100 books like Grace

By Max Lucado,

Here are 100 books that Grace fans have personally recommended if you like Grace. Shepherd is a community of 11,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world.

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Book cover of Destined to Reign: The Secret to Effortless Success, Wholeness and Victorious Living

Ashley DeMarcos Author Of Jesus Loves ALL of Us.: 100 Days of Divine Acceptance, Unconditional Love and Superabounding Grace for Everyone within the Body of Christ

From my list on Christians that teach unconditional inclusivity.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am a child of God, an heir to the throne through Jesus Christ, and a living testimony to the great I Am. I have 4 children who keep me young. I have been with my spouse for 20 years (married for 10). I run a Facebook page called “Jesus Loves All of Us,” where I share daily devotionals. I opened a publishing company called Stewardship Press a few years ago, which is linked to this page. I have written over 20 books, journals, coloring books, and devotionals, most of which are Christ-centered. The others that do not have Christian content are still morally and ethically upstanding secular content.

Ashley's book list on Christians that teach unconditional inclusivity

Ashley DeMarcos Why did Ashley love this book?

You know that feeling when you stumble upon a book that just clicks? That's exactly what happened when I picked up this book. It was like having a heart-to-heart with a wise friend over coffee. Every page oozes the theme of grace, and I am reminded that I don't have to carry life's burdens by myself. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, I feel empowered, knowing that victory is already in the bag when I read this book

I recommend this book to anyone seeking a Christian read that embodies love, grace, and acceptance for all.

By Joseph Prince,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Destined to Reign as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Discover the secret of reigning over every adversity, lack and destructive habit that is limiting you from experiencing the success, wholeness and victory that you were destined to enjoy.

Find out how it is not about what you have to do, but what has already been done. It is not about what you must accomplish, but what has already been accomplished for you. It is not about using your will power to effect change, but His power changing you. Start reigning over sickness, financial lack, broken relationships and destructive habits today!

Find everything you need to know about the Gospel…

Book cover of You Are Stronger than You Think: Unleash the Power to Go Bigger, Go Bold, and Go Beyond What Limits You

Ashley DeMarcos Author Of Jesus Loves ALL of Us.: 100 Days of Divine Acceptance, Unconditional Love and Superabounding Grace for Everyone within the Body of Christ

From my list on Christians that teach unconditional inclusivity.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am a child of God, an heir to the throne through Jesus Christ, and a living testimony to the great I Am. I have 4 children who keep me young. I have been with my spouse for 20 years (married for 10). I run a Facebook page called “Jesus Loves All of Us,” where I share daily devotionals. I opened a publishing company called Stewardship Press a few years ago, which is linked to this page. I have written over 20 books, journals, coloring books, and devotionals, most of which are Christ-centered. The others that do not have Christian content are still morally and ethically upstanding secular content.

Ashley's book list on Christians that teach unconditional inclusivity

Ashley DeMarcos Why did Ashley love this book?

Joel Osteen's book is like a shot of espresso for my soul. It's not your typical self-help book; it makes me feel empowered. What struck me is Osteen's inclusive approach. He's all about lifting you up, no matter where you're at—no matter who you love, where you work, or what your social standing is—he's there with the message of complete and unconditional love from the Lord. 

And the way he blends scripture with messages of love and grace, it’s powerful stuff. This book made me feel like I could conquer anything. Trust me, it's worth diving into.

By Joel Osteen,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked You Are Stronger than You Think as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

You were designed with the ability and inner strength to stretch to the next level, to stand strong and overcome the opposition, to learn new skills, to believe bigger, dream bigger, and to take on new challenges.

