Why am I passionate about this?

Wayne Karlin is the author of eight novels and three works of non-fiction. His books have been published in translation in Denmark, Sweden, Italy, and Vietnam. Karlin, who served in the United States Marine Corps in Vietnam, co-edited the first anthology of veterans’ fiction from the Vietnam War, and was the editor of the Curbstone Press Voices from Vietnam series, publishing Vietnamese writers in translation. He has received five State of Maryland Individual Artist Awards in Fiction, two Fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts (1994 and 2004), the Paterson Prize in Fiction for 1999, the Vietnam Veterans of American Excellence in the Arts Award in 2005, and the Juniper Prize for Fiction for 2019 for his novel of the War of 1812, A Wolf by the Ears.

I wrote...

Wandering Souls: Journeys with the Dead and the Living in Vietnam

By Wayne Karlin,

Book cover of Wandering Souls: Journeys with the Dead and the Living in Vietnam

What is my book about?

Wandering Souls is the poignant story of how an American veteran helped a Vietnamese family find peace, and in turn,…

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The books I picked & why

Book cover of The Quiet American

Wayne Karlin Why did I love this book?

Set during the 1950s during what the French called The Indochina War, Greene’s classic novel never-the-less prophetically brings to life the attitudes that would lead to America’s war in Vietnam. 

Pyle, a bright young U.S. CIA agent posing as a foreign-service officer in charge of a medical aid program, falls in love with Phuong, the mistress of Fowler, a jaded British reporter who is covering the fighting between the French and the Viet Minh. In their fight for Phuong’s heart (or at least her body), the two men are meant to represent contending Western approaches to Vietnam.

Fowler feels the Vietnamese are indifferent to (and perhaps incapable of) Western-style democracy, and any attempt to push them towards it would be not only doomed to failure but destructive of the Vietnamese; Pyle, an adherent of a Cold War brand of anti-communism, believes a “third force,” between the Vietnamese supporting the French and the communists fighting against them, could create a democratic alternative. His attempt to fit the Vietnamese into his notions of what they should be (reflecting what that great wit Robert MacNamara later called our complete ignorance of Vietnamese history, culture, and politics) has deadly consequences, paid for in Vietnamese bodies, a chilling foretelling of the war to come. Yet Fowler’s relationship to Vietnam, although depicted as more attractively cynical and thus worldly, is equally shallow. 

Greene, who makes Phuong the metaphor for Vietnam, creates her as a one-dimensional, heartless, and materialistic woman without any agency herself. Her strength is in her ability to adjust and survive, but in the end, she is as much the cliché of an enigmatic, elusive oriental femme-fatal to Fowler as she is a charming, passive emblem to Pyle. Can we separate the author’s attitude towards the Vietnamese from that of those two characters? The absence of any three-dimensional Vietnamese character suggests that we can’t. Yet it must be said that in creating Phuong as a tabula rasa in whom each white character sees only the image he wants her to be, Greene accurately and painfully reveals what Vietnam the country was to those foreigners who came themselves or who sent their countrymen to live and die there.

By Graham Greene,

Why should I read it?

10 authors picked The Quiet American as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Graham Greene's classic exploration of love, innocence, and morality in Vietnam

"I never knew a man who had better motives for all the trouble he caused," Graham Greene's narrator Fowler remarks of Alden Pyle, the eponymous "Quiet American" of what is perhaps the most controversial novel of his career. Pyle is the brash young idealist sent out by Washington on a mysterious mission to Saigon, where the French Army struggles against the Vietminh guerrillas.

As young Pyle's well-intentioned policies blunder into bloodshed, Fowler, a seasoned and cynical British reporter, finds it impossible to stand safely aside as an observer. But…

Book cover of The Mountains Sing

Wayne Karlin Why did I love this book?

Although it is the most recently published of this group, The Mountains Sing has already been widely read, reviewed, and translated and is justifiably on its way to becoming a mainstay in the literature of the Vietnam War. 

The novel serves as a welcome counterpoint to Graham Greene’s Phuong and much other fiction about the war and Vietnam; what the writer wants to—and powerfully succeeds in doing—is to present non-Vietnamese readers not only with female central characters who break the Madame Butterfly/Miss Saigon/Quiet American stereotypes, but whose voices take us into the heart of the country itself, the painful history of the nation as personalized through the story of the Tran family as they survive, overcome, and finally thrive. 

