I’ve been involved in weight training for over three decades, from a competitor (setting state and national powerlifting records), to coach (for amateur bodybuilders and powerlifters), to author of four best-selling fitness books. All of my training partners, students, and readers have told me the same thing—my background in weight training knowledge, history, and techniques have enabled me to provide them with the expertise, motivation, and longevity to improve both their physical and mental lives.
I wrote
Bodybuilding: From Heavy Duty to SuperSlow: Evolutionary Strategies for Building Maximum Muscle
This is the book I started with, and the one almost all aspiring bodybuilders get as well. And for good reason. It contains everything you need to get started, from exercise explanations to workout programs, nutrition, dealing with injuries, posing, and competition preparation. Of course, the author seems to be a reliable source of this information ;-) Even after three decades of bodybuilding training, I still reach for this book for inspiration and information.
From elite bodybuilding competitors to gymnasts, from golfers to fitness gurus, anyone who works out with weights must own this book - a book that only Arnold Schwarzenegger could write, a book that has earned its reputation as "the bible of bodybuilding."
Inside, Arnold covers the very latest advances in both weight training and bodybuilding competition, with new sections on diet and nutrition, sports psychology, the treatment and prevention of injuries, and methods of training, each illustrated with detailed photos of some of bodybuilding's newest stars.
Covering every level of expertise and experience, with his unique perspective as a seven-time…
Early in my bodybuilding career, a fellow gym member introduced me to this book. I wasastounded by the sheer volume and variety of exercises and variations possible within those pages. Over 1,000 exercises are illustrated and described, so if you ever think you will get “bored” by training with weights, just flip open this book. There truly is a universe of options available. Oh, and Bill Pearl, 5-time Mr. Universe is still going strong lifting weights in his 90s. Variety is the key to longevity.
Bill Pearl's Keys to the INNER Universe is the most complete and comprehensive manual ever published on bodybuilding and weight training.
Keys to the INNER Universe covers every major weight training topic from nutrition to mapping out various training programs. There are over 1200 fully illustrated exercises with proper names and a “degree of difficulty” given for each exercise shown in this encyclopedia. You can choose from hundreds of different exercises for each muscle group and select those exercises that are best suited for your present physical needs.
Pearl reveals ALL THE SECRETS used that enabled him to win the…
A memoir of homecoming by bicycle and how opening our hearts to others enables us to open our hearts to ourselves.
When the 2008 recession hit, 33-year-old Heidi Beierle was single, underemployed, and looking for a way out of her darkness. She returned to school, but her gloom deepened. All…
Never before or since, has a bodybuilding book been written in the style and flair of John McCallum. Instead of simply describing exercises and programs, John presents bodybuilding lessons in an ongoing series of stories involving Marvin, Ollie, and a cast of others. After reading this book, you’ll never look at a bottle of milk or a cheese sandwich the same again.
Who knows how many teenagers in the 1960s bought Strength & Health magazine primarily to inhale John McCallum's articles - he taught us to squat, how to achieve success through hard work, and how to care for our health as we built size and strength, and the whole time, he entertained us with his stories filled with such characters as the legendary Maurice Jones, the mythical Marvin, and the mountainous Doug Hepburn. Here they are: the full collection of the original John McCallum articles, classic gems. If you were to only buy one book - ever - on how to…
Why am I recommending a football strength training book for bodybuilding? Because every great bodybuilder is a good powerlifter at heart. Football training is about powerlifting movement, and there is no better source on this type of training than Bill Starr, the man who invented the modern strength training programs, used by all college and professional football teams, as well as professional strongmen and powerlifters. Starr learned these techniques from Tommy Kono, the most decorated weightlifter in American history, and he passed those lessons on to one of his students, Mark Rippetoe.
The original classic strength training manual from the late 70's (third printing, revised first edition 1979)l. The purpose of the book is to help high school and college coaches set up functional strength programs with a minimum of equipment and time. It is also valuable to any athlete who trains on his own and needs direction. The manual was written by Bill Starr, a national Olympic weightlifting champion, who became one of the first professional strength coaches in the country when he trained the Baltimore Colts the year they won Super Bowl V. The 209-page reference contains over 200 photos…
How do you create a happy life when you move away from home for the first time; or move to a new city or country for work or studies or love; or retire somewhere new? The Mobile Life guides you through the challenge of making new friends and inventing new…
If there was ever a bodybuilder’s bodybuilder, it was Dave Draper, the Blond Bomber. Dave was able to combine his blond-haired, good-looking California style of living and training, with a successful career in professional bodybuilding in the 1960s and 1970s (Mr. American, Mr. Universe, Mr. World), with a passion and eloquence in writing that was only matched by John McCallum. So, do yourself a favor, read Dave’s book and soak in the true essence of bodybuilding and his training wisdom.
Brother Iron, Sister Steel is a private journey into bodybuilding as only Dave Draper, former Mr. America, Mr. Universe and Mr. World, can tell it. Training techniques, exercise descriptions and nutritional strategies form the book's foundation, but what glues this book together are Dave's personal experiences and insights, humor and candidness, all of which speak to the heart and soul. The delight in the iron work, the play of the steel and the redefined motivation will have you striving forward to reach your fitness and training goals.Further your iron journey—or take your first steps—as you find yourself caught up in…
There's more than one way to build muscle...Learn about all of the bodybuilding strategies from the past century. Bodybuilding: From Heavy Duty to SuperSlow takes you through the evolution of bodybuilding training, from early 20th century circus strongmen to the latest muscle-building techniques of today.
In this book, you’ll learn diverse training strategies, including: Volume Training, Peripheral Heart Action Training, High-Intensity Training, Periodization, The Bulgarian Method, Pre-Exhaustion Training, Heavy Duty, The Weider System, The Hardgainer Method, SuperSlow, Holistic Training, Power Factor Training, Positions of Flexion, and Static Contraction Training. Each training system is fully explained and includes sample workouts to get you started. Don't keep training the same way every time you workout!
Sacred Psychiatry describes the holistic approach I take to healing in my practice which serves as a template for meeting these times of accelerated transformation on our planet with resilience and courage.
At the heart of the book are recommendations for developing a multi-dimensional sense of yourself through a variety…
Discover the ultimate guide to taking on adulthood with body confidence. In a world where body satisfaction plummets during adolescence, and a global pandemic and social media frenzy have created extra pressure, Adultish: The Body Image Book for Life is a survival kit for young adults. This all-inclusive book provides…