100 books like A Philosophy of Software Design

By John K. Ousterhout,

Here are 100 books that A Philosophy of Software Design fans have personally recommended if you like A Philosophy of Software Design. Shepherd is a community of 11,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world.

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Book cover of The C Programming Language

Christopher Trudeau Author Of Django in Action

From my list on books for coders shelf.

Why am I passionate about this?

My first computer was an early IBM PC back when all my friends had Commodores they used for gaming. Not being able to share their games meant I had to do something else, so I read the Introduction to Basic book that came in the box. I’ve been coding, reading about coding, writing about coding, teaching about coding, and talking about coding ever since. The world of technology moves so fast that it is hard to keep up. If you’ve taken one of my courses or listened to The Real Python Podcast, I hope you’ve heard about my passion for the topic. 

Christopher's book list on books for coders shelf

Christopher Trudeau Why did Christopher love this book?

I learned my first programming language as a kid, and Basic always felt like a beginner’s language. It wasn’t until I started writing C that I felt in control of the machine. This book is a classic and was on every C-programmer’s shelf in the 80s and 90s. It isn’t the easiest read but is remarkably comprehensive for a relatively thin volume. The fact that it has been in print for over 30 years tells you something about its staying power.

Nowadays, I tend to code in higher level languages, but every once and a while I dip down, getting closer to the bare metal, and brush this baby off. It is probably one of my most well-worn books.

By Brian Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie,

Why should I read it?

4 authors picked The C Programming Language as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

This edition describes C as defined by the ANSI standard. This book is meant to help the reader learn how to program in C. The book assumes some familiarity with basic programming concepts like variables, assignment statements, loops, and functions. A novice programmer should be able to read along and pick up the language.

Book cover of Automate the Boring Stuff with Python: Practical Programming for Total Beginners

Christopher Trudeau Author Of Django in Action

From my list on books for coders shelf.

Why am I passionate about this?

My first computer was an early IBM PC back when all my friends had Commodores they used for gaming. Not being able to share their games meant I had to do something else, so I read the Introduction to Basic book that came in the box. I’ve been coding, reading about coding, writing about coding, teaching about coding, and talking about coding ever since. The world of technology moves so fast that it is hard to keep up. If you’ve taken one of my courses or listened to The Real Python Podcast, I hope you’ve heard about my passion for the topic. 

Christopher's book list on books for coders shelf

Christopher Trudeau Why did Christopher love this book?

When I work with students new to programming I often find they struggle with translating the toy problems in exercises to actually doing something in the real world.

I love this book and frequently recommend it to new programmers because it is centered around problems. Coding should be about making your life easier. At the beginning, the problems are small, but by the end, you’re learning about email, PDFs, and GUIs.

Sweigart has a great voice, and reading this feels like being guided by a friend rather than yet another coding textbook.

By Al Sweigart,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Automate the Boring Stuff with Python as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

In this second edition of Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, you'll learn the basics of programming in Python, the fastest growing programming language today, before moving on to create Python programs that effortlessly perform useful and impressive feats of automation. This updated edition is full of step-by-step instructions that walk through each programme. Practice projects at the end of each chapter challenge you to improve those programmes and use your newfound skills to automate similar tasks.

Book cover of Refactoring Databases: Evolutionary Database Design

Christopher Trudeau Author Of Django in Action

From my list on books for coders shelf.

Why am I passionate about this?

My first computer was an early IBM PC back when all my friends had Commodores they used for gaming. Not being able to share their games meant I had to do something else, so I read the Introduction to Basic book that came in the box. I’ve been coding, reading about coding, writing about coding, teaching about coding, and talking about coding ever since. The world of technology moves so fast that it is hard to keep up. If you’ve taken one of my courses or listened to The Real Python Podcast, I hope you’ve heard about my passion for the topic. 

Christopher's book list on books for coders shelf

Christopher Trudeau Why did Christopher love this book?

When helping software organizations be nimbler, I tend to stress two things: release more frequently and automate everything. Over the years, I’ve frequently got pushback from the database folks. Most DBAs and Data Architects are taught a very top-down approach and want all information upfront before creating a single table.

This book teaches how to apply abstraction layers that are common in programming but not as common in database design. The book showed me how to use versioned views to control the coding interface and upended my overall approach to designing databases.

By Scott W. Ambler, Pramod J. Sadalage,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Refactoring Databases as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Refactoring has proven its value in a wide range of development projects-helping software professionals improve system designs, maintainability, extensibility, and performance. Now, for the first time, leading agile methodologist Scott Ambler and renowned consultant Pramodkumar Sadalage introduce powerful refactoring techniques specifically designed for database systems.

