Why am I passionate about this?

Mike Vasich has a lifelong obsession with stories about gods, superheroes, and giant monsters, and he has been inflicting them on 7th and 8th graders for the better part of 20 years. He wrote his first book, Loki, so he could cram them all into one book and make them beat up on each other. He enjoys (fictional) mayhem, sowing disrespect for revered institutions, and taking naps. 

I wrote


By Mike Vasich,

Book cover of Loki

What is my book about?

God of Mischief. Father of Lies. Harbinger of Destruction. Exiled and tortured by the gods, Loki swears vengeance. He will…

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The books I picked & why

Book cover of Norse Myths: Gods of the Vikings

Mike Vasich Why did I love this book?

If you’ve going to read Loki, you probably want to pick this one up first. Crossley-Holland gives an immensely well-written retelling of the classic Norse myths that provided the major framework for my own books about Loki. If you’re read myths before, you know they can be a tad dry sometimes, usually due to a lack of personality on the part of the characters. They are usually presented as archetypes, which is cool enough, but lacks a narrative punch. Crossley-Holland presents them in a slightly more modern narrative, which brings the characters to life. My rooting for Loki helped form the kernel for my own version.

By Kevin Crossley-Holland,

Why should I read it?

5 authors picked Norse Myths as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

With colour artwork by Gillian McClure, a collection of Norse myths.

Book cover of To Reign in Hell

Mike Vasich Why did I love this book?

The title is taken from the John Milton poem, Paradise Lost: “Better to reign in Hell, then serve in Heav'n,” and tells the story of the War in Heaven before the Creation from the point of view of the bad guys. So basically, we get the Devils’ (not a typo, by the way) point of view, and, like in Milton (arguably), they are the heroes of the story. Instead of the classic two-dimensional villains who exist solely to oppose the hero, Brust flushes them out so well that you can’t help but root for them. Nor can you understand why anybody would like this God dude or his weird ‘son’, Jesus. The devils in question are Satan and Lucifer, curiously split into two characters for this story, which provides further opportunities for plot and character development.

By Steven Brust,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked To Reign in Hell as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Steven Brust's Vlad Taltos novels (Dragon) and his swashbuckling tales of Khaavren (THE PHOENIX GUARDS and FIVE HUNDRED YEARS AFTER) have earned him an enthusiastic audience worldwide. But TO REIGN IN HELL, his famous novel that does for the epic of Satan's rebellion what Roger Zelazny's Lord of Light did for Hindu myth, has been out of print for years - causing used copies to trade for improbable sums. Now, at last, TO REIGN IN HELL returns to print in a paperback edition, with an introduction by Roger Zelazny.


Book cover of The Woodland Stranger: A Fairy Tale with Benefits

The Woodland Stranger by Jane Buehler,

Burne’s been hiding out in the forest since deserting the King’s Guard. Each time he tries to return to the village, he begins to panic. And then one day, he encounters a handsome stranger picking flowers and hides behind a tree instead of talking.

He wants to be braver—and he’s…

Book cover of Song of Kali

Mike Vasich Why did I love this book?

A World Fantasy Award winner and the first novel by this genre-crossing author who is probably most famous for his sci-fi epic, Hyperion, Song of Kali is a dark fantasy/horror novel about a cult that worships the Hindu goddess/demon, Kali, who is known as a goddess of death, among other things. Kali doesn’t really make much of an entrance, but Simmons weaves an intriguing tale tinged with the supernatural, centered around a mystical poet who may or may not be dead. Simmons loves integrating poetry and poets into his stories, and the suspense around this particular poet and his connection to the cult of Kali is palpable. It’s not mythology per se, but boy is it dark. It’s also pretty short, and easily could be consumed in a single reading.

By Dan Simmons,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Song of Kali as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Calcutta, a monstrous city of immense slums, disease and misery, is clasped in the foetid embrace of an ancient cult. At its decaying core is the Goddess Kali: the dark mother of pain, four-armed and eternal, her song the sound of death and destruction. Robert Luczak has been hired by a New York magazine to find a noted Indian poet who has reappeared, under strange circumstances, years after he was thought dead. But nothing is simple in Calcutta, and before long Luczak's routine assignment turns into a nightmare ... it is rumoured that the poet has been brought back to…

Book cover of Grendel

Mike Vasich Why did I love this book?

Like To Reign in Hell, this is a retelling of a classic story from the viewpoint of the "villain". In this case, the classic story is Beowulf, and the villain is, of course, Grendel. This was another book that made me want to do a revision of the Loki myth, but Grendel is a different kind of character than Loki, Satan, or Lucifer. To start with, he’s a monster, so there isn’t tons of introspection. But it’s fascinating to see him as the victim when he’s really nothing more than a monster or a force of nature in the original story. He eats a bunch of thanes and then gets his arm ripped off by the epic hero, Beowulf. Grendel actually ends at that point in the novel, so most of it takes place prior to the disarming. Gardner was a writing teacher before his untimely death, and Grendel is a tad on the ‘literary’ side, but if you like misunderstood bad guys, it’s definitely worth a read.

By John Gardner,

Why should I read it?

6 authors picked Grendel as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

This classic and much lauded retelling of Beowulf follows the monster Grendel as he learns about humans and fights the war at the center of the Anglo Saxon classic epic.

"An extraordinary achievement."—New York Times

The first and most terrifying monster in English literature, from the great early epic Beowulf, tells his own side of the story in this frequently banned book. This is the novel William Gass called "one of the finest of our contemporary fictions."


Book cover of Love Love TV

Love Love TV by Gabriel Ruesso,

Christopher Jope was supposed to be the next great celebrity heartthrob. But then he was demoted to third wheel in the supernatural throuple romance he starred in years ago. Now, he’s a B-list celebrity at best, struggling to find success in his work or love in his personal life. 


Book cover of Towing Jehovah

Mike Vasich Why did I love this book?

This is not a read for the religiously fragile. It’s the most subversive novel about the notion of the Judeo-Christian God that I’ve ever read. The premise is that God is dead and his massive corpse--two miles long!--has fallen into the ocean. A disgraced supertanker captain à la Captain Hazelwood of the Exxon Valdez is hired by the archangel Raphael to tow his corpse to a massive hollowed-out glacier in the Arctic for entombment. But of course, the corpse is decomposing as they drag it along, and the crew suffers much existential angst as the journey unfolds. Hilarious and compelling religious satire, and also a World Fantasy Award winner. Towing Jehovah is followed by two optional sequels that are a bit darker, but worth a read if you like this one.

By James Morrow,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Towing Jehovah as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

On his 50th birthday, Anthony Van Horne meets the despondent angel Raphael, who tells him that God is dead, his body in the sea; and that Van Horne must captain the supertanker that will now tow the two-mile-long divine corpse northwards through the Atlantic. By the author of "City of Truth".

Explore my book 😀


By Mike Vasich,

Book cover of Loki

What is my book about?

God of Mischief. Father of Lies. Harbinger of Destruction. Exiled and tortured by the gods, Loki swears vengeance. He will summon the mighty Fenris Wolf and the legendary Midgard Serpent, and they will lead an army of giants and all the dead in Niflheim. Brimming with the power of the most destructive being in the Nine Worlds, he will not rest till Asgard is in ashes and all the gods are dead under his heel.

Book cover of Norse Myths: Gods of the Vikings
Book cover of To Reign in Hell
Book cover of Song of Kali

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