Here are 92 books that Daddy Christmas & Hanukkah Mama fans have personally recommended if you like
Daddy Christmas & Hanukkah Mama.
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I was inspired to write Eight Candles and a Tree after I couldn’t find a picture book about a child who celebrates both Christmas and Hanukkah to read to my granddaughter. I had extensive professional experience as a writer and children’s television producer, and I decided to write a book that would resonate with children who celebrate both holidays. I have been pleasantly surprised by the book's consistent sales over the past eight years, and am happy to see that there are now more books on this issue.
Anna sends an email to Santa explaining that while her stepbrother celebrates Christmas, she will have a surprise treat for Santa instead of cookies. Anna considers many options before deciding on latkes to accompany Michael’s plate of cookies.
The book shows how Anna chooses to put her own spin on her new blended family’s traditions. Includes recipes for latkes and sugar cookies.
To: Santa
From: Anna My new dad and stepbrother celebrate Christmas, so you're coming to my house for the very first time. And I think you must be REALLY tired of cookies. I'm going to leave you the best Santa treat ever.
Anna is excited that Santa will be visiting her house for the first time, and she wants to leave Santa a treat that blend
I was inspired to write Eight Candles and a Tree after I couldn’t find a picture book about a child who celebrates both Christmas and Hanukkah to read to my granddaughter. I had extensive professional experience as a writer and children’s television producer, and I decided to write a book that would resonate with children who celebrate both holidays. I have been pleasantly surprised by the book's consistent sales over the past eight years, and am happy to see that there are now more books on this issue.
At school Sam feels different from his classmates because he celebrates both Christmas and Hanukkah, but after talking it through with his mom, he realizes that he’s excited to be able to observe two holidays instead of one.
The book addresses a child’s feeling of being different because his parents have different religious backgrounds.
When Sam's classmates take turns talking about which holiday they celebrate, Sam becomes very nervous. Some people celebrate Christmas and some people celebrate Hanukkah. But Sam celebrates both! Written by a clinical psychologist, MY TWO HOLIDAYS offers comforting explanations that shine a light on how special it can be to celebrate two treasured holidays instead of one!
I was inspired to write Eight Candles and a Tree after I couldn’t find a picture book about a child who celebrates both Christmas and Hanukkah to read to my granddaughter. I had extensive professional experience as a writer and children’s television producer, and I decided to write a book that would resonate with children who celebrate both holidays. I have been pleasantly surprised by the book's consistent sales over the past eight years, and am happy to see that there are now more books on this issue.
When Rachel visits her father’s family who celebrates Christmas, she brings along her menorah to share Hanukkah with them too. But when she realizes she forgot the menorah on the plane, her Nonna makes her a very special menorah.
The book shows how a loving grandmother and extended family welcome and encourage two holiday traditions.
Rachel loves visiting her Italian grandmother, even though Nonna celebrates Christmas and Rachel and her parents celebrate Hanukkah. Rachel plans to share Hanukkah with her whole family, so when Rachel's special hanukkiah goes missing, Nonna steps in to save the day.
Truth told, folks still ask if Saul Crabtree sold his soul for the perfect voice. If he sold it to angels or devils. A Bristol newspaper once asked: “Are his love songs closer to heaven than dying?” Others wonder how he wrote a song so sad, everyone who heard it…
I was inspired to write Eight Candles and a Tree after I couldn’t find a picture book about a child who celebrates both Christmas and Hanukkah to read to my granddaughter. I had extensive professional experience as a writer and children’s television producer, and I decided to write a book that would resonate with children who celebrate both holidays. I have been pleasantly surprised by the book's consistent sales over the past eight years, and am happy to see that there are now more books on this issue.
Set in New York City, Emma’s
family celebrates Hanukkah and Christmas, and the book describes their
distinctive family traditions. For Hanukkah, they spin the dreidels, light the
menorah and make crisp latkes, and at Christmas time they light the lights on
the Christmas tree and enjoy making sugar cookies.
