Why am I passionate about this?

I always assumed that one day I would become a teacher. Yet, it was only by a circuitous route that I ended up focusing on education, taught at a Graduate School of Education, and was a founding member of Project Zero, a major education research center. In my book, I present the major ideas and programs with which I’ve been involved. (In a companion volume I present my “essential writings” on the Mind). While I am best known for developing the “theory of multiple intelligences,” I believe that this book provides a full portrait of my contributions.

I wrote...

The Essential Howard Gardner on Education

By Howard Gardner,

Book cover of The Essential Howard Gardner on Education

What is my book about?

As a scholar and teacher, I have made a variety of contributions to our understanding of learning. In this compelling…

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The books I picked & why

Book cover of Democracy and Education

Howard Gardner Why did I love this book?

For anyone interested in view of education that is distinctly American and clearly progressive, Dewey’s writings—though challenging—are fundamental and, therefore, worth careful reading and re-reading. And of course, Dewey is read and valued all over the world. I wish that every child had the opportunity to attend a Dewey-inspired school.

By John Dewey,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Democracy and Education as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Some hundred years after John Dewey worked to illuminate what it means to educate and how public education serves as the bedrock of democracy, his seminal Democracy and Education speaks urgently not only to critical contemporary educational issues but to contemporary political issues as well. As mania for testing forces a steadily narrowing curriculum, Dewey explains why democracy cannot “flourish” if “the chief influences in selecting subject matter of instruction are utilitarian ends narrowly conceived for the masses.” As such utilitarian subject matter is increasingly placed online, isolating individual students and their electronic screens, he insists that education happens not…

Book cover of The Process of Education

Howard Gardner Why did I love this book?

When I met Jerry Bruner in the summer of 1965, I had expected to become a clinical psychologist or perhaps a psychoanalyst. However, the chance to work as a research assistant for Bruner as he was developing a social studies curriculum for middle schools was transformative: I decided to become a cognitively oriented developmental psychologist with a focus on the arts.

Both the ideas that Bruner introduced me to and the way in which he interweaved the humanities and social sciences in his writings are never far from my literary consciousness. I am glad that my children had a chance to attend schools where Bruner’s ideas were taken seriously.

By Jerome Bruner,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Process of Education as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

In this classic argument for curriculum reform in early education, Jerome Bruner shows that the basic concepts of science and the humanities can be grasped intuitively at a very early age. He argues persuasively that curricula should he designed to foster such early intuitions and then build on them in increasingly formal and abstract ways as education progresses.

Bruner's foundational case for the spiral curriculum has influenced a generation of educators and will continue to be a source of insight into the goals and methods of the educational process.

Book cover of Making Learning Visible: Children As Individual and Group Learners

Howard Gardner Why did I love this book?

In the view of many—including me!—early childhood education in Reggio Emilia, a city in Northern Italy, constitutes the gold standard, combining the genius of American and European approaches. While the ideas were developed primarily in Reggio Emilia, the long-term collaboration between Reggio and Project Zero at Harvard University made the practices clear to the rest of the world.

Interestingly, both Jerome Bruner and I spent many years visiting these schools, trying to understand them, and writing about them for both educators and the general public.

By Project Zero, Reggio Children,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Making Learning Visible as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Book by Project Zero, Reggio Children

Book cover of Finnish Lessons 3.0: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland?

Howard Gardner Why did I love this book?

A small group of scholars and educators have taken the ideas of progressive education seriously and made them available to ambitious and adventurous educators worldwide.

In his explanations of why Finland has become among the most admired systems in the world, with three editions of this “instant classic,” Sahlberg has provided an important and timely model for progressive educators worldwide.

By Pasi Sahlberg,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Finnish Lessons 3.0 as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The first two editions of Finnish Lessons described how a small Nordic nation built a school system that provided access to a world-class education for all of its young people. Now available in 30 languages, this Grawemeyer Award-winning book continues to influence education policies and school practices around the globe. In this Third Edition, Pasi Sahlberg updates the story of how Finland sustains its exemplary educational performance, including how it responds to turbulent changes at home and throughout the world. Finnish Lessons 3.0 includes important new material about: teachers and teacher education teaching children with special needs the role of…

Book cover of The Wisdom of Practice: Essays on Teaching, Learning, and Learning to Teach

Howard Gardner Why did I love this book?

Among professors of education of our time, Lee Shulman stands out as a thinker, a speaker, and the adviser and role model of scores of excellent researchers and practitioners.

Shulman is primarily a writer of powerful essays. The educational world is fortunate that this volume collects his best thinking and writing. I wish that every teacher and every researcher would read and absorb Shulman’s vision of good education.

By Lee S. Shulman,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Wisdom of Practice as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

What do teachers need to know in order to teach well? How important is the depth and quality of teachers' content knowledge as a critical aspect of their ability to teach? How can teachers best be educated, and how can we assess their accomplishments as teachers? In what ways is the professional preparation of teachers comparable to the preparation of physicians and other members of learned professions? What kinds of educational research can provide deeper understanding of teaching, learning, and the reform of education? These are just some of the many questions answered in this landmark collection of Lee Shulman's…

Explore my book 😀

The Essential Howard Gardner on Education

By Howard Gardner,

Book cover of The Essential Howard Gardner on Education

What is my book about?

As a scholar and teacher, I have made a variety of contributions to our understanding of learning. In this compelling collection of my writings, I lay out my principal ideas about education. While known for my theory of multiple intelligences, my work in education includes contributions in the areas of early childhood, K–12, and postsecondary education.

In this volume, I provide readers with insight into creating purposeful curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment—ideas developed at Harvard Project Zero, as well as in collaborations with educators from around the world, ranging from preschools in Reggio Emilia (Italy) to art classes in China. I include a focus on education in a global era, influenced by continuing technological innovations, yet still grounded in the pursuit of fundamental human values. 

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Brighter Than Her Fears

By Lisa Ard,

Book cover of Brighter Than Her Fears

Lisa Ard Author Of Brighter Than Her Fears

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What is my book about?

The 19th century women's rights movement and the rise of public education intertwine with one woman's story of struggle, perseverance, and love.

Alice Harris is pressed to marry a Civil War veteran twice her age when her family’s inn fails in 1882 in western North Carolina. She remakes herself by learning to farm tobacco, campaigning for the city’s first public schools, and immersing herself in the large and divisive Carter family. But marriage offers a tenuous promise of security. When tragedy strikes, Alice turns to the courts to fight for her independence and discovers an unexpected love.

Lisa Ard's debut…

Brighter Than Her Fears

By Lisa Ard,

What is this book about?

The 19th century women's rights movement and the rise of public education intertwine with one woman's story of struggle, perseverance, and love.

When her father dies and the family inn falls to ruin in 1882, western North Carolina, thirty-year-old Alice Harris is compelled to marry Jasper Carter, a Civil War veteran twice her age. Far from home and a stranger in a new family, Alice remakes herself. She learns to farm tobacco, mothers her stepson, and comes to love her husband.

However, Alice uncovers pending trouble with the family's land holdings, which threatens their livelihood on the farm. The growth…

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