Why am I passionate about this?

Choosing philosophy at 18 raised a few eyebrows: friends and family thought I was a bit mad and a little lost. Later, when I decided to write philosophical stories and essays, I heard the same refrain: “Most people are afraid of philosophy.” But those voices never swayed me. Deep down, I knew that thinking is a powerful tool for healing, a way to mend what’s broken within us and in the world. Ideas, I believe, can spark change and make the world a better place.

I wrote

Philosophical Health: A Practical Introduction

By Luis de Miranda,

Book cover of Philosophical Health: A Practical Introduction

What is my book about?

Luis de Miranda invites you on a transformative journey toward a harmonious planetary civilization. He reveals how embracing diversity and…

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The books I picked & why

Book cover of Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Luis de Miranda Why did I love this book?

This book isn’t just ink and paper; it’s a lifeline. I’ve witnessed its power to pull someone back from the edge.

For me, as a teenager, it was an awakening. Zarathustra’s spirit resonated with my own zest for life, a stark contrast to the negativity that often surrounds us. It ignited a spark within me, an echo of the boundless creativity I felt as a child, eager to shape new worlds. A reminder that within each of us lies the potential for greatness, waiting to be unleashed.

By Friedrich Nietzsche, R. J. Hollingdale (translator),

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Thus Spoke Zarathustra as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

'Enigmatic, vatic, emphatic, passionate . . . Nietzsche's works together make a unique statement in the literature of European ideas' A. C. Grayling

Nietzsche was one of the most revolutionary thinkers in Western philosophy, and Thus Spoke Zarathustra remains his most influential work. It describes how the ancient Persian prophet Zarathustra descends from his solitude in the mountains to tell the world that God is dead and that the Superman, the human embodiment of divinity, is his successor. With blazing intensity, Nietzsche argues that the meaning of existence is not to be found in religious pieties or meek submission, but…

Book cover of The Dice Man

Luis de Miranda Why did I love this book?

In a world obsessed with schedules and statistics, I found myself drawn to this whimsical tale about a man who rolls a dice to make life's big decisions. It mirrored my own youthful spirit–a time when I lived very spontaneously, even writing novels as experiments in happenstance. It was a time of unexpected adventures, an antidote to dull routines.

Nowadays, over-planning and seriousness sometimes creep in. But thankfully, I have my children to remind me of the simple, healing joy of play–life doesn’t always have to be so meticulously planned.

By Luke Rhinehart,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Dice Man as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The cult classic that can still change your life...Let the dice decide! This is the philosophy that changes the life of bored psychiatrist Luke Rhinehart-and in some ways changes the world as well. Because once you hand over your life to the dice, anything can happen. Entertaining, humorous, scary, shocking, subversive, The Dice Man is one of the cult bestsellers of our time.

Book cover of Descartes: Meditations on First Philosophy: With Selections from the Objections and Replies

Luis de Miranda Why did I love this book?

I think, therefore, I am.

Descartes’ ability to reject dogma and academic jargon, focusing instead on his own thought process to find truth, amazed me. As a writer, this is crucial: avoid parroting others and find your unique voice and personal worldview. At the same time, Descartes’ radical doubt felt risky. I don’t want to become overly critical of reality.

I see his work as a guide to intellectual empathy. It’s a way to understand ourselves and others through our shared human need for meaning.

By John Cottingham (editor),

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Descartes as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Descartes's Meditations on First Philosophy remains one of the most widely studied works of Western philosophy. This volume is a refreshed and updated edition of John Cottingham's bestselling 1996 edition, based on his translation in the acclaimed three-volume Cambridge edition of The Philosophical Writings of Descartes. It presents the complete text of Descartes's central metaphysical masterpiece, the Meditations, in clear, readable modern English, and it offers the reader additional material in a thematic abridgement of the Objections and Replies, providing a deeper understanding of how Descartes developed and clarified his arguments in response to critics. Cottingham also provides an updated…

Book cover of How the Wise Master Life: 51 Essential Truths Clarified

Luis de Miranda Why did I love this book?

