
By A. G. Howard,

Book cover of Splintered

Book description

A descendant of Alice Liddell, the real-life inspiration for Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, 16-year-old Alyssa Gardner fears she is mentally ill like her mother and predecessors until she discovers that Wonderland is real and, if she passes a series of tests to fix Alice's mistakes, she may be…

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Why read it?

3 authors picked Splintered as one of their favorite books. Why do they recommend it?

Splintered is an Alice in Wonderland-based story.

I don’t typically read fairytale-inspired books, but this one was so beautifully crafted that I couldn’t put it down. The fantasy world-building is reminiscent of a Tim Burton film with vivid imagery and characters.

Alyssa is the great-great-great granddaughter of Alice. She worries her fate will leave her in an institution like others in her family until she finds herself in Wonderland.

This series has two romances—one between Alyssa and Jeb, and one between Alyssa and Morpheus. Jeb is her love in the human world, but Morpheus offers his own temptation. As the…

It’s written with so much detail that you can picture yourself being the main character.

It’s a different twist on Wonderland and I am a big fan of Lewis Carroll so anything having to do with Wonderland or Alice in Wonderland I enjoy reading. I love reading books where authors take a classic, put their own spin on it, and create something beautiful.

For me, this was one of those books that I couldn’t put down and I got so hooked that I ended up reading the whole series.

Splintered was a crazy ride. It was a whole new approach…

A.G. Howard’s Splintered is one of my all-time favorite books to recommend. If words on a page could be blacklight-reactive, it would be those in Splintered, and its sequels. Never before or since have I come across such a harmoniously creepy juxtaposition of dark and bright within a fantasy world. 

While questioning her sanity, Alyssa adventures through a vividly reimagined Alice in Wonderland world that pits gorgeous neon emotions against oppressive and enticing darkness. The two love stories interwoven through the series are an atypical love triangle, but don’t let a prejudice against the love triangle trope stop you…

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