36 books like A Reader's Guide to R.A. Salvatore's The Legend of Drizzt

By Philip Athans,

Here are 36 books that A Reader's Guide to R.A. Salvatore's The Legend of Drizzt fans have personally recommended if you like A Reader's Guide to R.A. Salvatore's The Legend of Drizzt. Shepherd is a community of 10,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world.

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Book cover of The Crystal Shard

Z.S. Diamanti Author Of Stone & Sky

From my list on fantasy adventure filled with fun, magic, and hope.

Why am I passionate about this?

Creativity can lead to beautiful things. As a child I needed glasses and didn’t know it. Instead of reading books, my brother and I would tell stories to each other while we were supposed to be sleeping in our bunk beds at night. Eventually, I did get glasses and found that all the fantastical things that my mind came up with gave me quite the propensity toward fantasy. And once my eyes were set, it was game on! Over the years, I’ve authored numerous pieces in other genres, but my first books were always going to be fantasy. And that’s how the Stone & Sky series was born.

Z.S.'s book list on fantasy adventure filled with fun, magic, and hope

Z.S. Diamanti Why did Z.S. love this book?

I recommend The Crystal Shard to everyone I know, because it is an absolute classic of the fantasy genre. It’s the first book to introduce the legendary dark elf Drizzt Do’Urdan.

When I first read this book, it reignited my passion for fantasy adventures filled with elves, dwarves, halflings, and monsters. What we learn from Drizzt’s outsider experience is the hope that someday we all find our people. There are people out there that will be our friends, champions, and family.

No matter how odd we feel sometimes, we’re not meant to be alone, and there are people out there who can build us up if we’re willing to take the chance and step into the adventure of finding them.

By R. A. Salvatore,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked The Crystal Shard as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Drizzt Do’Urden finds new friends and foes in the windswept towns of Icewind Dale, also the setting of the Dungeons & Dragons adventure book Rime of the Frostmaiden.

With his days in the Underdark far behind him, drow ranger Drizzt Do’Urden sets down roots in the windswept Ten-Towns of Icewind Dale. A cold and unforgiving place, Ten-Towns sits on the brink of a catastrophic war, threatened by the barbarian tribes of the north.

It’s in the midst of battle that a young barbarian named Wulfgar is captured and made the ward of Bruenor, a grizzled dwarf leader and a companion…

Book cover of The Dao of Drizzt

J.V. Hilliard Author Of The Last Keeper

From my list on fantasy that have unconventional elements.

Why am I passionate about this?

Before I was published, I played Dungeons and Dragons for years. I grew up on games involving fantasy, and though my career took me into government, it stayed my passion. I’m well on my way to publishing the last two books in my four-part saga as well as venturing into Kindle Vella, and I can’t wait to see what is next for me in the realm of fantasy. When writing in the genre, it’s easy to fall into the same old tropes and utilize the same creatures. These five books are atypical in this age of overdone plots and monsters. I hope you find your next read among them.

J.V.'s book list on fantasy that have unconventional elements

J.V. Hilliard Why did J.V. love this book?

R.A. Salvatore’s work is known by many fantasy fans, and his newest novel, The Dao of Drizzt holds up to the hype. Drizzt is a drow elf in the mythical Menzoberranzan, but what makes this story so unconventional is the introspection. The inner workings of Drizzt’s mind are on display in every page of the book. It’s an incredibly refreshing change of pace for a fantasy novel and is perfect for those wanting to know the main character of the story inside and out.

By R. A. Salvatore,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Dao of Drizzt as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

For over thirty years, Drizzt Do'Urden has been one of the most important characters in fantasy literature. Throughout his novels, Drizzt has written down his thoughts about life and love, the nature of good and evil, the joys (and frustrations) of family, and so much more. Bound together for the first time, the collected wisdom and philosophy of Drizzt will be a beautifully-packaged gift book-complete with deckled edges, faux-leather cover, and an introduction by bestselling fantasy author Evan Winter-for his biggest fans and readers wanting to learn about this iconic figure.

Growing up in the chaos of Menzoberranzan, one young…

Book cover of The Orc King

Aiden L. Turner Author Of The Banner of the Broken Orc: The Call of the Darkness Saga Book One

From my list on featuring orcs.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’ve loved the fantasy genre for as long as I can remember. From playing Warhammer with my father as a child to first reading The Lord of the Rings, The Magician, and countless other unforgettable novels, I was hooked. The Orc was always my favorite bad guy, with their incredible strength and bloodlust. I have spent many a long hour trying to put myself in the mindset of a being so dark, so brutal, and so lovable. Reading the books on this list, and many more, have helped me develop a foundation in the Orc race that almost makes them real.

