100 books like Dividing the Public

By Matthew Gardner Kelly,

Here are 100 books that Dividing the Public fans have personally recommended if you like Dividing the Public. Shepherd is a community of 11,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world.

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Book cover of The Education of Blacks in the South, 1860-1935

Tracy L. Steffes Author Of Structuring Inequality: How Schooling, Housing, and Tax Policies Shaped Metropolitan Development and Education

From my list on understanding the history of educational inequality.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am a historian of education and twentieth-century U.S. history. Public schooling has been transformative for me, opening up a world of opportunities, but I know many others are not nearly so lucky. This has shaped my interest in the history of public schooling, including its promise of democracy and opportunity and the too-often reality of the way it replicates and deepens social and economic inequalities. I think history helps us understand our world, including to see the roots of inequality we live with today and to think about how we might build a more equitable system. 

Tracy's book list on understanding the history of educational inequality

Tracy L. Steffes Why did Tracy love this book?

I love this book because it is such a groundbreaking, insightful, and comprehensive examination of the development of Southern public education systems and the fight over whether they would be instruments of domination or liberation. Every time I read it, I learn new things.

This book shows how Black Southerners' activism and support helped build public education in the South and how they tried to use education to claim and give meaning to freedom after the Civil War. At the same time, White Southerners fought (and in many ways) succeeded in using those systems for control and hierarchy.

I think the book explores this tension in education and offers profound insights about the history and ongoing effects of this history of discrimination and segregation.

By James D. Anderson,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked The Education of Blacks in the South, 1860-1935 as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

James Anderson critically reinterprets the history of southern black education from Reconstruction to the Great Depression. By placing black schooling within a political, cultural, and economic context, he offers fresh insights into black commitment to education, the peculiar significance of Tuskegee Institute, and the conflicting goals of various philanthropic groups, among other matters. Initially, ex-slaves attempted to create an educational system that would support and extend their emancipation, but their children were pushed into a system of industrial education that presupposed black political and economic subordination. This conception of education and social order--supported by northern industrial philanthropists, some black educators,…

Book cover of The One Best System: A History of American Urban Education

Tracy L. Steffes Author Of Structuring Inequality: How Schooling, Housing, and Tax Policies Shaped Metropolitan Development and Education

From my list on understanding the history of educational inequality.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am a historian of education and twentieth-century U.S. history. Public schooling has been transformative for me, opening up a world of opportunities, but I know many others are not nearly so lucky. This has shaped my interest in the history of public schooling, including its promise of democracy and opportunity and the too-often reality of the way it replicates and deepens social and economic inequalities. I think history helps us understand our world, including to see the roots of inequality we live with today and to think about how we might build a more equitable system. 

Tracy's book list on understanding the history of educational inequality

Tracy L. Steffes Why did Tracy love this book?

I come back to this book over and over again to understand the history of education and educational inequality, and every time I read it, I get new things from it. It is a classic for a reason! Even though it is over 50 years old, it is still one of the most insightful and comprehensive books about the history of urban education.

It shows us how the creation of modern urban school bureaucracies and the professionalization of education raised fundamental tensions and tradeoffs that we still wrestle with today, especially how to keep schools accountable to the community and how they serve all students.

By David B. Tyack,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The One Best System as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The One Best System presents a major new interpretation of what actually happened in the development of one of America's most influential institutions. At the same time it is a narrative in which the participants themselves speak out: farm children and factory workers, frontier teachers and city superintendents, black parents and elite reformers. And it encompasses both the achievements and the failures of the system: the successful assimilation of immigrants, racism and class bias; the opportunities offered to some, the injustices perpetuated for others.

David Tyack has placed his colorful, wide-ranging view of history within a broad new framework drawn…

Book cover of Five Miles Away, A World Apart: One City, Two Schools, and the Story of Educational Opportunity in Modern America

Tracy L. Steffes Author Of Structuring Inequality: How Schooling, Housing, and Tax Policies Shaped Metropolitan Development and Education

From my list on understanding the history of educational inequality.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am a historian of education and twentieth-century U.S. history. Public schooling has been transformative for me, opening up a world of opportunities, but I know many others are not nearly so lucky. This has shaped my interest in the history of public schooling, including its promise of democracy and opportunity and the too-often reality of the way it replicates and deepens social and economic inequalities. I think history helps us understand our world, including to see the roots of inequality we live with today and to think about how we might build a more equitable system. 

Tracy's book list on understanding the history of educational inequality

Tracy L. Steffes Why did Tracy love this book?

I love how this book shows us how we can’t understand the failures of recent education reforms to fix educational inequality without putting them into a longer and wider context, namely the history of school desegregation.