Ambler and Sadalage demonstrate how small changes to table structures, data, stored procedures, and triggers can significantly enhance virtually any database design-without changing semantics. You'll learn how to evolve database schemas in step with source code-and become far more effective in projects relying on iterative, agile methodologies.

This comprehensive guide and reference helps you overcome…

Book cover of Open Source Licensing: Software Freedom and Intellectual Property Law

Christopher Trudeau Author Of Django in Action

From my list on books for coders shelf.

Why am I passionate about this?

My first computer was an early IBM PC back when all my friends had Commodores they used for gaming. Not being able to share their games meant I had to do something else, so I read the Introduction to Basic book that came in the box. I’ve been coding, reading about coding, writing about coding, teaching about coding, and talking about coding ever since. The world of technology moves so fast that it is hard to keep up. If you’ve taken one of my courses or listened to The Real Python Podcast, I hope you’ve heard about my passion for the topic. 

Christopher's book list on books for coders shelf

Christopher Trudeau Why did Christopher love this book?

Most of the code I write and use is open source. As a programmer, it is easy to think “open source means free.” I didn’t think much about it until one of the companies I worked at got acquired, and we had to audit our licenses.

The big company that bought us was very particular about which licenses were compatible with their needs. That was when I realized I needed to understand this stuff better. Rosen does a great job of teaching what is otherwise legalese in plain-spoken, easy-to-understand language. This book taught me why I choose the licenses I do rather than picking blindly.

By Lawrence Rosen,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Open Source Licensing as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

"I have studied Rosen's book in detail and am impressed with its scope and content. I strongly recommend it to anybody interested in the current controversies surrounding open source licensing."
-John Terpstra, Samba.org; cofounder, Samba-Team"Linux and open source software have forever altered the computing landscape. The important conversations no longer revolve around the technology but rather the business and legal issues. Rosen's book is must reading for anyone using or providing open source solutions."
-Stuart Open Source Development LabsA Complete Guide to the Law of Open Source for Developers, Managers, and Lawyers

Now that open source software is blossoming around…

Book cover of Head First Design Patterns: A Brain-Friendly Guide

Paolo Perrotta Author Of Programming Machine Learning: From Coding to Deep Learning

From my list on classic software that are still worth reading.

Why am I passionate about this?

You know what ages like milk? Programming books. I always cringe when someone glances at my programming bookshelf. Some of those books are so dated, they make me appear out of touch by association. Sometimes, I feel compelled to justify myself. “Yes, that's the first edition of Thinking in Java I keep it for nostalgic reasons, you know!” Yesterday’s software book is today’s fish and chip wrapper. However, there are exceptions. A few classics stay relevant for years, or even decades. This is a shortlist of software books that might be older than you, but are still very much worth reading.

Paolo's book list on classic software that are still worth reading

Paolo Perrotta Why did Paolo love this book?

If you check out Amazon’s best selling books on object-oriented design, you might see a relic from 1995 still hanging near the top: "Design Patterns". That book transformed software design. Its four authors will forever be known to my generation as the “Gang of Four".

Some of the original patterns may feel outdated today, but others remain essential. Pity that the book itself is such a tough read. Good thing that another "gang of four”, spearheaded by the excellent Kathy Sierra, gave us this lighthearted take on the original patterns.

The Design Patterns book was a densely packed truck of ideas. By comparison, Head First Design Patterns is a whimsical bumper car. It’s quirky and accessible, which some serious programmers found off-putting: “It’s a book for teenagers!“, they griped.

Yes, it’s not for everybody. But it’s fun, unassuming, and it teaches important concepts. So it makes my list.

By Eric Freeman, Elisabeth Robson, Kathy Sierra , Bert Bates

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Head First Design Patterns as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

You're not alone. At any given moment, somewhere in the world someone struggles with the same software design problems you have. You know you don't want to reinvent the wheel (or worse, a flat tire), so you look to Design Patterns--the lessons learned by those who've faced the same problems. With Design Patterns, you get to take advantage of the best practices and experience of others, so that you can spend your time on...something else. Something more challenging. Something more complex. Something more fun. You want to learn about the patterns that matter--why to use them, when to use them,…

Book cover of The Art of Agile Development

Markus Gärtner Author Of ATDD by Example: A Practical Guide to Acceptance Test-Driven Development

From my list on surviving the Agile world as a software tester.

