader transnational history of what I would call “social warfare” throughout the 20th and 21st centuries.

By Benjamin A. Cowan,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Securing Sex as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

In this history of right-wing politics in Brazil during the Cold War, Benjamin Cowan puts the spotlight on the Cold Warriors themselves. Drawing on little-tapped archival records, he shows that by midcentury, conservatives-individuals and organizations, civilian as well as military-were firmly situated in a transnational network of right-wing cultural activists. They subsequently joined the powerful hardline constituency supporting Brazil's brutal military dictatorship from 1964 to 1985. There, they lent their weight to a dictatorship that, Cowan argues, operationalized a moral panic that conflated communist subversion with manifestations of modernity, coalescing around the crucial nodes of gender and sexuality, particularly in…

Book cover of African Socialism in Postcolonial Tanzania: Between the Village and the World

Hajimu Masuda Why did I love this book?

This book is exciting in many ways. It tells a story of Tanzania’s socialist experiment in 1967-75, which was known as “ujamaa” (“familyhood” in Swahili). It shows how Cold War politics intertwined with local situations, and how Tanzanian leaders and common people used Cold War rhetoric to envision and enforce their own national agricultural development program. At a glance, thus, the book can be seen just as another example of the recently growing literature that explores the crossroads between Cold War politics, decolonization, and developmental politics, such as Artemy Kalinovsky’s Laboratory of Socialist Development: Cold War Politics and Decolonization in Soviet Tajikistan (2018) and Begüm Adalet's Hotels and Highways: The Construction of Modernization Theory in Cold War Turkey (2018), to name a few.  

However, what differentiates Lal's book from these others, and what I like most, is that the author conducted more than 100 interviews with ordinary Tanzanians, and documented what ujamaa meant for them and their communities. As such, she reveals that, in stark contrast to standard representations, ujamaa was not just “a destructive power grab by an invasive state” but individuals still had room for negotiation, and that some people still remember the era as a time of unity and solidarity, with a feeling of nostalgia, even though the program itself collapsed in the 1970s. What interests me is that ujamaa, ostensibly a socialist developmental program, had a socially conservative aspect in regulating gender roles and family relations, while also policing urban women’s dress (miniskirts in particular)—a familiar aspect of “culture wars” and “social warfare,” which can be seen in many parts of the world at the same moment, and which can be a clue for reconsidering the meanings of the Cold War world.

By Priya Lal,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked African Socialism in Postcolonial Tanzania as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Drawing on a wide range of oral and written sources, this book tells the story of Tanzania's socialist experiment: the ujamaa villagization initiative of 1967-75. Inaugurated shortly after independence, ujamaa ('familyhood' in Swahili) both invoked established socialist themes and departed from the existing global repertoire of development policy, seeking to reorganize the Tanzanian countryside into communal villages to achieve national development. Priya Lal investigates how Tanzanian leaders and rural people creatively envisioned ujamaa and documents how villagization unfolded on the ground, without affixing the project to a trajectory of inevitable failure. By forging an empirically rich and conceptually nuanced account…

Book cover of Cold War Monks: Buddhism and America's Secret Strategy in Southeast Asia

Hajimu Masuda Why did I love this book?

To be honest, I didn't like this book when I was reading early chapters, which focus solely on American efforts to utilize Buddhism as a sort of “spiritual weapon” to counter the appeal of Communism in Southeast Asia, notably in Thailand. I thought it too U.S.-centric and an overly top-down narrative. However, my doubts dispelled when I continued to read the middle and, particularly, the last two chapters, where the author discusses how Thai Buddhist monks also used Cold War politics and U.S. support in their attempts to expand their roles in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, and to safeguard the three pillars of Thai’s traditional order: nation, religion, and king. 

What is most interesting is that, at the height of fears of communism in the early 1970s (that is, the time of the Vietnam War and U.S. withdrawal from it), the right-wing faction of Thai Buddhist monks embraced militant anti-communism, justifying the killing of communists and vindicating war and confrontation with communism—a war that the author names “Thailand’s Holy War.” This book can be seen as part of growing literature in recent years that explores linkages between religion and the Cold War, but what distinguish it is its depiction of religion not just as a target of mobilization and propaganda, but as the core platform of “social cohesion” and, thus, as a key player in Cold War anti-communist politics in its attempt to maintain social and cultural order at home.

By Eugene Ford,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Cold War Monks as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The groundbreaking account of U.S. clandestine efforts to use Southeast Asian Buddhism to advance Washington's anticommunist goals during the Cold War

How did the U.S. government make use of a "Buddhist policy" in Southeast Asia during the Cold War despite the American principle that the state should not meddle with religion? To answer this question, Eugene Ford delved deep into an unprecedented range of U.S. and Thai sources and conducted numerous oral history interviews with key informants. Ford uncovers a riveting story filled with U.S. national security officials, diplomats, and scholars seeking to understand and build relationships within the Buddhist…

Book cover of Migration in the Time of Revolution: China, Indonesia, and the Cold War

Hajimu Masuda Why did I love this book?

