Love The Dog Whisperer? Readers share 100 books like The Dog Whisperer...

By Paul Owens,

Here are 100 books that The Dog Whisperer fans have personally recommended if you like The Dog Whisperer. Shepherd is a community of 12,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world.

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Book cover of Clinical Behavioral Medicine For Small Animals

Alana Stevenson Author Of Training Your Dog the Humane Way: Simple Teaching Tips for Resolving Problem Behaviors and Raising a Happy Dog

From my list on dog behavior and advocacy.

Why am I passionate about this?

For 19 years, I have been professionally helping dog and cat parents resolve dog and cat behavioral problems in a humane and kind way. I follow science-based, gentle techniques when working with animals and teach clients how to remedy dog and cat behavior problems without the use of aversives such as shock or choke collars, physical prompting, shake cans, squirt bottles, leash corrections, or scolding.

Alana's book list on dog behavior and advocacy

Alana Stevenson Why did Alana love this book?

A bible for resolving dog and cat behavioral issues. It is packed with scientific advice and research on everything from cat and dog development and training to medications and positive ways to resolve dog and cat behavior problems. Good to read through its entirety as well as to have on hand as a reference.

By Karen L. Overall,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Clinical Behavioral Medicine For Small Animals as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Animal behaviour treatment is a growing component in today's veterinary practice. This is an authoritative, scientifically-based reference on preventing, diagnosing and successfully treating behaviour cases. Every kind of problem, from aggressive behaviour to self-mutilation is discussed. It offers step-by-step guidelines, so practitioners can successfully manage behavioural problems from the first indication.

* A practical guide to preventing, diagnosing, and treating small animal behavior cases. * Covers every class of problem--from the most common to those rarely seen. * Emphasizes evaluation and step-by-step diagnosis of normal versus abnormal behavior. * Provides easy-to-use client instruction protocols you can photocopy. * Focuses on…

Book cover of How to Right a Dog Gone Wrong: A Road Map for Rehabilitating Aggressive Dogs

Alana Stevenson Author Of Training Your Dog the Humane Way: Simple Teaching Tips for Resolving Problem Behaviors and Raising a Happy Dog

From my list on dog behavior and advocacy.

Why am I passionate about this?

For 19 years, I have been professionally helping dog and cat parents resolve dog and cat behavioral problems in a humane and kind way. I follow science-based, gentle techniques when working with animals and teach clients how to remedy dog and cat behavior problems without the use of aversives such as shock or choke collars, physical prompting, shake cans, squirt bottles, leash corrections, or scolding.

Alana's book list on dog behavior and advocacy

Alana Stevenson Why did Alana love this book?

How to Right a Dog Gone Wrong offers an easy-to-follow, step-by-step approach to rehabbing a dog who is dog reactive both on and off-leash. It’s a good book and means of support for dog owners who have problems with their reactive dogs. This book provides solid techniques and is filled with honesty and empathy.

By Pamela S. Dennison,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked How to Right a Dog Gone Wrong as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

How to Right a Dog Gone Wrong will help anyone with a dog that has aggressive tendencies, whether it is a young dog that shows aggression when you remove the food bowl, a dog-aggressive dog that you are afraid to walk in the park, or a dog that is aggressive towards family and friends. Readers will gain an understanding of the causes of aggression and the various ways of dealing with it. Finally, they will learn a step by step program of rehabilitation that has been used successfully on hundreds of dogs, large and small, in all breeds.

Book cover of How to Behave So Your Dog Behaves

Alana Stevenson Author Of Training Your Dog the Humane Way: Simple Teaching Tips for Resolving Problem Behaviors and Raising a Happy Dog

From my list on dog behavior and advocacy.

Why am I passionate about this?

For 19 years, I have been professionally helping dog and cat parents resolve dog and cat behavioral problems in a humane and kind way. I follow science-based, gentle techniques when working with animals and teach clients how to remedy dog and cat behavior problems without the use of aversives such as shock or choke collars, physical prompting, shake cans, squirt bottles, leash corrections, or scolding.

Alana's book list on dog behavior and advocacy

Alana Stevenson Why did Alana love this book?

Dr. Sophia Yin passed away in 2014. This book is on passive training which I implement regularly with fearful and reactive dogs. Passive training is how people teach their dogs, often unknowingly, 24-7. By understanding how your behavior affects your dog, you can teach and modify your dog’s behavior in a kind way without active instruction.

By Dr. Sophia Yin,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked How to Behave So Your Dog Behaves as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Written by one of the leading veterinary behaviorists in the country, this revised and expanded edition of the original bestseller features brand new chapters that provide the most up-to-date science of dog behavior and explains key concepts in clear, straightforward language. How to Behave So Your Dog Behaves takes a scientifically sound yet practical approach to explaining dog behavior and training theory, and then shows you how to apply these concepts so you can train your dog to be well behaved.

