The most recommended energy healing books

Who picked these books? Meet our 8 experts.

8 authors created a book list connected to energy healing, and here are their favorite energy healing books.
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What type of energy healing book?


Book cover of The Discernment of Spirits: A Reader's Guide: An Ignatian Guide for Everyday Living

Luminita D. Saviuc Author Of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy

From my list on mental, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Why am I passionate about this?

Raised in a fearful and toxic environment where love was completely absent and terror was always at home, I had to learn to let go of my many programs, fears, and traumas so that I could avoid making the mistake of thinking and believing that the story of my past was going to become the story of my life. Through a long journey of letting go, getting lost in order to be found, I realized that who I Am, and who we all are, is far greater and far nobler than what we are programmed to believe. And now my mission is to teach people from all over the world how to let go so they can thrive.

Luminita's book list on mental, emotional, and spiritual healing

Luminita D. Saviuc Why did Luminita love this book?

In a world of duality, we desperately need to be taught how to discern between truth and falsehood; between lies and illusions; between darkness and light, and between that which is love and that which is fear. And this book teaches you exactly that and so much more; giving you strength, courage, and comfort by helping you realize that you are always guided, safe, loved, and protected no matter what happens to you and all around you.

By Timothy M. Gallagher,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Discernment of Spirits as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

This handy, easy-to-use workbook is chock full of probing questions, real-life stories, and practical tips on how to apply the profound spiritual insights from the Ignatian tradition of patient, prayerful self-examination. Acclaimed interpreter of Saint Ignatius, author Father Gallagher provides clear explanations of the centuries-old Jesuit method of discerning God's will in one's life--and avoiding evil. A practical guide and journaling tool, it includes ample space on every page for notes, reflections, and journaling, all to help readers track their progress toward a closer, more loving union with God.

Book cover of Spiritual Emergency: When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis

Peter Mark Adams Author Of The Power of the Healing Field: Energy Medicine, Psi Abilities, and Ancestral Healing

From my list on energy healing, consciousness, and wellbeing.

Why am I passionate about this?

Peter Mark Adams and his wife, Kenzie, have shared a healing and personal development practice for more than 20 years specializing in energy and meridian therapies, breathwork, and meditation. Peter and Kenzie have practiced and taught a range of meditative and energy-based techniques, including Mind Connection Healing (MCH), Usui Reiki, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Mindfulness, Vivation, Integrative and Rebirthing Breathwork. Peter’s non-fiction is published by Inner Traditions and Scarlet Imprint; literary prose and poetry by Corbel Stone Press and Paralibrum. His essays on energy healing have appeared in the peer-reviewed Paranthropology Journal and the Journal of Exceptional Experiences and Psychology as well as on his page.

Peter's book list on energy healing, consciousness, and wellbeing

Peter Mark Adams Why did Peter love this book?

Comprehensive in scope, deep in the accumulated experience and knowledge brought to bear on the issue of mental, emotional, and physical well-being; this amazing work played a crucial role in awakening me to the broader horizons of the healer’s work. Ranging from crises of psychic, spiritual, and kundalini awakening to the trauma of UFO encounters; this work seeks to chart a supportive path whereby spontaneous traumatic openings to that ‘something larger’ which lays beyond us can be viewed and responded to as susceptible to integration, rather than suppressive medical interventions, thereby opening unparalleled opportunities for profound personal and spiritual growth.  

By Stanislav Grof,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Spiritual Emergency as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

From Spiritual Emergency to Healing and Rebirth

Increasing numbers of people involved in personal transformation are experiencing spiritual emergencies — crises when the process of growth and change becomes chaotic and overwhelming. Individuals experiencing such episodes may feel that their sense of identity is breaking down, that their old values no longer hold true, and that the very ground beneath their personal realities is radically shifting. In many cases, new realms of mystical and spiritual experience enter their lives suddenly and dramatically, resulting in fear and confusion. They may feel tremendous anxiety, have difficulty coping with their daily lives, jobs,…

Book cover of Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis

Peter Mark Adams Author Of The Power of the Healing Field: Energy Medicine, Psi Abilities, and Ancestral Healing

From my list on energy healing, consciousness, and wellbeing.

Why am I passionate about this?

Peter Mark Adams and his wife, Kenzie, have shared a healing and personal development practice for more than 20 years specializing in energy and meridian therapies, breathwork, and meditation. Peter and Kenzie have practiced and taught a range of meditative and energy-based techniques, including Mind Connection Healing (MCH), Usui Reiki, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Mindfulness, Vivation, Integrative and Rebirthing Breathwork. Peter’s non-fiction is published by Inner Traditions and Scarlet Imprint; literary prose and poetry by Corbel Stone Press and Paralibrum. His essays on energy healing have appeared in the peer-reviewed Paranthropology Journal and the Journal of Exceptional Experiences and Psychology as well as on his page.

