Love The Bible Unearthed? Readers share 100 books like The Bible Unearthed...

By Israel Finkelstein, Neil Asher Silberman,

Here are 100 books that The Bible Unearthed fans have personally recommended if you like The Bible Unearthed. Shepherd is a community of 12,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world.

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Book cover of The Entity: Five Centuries of Secret Vatican Espionage

Stefan Vucak Author Of All the Evils

From my list on Christianity and its tortuous origins.

Why am I passionate about this?

Religion, faith, and belief are very personal things that can invoke powerful emotional and intellectual responses. Responses are shaped by social conditioning during childhood that can last a lifetime, engendering spiritual comfort or deep disturbance in adulthood. I began to question my Catholic indoctrination as I started to delve into historical accounts of early Christianity and the evils inflicted on the world under the banner of doing God’s work, politics waged by the Vatican to maintain secular power, distilling it all into something I finally felt comfortable with. 

Stefan's book list on Christianity and its tortuous origins

Stefan Vucak Why did Stefan love this book?

Fascinated by the Roman Catholic Church and its internal organization, many years ago, I naively assumed the Vatican was the world’s center of piety and righteousness and the guardian of the world’s morality. This book helped me shed a stark light on reality.

I never knew that from the 16th century, the Church maintained a secret service, the Holy Alliance, that meddled in every aspect of European politics. In 1930, they were renamed ‘The Entity,’ with its counterespionage arm, the Sodalitium Pianum, and the Vatican had its CIA. Once I started, I couldn’t put this book down, shaking my head. Laundering money for the Mafia, helping Nazi officers escape to South America, funding revolutions, assassinating those who stood in their way…This work blew me away and left me stunned and much wiser.

By Eric Frattini, Dick Cluster (translator),

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Entity as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

For five centuries, the Vatican - the oldest organization in the world, maker of kings and shaper of history - has used a secret spy service, called the Holy Alliance, or later the Entity, to carry out its will. Forty popes have relied on it to carry out their policies. It has played a hitherto invisible role confronting de-Christianisations and schisms, revolutions and dictators, colonisations and expulsions, persecutions and attacks, civil wars and world wars, assassinations and kidnappings.For the first time in English (already a bestseller in Spain and France), Eric Frattini tells the comprehensive tale of this sacred secret…

Book cover of The Invention of Jesus: How the Church Rewrote the New Testament

Stefan Vucak Author Of All the Evils

From my list on Christianity and its tortuous origins.

Why am I passionate about this?

Religion, faith, and belief are very personal things that can invoke powerful emotional and intellectual responses. Responses are shaped by social conditioning during childhood that can last a lifetime, engendering spiritual comfort or deep disturbance in adulthood. I began to question my Catholic indoctrination as I started to delve into historical accounts of early Christianity and the evils inflicted on the world under the banner of doing God’s work, politics waged by the Vatican to maintain secular power, distilling it all into something I finally felt comfortable with. 

Stefan's book list on Christianity and its tortuous origins

Stefan Vucak Why did Stefan love this book?

I always took it for granted that questioning the New Testament and the gospels was somehow sinful. However, as I grew into adulthood, I accepted that faith and a set of beliefs can be independent and a viable position from Catholic Church dogma.

This invariably led me to research Christianity and its roots. Once started, the discrepancies between what I was taught and reality brought home the realization that the Church fathers were only men after all, subject to the same failings, striving for power, corruption, and greed as all other men. Like opening Pandora’s Box, this book opened my eyes to many things. Was Jesus invented by the Flavian dynasty? I have my own views on that.