It gives
specific details of the ways in which this family celebrates their December
Emma's parents come from different cultural backgrounds, so every year they celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas. During Hanukkah, the family enjoys playing dreidel games, making crispy latkes to eat, and lighting the candles of a menorah each night of the holiday. Then Christmas comes. With her parents and friends, Emma has a joy-filled time making sugar cookies, singing Christmas carols, and lighting the lights on the beautiful tree. This delightful story shows how one family keeps the traditions of both holidays, as they light the lights for Hanukkah and Christmas.
I’ve had a long career, publishing books that have won the highest awards in the industry, including two books that won Caldecott Medals. I’m best known as the editor of the Harry Potter books. But my expertise in this area also comes from being a father, a reader, and the author of several books with Jewish and intersectional themes.
This interracial, bi-religious couple expresses the joy of sharing holiday traditions in a book that is a collaboration on text and art, as well as in spirit.
As one of the parents of an interfaith family, I’ve found it very rare to see a book that embraces this reality so vivaciously.
Alko and Qualls present a family that approaches the holidays in a more integrated manner than mine does, still the main message is one of exuberant celebration encouraging interfaith kids to embrace their dual heritage.
A perfect gift for the holiday season, no matter what you celebrate!
I am a mix of two traditions. From Daddy Christmas and Hanukkah Mama. How lucky am I?
Holiday time at Sadie's house means golden gelt sparkling under the Christmas tree, candy canes hanging on eight menorah branches, voices uniting to sing carols about Macabees and the manger, and latkes on the mantel awaiting Santa's arrival.
Selina Alko's joyous celebration of blended families will make the perfect holiday gift for the many Americans who celebrate both Christmas and Hanukkah.
I’ve had a long career, publishing books that have won the highest awards in the industry, including two books that won Caldecott Medals. I’m best known as the editor of the Harry Potter books. But my expertise in this area also comes from being a father, a reader, and the author of several books with Jewish and intersectional themes.
In this warm telling of a cherished memory, Polacco presents a Jewish girl celebrating Hanukkah who discovers that her Christian neighbors are too sick with Scarlet Fever to celebrate their holiday. So she resolves to help.
Patricia Polacco’s storytelling voice has brought warmth and comfort to millions of readers. Combined with her signature art, full of expressive lines and bright color combinations, Polacco produces a story about community that feels like a warm embrace.
Trisha loves the eight days of Hanukkah, when her mother stays home from work, her Babushka makes delicious potato latkes, and her Grampa carves wonderful animals out of wood as gifts for Trisha and her brother. In the middle of her family's preparation for the festival of lights, Trisha visits her closest neighbors, expecting to find them decorating their house for Christmas. Instead they are all bedridden with scarlet fever. Trisha's family is one of the few who has been spared from the epidemic. It is difficult for them to enjoy their Hanukkah feast when they know that their neighbors…
Neuroscience PhD student Frankie Conner has finally gotten her life together—she’s determined to discover the cause of her depression and find a cure for herself and everyone like her. But the first day of her program, she meets a group of talking animals who have an urgent message they refuse…
In 1968, my white Jewish American mother married my Indian American Hindu father. I grew up in Connecticut and often felt othered in my mostly white Christian community. I also felt different than many of my extended family members, feeling not quite Jewish or Indian “enough.” These issues and questions I had and still have about my identity have fueled my writing ever since. I write about characters navigating multiple identities asking questions about racism, prejudice, and xenophobia often for the first time. The books on this list are books I wished I could have had around to keep me company during my youth.
This picture book has grabbed me over the years, being a fan of both Hanukkah and dosas. My childhood home and my home now has always been filled with traditional Indian and Jewish foods. I loved the holiday food fusion here and how festive the family is as they blend their traditions together. The story isn’t so much about how and why they blend their cultures the way they do—they just do. It centers around a boy and his very active little sister who ends up saving the holiday with her extra energy. The illustrations by Sarkar are so sweet they just make you want to jump in the book and be part of their dosa-filled Hanukkah celebration.
In this sweet and humorous picture book, a multi-cultural family (Mum's Indian; Dad's Jewish) celebrate Hanukkah while incorporating traditional Indian food. Instead of latkes, this family celebrates Hanukkah with tasty Indian dosas. To her brother's chagrin, little Sadie won't stop climbing on everything both at home and at the Indian grocery store, even while preparing the dosas. As the family puts the finishing touches on their holiday preparations, they accidentally get locked out of the house. Sadie and her climbing skills just may be exactly what is needed to save the day.