This book explores how the failure of courts and policymakers to go far enough in school desegregation—especially to challenge the city-suburban boundary as a primary axis of racial and socioeconomic inequality—has doomed all subsequent reforms, including school finance reform, school choice, and standards and accountability.

This book has shaped my thinking about educational reform and inequality today, especially the importance of boundaries and funding. It helps us look at our current education policy landscape with a much more critical eye and see some of the things that are missing from this discussion today.

By James Ryan,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Five Miles Away, A World Apart as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

How is it that half a century after Brown v. Board of Education--and in spite of increased funding for urban schools and programs like No Child Left Behind--educational opportunities for blacks and whites in America still remain so unequal?
In Five Miles Away, A World Apart, James Ryan provides a sobering answer to this question by tracing the fortunes of two schools in Richmond, Virginia--one suburban, relatively affluent, and mostly white, and the other urban, relatively poor, and mostly black. Ryan shows how court rulings against desegregation in the 1970s laid the groundwork for the massive disparities between urban and…

Book cover of The Education Trap: Schools and the Remaking of Inequality in Boston

Tracy L. Steffes Author Of Structuring Inequality: How Schooling, Housing, and Tax Policies Shaped Metropolitan Development and Education

From my list on understanding the history of educational inequality.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am a historian of education and twentieth-century U.S. history. Public schooling has been transformative for me, opening up a world of opportunities, but I know many others are not nearly so lucky. This has shaped my interest in the history of public schooling, including its promise of democracy and opportunity and the too-often reality of the way it replicates and deepens social and economic inequalities. I think history helps us understand our world, including to see the roots of inequality we live with today and to think about how we might build a more equitable system. 

Tracy's book list on understanding the history of educational inequality

Tracy L. Steffes Why did Tracy love this book?

I love how this book asks big and fundamental questions about the relationship between work and education and grounds them in such careful and extensive historical research. It challenges some of the things we think we know about the relationship between the economy and education and makes a powerful case that we fall into a “trap” when we ask education to fix inequalities that are rooted in and best addressed in our economic system.

I love how this book looks broadly and deeply across sectors of the economy, public and private schools, higher education, and K-12 schools at a critical moment of transformation to ask important questions about the sources of inequality and the best ways to address it.

By Cristina Viviana Groeger,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Education Trap as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Why-contrary to much expert and popular opinion-more education may not be the answer to skyrocketing inequality.

For generations, Americans have looked to education as the solution to economic disadvantage. Yet, although more people are earning degrees, the gap between rich and poor is widening. Cristina Groeger delves into the history of this seeming contradiction, explaining how education came to be seen as a panacea even as it paved the way for deepening inequality.

The Education Trap returns to the first decades of the twentieth century, when Americans were grappling with the unprecedented inequities of the Gilded Age. Groeger's test case…

Book cover of Fiduciary Law

Matthew Conaglen Author Of Fiduciary Loyalty: Protecting the Due Performance of Non-Fiduciary Duties

From my list on the legal idea of loyalty owed by a fiduciary.

Why am I passionate about this?

I've been fascinated by the role of fiduciaries for over 30 years, and particularly by the laws that seek to bring some level of control to the vast power that they have to influence the lives of others – that power exists for the benefit of others, but equally creates a vulnerability to abuse which the law rightly regulates. That regulation differs across jurisdictions, which makes it interesting to study and think about. I have degrees from New Zealand, the US (Michigan), and the UK (Cambridge), which have positioned me well to consider the twists and turns in the story that is the common law’s attempt to grapple with this fascinating and vital social institution.

Matthew's book list on the legal idea of loyalty owed by a fiduciary

Matthew Conaglen Why did Matthew love this book?

This book provides a useful counterpoint to the analysis offered in my book, given it focuses on the US perspective on fiduciary duties. 

Professor Frankel has been writing about fiduciary duties for decades, and is a grand dame of the academy – she writes lucidly and makes cogent arguments for the way legal regulation (of various kinds) should tackle real-world problems of disloyalty.

By Tamar T Frankel,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Fiduciary Law as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

In Fiduciary Law, Tamar Frankel examines the structure, principles, themes, and objectives of fiduciary law. Fiduciaries, which include corporate managers, money managers, lawyers, and physicians among others, are entrusted with money or power. Frankel explains how fiduciary law is designed to offer protection from abuse of this method of safekeeping. She deals with fiduciaries in general, and identifies situations in which fiduciary law falls short of
offering protection. Frankel analyzes fiduciary debates, and argues that greater preventive measures are required. She offers guidelines for determining the boundaries and substance of fiduciary law, and discusses how failure to enforce fiduciary law…

Book cover of Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Arthur VanDam Author Of Save Money on Groceries: 327 Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bills and More

From my list on personal finance that make building wealth easy.