By Peter Creswell,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Invention of Jesus as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The Invention of Jesus is a pivotal, ground-breaking work, arguably one of the most important ever written in the field of New Testament textual analysis, and one that should direct scholastic endeavour for years to come. The author has developed some new techniques and taken an indepth look at the earliest surviving manuscripts of the gospels describing the life and death of Jesus as well as letters, attributed to Paul and others, to the outposts of the early Church. There are papyrus fragments, some from as early as the second century, and then later manuscripts written on parchment, with fewer…

Book cover of Who Wrote the New Testament?: The Making of the Christian Myth

Stefan Vucak Author Of All the Evils

From my list on Christianity and its tortuous origins.

Why am I passionate about this?

Religion, faith, and belief are very personal things that can invoke powerful emotional and intellectual responses. Responses are shaped by social conditioning during childhood that can last a lifetime, engendering spiritual comfort or deep disturbance in adulthood. I began to question my Catholic indoctrination as I started to delve into historical accounts of early Christianity and the evils inflicted on the world under the banner of doing God’s work, politics waged by the Vatican to maintain secular power, distilling it all into something I finally felt comfortable with. 

Stefan's book list on Christianity and its tortuous origins

Stefan Vucak Why did Stefan love this book?

Like many others, my Catholic upbringing told me the Gospels were written by the apostles. I believed that for a long time … until I started to delve more deeply into the basis of my beliefs. I quickly realized that the simple fishermen Jesus supposedly had around him could not have written the gospels created in the late first to mid-second century. Nobody really knows for certain. 

I asked myself, ‘How could the gospel authors provide direct quotes supposedly said by Jesus?’ Were the texts pure inventions? An elaborate collaboration between Rome and Israeli factions to promote Roman rule? The more I delved into this book, the more its pages generated further questions…and provided answers that plainly contradicted accepted Christian dogma. I had a lot of material to digest, and the process wasn’t complete.

By Mack L. Burton,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Who Wrote the New Testament? as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The Making of the Christian Myth

Commencing in mid February 2004, SBS TV (Australia) will run a two–part documentary based on this title.

In this groundbreaking and controversial book, Burton Mack brilliantly exposes how the Gospels are fictional mythologies created by different communities for various purposes and are only distantly related to the actual historical Jesus.

Mack‘s innovative scholarship which boldly challenges traditional Christian understanding‘ will change the way you approach the New Testament and think about how Christianity arose.

The clarity of Mack‘s prose and the intelligent pursuit of his subject make compelling reading. Mack‘s investigation of the various…

If you love The Bible Unearthed...


Book cover of Tap Dancing on Everest: A Young Doctor's Unlikely Adventure

Tap Dancing on Everest by Mimi Zieman,

Tap Dancing on Everest, part coming-of-age memoir, part true-survival adventure story, is about a young medical student, the daughter of a Holocaust survivor raised in N.Y.C., who battles self-doubt to serve as the doctor—and only woman—on a remote Everest climb in Tibet.

The team attempts a new route up…

Book cover of Papal Sin: Structures of Deceit

Stefan Vucak Author Of All the Evils

From my list on Christianity and its tortuous origins.

Why am I passionate about this?

Religion, faith, and belief are very personal things that can invoke powerful emotional and intellectual responses. Responses are shaped by social conditioning during childhood that can last a lifetime, engendering spiritual comfort or deep disturbance in adulthood. I began to question my Catholic indoctrination as I started to delve into historical accounts of early Christianity and the evils inflicted on the world under the banner of doing God’s work, politics waged by the Vatican to maintain secular power, distilling it all into something I finally felt comfortable with. 

Stefan's book list on Christianity and its tortuous origins

Stefan Vucak Why did Stefan love this book?

I sort of always knew that the tortuous line of Catholic popes was a road of corruption, war, treachery, conquest, and gathering of secular and sectarian power.

When I started reading this book, my preconceptions were severely beaten. The history of papal rule turned out to be far more bloody. What disturbed me greatly, something I should not have found surprising is that this process is happening even today. I could have dismissed this work as simply another anti-Christian smear campaign were it not for the solid research and undeniable supporting facts. I had to accept the veracity of what I read, understanding why the Church never adopted the concept of separation of powers. To do so would mean its destruction. What to do? More research, of course.