If you love The Dog Whisperer...


Book cover of Tap Dancing on Everest: A Young Doctor's Unlikely Adventure

Tap Dancing on Everest by Mimi Zieman,

Tap Dancing on Everest, part coming-of-age memoir, part true-survival adventure story, is about a young medical student, the daughter of a Holocaust survivor raised in N.Y.C., who battles self-doubt to serve as the doctor—and only woman—on a remote Everest climb in Tibet.

The team attempts a new route up…

Book cover of Dogs Are From Neptune

Alana Stevenson Author Of Training Your Dog the Humane Way: Simple Teaching Tips for Resolving Problem Behaviors and Raising a Happy Dog

From my list on dog behavior and advocacy.

Why am I passionate about this?

For 19 years, I have been professionally helping dog and cat parents resolve dog and cat behavioral problems in a humane and kind way. I follow science-based, gentle techniques when working with animals and teach clients how to remedy dog and cat behavior problems without the use of aversives such as shock or choke collars, physical prompting, shake cans, squirt bottles, leash corrections, or scolding.

Alana's book list on dog behavior and advocacy

Alana Stevenson Why did Alana love this book?

Dogs Are From Neptune is an excellent book and tool for working with fearful and reactive dogs. Jean Donaldson provides instructions and real-life implementation of desensitization and counter-conditioning techniques for a variety of dog behavior problems – such as fear of strangers, food guarding, leash-reactivity, fear of handling, and high prey drive.

By Jean Donaldson,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Dogs Are From Neptune as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

But people are on another planet!
Dogdom’s most influential dog trainer and behaviorist, Jean Donaldson, is back with a newly revised and expanded edition of her popular Dogs Are From Neptune. In 41 essays, Jean highlights the common and frequently wrong-headed notions people have about why dogs behave the way they do, and explains what really motivates your pooch and how to change behavior. Jean’s innovative ideas are delivered via quirky and witty—but always scientifically based—essays that will help create “Aha!” moments for every dog lover on earth. If you loved Jean’s best selling The Culture Clash, you will enjoy…

Book cover of The Other End of the Leash: Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs

Beth Sharp Author Of Think Like a Dog: Understand Your Dog's Behavior, Improve Communication, and Apply the Same Principles to Every Area of Your Life

From my list on understanding your dog even when they’re naughty.

Why am I passionate about this?

As a professional dog trainer, volunteer foster home for rescue dogs, and a dog owner myself, understanding the canine mind is a passion for me. Helping people live more harmoniously with their dogs drives me to read, learn, and apply what the experts in the field are offering. Any book that gives credible insight into the behavior, thoughts, and feelings of dogs brings us closer to deepening our relationship with them, improving our communication with them, and solving behavior problems in ways that are effective, intelligent, and humane.

Beth's book list on understanding your dog even when they’re naughty

Beth Sharp Why did Beth love this book?

This book made me much more aware of how it is natural for us as humans to behave and move in ways that might be disconcerting to our dogs. Being aware of this greatly impacts my interactions with dogs, who, after all, are a completely different species, so it makes sense to approach them differently than we would another primate.

Patricia McConnell’s writing style is engaging, and she shares personal stories throughout the book. I’ve loved everything she’s ever written, but this one is a must-read for anyone who spends any time around dogs. 

By Patricia McConnell,

Why should I read it?

5 authors picked The Other End of the Leash as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Learn to communicate with your dog—using their language
“Good reading for dog lovers and an immensely useful manual for dog owners.”—The Washington Post
An Applied Animal Behaviorist and dog trainer with more than twenty years’ experience, Dr. Patricia McConnell reveals a revolutionary new perspective on our relationship with dogs—sharing insights on how “man’s best friend” might interpret our behavior, as well as essential advice on how to interact with our four-legged friends in ways that bring out the best in them.
After all, humans and dogs are two entirely different species, each shaped by its individual evolutionary heritage. Quite simply,…

Book cover of The New Click to Calm: Solutions for All Dogs in a Challenging World

Elsa Blomster Author Of Retrieving for All Occasions

From my list on fun and effective dog training.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’m a Swedish dog trainer and author who love training dogs in a fun, positive, and force-free way. I got my first Golden retriever in 2005 and learnt a lot about dog training and especially clicker training. When a friend gave me a dummy I really started to enjoy gun dog training and realized that there weren’t many people who trained gun dogs in a force-free way so I took all my knowledge from my reward-based obedience training and translated it into gun dog training, discussed training methods with a lot of people, held classes in force-free gun dog training and eventually collected all my thoughts and training advice into a book together with my friend Lena Gunnarsson.

Elsa's book list on fun and effective dog training

Elsa Blomster Why did Elsa love this book?