Peter's book list on energy healing, consciousness, and wellbeing

Peter Mark Adams Why did Peter love this book?

Amongst the books covering the scientific basis of energy healing, Oschman’s Energy Medicine stands out for its accessibility to the general reader. Energy Medicine provides a sound foundation to the subject. Covering the historical development of the subject; the scientific basis for measuring the energy body; the frequencies of its electromagnetic fields; and how this research has allowed the development of techniques and technologies for its measurement and regulation in order to promote healing and restore health.

A whole range of energy modalities are discussed amongst which we find such, by now, standard medical interventions as Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF); others, such as acupuncture, are still considered to be ‘alternative’ in the context of mainstream medicine; and still others, such as Rolfing or Structural Integration, fall within the ambit of ‘personal development’. The great value of this information is that it provides the reader with a broad, up-to-date scientific…

By James L Oschman,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Energy Medicine as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

See how energy therapies can normalize physiology and restore your patients' health! Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis, 2nd Edition provides a deeper understanding of energy and energy flow in the human body. Using well-established scientific research, this book documents the presence of energy fields, discerns how those fields are generated, and determines how they are altered by disease, disorder, or injury. It then describes how therapeutic applications can restore natural energy flows within the body. Written by recognized energy medicine expert Dr. James Oschman - who is also a physiologist, cellular biologist, and biophysicist - this resource shows how the…

Book cover of Life Force, the Scientific Basis: Volume 2 of the Synchronized Universe

Don Weiner Author Of Beyond the Wonderful: Transforming the World with the Light of Your Being

From my list on science and spirituality in an evolving universe.

Why am I passionate about this?

I believe that spiritual awakening is a service to the universe, and not just for our own enlightenment. Spirituality generally has been viewed as a return to some other realm of consciousness, rather than a means to awakening what we think of as divinity in life. There can never be a “finish line” to spirituality, as there is no end to the possibilities which collective co-evolution can bring about. The only way that intractable problems of humanity will ever be resolved is if a large number of people awaken to higher states of consciousness, while firmly grounded in life.

Don's book list on science and spirituality in an evolving universe

Don Weiner Why did Don love this book?

This book contains numerous research studies on subtle energy, energy medicine, and new technologies to measure phenomena that have generally been thought of as outside of the realm of Western science. What I learned from the research in this book is that it is possible to conclusively prove that the world we live in is much more interconnected than we realize. Theoretical frameworks, methodologies, and explanations are available that challenge our usual notions of time, space, and non-locality. Reading this book will show any open-minded readers that a dualistic frame of reference will never enable us to understand the universe that each of us is an integral part of.

By Claude Swanson,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Life Force, the Scientific Basis as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Breakthrough Physics of Energy Medicine, Healing, Chi and Quantum Consciousness - Comprehensive handbook of Subtle Energy

Book cover of The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe

Traci Harding Author Of The Twelve Chapters of the Infinite Night

From my list on inciting the imagination.

Why am I passionate about this?

I was in my teens when I discovered that if I focused on something hard enough I could manifest it. During my investigations into whether others had experienced this, I discovered the Adyar Bookstore in the Strand Arcade in Sydney, and that I had an insatiable thirst for all texts metaphysical, historical, and quantum theory. Turns out that many of the greatest thinkers in history believed that humans hold sway over many of the events and occurrence of their own lives, including Einstein, Plato, Tesla, Carl Sagan, and more. My books are the product of my exploration into the nature of personal reality, spirituality, and the meaning of life.

Traci's book list on inciting the imagination

Traci Harding Why did Traci love this book?

In all my twenty-five-year career as a Science Fantasy writer, few books have blown my mind like this one did. 

All the esoteric texts and theory I’d read over the years suddenly manifest in world as science in the form of Quantum Physics.

This book brings together the work of several scientific studies from around the world that were all, in their own way uncovering evidence for an underlying energy field that connects all living things. 

What was archaically known as Ether or the Etheric Realm, was now being proven via Zero Point Field Theory,  Lynne does a fantastic job of recounting each scientist’s fascinating story and discoveries, in a way that is both easy to understand and profoundly thought provoking!

By Lynne McTaggart,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Field as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The energy found in the vacuum - or the zero point field - is enough to boil all the oceans of the world. These oscillating waves seem to be the key to all sorts of unexplained phenomena: ESP, homeopathy, energy medicine, spiritual healing, intercessory prayer, psychic phenomena, and the homing instincts of animals are examples. In this work, Lynne McTaggart follows the life and work of disparate physicists who seem to be on the verge of bringing about the same type of revolution that occurred exactly a century ago when quantum theory changed the face of physics forever. This book…

Book cover of Hold that Thought: The Little Book of Healing and Empowerment

Tracy J Holroyd Author Of The Enchanted Mirror

From my list on spirituality, consciousness and nature of reality.