By Garry Wills,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Papal Sin as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

"The truth, we are told, will make us free.   It is time to free Catholics, lay as well as clerical, from the structures of deceit that are our subtle modern form of papal sin.  Paler, subtler, less dramatic than the sins castigated by Orcagna or Dante, these are the quiet sins of intellectual betrayal."
--from the Introduction

From Pulitzer Prize-winning author Garry Wills comes an assured, acutely insightful--and occasionally stinging--critique of the Catholic Church and its hierarchy from the nineteenth century to the present.

Papal Sin in the past was blatant, as Catholics themselves realized when they painted popes roasting…

Book cover of Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament

Scott LaPierre Author Of A Father Offers His Son: The True and Greater Sacrifice Revealed Through Abraham and Isaac

From my list on learning about Jesus Christ in the Old Testament.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am the teaching pastor of Woodland Christian Church. I have been in ministry since 2007, preaching God’s Word an average of 1 to 3 times weekly. Because my ministry focuses on teaching and preaching, I study God’s Word for 20 to 30 hours per week, and I have developed a deep and rich understanding of Christ in the Old Testament.

Scott's book list on learning about Jesus Christ in the Old Testament

Scott LaPierre Why did Scott love this book?

This book is part of a series, or set, written by Dr. Wright. The other books in the series are about knowing God, knowing that Father, and knowing the Holy Spirit, all through the Old Testament.

Dr. Wright’s book does not focus on types and shadows. Instead, his book encourages the reader to see Jesus largely as the replacement of Israel. Where Israel failed, Jesus succeeded. Dr. Wright’s book is also a summary of how the early church view Jesus.

The book traces the life of Christ as it is illuminated by the Old Testament. And he describes God's plan for the nation of Israel by seeing it fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

By Christopher J. H. Wright,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

We cannot know Jesus without knowing his story.
Today the debate over who Jesus is rages on. Has the Bible bound Christians to a narrow and mistaken notion of Jesus? Should we listen to other gospels, other sayings of Jesus, that enlarge and correct a mistaken story? Is the real Jesus entangled in a web of the church's Scripture, awaiting liberation from our childhood faith so he might speak to our contemporary pluralistic world?
To answer these questions we need to know what story Jesus claimed for himself. Christopher Wright is convinced that Jesus' own story is rooted in the…

Book cover of Faithful: A Theology of Sex

Dorothy Littell Greco Author Of Making Marriage Beautiful: Lifelong Love, Joy, and Intimacy Start with You

From my list on create and sustain a healthy marriage and sex life.

Why am I passionate about this?

For most of my 31 years of marriage, my husband and I have walked alongside couples who are preparing for marriage, in the throes of marriage, or trying to salvage their marriage. We get why it’s challenging and absolutely believe that there is hope and healing in the context of marriage for everyone. I’ve written two books on the topic and am passionate about helping couples find the resources they need to grow and strengthen their marriage covenants. Marriage books tend to be a bit shallow and offer quick fixes. We need honest, practical, wise resources if we want to grow. 

Dorothy's book list on create and sustain a healthy marriage and sex life

Dorothy Littell Greco Why did Dorothy love this book?

Faithful: A Theology of Sex is an incredibly important read in a culture that tends to disregard any connection between faith and sexuality. Felker-Jones goes deep and wide. I appreciated her insights on the importance of how we steward our bodies and our sexuality and how this affects both our faith and our marriage covenant. The author makes a compelling case for how “a theology of sexuality demonstrates sex is not about legalistic morals with no basis in reality but rather about the God who is faithful to us.” 

By Beth Felker Jones,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Faithful as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Many believers accept traditional Christian sexual morality but have very little idea why it matters for the Christian life. In Faithful, author Beth Felker Jones sketches a theology of sexuality that demonstrates sex is not about legalistic morals with no basis in reality but rather about the God who is faithful to us.