Aiden's book list on featuring orcs

Aiden L. Turner Why did Aiden love this book?

For me, this book really brought a deep lore and background to the Orc race. With intrigue and plot aplenty, this story follows an Orc attempting to bring about a strong Orc kingdom with cities and trade, allies, and stability. Not every Orc is ready or wants this change and there is certainly a challenge to bringing about the kingdom. This gives a great depth to the Orc race and is one of my favorites from a great author.

By R. A. Salvatore,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Orc King as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The war against the orcs is far from over in this opening installment of a bold new trilogy in the Legend of Drizzt series

The end of winter is near, and it seems the uneasy peace between the dwarves of Mithral Hall and the orcs of the newly established Kingdom of Many-Arrows will not last long. The orc tribes united under Obould are splintering, with some seeking to establish an alliance with a clan of half ogres-half orcs. Drizzt, too, feels himself torn apart, unsure which of the Companions needs him most: As Catti-brie recovers from a serious injury, Wulfgar…

Book cover of The Stowaway

Krista Jain Author Of A Rokian's Curse

From my list on fantasy that pull you right in from the start.

Why am I passionate about this?

Anything involving an adventure with lovable characters is my cup of tea when it comes to books. I love all different kinds and will read books for children as well as huge worlds of epic complications. But while a complex novel can be just as great as any other, sometimes it’s hard to get started. Some unique worlds or characters have so much backstory you need to understand before embarking on the quest. It can ask for too much investment. Make me fall in love quickly. Leave me asking questions. Engage my senses, and I will find myself within the pages, unable to let go. 

Krista's book list on fantasy that pull you right in from the start

Krista Jain Why did Krista love this book?

I was a teenager when I read the Stone of Tymora trilogy, and I remember the agonizing wait between book releases. This is a must-read for those looking for an adventure with pirates! This adventure somewhat runs along the events of another series based on R.A. Salvatore’s Drizzt Do’urden books. Sometimes those characters slip in, but our main character, Maimun, has his own journey.  

Despite being in the same universe, this trilogy is less complex to follow than the hefty lore across Drizzt’s books, but the mystery behind the stone in the title our hero has at the beginning will have you glued in your seat waiting for answers.  

By R. A. Salvatore, Geno Salvatore,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Stowaway as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

From the author of more than a dozen New York Times bestsellers comes the first installment in a thrilling fantasy trilogy written for young readers

Barely a teen and already guarding a secret that could jeopardize his young life, Maimun is marked for death. With the help of a mysterious stranger, the boy escapes his village and flees out to sea, stowing away on the pirate hunting ship, Sea Sprite, where he comes across a most unlikely ally: the dark elf Drizzt Do'Urden. With a half-demon determined to destroy him, and a crew of sailors resentful of the trouble he's…

Book cover of The Dark Elf Trilogy

Blake Harper Author Of The Order of Saint Michael

From my list on distinct perspectives on fantasy adventures.

Why am I passionate about this?

Fantasy stories were introduced to me by my father in early childhood. It was one way he and I connected, and I held it close to my heart. I’ve always wanted to write, feeling fascinated with creating a world entirely your own. I remember my first short story/book that I wrote when I was eight years old; it was about a rabbit who got lost. It probably wasn’t my best work, but we all need to start somewhere. Although I’ve read many fantasy stories, I’ve always thought it important to find your own voice when writing. My favorite authors each had their own style. I hope you find this list of recommendations worthwhile. Happy reading!

Blake's book list on distinct perspectives on fantasy adventures

Blake Harper Why did Blake love this book?

Drizzt Do’urden is arguably one of the most beloved characters ever to be created in a fantasy world. He is a dark elf of conviction, not allowing the circumstances of his birth to dictate how he lives his life. He understands the evil nature of his kin and chooses a different path, never giving up through his journeys. Beautifully, he meets people along the way that don’t judge him based on his appearance, but rather the contents of his character. Such a thing creates a bond between Drizzt and his friends that lasts their entire lives.

By R. A. Salvatore,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked The Dark Elf Trilogy as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

This three-book set is perfect for collectors and an ideal gift for readers unfamiliar with the Forgotten Realms setting. The Dark Elf Trilogy--Homeland, Exile, and Sojourn--are enclosed in a hard-sided slipcover case featuring the cover art from the series.