Why am I passionate about this?

Markus Gärtner works as Organizational Design Consultant, Certified Scrum Trainer, and Agile Coach for it-agile GmbH, Hamburg, Germany. Markus, author of ATDD by Example - A Practical Guide to Acceptance Test-Driven Development, a student of the work of Jerry Weinberg, received the Most Influential Agile Testing Professional Person Award in 2013 and contributes to the Softwerkskammer, the German Software Craft movement. Markus regularly presents at Agile and testing conferences all over the globe, as well as dedicating himself to writing about agile software development, software craft, and software testing, foremost in an Agile context.

Markus' book list on surviving the Agile world as a software tester

Markus Gärtner Why did Markus love this book?

“Good agile testing is good context-driven testing applied in an agile context.”

I recall reading through the authors’ lessons on software testing at about the same time I dived into more agile topics. Lessons Learned in Software Testing helped me keep the connection towards more traditional contexts – more so since I was still working in a more traditional context.

With their more than 100 lessons some of them applied to me, others did not. I am sure, other readers will find the same in their context.

By James Shore, Shane Warden, Diana Larsen , Gitte Klitgaard

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Art of Agile Development as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Most companies developing software employ something they call "Agile." But there's widespread misunderstanding of what Agile is and how to use it. If you want to improve your software development team's agility, this comprehensive guidebook's clear, concrete, and detailed guidance explains what to do and why, and when to make trade-offs.

In this thorough update of the classic Agile how-to guide, James Shore provides no-nonsense advice on Agile adoption, planning, development, delivery, and management taken from over two decades of Agile experience. He brings the latest ideas from Extreme Programming, Scrum, Lean, DevOps, and more into a cohesive whole. Learn…

Book cover of 201 Principles of Software Development

Karl Wiegers Author Of Software Development Pearls: Lessons from Fifty Years of Software Experience

From my list on lessons about software development.

Why am I passionate about this?

I first learned to program in college in 1970. Since then I’ve spent much time as a software developer, manager, tester, process improvement leader, consultant, trainer, author, and, of course, a user. I quickly learned that I didn’t have time to make all the mistakes that every software developer before me had already made. My training and writing career has involved sharing what I and others have learned with audiences to help them quickly become more effective software development team members, regardless of their project role. This book distills insights and observations both from my own experience and from what I’ve heard from thousands of students and consulting clients.

Karl's book list on lessons about software development

Karl Wiegers Why did Karl love this book?

Many of the most significant principles of effective software development are timeless. They’re independent of the development life cycle or model, programming language, application type, and so forth. Although this book is quite a few years old now, nearly all of its contents are still valid. The 201 principles cover the full spectrum of software engineering: general principles, requirements engineering, design, coding, testing, management, product assurance, and evolution. The descriptions of each principle are concise, whereas my 60 lessons in Software Development Pearls go into a great deal more detail and offer many practical techniques.

There’s an unfortunate tendency among young software people to disregard knowledge from the past as irrelevant to them. That’s not correct. This book can help close significant gaps in any practicing software developer’s knowledge.

By Alan M. Davis,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked 201 Principles of Software Development as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

This text defines governing principles for software development, assumptions that work regardless of tools used, to keep software projects from costing too much, taking too long and disappointing users.

Book cover of DevOps Tools for Java Developers: Best Practices from Source Code to Production Containers

Jeanne Boyarsky Author Of OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-829

From my list on becoming a better Java developer.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’ve always enjoyed mentoring folks whether new or experienced in programming. Whether it is teaching an intern or a high school robotics student, or onboarding an experienced Java developer, it brings me joy to see people learn. I also love to read. Being able to recommend some of my favorite books can help even more people absorb all of this information.

Jeanne's book list on becoming a better Java developer

Jeanne Boyarsky Why did Jeanne love this book?

In addition to Java, you need to know about the Java ecosystem.

Each chapter covers a type of tool like version control, securing binaries, or mobile. Some chapters cover a variety of tools. I particularly liked the overview of Quarkus and Micronaut. I also liked the emphasis of tools vs a role. The analogies were great such as comparing identify/fix/deploy to an oil spill.

The book is 300 pages and easy to carry around. Despite having four authors, the book is very cohesive and reads well.

By Stephen Chin, Melissa McKay, Ixchel Ruiz , Baruch Sadogursky

Why should I read it?