In You Are Stronger than You Think, #1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen encourages you to stand firm when the difficulty is not turning around. When the pressure mounts, when you feel overwhelmed, when the struggle looks too big, or the goal is out of reach, you have to remember that is not your destiny. You are more powerful than you…

Book cover of Authentically, Uniquely You: Living Free from Comparison and the Need to Please

Ashley DeMarcos Author Of Jesus Loves ALL of Us.: 100 Days of Divine Acceptance, Unconditional Love and Superabounding Grace for Everyone within the Body of Christ

From my list on Christians that teach unconditional inclusivity.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am a child of God, an heir to the throne through Jesus Christ, and a living testimony to the great I Am. I have 4 children who keep me young. I have been with my spouse for 20 years (married for 10). I run a Facebook page called “Jesus Loves All of Us,” where I share daily devotionals. I opened a publishing company called Stewardship Press a few years ago, which is linked to this page. I have written over 20 books, journals, coloring books, and devotionals, most of which are Christ-centered. The others that do not have Christian content are still morally and ethically upstanding secular content.

Ashley's book list on Christians that teach unconditional inclusivity

Ashley DeMarcos Why did Ashley love this book?

Each page of this book resonated with me for its powerful message. Joyce let me know without a doubt that I am not just another face in the crowd; I’m uniquely crafted with purpose.

What really struck a chord with me was her emphasis on embracing your individuality. In a world that tries to mold us into something we're not, this book is a gentle reminder that God made each of us with distinct gifts and talents. It's not about fitting into a certain mold; it's about fully embracing who I am and allowing God to work through my strengths and weaknesses. 

The book is easy to understand, straight to the point, and packed with wisdom that hits home. Joyce is also darn funny.

By Joyce Meyer,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Authentically, Uniquely You as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Discover your unique gifts and dare to be different with this companion study guide from #1 New York Times bestselling author and renowned Bible teacher, Joyce Meyer.

God has given you gifts so you can fulfill His purpose for your life, but if you're like a lot of people, you may not have recognized your talents yet. Start asking God to show you something special about the way He's made you. To some people, He's given a very tender, compassionate heart, and some He has wired to lead others effectively. Others, He has given a gift of being able to…

The Essence: A Guided Journey of Discovery through the Bible

By John Pasquet,

Book cover of The Essence: A Guided Journey of Discovery through the Bible

John Pasquet Author Of The Essence: A Guided Journey of Discovery through the Bible

New book alert!

Why am I passionate about this?

I’m passionate about helping people see the incredible beauty of God’s unfolding plan of redemption and restoration that unfolds in the pages of the Bible. In the Old Testament, this plan is hidden in mystery and symbolism. But then in the New Testament, this great mystery is unveiled in all its glory, and the symbolism emerges from the shadows and steps into the light! For the past 15+ years, it has been my great honor to read the Bible with people for their very first time and help them watch this great mystery unfold. These books do that very same thing!

John's book list on helping you truly understand the Bible from beginning to end

What is my book about?

The Bible is the greatest mystery novel ever written. It begins in the Old Testament with seemingly random accounts of ancient people in far away places with strange customs. There’s the prophecy of a coming Hero who will conquer the villain and restore peace to the land. The mystery reaches its climax of anticipation as the Old Testament comes to a close and 400 years of silence ensues and the world longingly waits for its deliverer. Then, in a stable outside a small village in a conquered nation, a peasant woman gives birth to a baby boy. And the great…

The Essence: A Guided Journey of Discovery through the Bible

By John Pasquet,

What is this book about?

The Unfolding Story of God's Ultimate Plan of Restoration

The Bible is the greatest book ever written, and it's more than just a book-it's the very Word of God. It unveils the unfolding story of God's ultimate plan to restore mankind's relationship with Him. The answers to life's deepest questions are found within its pages. It reveals who we are, why we are here, who God is, and how we can know Him. However, for many people, the great riches of the Bible remain undiscovered and its exquisite beauty, unseen. The relevance of the peculiar accounts of ancient people in…

  • Coming soon!