My fifth choice, last but not least, is Taomo Zhou’s Migration in the Time of Revolution: China, Indonesia, and the Cold War, which I would characterize as a novel attempt at unlearning Cold War narratives to which we have been accustomed for a long time. 

The book’s clearest contribution, first and foremost, involves careful examination of Sino-Indonesian relations in the post-WWII era, particularly concerning what happened during the failed coup in Jakarta on September 30, 1965. This coup, in which six anti-communist Indonesian generals were murdered, was a crucial event in Indonesian history because it triggered General Suharto’s swift counterattack and rise to power, and because it touched off a nationwide purge of alleged Communists and Communist sympathizers, which escalated into one of the worst mass murders of the twentieth century, with an estimated death toll of more than 500,000 (and possibly more than one million). The Suharto regime, which ruled Indonesia for three decades, propagated a narrative that Communist China orchestrated the coup (and used this Cold War logic as a justification to remake Indonesia as one of the most staunch anti-communist countries in Southeast Asia), but Taomo Zhou’s book utilizes newly obtained archival materials and argues that, while Beijing was aware of its planning, it was not the architect of the coup, successfully de-mystifying one of the most long-standing Cold War narratives. 

What makes this book innovative, however, is its departure from the conventional mode of diplomatic and Cold War history that tends to focus solely on political leaders and high-ranking officials. Instead, Taomo Zhou's book takes account of what was going on on the ground: diaspora politics and ethnic tensions, both of which often went beyond policymakers’ expectations and swayed the course of diplomatic relations, thus, providing important contexts to show that Sino-Indonesian relations and the Indonesian tragedy in 1965 actually evolved through the entanglement of diplomacy and migration. By peeling off Cold War imaginings and by looking squarely at local and social conflicts, this book also compels us to think about what anticommunism really was, and, by extension, what the Cold War really was.

By Taomo Zhou,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Migration in the Time of Revolution as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Migration in the Time of Revolution examines how two of the world's most populous countries interacted between 1945 and 1967, when the concept of citizenship was contested, political loyalty was in question, identity was fluid, and the boundaries of political mobilization were blurred. Taomo Zhou asks probing questions of this important period in the histories of the People's Republic of China and Indonesia. What was it like to be a youth in search of an ancestral homeland that one had never set foot in, or an economic refugee whose expertise in private business became undesirable in one's new home in…

Don't forget about my book 😀

Cold War Crucible: The Korean Conflict and the Postwar World

By Hajimu Masuda,

Book cover of Cold War Crucible: The Korean Conflict and the Postwar World

What is my book about?

Masuda Hajimu’s Cold War Crucible is an inquiry into the peculiar nature of the Cold War. It examines not only centers of policymaking but seeming aftereffects of Cold War politics during the Korean War: Suppression of counterrevolutionaries in China, the White Terror in Taiwan, the Red Purge in Japan, and McCarthyism in the United States. Such purges were not merely end results of the Cold War, Masuda argues, but forces that brought the Cold War into being, as ordinary people throughout the world strove to silence disagreements and restore social order in the chaotic post-WWII era under the mantle of an imagined global confrontation. Revealing social functions and popular participation, Cold War Crucible highlights ordinary people’s roles in making and maintaining the “reality” of the Cold War, raising the question of what the Cold War really was.

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By Lesley Glaister,

Book cover of A Particular Man

Lesley Glaister Author Of A Particular Man

New book alert!

Why am I passionate about this?

About myself: As a novelist I’m crazy for detail. I believe it’s the odd and unexpected aspects of life that bring both characters and story worlds to life. This means that I try to be an observer at all times, keeping alert and using all five – and maybe six – senses. My perfect writing morning begins with a dog walk in the woods or on a beach, say, while keeping my senses sharp to the world around me and listening out for the first whisper of what the day’s writing will bring.

Lesley's book list on relationships and sexuality in post-World War II Britain

What is my book about?

This book is a literary historical novel. It is set in Britain immediately after World War II, when people – gay, straight, young, and old - are struggling to get back on track with their lives, including their love lives. Because of the turmoil of the times, the number of losses, and the dangerous and peculiar circumstances people find themselves in, sexual mores have become shaken and stirred.

But what happened after the war, in the time of healing and settling down? This novel examines the emotional, romantic, and sexual lives of three characters searching for a way to proceed.

A Particular Man

By Lesley Glaister,

What is this book about?

Love never dies in this novel by “a writer of addictive emotional thrillers” (The Independent).

Told from three perspectives A Particular Man is about love, truth and the unpredictable consequences of loss.

When Edgar dies in a Far East prisoner-of-war camp it breaks the heart of fellow prisoner Starling. In Edgar’s final moments, Starling makes him a promise. When, after the war, he visits Edgar’s family, to fulfil this promise, Edgar's mother Clementine mistakes him for another man.

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