I am a school and public librarian as well as a writer. I also serve as a member of the Children’s Book Committee of the Bank Street College of Education. We review hundreds of books each year for consideration of a place on our list –The Best Children’s Books of the Year. I've chosen to recommend some lighthearted picture books with Jewish characters or themes because a number of my own books fit into this category. Mitzi’s Mitzvah, Little Red Ruthie, and Dance the Hora, Isadora! are three of my Jewish themed books. Each of these titles has been selected by PJ Library, an organization that sends a book each month to children.
I always recommend this genius book as a wonderful companion to my own Hanukkah book. The young audience is always one step ahead of the old woman in Kimmel’s story, and this engages them from the start all the way through to the comforting end. There’s an old-fashioned folktale-like quality to this story which makes it a sure winner!
Bubba Brayna’s legendary latkes lure an unexpected visitor into her home in this playful Hanukkah tale from a master storyteller.
Bubba Brayna makes the best latkes in the village, and on the first night of Hanukkah, the scent of her cooking wakes a hungry, adorable bear from his hibernation. He lumbers into town to investigate, and Bubba Brayna—who does not see or hear very well—mistakes him for her rabbi. She welcomes the bear inside to play the dreidel game, light the menorah, and enjoy a scrumptious meal.
However, after her well-fed guest leaves, there's a knock at the door—it's the…
I believe that good Jewish stories are important tools in building Jewish identity. But when I first taught preschoolers, the books were either too didactic or written for older children. One day, when the children in my class were enthusiastically discussing the Christmas display at the mall, the idea came to me that maybe an eight-legged Spider celebrating the eight days of Hanukkah could compete with Frosty the Snowman. When Sammy Spider asks to spin a dreidel, he is told, “Spider’s don’t spin dreidels. Spiders spin webs.” The response became a favorite with Jewish children and a form of the phrase is part of all the Sammy Spider holiday and values books.
A Turn for Noah is a Hanukkah story written by Susan Remick Topek. At preschool, Noah can’t quite spin the dreidel. Hanukkah is about to end, and still Noah “can’t do it.” With the encouragement of his teacher and all his friends, on the very last day of Hanukkah, Noah takes a deep breath, twists the handle quickly, and exclaims, “It’s spinning!” And since one good turn deserves another, Noah lights the Hanukkah candles with the teacher’s help.
I particularly like A Turn for Noah because so many of my preschool students have trouble learning to spin a dreidel and the story shows how with effort, even difficult tasks can be completed. Little children identify with Noah's efforts, feelings, and his success.
Every picture tells a story, but it’s not always the one we expect or remember. Christmas Actually is a festive drama about family and forgiveness and a snapshot of modern family life, addressing Instagram to motherhood and everything in between.
Why Christmas? My publisher wanted my new novel to have…
I am a school and public librarian as well as a writer. I also serve as a member of the Children’s Book Committee of the Bank Street College of Education. We review hundreds of books each year for consideration of a place on our list –The Best Children’s Books of the Year. I've chosen to recommend some lighthearted picture books with Jewish characters or themes because a number of my own books fit into this category. Mitzi’s Mitzvah, Little Red Ruthie, and Dance the Hora, Isadora! are three of my Jewish themed books. Each of these titles has been selected by PJ Library, an organization that sends a book each month to children.
So many Hanukkah books are super serious. I love the way Leslie Kimmelman cleverly uses wordplay to expand the story of the 8 nights of the holiday into something completely unexpected and uproariously funny. The book obviously references a Jewish holiday, but the story will have broad appeal to children of all religious backgrounds and children living in strictly secular households too.
The whole kingdom has gathered to celebrate Hanukkah--but a dastardly dragon keeps interrupting the festivities. Can the Eight Knights of Hanukkah set things right?
A Sydney Taylor Notable Book
It's the last night of Hanukkah and everyone is doing their part for the big celebration, but a dragon called Dreadful has other ideas. He roams the countryside, interrupting the party preparations. Lady Sadie must call upon the Eight Knights of Hanukkah to perform deeds of awesome kindness and stupendous bravery and put an end to the dragon's shenanigans.
When Dreadful eats all the special donuts the baker made, Sir Lily…