Why am I passionate about this?

I am a writer and lecturer who is irresistibly drawn to the spiritual and paranormal, but whose academic qualifications are in maths and science. So, I have struggled to find my niche in life: a belief in God and Spirit, a passion for the ‘paranormal,’ and an attraction to the scientific – subjects whose advocates attack one another without compunction. Then, I watched the film What the Bleep Do We Know? and found the communion of spirit and science that had eluded me for so long. Thus, I have a new passion: quantum physics, consciousness, and the creation of reality  which means, for me, the Universe is truly full of magic.

Tracy's book list on spirituality, consciousness and nature of reality

Tracy J Holroyd Why did Tracy love this book?

Not everyone has the time, patience, or ability to read a complete book – so enter this enchanting volume! Mark Bajerski’s book is a treasury of uplifting quotes. Each day, you arbitrarily ‘choose’ a page, then read its spiritual message. Spirit guides your choice, so the message you receive is the most appropriate for you at that moment in time. Then, you simply Hold that Thought.

I have found that these uplifting spiritual truths reinforce my spirit no matter what circumstances I face, and so touched and delighted was I when a friend gifted a copy to me that I, in turn, gifted copies to my friends.

A gem of a book and a daily reminder that the Universe abounds with magic.

By Mark Bajerski, Paulo Goode (illustrator),

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Hold that Thought as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Are you open to receiving all the love that the Universe so freely intends for you? Do you limit yourself by a belief that you are powerless to change your life? Are you ready to rediscover your inner beauty and to share that beauty with the world?

Hold that Thought is an incredible collection of divine messages and truths that guides us to the greatest source of our inner light, healing and strength. Mark Bajerski, author and international spiritual healer, beautifully shares these ‘whispers’ from Spirit, whispers that are intended for each one of us. Mark spent years of his…

Book cover of Healing with Form, Energy, and Light: The Five Elements in Tibetan Shamanism, Tantra, and Dzogchen

Peter Mark Adams Author Of The Power of the Healing Field: Energy Medicine, Psi Abilities, and Ancestral Healing

From my list on energy healing, consciousness, and wellbeing.

Why am I passionate about this?

Peter Mark Adams and his wife, Kenzie, have shared a healing and personal development practice for more than 20 years specializing in energy and meridian therapies, breathwork, and meditation. Peter and Kenzie have practiced and taught a range of meditative and energy-based techniques, including Mind Connection Healing (MCH), Usui Reiki, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Mindfulness, Vivation, Integrative and Rebirthing Breathwork. Peter’s non-fiction is published by Inner Traditions and Scarlet Imprint; literary prose and poetry by Corbel Stone Press and Paralibrum. His essays on energy healing have appeared in the peer-reviewed Paranthropology Journal and the Journal of Exceptional Experiences and Psychology as well as on his page.

Peter's book list on energy healing, consciousness, and wellbeing

Peter Mark Adams Why did Peter love this book?

Cutting a tangent across the cultural background of most healers, this work is redolent of a worldview that was lost when the great tides of modernity swept away our native awareness of the depth and complexity of nature, natural processes, and how they affect our health and well-being. It is with something approaching joy, therefore, to encounter a tradition that counts its continuous, uninterrupted heritage by the millennia rather than the years! This work, above all others, has done more to help me to re-connect with and relate to nature, natural processes, and their healing potential than any other and served to illuminate a greatly expanded view of the healer’s path. Secure in its ageless worldview, strong on its metaphysics, filled with practical self-development exercises; and yet this work delivers all of this in a clear, easily understandable language. 

By Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Healing with Form, Energy, and Light as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

A Buddhist manual for replacing an anxious, narrow, uncomfortable identity with one that is expansive, peaceful, and capable.
In the shamanic worldview of Tibet, the five elements of earth, water, fire, air, and space are accessed through the raw powers of nature and through non-physical beings associated with the natural world. The Tibetan tantric view recognizes the elements as five kinds of energy in the body and balances them with a program of yogic movements, breathing exercises, and visualizations. In Dzogchen teachings, the elements are understood to be the radiance of being, and are accessed through pure awareness. 

Healing with…

Book cover of There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem

Luminita D. Saviuc Author Of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy

From my list on mental, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Why am I passionate about this?

Raised in a fearful and toxic environment where love was completely absent and terror was always at home, I had to learn to let go of my many programs, fears, and traumas so that I could avoid making the mistake of thinking and believing that the story of my past was going to become the story of my life. Through a long journey of letting go, getting lost in order to be found, I realized that who I Am, and who we all are, is far greater and far nobler than what we are programmed to believe. And now my mission is to teach people from all over the world how to let go so they can thrive.

