I love this book for the exploration of ancient sacred centres around the UK isles. As something I've been piecing together myself over the last few years, this book was an absolute gem, providing me with many of the missing lines between pieces. It contains a wealth of researched information on these central places and their stories, woven beautifully in with dowsed earth energy information and the experience of the authors as they journeyed to these places. A book that has guided my travels in Ireland this year, and will be a valuable reference guide for years to come.
The Power of Centre is the second in a series of three books on Sacred Landscapes. The first 'The Spine of Albion' explored the hidden lines of power across the UK and Ireland. This book explores the centre places and focal points of the UK and Ireland, from the geographical middle-places to modern centres of power. The Celts believed that an invisible power exists at the centre of the land, a power that can be used to control the destiny of mankind, and access time through the concept of the 'axis mundi'. The authors travelogue includes the mythical Celtic centres…
While it took me awhile to get into this book with all the varying characters, I loved the epicness of it. The beauty of weaving in so many different and varied characters to come together, sometimes indirectly, into one big mission for the planet and the trees. It explores so many themes and opinions and versions of reality, but underlying it is the web of connection that lies between all humans, of which trees are so representative. This book is an inspiring piece of epic art.
The Overstory, winner of the 2019 Pulitzer Prize in Fiction, is a sweeping, impassioned work of activism and resistance that is also a stunning evocation of-and paean to-the natural world. From the roots to the crown and back to the seeds, Richard Powers's twelfth novel unfolds in concentric rings of interlocking fables that range from antebellum New York to the late twentieth-century Timber Wars of the Pacific Northwest and beyond. There is a world alongside ours-vast, slow, interconnected, resourceful, magnificently inventive, and almost invisible to us. This is the story of a handful of people who learn how to see…
Imagine a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and blossom to their full soul potential. Imagine a culture that realises personal blooming not only benefits the whole but enhances everyone’s capacity to shine. Could flowers hold a key?
In The Flower Codes, messages and teachings received in conversation with the plant devas, are combined with grounded herbal wisdom, historical knowledge and years of herbal experience to reveal the power of flowers to awaken, heal and guide us to remember and embody our blossoming self. In the first book of the series, the three flowers that contain the ancient encoding for sacred birth are explored in depth - for the first step in birthing a Sacred Earth lies in our own inner transformation.