Why am I passionate about this?

I'm a woman of four and seventy years who thankfully doesn’t yet resemble that person to those who haven’t met me. I'm a mother of two who both have their own businesses in the fields of their natural talents, I've been Deputy Treasurer to the State of Kansas, written 22 books but think younger than I did at 20, and am enjoying the best sex life to date! Life is precious and should not be limited to us based on our age, but on our interests, knowledge, and what we have to offer. Writing about that which I've experienced and the recorded history of family are my passions and hopefully for my readers as well.

I wrote

Assignment Love: The Writer and Her Agent

By Kathleen Boston McCune,

Book cover of Assignment Love: The Writer and Her Agent

What is my book about?

Jenny Stewart's life is about to change drastically – and how she chooses to begin the next segment of her…

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The books I picked & why

Book cover of Next Ship Home: A Novel of Ellis Island

Kathleen Boston McCune Why did I love this book?

I personally enjoyed this book for the courage found by the Heroine in a world where women were considered 2nd class citizens, but she, through strength of character and love of a sister she loses due to illness and no monies to save her, gives her that impetus to forge ahead through unconventional, but effective ways and new friends of wealth in America. It could be called a Cinderella story with illegal immigrants as heroines.

A book of 1902, about a young woman who had been abused by her father to the point that a nun suggested she find refuge elsewhere. From Italy, she proceeds to save enough money to book passage with a ship for both herself and her younger sister who is already ill from similar abuse. She looks forward to Ellis Island, knowing she then will be on the safe harbor of America, until she learns that without someone to meet them as a sponsor, they might both be sent immediately back to Italy.

I would recommend this book for the depth of feeling given to the characters by Heather and her insight into how desperate the heroine knows she is. Ms. Webb used actual letters from those who had passed through Ellis Island and the instances of horror have since been proven true historically, though her characters are fiction. Very well written and reminded me of my own inner strengths rarely used of getting around the barriers set up for women, but managed when left alone without monetary help after divorce.

By Heather Webb,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Next Ship Home as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Ellis Island, 1902: Two women band together to hold America to its promise: "Give me your tired, your poor ... your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..."
A young Italian woman arrives on the shores of America, her sights set on a better life. That same day, a young American woman reports to her first day of work at the immigration center. But Ellis Island isn't a refuge for Francesca or Alma, not when ships depart every day with those who are refused entry to the country and when corruption ripples through every corridor. While Francesca resorts to desperate measures…

Book cover of Three Hours in Paris

Kathleen Boston McCune Why did I love this book?

I loved this book because the Heroine is a woman who is not only handy with a gun, but uses it to attempt to remove the Villain of WWII, in Paris on her own, but finding unique paths, as we all should, to make our way, no matter the doors closed in our path. As a historic book of WWII, our Heroine has lost what she most lives for and the British Intelligence takes advantage of her talents to use her in a ruse, whilst she outperforms even her own expectations.

Ms. Black manages to minute by minute follow our Heroine, Kate Rees, an American markswoman, through Paris after special training by British Intelligence, to her goal and that of the World, with all the details of the time, the place, the uniqueness of the people, including their dress, bodily differences, and human drives with such finesse that I felt as though I were Kate Rees myself.

I love this for its’ accuracy to history and the talent with which Ms. Black writes. Another tale of women involved with the important aspects of our world, but rarely noted.

By Cara Black,

Why should I read it?

4 authors picked Three Hours in Paris as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

In June of 1940, when Paris fell to the Nazis, Hitler spent a total of three hours in the City of Light—abruptly leaving, never to return. To this day, no one knows why.

Kate Rees, a young American markswoman, has been recruited by British intelligence to drop into Paris with a dangerous assignment: assassinate the Führer. Wrecked by grief after a Luftwaffe bombing killed her husband and infant daughter, she is armed with a rifle, a vendetta, and a fierce resolve. But other than rushed and rudimentary instruction, she has no formal spy training. Thrust into the red-hot center of…

Book cover of Jimmy Stewart: The Truth Behind the Legend

Kathleen Boston McCune Why did I love this book?