Book cover of He Chose the Nails: What God Did to Win Your Heart

Ashley DeMarcos Author Of Jesus Loves ALL of Us.: 100 Days of Divine Acceptance, Unconditional Love and Superabounding Grace for Everyone within the Body of Christ

From my list on Christians that teach unconditional inclusivity.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am a child of God, an heir to the throne through Jesus Christ, and a living testimony to the great I Am. I have 4 children who keep me young. I have been with my spouse for 20 years (married for 10). I run a Facebook page called “Jesus Loves All of Us,” where I share daily devotionals. I opened a publishing company called Stewardship Press a few years ago, which is linked to this page. I have written over 20 books, journals, coloring books, and devotionals, most of which are Christ-centered. The others that do not have Christian content are still morally and ethically upstanding secular content.

Ashley's book list on Christians that teach unconditional inclusivity

Ashley DeMarcos Why did Ashley love this book?

This book reshaped my understanding of faith during a pivotal moment in my life. I was right smack dab in the middle of giving my life over to Christ. I was looking forward to being baptized and doing a lot of studying on my own, but I couldn't quite wrap my head around what “exactly” Jesus’ death did for me on the cross. This book opened my eyes. 

This book was not just about learning the facts of Jesus' sacrifice; it was about experiencing the profound love and acceptance that comes with it. By the last page, I completely understood what happened at the cross and what it meant to me.

Lucado's ability to unravel the Easter story in a way that's both deeply insightful and surprisingly light-hearted. It's like he's peeling back the layers of Scripture to reveal the heart of God in a whole new light. Highly recommend!

By Max Lucado,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked He Chose the Nails as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Is your heart unsettled by the chaos of the world? Are you heavy-laden with bad moments, mad moments, or anxious moments? Today, rest in God's self-giving love and leave all your troubles at the foot of the cross.

There were no accidents on the days surrounding Jesus' death. Jesus' last moments were not left up to chance. God chose the path; he selected the nails. Our Lord planted the trio of crosses and painted the sign. God was never more sovereign than in the details of the death of his Son. God didn't have to do all these things, you…

Book cover of Love That Lasts: How We Discovered God's Better Way for Love, Dating, Marriage, and Sex

Brittany Coburn Author Of Pray Together: A 6 Week Couples Prayer Guide

From my list on how to build a strong Christian relationship.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am a Christian author who loves to see when relationships, rooted in Christ, succeed. I have been married for 13 years and during that time we have had ups and downs and have found that our relationship would have never succeeded if it wasn’t for Christ and being grounded in his truths. I have sought out ways to cultivate healthy a marriage and often find myself studying and reading on how to best have our relationship reflect Christ and his love for the church. 

Brittany's book list on how to build a strong Christian relationship

Brittany Coburn Why did Brittany love this book?

As someone who has worked with many college students, I recommend this book quite often.

Jefferson and Alyssa Bethke approached dating and marriage from two different perspectives and lifestyles, proving that it does not matter what your past contains. As long as you put Christ first in all relationships, He alone can mend brokenness and help you to create a love that will last.

I have had many deep and meaningful conversations with those preparing for marriage because of this book. 

By Jefferson Bethke, Alyssa Bethke,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Love That Lasts as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

In Love That Lasts, New York Times bestselling author of Jesus > Religion Jefferson Bethke and his wife, Alyssa, expose the distorted views of love that permeate our culture and damage our hearts, minds, and souls.

Drawing from Jeff's "prodigal son" personal history and from Alyssa's "True Love Waits" experience, the Bethkes point to a third and better way. Blending personal storytelling with biblical teaching, they offer readers an inspiring, realistic vision of love, dating, marriage, and sex.

Young people today enter adulthood with expectations of blissful dating followed by a romantic, fulfilling marriage only to discover they've been duped.…

Book cover of I Give You Authority: Practicing the Authority Jesus Gave Us

Pamela Christian Author Of Examine Your Faith! Finding Truth in a World of Lies

From my list on intellectual understanding with spiritual realities.

Why am I passionate about this?