This book has saved and helped so many dogs. Having a reactive or aggressive dog is very difficult, in this book you’ll get lots of training advice on how to help your dog. Your dog doesn’t have to have severe issues for you to find this book helpful – it’s so much easier to start training before the problem has escalated. You’ll get advice on calmly escorting your dog away before trouble arises, stopping resource guarding (ex-food guarding), and dealing with dogs barking at the door.

By Emma Parsons, Emma Parsons,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked The New Click to Calm as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Our dogs’ behavior issues can often limit their lives and add challenges to ours. Emma Parsons offered hope and revolutionary solutions to thousands of owners of aggressive dogs as well as to professional trainers with her groundbreaking book Click to Calm, Healing the Aggressive Dog.

Now, she’s done it again. In her new book, The New Click to Calm: Solutions for All Dogs in a Challenging World, Emma has not only updated the Click to Calm protocol to enable more rapid behavior change but she teaches us how to apply it to help dogs with more common, less intense behavioral…

If you love Paul Owens...


Book cover of The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever

The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier,

The coaching book that's for all of us, not just coaches.

It's the best-selling book on coaching this century, with 15k+ online reviews. Brené Brown calls it "a classic". Dan Pink said it was "essential".

It is practical, funny, and short, and "unweirds" coaching. Whether you're a parent, a teacher,…

Book cover of Bones Would Rain from the Sky: Deepening Our Relationships with Dogs

Sunny Weber Author Of Beyond Flight or Fight: A Compassionate Guide for Working with Fearful Dogs

From my list on building relationships with fearful dogs.

Why am I passionate about this?

I have over 30 years in animal welfare advocacy and have rehabilitated then re-homed hundreds of dogs, cats and horses. As a professional humane educator, I consult with animal welfare professionals as well as adopters and have developed educational programs for all ages regarding the need for compassion and care of domestic and wild animals. I write books, blogs, and articles that fit into my missions of: 1) saving more animal lives by educating the people who care for them, and 2) humane education through storytelling. My children’s Pups & Purrs Series spotlights teaching compassion, respect, and tolerance. Each is narrated by its own dog protagonist.

Sunny's book list on building relationships with fearful dogs

Sunny Weber Why did Sunny love this book?

This book touched me in new and unexpected ways. Renowned trainer Suzanne Clothier’s unparalleled insights into dog emotions combine with her compassionate awareness of how they perceive their own worlds. Written with knowing empathy, Suzanne discusses how to meet dogs’ needs for leadership without cruel coercion, and examines how canine culture clashes with human ignorance and insensitivity. Real dog stories show how respectful relationships can save dogs from tragedy and unnecessary destruction. I personally identified with Clothier’s emotions and learned more progressive ways to reach dogs in ways they understood.

By Suzanne Clothier,

Why should I read it?

3 authors picked Bones Would Rain from the Sky as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Akin to Monty Roberts's The Man Who Listens to Horses and going light-years beyond The Hidden Life of Dogs, this extraordinary book takes a radical new direction in understanding our life with canines and offers us astonishing new lessons about our pets. From changing the misbehaviors and habits that upset us, to seeing the world from their unique and natural perspective, to finding a deep connection with another being, Bones Would Rain from the Sky will help you receive an incomparable gift: a profound, lifelong relationship with the dog you love.

Book cover of Agility Right from the Start

Elsa Blomster Author Of Retrieving for All Occasions

From my list on fun and effective dog training.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’m a Swedish dog trainer and author who love training dogs in a fun, positive, and force-free way. I got my first Golden retriever in 2005 and learnt a lot about dog training and especially clicker training. When a friend gave me a dummy I really started to enjoy gun dog training and realized that there weren’t many people who trained gun dogs in a force-free way so I took all my knowledge from my reward-based obedience training and translated it into gun dog training, discussed training methods with a lot of people, held classes in force-free gun dog training and eventually collected all my thoughts and training advice into a book together with my friend Lena Gunnarsson.

Elsa's book list on fun and effective dog training

Elsa Blomster Why did Elsa love this book?

If you want to train and compete in agility, this is the book for you. Using positive, reward-based methods the authors teach you how to teach your dog everything it needs to know when it comes to agility. And of course, you’ll also learn lots of training techniques that you can use to teach your dog other things as well.

By Eva Bertilsson, Emelie Johnson Vegh,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Agility Right from the Start as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Agility Right from the Start is the first training resource you should have and the last one you'll need. Authors Eva Bertilsson and Emelie Johnson Vegh now bring to the US and Canada the powerful modern training system that made them leading agility teachers throughout Norway and Sweden. What you can expect: Qualifying sooner Seconds shaved off your course times Less frustration and more fun for you and your dogs True partnership with your dog, on the course and off Progress made easy: Clean, logical layout Step-by-step instructions for all training exercises from basic to advanced Startling detail with 600+…

Book cover of Man Meets Dog

Joe Jackson Author Of A World on Fire: A Heretic, an Aristocrat, and the Race to Discover Oxygen

From my list on mystery and chaos of scientific inquiry.