In Hosea 2:19-20 God says to Israel, "I will take you for my wife forever; I will take you for my wife in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love, and in mercy. I will take you for my wife in faithfulness; and you shall know the…

If you love Israel Finkelstein...


Book cover of The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever

The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier,

The coaching book that's for all of us, not just coaches.

It's the best-selling book on coaching this century, with 15k+ online reviews. Brené Brown calls it "a classic". Dan Pink said it was "essential".

It is practical, funny, and short, and "unweirds" coaching. Whether you're a parent, a teacher,…

Book cover of Encyclopaedia Biblica

Henry Davis Author Of Creating Christianity - A Weapon Of Ancient Rome

From my list on ancient history that challenge assumptions.

Why am I passionate about this?

Henry Davis is an independent historical researcher who has been studying ancient history for over 20 years. Even though he wanted to embark on a formal education studying the Classics, he suffered from extreme anxiety and felt he could not do so. He resorted to self-study, with help from family and friends, who had degrees in Classical studies, and began reading the work of respected historians/scholars/classicists, Dame Mary Beard, Tom Holland, Sir Ronald Syme, Gavin Townend, and Anthony Birley, to name only a few.

Henry's book list on ancient history that challenge assumptions

Henry Davis Why did Henry love this book?

The official title of the book is ‘Encyclopedia Biblica: A Critical Dictionary of the Literary, Political and Religious History, the Archaeology, Geography, and Natural History of the Bible.' This work was produced by various professors of Oxford University and was a continual work from 1899-1903. It seems to be rarely mentioned by historians and Biblical scholars today, and I am recommending this work because there is a considerable wealth of information in it, and any student of history would find it incredibly useful. The Oxford professors critically examined ancient folklore and legends, without being swayed by traditional opinions of the time. For example, the origins of the people of Israel, and Egyptian and Hittite history are thoroughly examined, as is the Biblical literature. Interestingly, in this work, the professors doubted the existence of Nazareth, stating: ‘Was Nazareth originally the name of a town (or village) at all? There…

By John Sutherland Black, Thomas Kelly Cheyne,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Encyclopaedia Biblica as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.

This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and…

Book cover of Revelation Revealed: Uncovering What the Last Book in the Bible Says About the Last Days

K.J. Soze Author Of Revelation Explained

From my list on to help explain Bible prophecies.

Why am I passionate about this?

Ever since I was very young I had an interest in Bible prophecy. I thought it was fascinating that someone could predict the future and wondered if the prophecies would come true in my lifetime. It all started with an old audio recording from Alexander Scourby reading the Book of Ezekiel. After that I read the Book of Revelation several times but didn't know what the symbolism meant. Decades later, I picked up the interest again and used my work experience of analytical skills to help interpret its meaning. Most people focus on the Antichrist or Mark of the Beast, yet there are more warnings about the False Prophet than any other character.

K.J.'s book list on to help explain Bible prophecies

K.J. Soze Why did K.J. love this book?

The Book of Revelation is the most famous prophecy book ever written, yet it is extremely difficult to comprehend with its extensive use of symbology and apocalyptic tones. Many scholars have tried to interpret its meaning and have been humbled. Robert Adams provides extensive knowledge of the mysteries found in Revelation while making it easier for readers to understand. Perhaps this is because of the link between Revelation and the Book of Daniel. An angel stated to Daniel that the meanings of end-time prophecies are "sealed until the time of the end" (Daniel 12:9b).

By Robert I. Adams,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Revelation Revealed as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The world is heading toward a climax. End time prophecies in the book of Revelation are nearing the time of their fulfillment. As we get closer, it is imperative we understand what to expect will occur on the world scene. Here are some questions about the last book of the Bible that we need answers to:

- What does it say about the future of the world?
- Where does it place the church in the last days?
- What does it say about Israel in the end time?
- How does it portray the return of Christ?


