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Dallas Willard has shaped a lot of my thinking over the years, encouraging me to use my whole mind to figure things out and make the world a better place. When I saw that he had a new book posthumously, I got it right away. It's a neat format in which he works through the various parables of Jesus and unpacks principles and clarity from them.
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🥇 Thoughts 🥈 Immersion -
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🐕 Good, steady pace
1 author picked The Scandal of the Kingdom as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.
A major new work by Dallas Willard, the highly anticipated follow-up to his seminal work The Divine Conspiracy. In this groundbreaking book based on teachings he delivered to a church community, Willard delves into the transformative power of Jesus's parables, revealing how they show us how to live right now in the kingdom of God.
Drawing from his extensive teachings on spiritual formation, Willard illuminates the timeless wisdom contained within each parable, revealing their profound relevance to contemporary life. With clarity and depth, he guides readers through the subversive messages embedded within these seemingly simple stories, urging us to break…
- Coming soon!
- Coming soon!