I love and recommend this accounting of Jimmy Stewart as what seems to be an honest and first person from his wife. She does not gloss over the tawdry but smiles at the sexual appetite of a man bigger than life to many. Whether best known for Rear Window, Vertigo, How the West Was Won, or Anatomy of a Murder, he was an actor I always admired for being able to act without seeming pompous even when getting the accolades from fans and press.

Michael Munn, using Jimmy’s widow for referencing much of his assertions of Jimmy’s character, gave me the feeling that at least in this appraisal of an artist, Munn had gone the extra yardage to actualize his impressions of Jimmy. Munn has been cast as a fraud, but I don’t think so in this instance. Jimmy admitted himself that acting was not so much an art, as it was work, well focused on and studied by the best of its’ participants.

Insight into his family was enlightening to me, as I’m pretty sure we are related on my fraternal side, with Stewart the surname of my Great Grandmother, Mary Evelyn Stewart, whose father was Reverand David Ira Harris of Ontario, Canada. Their work ethics and family honor codes parallel ours and the looks do as well.

However, without the family connection, I would still recommend this book to any and all folks who enjoyed any or all of Jimmy Stewart’s movies, as for me, they were all works of art, because of his studied portrayal of the men he made human for his audience.

Perhaps the only aspect of his personality which also further identifies him as family was his natural acumen for sexual fulfillment for his lady friends and thus himself, of course. A great read!!

By Michael Munn,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Jimmy Stewart as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Many stars of the silver screen in twentieth-century Hollywood became icons. However, the private lives of actors such as John Wayne, Henry Fonda, and Errol Flynn rarely lived up to the idealistic roles they portrayed. James Stewart was known as the underdog fighter in many of his films and in real life. He was highly decorated for his bravery as a bomber pilot during World War II and was adored for his earnest and kindly persona. But there was much more to the man. In this New York Times bestseller, the many sides of Stewart are revealed: his explosive temper,…

Book cover of Violeta

Kathleen Boston McCune Why did I love this book?

I love this book for how honest it is, whether one is poor or wealthy, you will find yourself understanding Violeta somewhere in her life, spanning 100 years, Violeta Del Valle, the main character of this South American treatise, shares her story; which includes wars, comedy, passion, pain, travesty (during the socialist occupation), loss of souls, and the sage review at the end of a woman of that many years giving her view of her life in Chili, Argentia, Los Vegas, Miami, and farmland in between.

Beginning at birth, we learn the pattern of wealthy families, and others, in the role of women in 1920 until today, with much the same familiarity of our America during that same period, though with greater comfort, such as running water, plumbing, and more jobs in such areas as manufacturing, etc.

This book is detailed from the outlook of a woman born of wealth, but losing that advantage while still a child when WWII breaks out and German refugees come to South America to hide and make their own new lives. I enjoyed this book because it is history which is accurate, but also because Allende is a natural storyteller, revealing the feelings of most of the characters, in turn, giving the reader a feeling of being a part of the story.

By Isabel Allende, Frances Riddle (translator),

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Violeta as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • This sweeping novel from the author of A Long Petal of the Sea tells the epic story of Violeta Del Valle, a woman whose life spans one hundred years and bears witness to the greatest upheavals of the twentieth century.

“An immersive saga about a passion-filled life.”—People


Violeta comes into the world on a stormy day in 1920, the first girl in a family with five boisterous sons. From the start, her life is marked by extraordinary events, for the ripples of the Great War are…

Book cover of The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen

Kathleen Boston McCune Why did I love this book?

I recommend Lost Memoirs for finally giving us a love story from an author we all have enjoyed since 5th grade. A true artist in “putting us in her life,” Syrie James accomplishes this while giving us readers the feeling of friendship with Jane Austen within these pages of her lost memoirs...