Book cover of Operation Uranium Ship

Roger Weston Author Of Hostile Takedown

From my list on or about the sea.

Why am I passionate about this?

I have worked and lived at sea for months at a time, and I have many memories of the sea, good and bad. I have lived through extreme Alaskan storms, fished in remote coves, and worked beyond exhaustion over and over. Working at sea taught me some important lessons about life and the possibility of sudden death. I experienced the romance of the sea from a young age, and it has inspired my writing.  

Roger's book list on or about the sea

Roger Weston Why did Roger love this book?

A true story based on Israel’s most amazing espionage strike. This is as good as a first-rate espionage thriller with the added benefit of being non-fiction. The title was the first thing that grabbed my attention because it was not only an espionage thriller, but also a sea story. For me, it was a combination of the two greatest genres into a rare and excellent story.

By Dennis Eisenberg, Eli Landau, Menahem Portugali

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Operation Uranium Ship as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Very Good to Like New condition. Perfect spine. Bright clean cover has light edge wear. Text is perfect. Same day shipping first class from AZ.

If you love The Bible Unearthed...


Book cover of The Essence: A Guided Journey of Discovery through the Bible

The Essence by John Pasquet,

The Bible is the greatest mystery novel ever written. It begins in the Old Testament with seemingly random accounts of ancient people in far away places with strange customs. There’s the prophecy of a coming Hero who will conquer the villain and restore peace to the land. The mystery reaches…

Book cover of Bloody, Brutal, and Barbaric?: Wrestling with Troubling War Texts

Robin A. Parry Author Of The Biblical Cosmos: A Pilgrim's Guide to the Weird and Wonderful World of the Bible

From my list on the Bible that bend your brain.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’ve always been a thinker, asking big questions and playing around with crazy ideas. That’s why I’ve been fascinated by the Bible since I was fourteen, reading it cover-to-cover multiple times and studying it academically for—approaching four decades now. It’s a classic for a reason! At first, I read it because I became a Christian, and it’s part of the package, but within a short time, I was hooked. I was especially interested in the tough parts, the bits I didn’t like or couldn’t make sense of. They were invitations to explore, think, and learn. It never ceases to surprise me with new ideas and inspirational insights.

Robin's book list on the Bible that bend your brain

Robin A. Parry Why did Robin love this book?

Is God a genocidal maniac? Like many people, I have struggled for years with the dark and troublesome texts in the Old Testament that seem to approve of violence, killing, and even, on occasion, genocide. I’ve read a lot on the subject, and this is unquestionably the book I have found most helpful.

I really value the authors’ careful attention to detail, the insights gained when reading OT texts in their ancient Near Eastern context, and especially the intelligent and nuanced approach to reading the Bible.

It’s not a light read, and it is detailed in places, but it is not hard to follow. It’s hard to sum up the argument, so I won’t try. The upshot is that God isn’t a genocidal maniac. In brief: eye-opening, educational, and a blooming relief.

By William J. Webb, Gordan K. Oeste,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Bloody, Brutal, and Barbaric? as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Word Guild Award Shortlist ― Biblical Studies
Word Guild Best Book Cover Award
Association of University Presses Design Show ― Book, Jacket, and Covers

Christians cannot ignore the intersection of religion and violence, whether contemporary or ancient. In our own Scriptures, war texts that appear to approve of genocidal killings and war rape―forcibly taking female captives for wives―raise hard questions about biblical ethics and the character of God. Have we missed something in our traditional readings?

In Bloody, Brutal, and Barbaric? William Webb and Gordon Oeste address the ethics of reading biblical war texts today. Theirs is a biblical-theological reading…

Book cover of The Entity: Five Centuries of Secret Vatican Espionage
Book cover of The Invention of Jesus: How the Church Rewrote the New Testament
Book cover of Who Wrote the New Testament?: The Making of the Christian Myth

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