Why am I passionate about this?

I love helping people save money in creative ways, build wealth, and gain financial freedom. Thankfully, my Dad taught me how to budget when I was 12 years old. My accounting professor used a ski lift as a way to analyze business profitability. I could visualize that! At Citibank, I found that people were overwhelmed with their finances and Wall Street was confusing. I’m a CPA and MBA in Finance. I love writing, sharing examples, and finding straightforward ways to help people save money and build wealth. These experiences showed me how to make my money work for me. I show you how to make your money work for you!

Arthur's book list on personal finance that make building wealth easy

Arthur VanDam Why did Arthur love this book?

One of my favorite personal finance classics. The core principle to getting rich is the choices you make.

Author Robert Kiyosaki emphasizes the importance of taking control of your finances and investing today to build wealth for tomorrow. Anyone can apply these principles and techniques in their life. The author explains growing up with two Dads – his real father and his best friend’s father. Essentially, his blood father spent all his money. His friend’s father budgeted and invested for his family’s future.

He presents ways to earn income—real estate, stocks, bonds, or businesses. With effort and prudence, you can implement this model. He emphasizes that ‘street smarts’ and common sense must be added to school education. Readers will gain a solid understanding of assets, liabilities, and net worth, which is essential to building wealth. 

By Robert T. Kiyosaki,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Rich Dad, Poor Dad as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Personal finance author and lecturer Robert T. Kiyosaki developed his unique economic perspective from two very different influences - his two fathers. One father (Robert's real father) was a highly educated man but fiscally poor. The other father was the father of Robert's best friend - that Dad was an eighth-grade drop-out who became a self-made multi-millionaire. The lifelong monetary problems experienced by his 'poor dad' pounded home the counterpoint communicated by his 'rich dad'. Taking that message to heart, Kiyosaki was able to retire at 47. RICH DAD, POOR DAD, written with consultant and CPA Sharon L. Lechter, lays…

Book cover of The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom: Practical and Spiritual Steps So You Can Stop Worrying

André Stewart Author Of Epitome of the Mind

From my list on reboot your mindset and relationship with financial security.

Why am I passionate about this?

I grew up in poverty in the deep south of Georgia in the 80s where heavy racism existed. We survived on food stamps, living in a 2 bedroom wooden house with a tin roof that my grandfather and uncle built. It was a town of three thousand people all living, acting, and believing the same beliefs. Everyone had a poor mindset and thought that life everywhere was the same as ours. By changing the way my mind thinks, I became a banker for 10 years with 15+ years in financial services. I'm now also a 3x author, bestselling author, a Certified Coach and Certified NLP Practitioner, owner of multiple businesses, and live in two countries.

André's book list on reboot your mindset and relationship with financial security

André Stewart Why did André love this book?

This is a practical and comprehensive guide to achieving financial independence and security.

The book offers a step-by-step program that covers everything from understanding your current financial situation to creating a budget, reducing debt, and investing for the future.

What sets this book apart from others in the personal finance genre is Orman's holistic approach to financial planning. She recognizes that money is deeply tied to our emotions and offers strategies for overcoming financial fears and building confidence in our financial decisions.

Overall, The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom is a highly recommended read for anyone looking to improve their financial situation and create a more secure and fulfilling life.

By Suze Orman,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Suze Orman has transformed the concept of personal finance for millions by teaching us how to gain control of our money -- so that money does not control us. She goes beyond the nuts and bolts of managing money to explore the psychological, even spiritual power money has in our lives. The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom is the first personal finance book that gives you not only the knowledge of how to handle money, but also the will to break through all the barriers that hold you back.

Combining real-life recommendations with the motivation to overcome financial anxieties, Suze…

Book cover of A Guide to the Unprotected in Every-day Matters Relating to Property and Income

Paul Lewis Author Of Money Box: Your Toolkit for Balancing Your Budget, Growing Your Bank Balance and Living a Better Financial Life

From my list on money and your life.

Why am I passionate about this?

I realised in my twenties that there were millions of people who desperately needed advice about their money but could not afford an accountant or an adviser. Since then my passion has been to simplify the deliberately complex financial world, explain the obscure and often unintelligible rules about tax, childcare, benefits, investment, savings, and borrowing. Recently as the tsunami of fraud has swept across the UK I have devoted more time to help people avoid losing money to scammers – both criminal and respectable. Most people can’t afford professional advice, but they can afford me – I’m freely available in print, on air, and online. 