1 author picked DevOps Tools for Java Developers as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

With the rise of DevOps, low-cost cloud computing, and container technologies, the way Java developers approach development today has changed dramatically. This practical guide helps you take advantage of microservices, serverless, and cloud native technologies using the latest DevOps techniques to simplify your build process and create hyperproductive teams.

Stephen Chin, Melissa McKay, Ixchel Ruiz, and Baruch Sadogursky from JFrog help you evaluate an array of options. The list includes source control with Git, build declaration with Maven and Gradle, CI/CD with CircleCI, package management with Artifactory, containerization with Docker and Kubernetes, and much more. Whether you're building applications with…

Book cover of Requirements by Collaboration: Workshops for Defining Needs

Karl Wiegers Author Of Software Requirements

From my list on defining software requirements.

Why am I passionate about this?

Defining and managing the requirements for a software system is hard! I’ve been interested in improving how projects handle their requirements for more than 35 years. I realized how important this was when I saw how many projects—including my own—struggled and failed when they neglected to build a solid foundation of well-understood and clearly communicated requirements. I’ve personally used nearly all of the techniques described in my book Software Requirements, and I got always better results when I applied those techniques. My books, articles, training courses, presentations, and videos on requirements have been helpful to thousands of business analysts worldwide for many years.

Karl's book list on defining software requirements

Karl Wiegers Why did Karl love this book?

Exploring requirements is more about communication than computing. Requirements elicitation often involves discussions between business analysts and user representatives or other project stakeholders in either one-on-one discussions or group workshops. Requirements by Collaboration presents a wealth of practical tools and techniques for planning and leading requirements development workshops. It’s packed full of useful tips, checklists, questions to ask, and activities to perform to make workshops effective and successful.

I especially like Gottesdiener’s “collaboration patterns,” eight techniques that a workshop facilitator can employ to help the group achieve its objectives. The pattern called Decide How to Decide is the first one that any group of collaborators should use: exactly how will we make decisions? If you expect to lead, or even participate in, requirements workshops, read this book first.

By Ellen Gottesdiener,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Requirements by Collaboration as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

"I spend much time helping organizations capture requirements and even more time helping them recover from not capturing requirements. Many of them have gone through some motions regarding requirements as if they were sleepworking. It's time to wake up and do it right-and this book is going to be their alarm clock."

- Jerry Weinberg, author of numerous books on productivity enhancement "In today's complex, fast-paced software development environment, collaboration-the intense peer-to-peer conversations that result in products, decisions, and knowledge sharing-is absolutely essential to success. But all too often, attempts to collaborate degenerate into agonizing meetings or ineffectual bull sessions.…

Book cover of Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software

Alexander Granin Author Of Functional Design and Architecture

From my list on domain modeling.

Why am I passionate about this?

If someone had told me during my early professional years that I would become a strong advocate for functional programming and the author of a fundamental book on functional software engineering, I would have found it hard to believe. Was functional programming truly worth dedicating my life to? However, once I experienced the sheer beauty of functional programming, there was no turning back. I delved deep into Haskell and functional C++, and began writing articles, giving talks, and developing various technologies. I realized that I possessed a truly unique perspective on approaching software engineering in functional languages, and that there was a significant knowledge gap that needed to be filled for the benefit of all.

Alexander's book list on domain modeling

Alexander Granin Why did Alexander love this book?

My journey in the world of software development has been arduous and challenging.

One of the common struggles we all face is the overwhelming number of solutions available, making it impossible to fully grasp everything at a deep level.

Just when I thought I had mastered an approach and felt competent in it, a new shiny approach would emerge, demanding my immediate attention. It often felt like a never-ending race to keep up with the ever-evolving field.

This constant pursuit of staying relevant as a software engineer can be frustrating, as it feels like we are always lagging behind the rapidly advancing world. I discovered that knowledge of specific technologies, frameworks, or libraries does not easily transfer across different technology stacks. They are too specific and lack universality. It was then that I turned my focus to more general principles of software engineering.

I realized that there are fundamental engineering…

By Eric Evans,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Domain-Driven Design as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Incorporate effective domain modeling into the software development process

Software design thought leader and founder of Domain Language, Eric Evans, provides a systematic approach to domain-driven design, presenting an extensive set of design best practices, experience-based techniques, and fundamental principles that facilitate the development of software projects facing complex domains. Intertwining system design and development practice, this book incorporates numerous examples based on actual projects to illustrate the application of domain-driven design to real-world software modeling and development.

Domain Model: Part I outlines the goals of domain-driven development, defines terms, and gives an overview of the implications of using the…

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