The novel moves from the Second World War to the present and is told in alternating chapters: Huong, a teenager whose mother and father have both gone to fight the war with America, describes her life in Hanoi in wartime, living under terrifying bombardments and deprivations, witnessing her mother and uncle returning from the battlefield traumatized and emotionally numbed, while also seeing how the war which split Vietnam against itself fractures her own family. At the same time, she listens to her Grandmother Dieu Lan tell the story of her life up to that time, through the Japanese occupation, the “Great Hunger” where millions of Vietnamese starved to death, the Land Reform period when forced collectivization in the North was the source of injustice and murder. 

The story of both these women, and their family, could be—and so represents—the story of millions of Vietnamese, but by concentrating on one family whom we get to know and care about, luminous descriptive language, and the creation of an engrossing plot, it becomes a story through which readers can find a Vietnam missing in so much of American—and in the case of Graham Greene—English fiction about the war. 

By Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai,

Why should I read it?

5 authors picked The Mountains Sing as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Years later in Ha Noi, her young granddaughter, Huong, comes of age as her parents and uncles head off down the Ho Chi Minh Trail to fight in a conflict that tore not just her beloved country, but her family apart.

Vivid, gripping, and steeped in the language and traditions of Viet Nam, The Mountains Sing brings to life the human costs of this conflict from the point of view of the Vietnamese people themselves, while showing us the true power of kindness and hope.

The Mountains Sing is celebrated Vietnamese poet Nguyen Phan Que Mai's first novel in English.

Book cover of The Things They Carried

Wayne Karlin Why did I love this book?

Probably the most known and well-read novel of the Vietnam War, and deservedly so. Although one could observe that the Vietnamese also appear only as a backdrop to the actions and reactions of the American characters in The Things They Carried, O’Brien’s devastating honesty in depicting the moral erosions of that attitude is one of the many ways he tried to convey that war as Americans experienced it—a reality that in fact did involve only seeing the Vietnamese as a backdrop.

What makes the book truly unique, though, is the way O’Brien explores how the contradictory yet linked truths of war’s seductiveness and its horror can only be captured through fiction. He calls the book “a work of fiction,” perhaps to reflect the book’s structure which consists of a series of connected stories which contain the same characters and which can be read as independent pieces, but also because the book is as much a meditation about why and how people write fiction about war: how what he calls “story-truth” can sometimes be truer than “happening-truth.” 

The characters in O’Brien’s fictional Alpha Company experience the terrifying, soul-deadening reality of the counter-insurgency war; the war against Viet Cong guerillas around and in the villages of coastal Vietnam, where most casualties are from mines and booby-traps, where most battles are reactions to ambushes, where the enemy they are fighting and the people they are supposedly fighting for are intertwined,  where the tunnel-undermined land itself seems to be the enemy, and where the whole war seems a purposeless hump day by day over the same deadly territory, never subdued and always equated with an alien and hostile population.  O’Brien takes them through that territory, and then he follows them--including a character, a writer he calls “Tim O’Brien”—home,  traumatized, either frozen in self-imposed silence, or struggling to find ways to tell their story to a country they perceive as indifferent or hostile to them and incapable of understanding their experience.

By Tim O'Brien,

Why should I read it?

20 authors picked The Things They Carried as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it. This book is for kids age 14, 15, 16, and 17.

What is this book about?

The million-copy bestseller, which is a ground-breaking meditation on war, memory, imagination, and the redemptive power of storytelling.

'The Things They Carried' is, on its surface, a sequence of award-winning stories about the madness of the Vietnam War; at the same time it has the cumulative power and unity of a novel, with recurring characters and interwoven strands of plot and theme.

But while Vietnam is central to 'The Things They Carried', it is not simply a book about war. It is also a book about the human heart - about the terrible weight of those things we carry through…

Book cover of The Sorrow of War: A Novel of North Vietnam

Wayne Karlin Why did I love this book?

Bao Ninh is a veteran of what we called the North Vietnamese Army; he fought for six years, mostly in the heavily jungled Central Highlands, and lost most of the people in his unit.

The experience of the war his main character, Kien, reflects is at that level, very different than the war Tim O’Brien describes. It is a difference not just because of the variance between the guerilla war of the coast and the more conventional warfare in the Central Highlands, but, as one would expect, it is the Americans who become background scenery to the Vietnamese experience instead of the reverse, and also because Bao Ninh’s other central character, rather than a young, male soldier, is a woman who bears the same name, Phuong, as Graham Greene’s character.