This book is of the recently found letters and diaries of Jane Austen of Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility fame in not only books, but movies made over the years. It begins with the Austen Family Tree, which revealed that Jane had not only her sister, Cassandra, but six brothers, all either clergymen or military men with titles and at least a modicum of wealth. This was quite enlightening to me, who has read her forever, but somehow I’d missed this important aspect of her life, which gives her insights into the minds of men, better than most writers.

We are gradually invited through coquetry into her life at four and thirty years on a trip to the water at Lyme, England with her brother, wherein climbing over rocks, she slips and (well I won’t go on, or the reader will miss the fun of this event). The rest of the book follows that after sharing time with a man her mental match and many, many times her match in property, money, and standing in the community, it is assumed she will soon be wedding a child half his age of four and thirty as well. Losing her father and thus their home (he being the clergy which is not given retirement benefits of either home or wages), she, Cassandra, and their hypochondriac mother must flitter from one abode to another, on the cuffs of their brothers and their wives, most of which would prefer they move on.

Throughout their required moves we as readers are acquainted with the areas of England including Bath, Chawton, Portsmouth, London, France, Dorset, and other smaller bergs all colorfully drawn for readers as only Jane Austen can render. A great read that everyone who had no prior knowledge of a love interest in Jane’s life, will enjoy.

By Syrie James,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Hidden in an old chest in her brother's attic, Jane Austen's memoirs are uncovered after hundreds of years, bricked up behind an old wall. Written shortly before her death, one volume was preserved immaculately, and its contents both shocked and thrilled readers. Detailing a love affair the author was apparently determined to keep secret, Jane's memoir offers readers untold insights into her mind and heart. Many rumours abound about a mysterious gentleman said to be the love of Jane's life - finally, the truth may have been found.

Explore my book 😀

Assignment Love: The Writer and Her Agent

By Kathleen Boston McCune,

Book cover of Assignment Love: The Writer and Her Agent

What is my book about?

Jenny Stewart's life is about to change drastically – and how she chooses to begin the next segment of her life will surprise even her. Filled with Drug Cartels, raw sex and the hot Mexican desert just south of Texas, this accounting of an author/freelance writer will thrill even the most jaded reader.

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The Widow Maker

By Janet Fix, Cheryl Bradshaw,

Book cover of The Widow Maker

Janet Fix Author Of The Broken Soul

New book alert!

Why am I passionate about this?

Writer, reader, editor, reviewer, publisher… those are all parts of me. With a lifetime of experience in the “words” industry, I have a pretty good handle on what makes a book not just good, but hot. I say this with the understanding that each reader brings their own histories to the reading experience, and what one person may like, another may not. Nonetheless, I offer you my professional and personal favorites in the mystery/thriller/suspense categories. It is my sincere hope that you find these books as addictive as I’d found them. Superb and clever writing, engaging characters, unpredictable plots—yes, please! Though I occasionally step outside my comfort zone, I'm consistently drawn back to these categories. 

Janet's book list on intriguing whodunits

What is my book about?

Liza O’Connell was a horror buff in every sense of the word. But there was one deadly nightmare she would never be able to talk about … her own. A friend murdered. A business in trouble. A marriage struggling to survive. And that’s just the beginning. 

When salon owner Carrie King discovers Liza dead in the back room of her shop, everyone becomes a suspect, even her. As tensions in the community rise, so does the death toll, and now the local cops believe there’s a serial killer on the loose. The question is … are the two investigations connected?…

The Widow Maker

By Janet Fix, Cheryl Bradshaw,

What is this book about?

Liza O’Connell was a horror buff in every sense of the word. But there was one deadly nightmare she would never be able to talk about … her own.

A friend murdered.

A business in trouble.

A marriage struggling to survive.

And that’s just the beginning.

When salon owner Carrie King discovers Liza dead in the back room of her shop, everyone becomes a suspect, even her. As tensions in the community rise, so does the death toll, and now the local cops believe there’s a serial killer on the loose.
The question is … are the two investigations connected?…

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