Book cover of Homeland

J. K. Swift Author Of Acre

From my list on with realistic fight scenes.

Why am I passionate about this?

I love a good fight scene! It doesn’t need to be long and gruesome, but it must be visceral and make me nervous for those involved. Don’t get me wrong, I also love a good first-kiss scene but unfortunately, my past has made me more adept at recognizing and writing one over the other. I started training in martial arts at the age of nine and continued for thirty years. I don’t train much these days but I took up bowmaking a few years back and now spend a lot of time carving English longbows and First Nations’ bows. I recently also took up Chinese archery.

J. K.'s book list on with realistic fight scenes

J. K. Swift Why did J. K. love this book?

There are so many good things to say about the Dark Elf Trilogy but the reason I read it was because my brother gave it to me and said, “You should read this. It’s got lots of good fighting.” The way Salvatore wrote his fights completely engrossed me. And not just me. Heavy readers of fantasy (I’m a lightweight as I split my time between fantasy and historical fiction) say he is one of the best. Sure the fight scenes were fantastical, but Salvatore has a way of grounding them in reality with little things (like Drizzt’s double downward block with his scimitars) that everyone can imagine. He describes movement like someone who has had some training himself, or perhaps he just had a misspent youth that resulted in some practical experience! 

By R. A. Salvatore,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Homeland as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Strange and exotic Menzoberranzan is the vast city of the Drow. This is a world of dark elves, where families battle families and fantastic monsters rise up from the lightless depths. From the author of the "Icewind Dale Trilogy".

Book cover of Hellsing Volume 1

Michael B. Chikondi Author Of Like Father, Like Son: Idle Hands, Book 1

From my list on reads for a slice-of-life, classical Vampire story.

Why am I passionate about this?

Ever since I was abandoned in the woods, and raised by bats. I’ve thought vampires were pretty cool. I’ve never met one outside of government, but they are a unique part of folklore. A spiritual throwback to how pagan beliefs were affected by Christianity, including the fear of losing your soul, and an echo of physical fears; death, blood loss, and disease. To me, vampires represent even more; the predatory mentality found in humanity, and things we wish to ignore about ourselves. Being concerned about the way humanity in general responds to shady and unaccountable powers, it seemed the natural next step was to write about mystery-solving vampires.

Michael's book list on reads for a slice-of-life, classical Vampire story

Michael B. Chikondi Why did Michael love this book?

These are so fun, violent (especially if you watch the animated version) but it’s full of cool characters. It’s scary enough to be edgy, but not scary enough to make you paranoid there’s someone in the house before bedtime. I’d say these are fairly classical vampires. When they fight or Ally with the Catholic Church they’re powerful opponents/players.

Not only does it have classic action manga…things? (Will I sound smarter if I say tropes?) It’s also got its cute interactions between characters outside of work, showing their relationships, humour, the organisation, and their allies. It’s over the top, but what’s the point in vampires if they can’t be dramatic and moody about things?

By Kohta Hirano,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Hellsing Volume 1 as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

There's a secret organization somewhere in England created to defend the Queen and country from monsters of all sorts. Yes, it's hard to believe in this day and age... but really, isn't this the true age of monsters? Enter Hellsing, an agency, long in tooth, with the experience, know-how, and... er... equipment to handle the problems that arise when vampires, ghouls, and the like take on these dark forces. "What equipment?" you may say. How about another vampire, and a big pistol loaded with special silver bullets? That oughta do the trick. But what really knocks 'em dead is the…

Book cover of The Dark Horse

Linda Ballou Author Of The Cowgirl Jumped Over the Moon

From my list on adventure on horseback for adults.

Why am I passionate about this?

My favorite mode of transport is being on the back of a good horse. I have enjoyed horse treks in Ecuador on the Inca Trail, in the backcountry of British Columbia, the High Sierras, and on the Wild West coast of Ireland, as well as numerous stays at guest’s ranches in the U.S. My equestrian articles have appeared in Equus, Horse Illustrated, and California Riding Magazine, to name a few. A back injury forced me to give up my mare and the riding world I loved. Writing The Cowgirl Jumped over the Moon was my way of letting go and moving forward in life.

Linda's book list on adventure on horseback for adults

Linda Ballou Why did Linda love this book?

I bought this book because I am a Longmire fan. The tight-lipped, tough Wyoming sheriff with a big heart and true grit is my kind of guy. I expected a juicy murder mystery, but not the heart-catching ride on a black beauty double. 