Luminita's book list on mental, emotional, and spiritual healing

Luminita D. Saviuc Why did Luminita love this book?

Imagine being able to feel a peace so deep that you never knew existed; a love so profound that it transforms you and your whole life… Well, by reading the wonderful words of Dr. Wayne Dyer and by following his wise guidance, you will get to experience all of that and even more. In fact, at the end of the book you will have this profound feeling that you no longer are the same person you were when you first started reading this book and that you have become better, wiser, more peaceful, and far more loving and trusting than you used to be.

By Wayne W. Dyer,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

In this inspiring new program, bestselling author Wayne W. Dyer shows us that there is an omnipresent spiritual force right at our fingertips that contains the solution to our problems -- from ill health, to financial worries, to relationship difficulties. Drawing from various spiritual traditions, especially from the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi, Dyer helps us unplug from the material world and awaken to the divine within.

Book cover of The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance and the Memory of Nature

Peter Mark Adams Author Of The Power of the Healing Field: Energy Medicine, Psi Abilities, and Ancestral Healing

From my list on energy healing, consciousness, and wellbeing.

Why am I passionate about this?

Peter Mark Adams and his wife, Kenzie, have shared a healing and personal development practice for more than 20 years specializing in energy and meridian therapies, breathwork, and meditation. Peter and Kenzie have practiced and taught a range of meditative and energy-based techniques, including Mind Connection Healing (MCH), Usui Reiki, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Mindfulness, Vivation, Integrative and Rebirthing Breathwork. Peter’s non-fiction is published by Inner Traditions and Scarlet Imprint; literary prose and poetry by Corbel Stone Press and Paralibrum. His essays on energy healing have appeared in the peer-reviewed Paranthropology Journal and the Journal of Exceptional Experiences and Psychology as well as on his page.

Peter's book list on energy healing, consciousness, and wellbeing

Peter Mark Adams Why did Peter love this book?

The amazing results achieved with energy healing raise profound questions concerning the nature of consciousness and the human energy anatomy and how these suggest the existence of a much broader conception of reality than consensual thought allows for, and it is with respect to this broader conception that Rupert Sheldrake proves such an informative guide. His central concept - that of the existence of ‘morphic fields’ connecting all sentient life-forms and the influence that they exert on our emotional and physical lives through the phenomena of ‘morphic resonance’ - provides the ‘missing link’ in our understanding of consciousness and as well as the root causes of much of the mental, emotional and physical ill-health that we encounter as healers. 

By Rupert Sheldrake,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Presence of the Past as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Explains how self-organizing systems, from crystals to human societies, share collective memories that influence their form and behavior

• Includes new evidence and research in support of the theory of morphic resonance

• Explores the major role that morphic resonance plays not just in animal instincts and cultural inheritance but also in the larger process of evolution

• Shows that nature is not ruled by fixed laws but by habits and collective memories

In this fully revised and updated edition of The Presence of the Past, Cambridge biologist Rupert Sheldrake lays out new evidence and research in support of his…

Book cover of Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon

Luminita D. Saviuc Author Of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy

From my list on mental, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Why am I passionate about this?

Raised in a fearful and toxic environment where love was completely absent and terror was always at home, I had to learn to let go of my many programs, fears, and traumas so that I could avoid making the mistake of thinking and believing that the story of my past was going to become the story of my life. Through a long journey of letting go, getting lost in order to be found, I realized that who I Am, and who we all are, is far greater and far nobler than what we are programmed to believe. And now my mission is to teach people from all over the world how to let go so they can thrive.

Luminita's book list on mental, emotional, and spiritual healing

Luminita D. Saviuc Why did Luminita love this book?

Imagine being able to tap into an unlimited reservoir of wisdom, genius, creativity, health, love, beauty, and power to create whatever you want for yourself. Well, in this brilliant book, Dr. Joe Dispenza shares a wide range of tools and disciplines ranging from cutting-edge physics to practical exercises to help you step outside your physical reality and into the quantum field of infinite possibilities so that you can finally create all of that and even more.

By Joe Dispenza,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Becoming Supernatural as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?


The author of the New York Times bestseller You Are the Placebo, as well as Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself and Evolve Your Brain, draws on research conducted at his advanced workshops since 2012 to explore how common people are doing the uncommon to transform themselves and their lives.

Becoming Supernatural marries some of the most profound scientific information with ancient wisdom to show how people like you and me can experience a more mystical life. Readers will learn that we are, quite literally supernatural by nature if given the proper knowledge and instruction, and…