Realizing I had made a complete mess of my life—being the farthest from my life’s hopes and dreams ever, I cried out to the God I learned about as a little girl. On that very dark night, with complete abandon, I sought God, desperately hoping He was real. I learned He, in fact, is real and everything and more, the Sunday School teacher explained. I was transformed in an instant. I have never come close to the despair and hopelessness of that night ever since. Now, I live my life helping others discover and live in the same life-giving Truth, leading people to balance rational thought with spiritual realities.

Pamela's book list on intellectual understanding with spiritual realities

Pamela Christian Why did Pamela love this book?

As a Christian, I’ve been frustrated by the lack of demonstrations of faith in our day compared to the early Church.

Jesus said Believers after Him would do greater works than He did, (John 14:12-14), so why don’t we see evidence of the Believer’s authority and power, especially in these current evil days, when we need Christ’s solutions? As Dr. Kraft reveals, it’s because we are unaware of the authority and power we have in Christ.

Clearly satan has successfully prevented Christians from knowing the full extent of the authority and power they have. The Church has been marginalized because we’ve accepted wrong teachings. This book has helped me redirect my frustrations and experience increasing victories in my everyday life and will you too.

By Charles H. Kraft,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked I Give You Authority as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

"All will find here much reality, much wisdom, much encouragement, and much to praise God for."--J.I. Packer

This popular book from respected leader Charles H. Kraft shows believers how to exercise the authority they have from God through Jesus Christ. When Christians recognize and use the amazing gift of spiritual authority, they position themselves to provide protection and bring transformation, not only in their lives but in the lives of family members, friends, even coworkers. Now fully revised and updated.

Book cover of Adorning the Dark: Thoughts on Community, Calling, and the Mystery of Making

Luke Italiano Author Of Hollow Heart

From my list on Christians struggling with depression.

Why am I passionate about this?

As a pastor, I thought I had to be a put-together person. Sure, I was allowed to have problems, but I wasn’t really allowed to struggle. Then I was diagnosed with clinical depression. I thought I was alone. I thought I’d have to leave the ministry. I was wrong. I needed to find other people who struggled, though. Through other books, I was able to find them. These books have helped me in my journey so, so much, and if you struggle with depression, I hope it helps with your journey, too! 

Luke's book list on Christians struggling with depression

Luke Italiano Why did Luke love this book?

I bought this book, thinking it would be about Andrew Peterson’s creative process as he writes songs. Well, yeah, it’s about that. It’s also about his struggle with depression. He talks candidly about how he hid from others, wept, and thought he was worthless. And as I read his descriptions of his depression… I knew I was not alone. This is an intimate look at a singer and the darkness he battles. Thankfully, it’s not only brutal about depression, but also points to the light we have in Jesus. 

By Andrew Peterson,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Adorning the Dark as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

From the bestselling author of The Wingfeather Saga and award-winning musician and storyteller, Andrew Peterson. 
Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, WORLD Magazine each named Adorning the Dark as one of their books of the year. 

Making something beautiful in a broken world can be harrowing work, and it can’t be done alone.
Over the last twenty years, Andrew Peterson has performed thousands of concerts, published four novels, released ten albums, taught college and seminary classes on writing, founded a nonprofit ministry for Christians in the arts, and executive-produced a film—all in a belief that God calls us to proclaim the…

Book cover of Get Out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts

Pierce Taylor Hibbs Author Of Struck Down but Not Destroyed

From my list on anxiety and faith.

Why am I passionate about this?

Pierce Taylor Hibbs (MAR, ThM Westminster Theological Seminary) has lived with an anxiety disorder for over fourteen years and offers a unique perspective on how anxiety and faith are interconnected. He is the award-winning Christian author of many books, including Struck Down but Not Destroyed: Living Faithfully with Anxiety. Other books he's written on anxiety include Still, Silent, and Strong: Meditations for the Anxious Heart and Finding Hope in Hard Things: A Positive Take on Suffering

Pierce's book list on anxiety and faith

Pierce Taylor Hibbs Why did Pierce love this book?

