I wanted to try a Charles Todd book but wasn't ready to tackle one of the series that the author writes. So I decided to try this book. It surprised me so much that I ended up actually checking out the book from the library so I could read it faster than the audio version.
There were twists and turns in every chapter that would lead the reader to a conclusion and then to the ultimate conclusion, which was a surprise, and not what I was expecting! It convinced me that I needed to read more books by this author team, and I haven't been disappointed yet.
I also love unreliable narrator stories and I thought this might be one. I won't tell you if it is or not. You'll need to decide for yourself.
Charles Todd’s critically acclaimed novels featuring Scotland Yard Inspector Ian Rutledge have been hailed by The Washington Post Book World as “one of the best historical series being written today.” The New York Times Book Review calls Todd’s mysteries “meticulously wrought...harrowing psychological drama.” Now he stakes out new territory in this mesmerizing stand-alone novel of one woman’s dark journey through family obsession, wartime secrets, and a chilling legacy.…
The Murder Stone
The Great War is still raging in the autumn of 1916, when Francesca Hatton’s beloved grandfather dies on the family estate in England’s isolated Exe Valley. Grieving for the…
I literally stumbled over this book in the library; I was searching for another title and pulled this out by mistake. I read the description of the book and thought it might be worth a try. I like mystery stories, so why not? I like a series, too, so I can get to know the characters, and this author had a few books, so I gave it a try.
This book is one of those that has a solution that when you read it, you go, "Well, yeah, I see how that could be." It hangs together even though it appears to be totally mysterious at the start.
I liked the main character, but I didn't sympathize with him. I could see why he acted the way he did, but I still kind of thought he was a jerk in many ways. I read a few more books featuring this character, and my opinion didn't really change. But the mysteries were always ones that intrigued me and challenged me, which I love in a mystery novel. It helped me see how even a character I personally didn't like could be one that others find realistic.
The first book in the Dave Gurney series, Think of a Number is a heart-pounding game of cat and mouse that grows relentlessly darker and more frightening as its pace accelerates
Threatening letters arrive in the mail over a period of weeks, ending with a simple declaration: “Think of any number . . . picture it . . . now see how well I know your secrets.” Those who comply find that the letter writer has predicted their random choice exactly. But when oddities that begin as a diverting puzzle quickly ignite into a massive serial murder investigation, police are…
This book made me laugh out loud, not once but many, many times. I like science fiction, but it's not the main genre I read. This book was recommended to me as a mystery/sci-fi mix, so I gave it a try. And hooray! It's part of a series, so there were more with these characters if I liked them.
I didn't like them. I loved them! It's got a human/robot construct who becomes self-aware and who calls him/it/self MurderBot because it thinks about ways to murder humans. But it doesn't. That's all I'm going to say right there because otherwise, I'll give it away.
It made me think about what it is to be human. This creature has to interact with inconvenient humans and cope with their foibles. And it gradually begins to take on some of their foibles (binge-watching soap operas—Ha!) How often do we do that in daily life? It made me look at the world a little bit differently than I did before I read it (and all the subsequent books!)
All Systems Red by Martha Wells begins The Murderbot Diaries, a new science fiction action and adventure series that tackles questions of the ethics of sentient robotics. It appeals to fans of Westworld, Ex Machina, Ann Leckie's Imperial Raadch series, or lain M. Banks' Culture novels. The main character is a deadly security droid that has bucked its restrictive programming and is balanced between contemplative self discovery and an idle instinct to kill all humans. In a corporate dominated s pa cef a ring future, planetary missions must be approved and supplied by the Company. Exploratory teams are accompanied by…
This is a "second chance" at love book about a woman who was jilted by someone who reappeared in her life. Unfortunately, he reappeared as the Chief of Police when a pig dug up the body of her missing husband under her rose bushes.
It's one of the first books I wrote, and (I confess) it's one of my favorites, with a great cast of supporting characters in the fictional small town of Tangle Butte, Minnesota.