Unlike That Phuong, Bao Ninh’s character is a complexly rendered human being who, because of her own search for love, is brutalized, raped, and finally completely traumatized by the war. Both The Things They Carried and The Sorrow of War follow the traditional story-journey of innocence tempered and wounded by experience leading to a bitter, knowing maturity. Both convey the emotional reality of the war and depict the pain and numbing caused by constant losses, the erosion of a sense of purpose, the trauma of veterans and civilians literally and figuratively raped, and the way their experiences become a barrier that keeps them forever separate from the world to which they return—and the struggle to find ways of breaking the silence of that separation from that world and from their own hearts. It is that last factor that most deeply connects The Things They Carried and The Sorrow of War

Kien, like “Tim O’Brien” is a writer; the story of the war is presented through the struggles of Kien to write that story as seen in the novel within the novel that he struggles to complete, driven by a sense of obligation to the dead and the damaged. “Kien refights all his battles, relives the times where his life was bitter, lonely, surreal, and full of obstacles and horrendous mistakes. There is a force at work in him that he cannot resist, as though it opposes every orthodox attitude taught him, and it is now his task to expose the realities of war and to tear aside conventional images.”  Bao Ninh mirrors O’Brien in that desire to write about the act of writing fiction; like O’Brien, his character Kien knows that it is only through stories others will be able to understand the sorrow of war.

By Bảo Ninh,

Why should I read it?

6 authors picked The Sorrow of War as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

This is the semi-autobiographical account of a soldier's experiences. The hero of the story, Kien, is a captain. After 10 years of war and months as a MIA body-collector, Kien suffers a nervous breakdown in Hanoi as he tries to re-establish a relationship with his former sweetheart.

Don't forget about my book 😀

Wandering Souls: Journeys with the Dead and the Living in Vietnam

By Wayne Karlin,

Book cover of Wandering Souls: Journeys with the Dead and the Living in Vietnam

What is my book about?

Wandering Souls is the poignant story of how an American veteran helped a Vietnamese family find peace, and in turn, found peace with himself. First Lieutenant Homer Steedly, Jr. and Sergeant-medic Hoang Ngoc Dam became inextricably bound when they met accidentally on a jungle path in Viet Nam and Homer shot and killed Dam. Nearly forty years later, Homer returned to Viet Nam to bring the journal he took from Dam’s body to his family, and to help them find and bring Dam’s remains to his home village.

Wandering Souls brings to light the grace and courage of a soldier who took onto himself the rendering grief of his former enemy’s family. It is also the story of the grace and mercy of a family – and an entire village – who took that soldier to their hearts and allowed their gratitude at the ending he brought to their story to outweigh their need to hate him for the death that began it.

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Down a Bad Road

By Regina Buttner,

Book cover of Down a Bad Road

Regina Buttner Author Of Down a Bad Road

New book alert!

Why am I passionate about this?

I have a close girlfriend who was once involved with a man she wanted to marry. The trouble was, the guy was always hanging out with this other woman who he’d known since childhood. Just friends, he said. Nothing going on. Ha! The shenanigans they got up to were unbelievable, and extremely upsetting to my girlfriend, who eventually broke up with the cad. Her unlucky experience got me interested in the psychology of the love triangle, and why some people remain mired in these dead-end relationships. My reading jam is anything twisty and suspenseful, and what’s more fraught than a three-way competition for someone’s affections.

Regina's book list on love triangles that turn deadly

What is my book about?

Jealousy can be deadly.

Ron Burley has a rule against messing around with married women, but lovely Lavender has convinced him to break it. Their steamy affair sets someone off, but it isn’t Lavender’s clueless husband—it’s Marta, Burley’s clingy childhood friend and ex-lover. 

Hoping to win Burley back, Marta dangles a lucrative job offer. Though he’s sorely tempted, Burley’s afraid to trust her due to the sketchy circumstances surrounding their bitter breakup years ago; but this might be his only chance to get back at her for what she did. Meanwhile, Lavender has become suspicious of Burley’s romantic history, and…

Down a Bad Road

By Regina Buttner,

What is this book about?

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Jealousy can be deadly.

Longtime bachelor Ron Burley has a rule against messing around with married women in his rural upstate New York town, but sassy, lovely Lavender has convinced him to break it. Their steamy affair sets someone off, but it isn't Lavender's clueless husband-it's Marta, Burley's clingy childhood friend and ex-lover.

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