I constantly struggle with negative thoughts and anxieties and what-ifs. They trap me. And it’s ridiculously difficult to find a way out. Jennie Allen seems to be a natural-born encourager, and she draws on her own faith crisis to teach us how to replace negative thoughts with God-given positive ones. She shows that approaching anxiety is often a matter of consistent mental work, and I can attest to that! Having a strategy in place goes a long way, and that’s what I found in this book.

By Jennie Allen,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Get Out of Your Head as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • OVER ONE MILLION COPIES SOLD! You can choose hope in the midst of chaos. The visionary behind the million-strong IF:Gathering challenges you to exercise your God-given power to shift negative thinking patterns and take back control of your thoughts and emotions.
“A must-have resource for anyone looking to get control of their thoughts.”—Lysa TerKeurst, #1 New York Times bestselling author and president of Proverbs 31 Ministries


Are your thoughts holding you captive? I’ll never be good enough. Other people…

Book cover of Breaking Busy: How to Find Peace and Purpose in a World of Crazy

Lida Citroën Author Of Success After Service: How to Take Control of Your Job Search and Career After Military Duty

From my list on success in a civilian life after the military.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’m an executive coach, personal branding consultant, and reputation management expert helping global executives, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders manage how they’re perceived and drive towards ideal opportunities. A long-time passionate supporter of the military, I volunteer to help veterans transitioning to civilian careers. My work with veterans comes from gratitude for their sacrifice. I regularly speak at military installations, podcasts, and events on veteran transition and hiring, teach in the TAP program at the US Air Force Academy, and serve on the Board of Directors at Project Sanctuary, which focuses on healing military families. Since 2012, I’ve also been a writer for Military.com.

Lida's book list on success in a civilian life after the military

Lida Citroën Why did Lida love this book?

I loved this book! It’s easy to get stuck on being busy with many tasks and responsibilities, and not move forward in our lives and careers.

This book helped me learn systems to become more efficient (in life and work), identify what was holding me back from being more empowered with my choices, and recognize when to say yes, and when to say no. Leaving the military – where “no” isn’t as much of an option, this is a good skill for veterans to embrace.

By Alli Worthington,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Breaking Busy as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Do you feel like you're living busily but not abundantly? Are you struggling to find balance in life? Have you ever felt like you've reached your capacity and just need a break?

Bestselling author Alli Worthington dismantles common happiness myths and empowers you to rediscover your God-given purpose. In ten succinct chapters, Alli breaks apart the sources of our stress and tackles major topics like relationships, calling, traditions, and decisions. With her trademark candor, practicality, and uproarious true stories, she will help you:

Find your peace in a world of worry. Find your rhythm in a world that's constantly overwhelmed.…

Book cover of The Christian's Secret to a Happy Life

Harry Kraus Author Of Could I Have This Dance?

From my list on Christians who feel like there has to be something more.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am a practicing board-certified general surgeon and my writing reflects the medical authenticity of an “insider.” I have divided my professional life between practice in America, and also in East Africa, serving as a surgeon and instructor. I am also a man of grace, who has sought to fight against a legalistic Christianity of my youth. We experience life in story, and fiction is the perfect way to teach the heart concepts of love, and perhaps stir within the reader a longing for something more.

Harry's book list on Christians who feel like there has to be something more

Harry Kraus Why did Harry love this book?

This Christian classic opened my heart to the concept that the Christian life is to be lived out of carefree trust and not anxious duty. She deals with the honest struggles and gives practical advice on dealing with temptations, failures, and doubts. If you find yourself anxious over life’s pressure, this is a must-read.

By Hannah Whitall Smith,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Christian's Secret to a Happy Life as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Every person experiences doubts. What keeps someone together in these times is a firm foundation in God's faithfulness, rather than allowing their lives to be moved on a roller coaster of emotions. The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life has stood the test of time, and helped millions understand how to have full and complete assurance in God alone. Personal reflection questions help the reader to remember that this is not just a classic to be enjoyed, but also a journey to walked.

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