Truth doesn’t have to be flashy to captivate. I was instantly drawn to the mystique of this book’s manuscript and the secretive author who sent it to me. In it, I discovered that beauty is a feeling, and anxiety is a prelude to exhilaration.

Normally, I'm not one for self-help, but the poetic wisdom in this book resonated on a personal level, a comforting reminder that healing isn’t a one-size-fits-all journey.

By Miranda Healer,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked How the Wise Master Life as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Don't Wait Another Day to Live the Life You Deserve

Imagine unlocking the secrets to a life filled with purpose, unwavering resilience, and deep inner peace. In How the Wise Master Life: 51 Essential Truths Clarified, spiritual guide and wisdom teacher Miranda Healer offers a blueprint for achieving this extraordinary way of living. This isn't just a book – it's a catalyst for profound transformation.

Healer's deep, clear and compassionate voice guides you through timeless yet timely truths that have empowered the world's wisest and most powerful individuals. With each insightful chapter, you'll gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your…

Book cover of The Fountainhead

Luis de Miranda Why did I love this book?

This book is like a forbidden fruit, tempting and dangerous. But it came to my rescue when I’d lost sight of my own dreams for a little while. Sure, Ayn Rand’s philosophy has many simplistic flaws, but in this novel, she channels a Nietzschean spirit that jolts you awake. It was a call to never forget to embrace my ambition and to continue to forge my own writing path even when readers seem indifferent.

In a world full of compromises, there’s power in refusing to settle for less than your own extraordinary potential.

Explore my book 😀

Philosophical Health: A Practical Introduction

By Luis de Miranda,

Book cover of Philosophical Health: A Practical Introduction

What is my book about?

Luis de Miranda invites you on a transformative journey toward a harmonious planetary civilization. He reveals how embracing diversity and interconnectedness can lead us to a flourishing global society. Here, the groundbreaking field of philosophical health is presented in simple words. It is a practice that empowers you to create meaning in your life and find balance amidst the chaos of the modern world.

Discover the core principles of this innovative discipline. Learn how cultivating self-awareness and thoughtful action can nurture well-being across six fundamental aspects of existence: body, self, belonging, possibility, purpose, and the philosophical sense or worldview.

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Girl of Light

By Elana Gomel,

Book cover of Girl of Light

Elana Gomel Author Of Nine Levels

New book alert!

Why am I passionate about this?

I always want to be where I am not. This was why I read sci-fi and fantasy as a child. This was why I left the country of my birth and became a professional nomad. This is why I am spellbound by mountains I will never climb and oceans I will never dive into. Imagination can take you everywhere. It took me to the academy, where speculative literature became my scholarly field, and to the publishing world, where I am now getting ready for the launch of my eighth novel. When you are at home nowhere, you are at home everywhere–including on the summits of impossible mountains.

Elana's book list on mountain climbing for non-climbers

What is my book about?

A girl of Light in a world of darkness.

In Svetlana's country, it’s a felony to break a mirror. Mirrors are conduits of the Voice, the deity worshiped by all who follow Light. The Voice protects humans of MotherLand from the dangers that beset them on all sides: an invading army of wolf-headed men on their borders and the infectious, ever-evolving, zombie-like Enemy that plagues them at home. When Svetlana meets Andrei, a traumatized and amnesiac soldier from another war, she embarks on a harrowing journey of adventure and self-discovery that leads her to question everything she was taught to…

Girl of Light

By Elana Gomel,

What is this book about?

A voice through Svetlana's mirror guides her beloved MotherLand from behind its' electric tower. The war with Wulfstan is not going as well as Sveta and her parents hope, but Sveta trusts the Voice. When her best friend Tattie goes missing, and Sveta saves Andrei, a soldier in summer uniform in the dead of winter, it takes Sveta through a crucible of Light, doubt, and back to the altar of true belief. Girl of Light unravels Sveta's beloved MotherLand in a war-torn adventure through monsters, missing eyes and broken mirrors.

Girl of Light is a dark fantasy with a Slavic…

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