Although Longmire's wild bareback ride on an unbridled mare stretches credulity, it is great fun to be there. If you like the haunting landscape of the West, the relentless pursuit of the truth, the mysticism of the Native Americans, and a good mystery, you will tick off all those boxes here.

By Craig Johnson,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Dark Horse as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The fifth book in the New York Times bestselling Longmire series, featuring Sheriff Walt Longmire

Wade Barsad locked his wife Mary's horses in their barn and then burned it down. In return she shot him in the head six times - or so the story goes. Sheriff Walt Longmire doesn't believe Mary's confession, and he's determined to dig deeper.

Posing as an insurance claims investigator, Walt goes undercover and soon discovers that the population of an entire town might have wanted Wade dead, including a beautiful Guatemalan bartender and a rancher with a taste for liquor but not so much…

Book cover of Bernie Wrightson's Frankenstein

Norm Konyu Author Of The Junction

From my list on illustrated books for ‘grown-ups’.

Why am I passionate about this?

At some point in our tweens, we learn that picture books are for children, and comic books are for nerds. I personally never heard it spoken aloud. It was more that thinly disguised looks of disapproval from adults delivered the message. As a graphic novelist, it sometimes feels like an uphill battle. I find pushing a reluctant ‘grown-up’ straight to graphic novels is perhaps a step too far. A start is an illustrated book. No speech bubbles. No comic book panels. Just illustrations supporting text, and text supporting illustrations. And sometimes, just sometimes, this opens the door to graphic novels.

Norm's book list on illustrated books for ‘grown-ups’

Norm Konyu Why did Norm love this book?

The late great Bernie Wrightson was a comic book genius of my childhood whose artistic merits were probably overlooked due to the media he chose to work in. This volume, illustrating the classic gothic masterpiece of horror, hopefully went some way towards righting that wrong. The glorious and intricate black and white illustrations are a marriage between the horror comic books of my youth and the woodcuts of Gustav Doré a hundred years earlier. I remember being staggered by them in my teens and making my own poor attempts at replicating them in college life drawing. Sorry, Bernie.

By Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Bernie Wrightson (illustrator),

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Bernie Wrightson's Frankenstein as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Few works by comic-book artists have earned the universal acclaim and reverence that Bernie Wrightson's illustrated version of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley's Frankenstein was met with upon its original release in 1983. Twenty-five years later, this magnificent pairing of art and literature is still considered to be one of the greatest achievements made by any artist in the field. Now, Wrightson and Dark Horse Books are collaborating on a beautiful new hardcover edition of the book, published in a larger 9' x 12' format intended to show off the exquisitely detailed line art of one of the greatest living artists in…

Book cover of Hench

Jenniffer Wardell Author Of Fairy Godmothers, Inc.

From my list on side characters who got their own stories.

Why am I passionate about this?

I've been fascinated by side characters my whole life. I always loved reading, but I was really young when I realized there were a lot of stories that didn't make it to the page. Why did the fairy godmother track down Cinderella in the first place? What did the mysterious old woman do before she ended up in the woods? I wanted to know as many of those stories as I could. It's one of the main reasons I became a writer, and I've spent years hunting down books by authors who feel the same way. There are still so many more stories to tell.

Jenniffer's book list on side characters who got their own stories

Jenniffer Wardell Why did Jenniffer love this book?

This book haunted me for days after I read it, and I mean that in the best possible way. The story of a henchwoman's rise to power, it's a searing indictment of superheroes that also manages to be an incredibly gripping read. Anna is both deeply sympathetic and full of highly understandable rage, and her struggle against the local "heroes" is more exciting than any superhero movie I've seen in years. I stayed awake until 3 a.m. reading it the first time, even though I had work in the morning, and I'm still itching for Walschots to write a sequel. Once you read it, you will, too.

By Natalie Zina Walschots,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Hench as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

"This book is fast, furious, compelling, and angry as hell." -Seanan McGuire, New York Times bestselling author

The Boys meets My Year of Rest and Relaxation in this smart, imaginative, and evocative novel of love, betrayal, revenge, and redemption, told with razor-sharp wit and affection, in which a young woman discovers the greatest superpower-for good or ill-is a properly executed spreadsheet.

Includes a bonus story for the paperback.

Anna does boring things for terrible people because even criminals need office help and she needs a job. Working for a monster lurking beneath the surface of the world isn't glamorous. But…

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