During a career spanning almost 50 years, Michael Castleman has become the world’s most popular sex expert you’ve probably never heard of. He has answered more sexuality questions than anyone else on the planet.
Most men think sex is largely about intercourse, and that intercourse is how women get to orgasm. Actually, the organ that triggers orgasm in women is the clitoris, which sits outside the vagina an inch or so above it nestled beneath the top junction of the vaginal lips. Only a small fraction of women can work up to orgasm during intercourse. Most need gentle, direct, extended clitoral caresses, by hand, mouth, or sex toy. This book explains the primacy of the clitoris in women’s pleasure. It should be required reading for all men.
We've been thinking about sex all wrong. Mainstream media, movies, and porn have taught us that sex = penis + vagina, and everything else is just secondary. Standard penetration is how men most reliably achieve orgasm. The problem is, women don't orgasm this way. We've separated our most reliable route to orgasm-clitoral stimulation-from how we feel we should orgasm-penetration. As a result, we've created a pleasure gap between women and men:
50% of 18-35-year-old women say they have trouble reaching orgasm with a partner
64% of women vs 91% of men said they had an orgasm at their last sexual…
This quick read has a message similar to Becoming Clitorate -- that it's not intercourse that allow most women to work up to orgasm, but gentle, extended clitoral caresses. However, unlike Becoming Clitorate, which is written by a woman for women, She Comes First is written by a man for men, so it has a different sensibility that speaks to men's way of thinking. The two books are quite complementary.
“Every man’s must-read. Tell your guy to put down the remote and pick up She Comes First.” —Cosmopolitan
Ian Kerner offers a radical new philosophy for pleasuring women in She Comes First—anessential guidebook to oral sex from the author of Be Honest—You’re Not That Into Him Either. The New York Times praises Kerner’s “cool sense of humor and an obsessive desire to inform,” as he “encourages men through an act that many find mystifying.” An indispensable aid to a healthier, more fulfilling sex life for her and him, She Comes First offers techniques and philosophy that have already earned raves…
Mosaic is a story of exploration and self-identification, of grief, relationships, tackling mental health, and how to walk through difficult times when there is nowhere else to go. The story follows Laura, who along with her husband Jason, embarked on having a baby, only to go on a journey that…
This is by far the best sex guide for teens and young adults. Most such books are written for parents, who buy them, not for young people, who need frank sex information. This book speaks directly to young people’s sexual issues. It’s a breath of fresh air in an otherwise lame field.
As a teen or emerging adult, dealing with all the changes going on in your life, body, and mind can be mighty overwhelming. When it comes to sex, everyone seems to have strong feelings and opinions about who you should be and what you should (shouldn't) do. How do you decide who to listen to? Heather Corinna and Scarleteen have provided sex education and information to millions of young people, parents, and mentors since 1998 S.E.X tackles all the big topics:Self-image and how to find and claim your own sexual selfHow to best protect and support your sexual and emotional…
The myth is that childhood sexual abuse is so horrific that survivors are scarred for life and can never enjoy fulfilling lovemaking. Actually, with information and therapy, survivors can enjoy deeply pleasurable and satisfying sex lives. This book points the way.
Based on the author's extensive training and experience in working with abuse survivors, The Survivor's Guide to Sex offers an affirming, sex-positive approach to recovery from incest and rape. While most books on the topic broach sexuality only to reassure women that it is alright to say "no" to unwanted sex, this one encourages women to learn how to say "yes" to their own desires and on their own terms.
Points of discussion include problems common to women survivors. Haines teaches survivors to embrace their own sexual choices and preferences, learn about their own sexual response cycles, and heal through…
With Franklin Roosevelt’s death in April 1945, Vice President Harry Truman and Senator Arthur Vandenberg, the Republican leader on foreign policy, inherited a world in turmoil. With Europe flattened and the Soviets emerging as America’s new adversary, Truman and Vandenberg built a tight, bipartisan partnership at a bitterly partisan time…
Most men feel impatient with foreplay, and believe sex is all about intercourse. Actually, satisfying, high-quality lovemaking is based on leisurely, gentle, playful, mutual whole-body massage that eventually -- after 20 minutes or so--focuses on the genitals. Foreplay is not some obligation to get through. It's the bedrock basis of sizzling sex. This book is an engaging, comprehensive, hands-on guide to mutual whole-body massage. Co-author Patti Britton is one of the nation’s most distinguished and creative sex educators, and her book is marvelous.
Tender and erotic, a sensual massage is a highly pleasurable experience--and one of the best ways to express love and affection. Fully illustrated and easy to read, The Complete Idiot's Guide (R) to Sensual Massage includes original massage programs especially devised to relax, delight, and arouse both men and women. Everything you need to know about giving and receiving sensual massage is here: sensual massage as foreplay, for body gratification, and for healing touch methodology. The book also explains the difference between sensual massage and other types of massage, as well as how sensual massage enhances intimacy. The book will…
The original message that inspires all my work is “When men make love the way most women prefer, everyone benefits.” This is a sexual self-help book, a genre some deride as simplistic and ineffective. Sex is one of life’s greatest pleasures. It can also drive people crazy. I hope my book reduces confusion and misery and enhances erotic pleasure and satisfaction for lovers of all ages and erotic inclinations.
Discover the ultimate guide to taking on adulthood with body confidence. In a world where body satisfaction plummets during adolescence, and a global pandemic and social media frenzy have created extra pressure, Adultish: The Body Image Book for Life is a survival kit for young adults. This all-inclusive book provides…
Trusted for more than three decades by family caregivers and professionals alike, this comprehensive and reassuring caregiving guide offers the crucial information you need to look after your elders and plan for the future.
Being a caregiver for aging parents, close friends and family, and other elders in your life…