Why am I passionate about this?

My father was a NASA scientist during the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs, so while most people knew the Space Race as a spectacle of thundering rockets and grainy lunar footage, I remember the very human costs and excitement of scientific progress. My space-cadet years come in snippets–the emotional break in my dad’s voice when Neil Armstrong hopped around the Moon; the strange peace I felt as I bobbed on a surfboard and watched another Saturn 1b flame into the sky. Later, as a journalist and author, I would see that such moments are couched in societal waves as profound and mysterious as the wheeling of hundreds of starlings overhead. 

Joe's book list on mystery and chaos of scientific inquiry

Joe Jackson Why did Joe love this book?

I love this book, which starts out as the childhood memoir of the celebrated Nobel Laureate in animal behaviorism. As a boy growing up in pre-WWII Austria, Lorenz was fascinated by the behavior of several family dogs, especially the unanswerable persistence of the canine/human bond.

But what distinguishes this book from the great mass of pet tales is the depth of Lorenz’s observations and his ability to record detail. He may not understand why his Chow Stasi acts in such a manner, yet he chronicles the surrounding circumstances and later fits it into a pattern he observes over time. You see this ability maturing in Lorenz even as we scroll through a succession of dogs and their idiosyncracies; this power of observation is probably the essential trait of all great scientists and certainly led to his later classics, King Solomon’s Ring and On Aggression.

By Konrad Lorenz,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Man Meets Dog as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

In this wonderful book, the famous scientist and best-selling author, Konrad Lorenz, 'the man who talked with animals', enlightens and entertains us with his illustrated account of the unique relationship between humans and their pets. Displaying Lorenz's customary humanity and expert knowledge of animals, Man Meets Dog is also a deeply personal and entertaining account of his relationships with his own four-legged friends. With charming sketches on almost every page, Man Meets Dog offers a delightful insight into animal and human thinking and feeling. An essential companion for all lovers of dogs (and cats!).

If you love The Dog Whisperer...


Book cover of The Peace Puppy: A Memoir of Caregiving and Canine Solace

The Peace Puppy by Susan Hartzler,

As one of 67 million Americans who serve as caretakers to their elderly parents, Susan Hartzler cared for her dad for three years, gaining profound insight into Parkinson's disease and the multifaceted challenges of caregiving. Throughout this period, Hartzler's rescue dog, Baldwin, a precious gift from her late mom, provided…

Book cover of Dog Days

Daisy Buchanan Author Of Pity Party

From my list on break your heart, then put it back together again.

Why am I passionate about this?

I believe that books have saved my life. When I was a child, I was often depressed and anxious, and I instinctively found refuge in reading. I sought books acknowledging that the world can be a painful and difficult place but showed that it was also filled with happiness, love, and joy as long as you knew where to look. My passion for reading has stayed with me, I host the You’re Booked podcast where I talk to iconic authors about the books that have brought them comfort and joy. And whenever I feel anxious, I still reach for a book–because reading heals my heart. 

Daisy's book list on break your heart, then put it back together again

Daisy Buchanan Why did Daisy love this book?

I loved how different the three main characters are. They’re unlike anyone I’ve met in real life, all at different ages and situations, but I could relate to them immediately. My heart broke for grumpy, widowed George, pushing everyone away, and Lizzie, coming out of an abusive relationship and wondering if she dares to feel love again.

This book filled me with hope. It gave me the courage to think about some of the more painful relationships I’ve been in and consider how far I’ve come. I was also seduced by the beauty of the writing; I kept wanting to go back and reread paragraphs because the descriptions were so perfect. And it made me laugh!

By Ericka Waller,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Dog Days as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

'Perfect for fans of A Man Called Ove and Eleanor Oliphant...Definitely one of my favourite novels of 2021' AJ Pearce, author of Dear Mrs Bird and Yours Cheerfully

'A charming, surprising and moving story of three troubled characters' encounter with love, grief, healing...and dogs' Clare Chambers, author of Small Pleasures

'Funny, sad, gritty and beautifully told.' Hazel Prior, author of Away with the Penguins


George is angry at the world. His wife has died and now all he wants to do is sit in his underpants and shout at the cricket. The last thing he needs is his cake-baking…

Book cover of Clinical Behavioral Medicine For Small Animals
Book cover of How to Right a Dog Gone Wrong: A Road Map for Rehabilitating Aggressive Dogs
Book cover of How to Behave So Your Dog Behaves

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