Paul's book list on money and your life

Paul Lewis Why did Paul love this book?

This book – a copy is free at hathitrust.org – shows how some truths about money are eternal. 

It is the first personal finance guide written for women but its advice is still valid – ‘high interest is another name for bad security’ ‘Do not put all your money into one concern’ ‘the Broker [you employ] should be of high standing and respectability’ ‘place the money…in the bank at interest [or] put it into the Funds’. And it is a model of clear writing. I loved it.

Book cover of A Wealth of Well-Being: A Holistic Approach to Behavioral Finance

Enrico G. De Giorgi Author Of Behavioral Finance for Private Banking: From the Art of Advice to the Science of Advice

From my list on diving into the next generation of behavioral finance.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’m a Swiss researcher and university professor who applies mathematics and psychology to build quantitative models for financial decision-making. Most of my scientific contributions belong to a field of research called behavioral finance, that is, the study of how psychology affects financial decisions. I love mathematics, and I am fascinated by its ability to describe complex mechanisms, including those that generate human behavior.  

Enrico's book list on diving into the next generation of behavioral finance

Enrico G. De Giorgi Why did Enrico love this book?

The book was, for me, an inspiring journey and an enriching learning experience. While conventional behavioral finance tends to analyze deviations from rationality within economic decisions, this book diverges, offering a holistic behavioral framework.

I like that the book views individuals not merely as economic agents but as complete beings, with financial well-being acting as a gauge for overall life prosperity. I believe that Prof. Statman's third generation of behavioral finance represents a paradigm shift towards a constructive scientific approach. I fully share its primary objective to empower individuals in their pursuit of personal fulfillment and satisfaction.

By Meir Statman,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked A Wealth of Well-Being as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Unravel the complex relationship between finances and life well-being

In A Wealth of Well-Being: A Holistic Approach to Behavioral Finance, Professor Meir Statman, established thought leader in behavioral finance, explores how life well-being, the overarching aim of individuals in the third generation of behavioral finance, is underpinned by financial well-being, and how life well-being extends beyond financial well-being to family, friendship, religion, health, work, and education.

Combining recent scientific findings by scholars in finance, economics, law, medicine, psychology, and sociology with real-life stories at the intersection of finances and life, this book allows readers to clearly see how finances are…

Book cover of Reducing the Risk of Black Swans: Using the Science of Investing to Capture Returns with Less Volatility

Larry R. Frank Sr. Author Of Wealth Odyssey: The Essential Road Map for Your Financial Journey Where Is It You Are Really Trying to Go with Money?

From my list on issues that confuse many people about money.

Why am I passionate about this?

Wealth Odyssey is a summary work based on a 12-hour adult education course I taught for 10 years. It’s important to me to educate people through my 29 years in the profession (1994-2023), my focus has always been on helping people first understand that retirement means you’re wealthy enough not to work anymore – working is optional. You don’t need to be rich. Wealth is scalable for any income level and comes from foundation income and investments to supplement that foundation to support your desired lifestyle’s Standard of Individual Living (SOIL) for as long as you live. Your focus should be on your plan and apply a few concepts grounded in well researched evidence.

Larry's book list on issues that confuse many people about money

Larry R. Frank Sr. Why did Larry love this book?

Personal financial planning has to include investing. With investing comes risk. There are many books on investing. There are few on how to approach investing. Although a short book, it succinctly covers how to think about stock returns, modern financial theory, building a portfolio with risk also in mind, and applying Monte Carlo.

This book combines risk with returns so that you can better target risk to your financial plans. Having a long term, which means the rest of your life, view helps you understand everything has cycles. Using cycles of different investments in a portfolio construct, rather than viewing each investment separately, helps mute cyclical effects on your plans.

I always refer to the fundamentals discussed in this book when I begin to second guess my own plans when markets “misbehave” as they always do. It reaffirms how the application of modern financial theory has worked in the past…

By Larry Swedroe, Kevin Grogan,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Reducing the Risk of Black Swans as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

In their expanded and updated 2018 edition of “Reducing the Risk of Black Swans: Using the Science of Investing to Capture Returns with Less Volatility,” Larry Swedroe, author of the bestselling "The Only Guide" series of investment books, and Kevin Grogan, co-author of "The Only Guide You'll Ever Need for the Right Financial Plan," revisit what it takes to build more efficient portfolios in today’s evolving financial landscape.

Designed specifically for those seeking to enrich their technical knowledge of recent advancements in the world of evidence-based investing, the revised second edition reexamines and enhances Swedroe and Grogan’s roadmap to an…

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